Beauty Comic Cultivation Record

Chapter 97 Situation Experiment

Chapter 97 Situation Experiment
While Frank was carefully selecting gifts for Boss Tang!
In Tang's Manor, a big man opened the cap of a beer bottle with his teeth.
Then he drank it all in one gulp, and several big men clamored to count
"Come on, there are seven bottles of No. 20, and I haven't even used the toilet once. Go on, come on, Boss Kane's record is about to be broken."

Kane sat at the table with a few subordinates, skillfully playing with a small dagger in his hand, cutting a smoked pork leg piece by piece, and then put it into his mouth.

Tang Song held a handful of cards in his hand and watched a few people messing around.

Fox smiled and picked a piece of preserved fruit, and put it into Tang Song's mouth. Tang Song bit her fingertips by the way, and Fox laughed loudly.

At this moment, Ryan walked in from the outside.

Tang Song laughed, stood up slightly and waved his hands, and Ryan walked over quickly.

Sitting down beside Tang Song, Ryan said to Tang Song:

"Boss, there is news from Africa that the World Security Council has suffered heavy losses in Wakanda. They have hired a group of mercenaries in Africa as strikers!"

The Tang and Song Dynasties had already expected it:

"The vibranium technology developed by Wakanda for hundreds of years is not a joke. The miscellaneous troops of the World Security Council will definitely have a bad nose!"

"But these bastards are scumbags. Wakanda's advanced technology and vibration gold are rotten meat, and they are a bunch of flies... Spending money to find mercenaries, who came up with this bad idea..."


At the headquarters of the World Security Council, Alexander Pierce, who was in a meeting, sneezed twice.

Attracted the attention of the participants.

"The Wakanda matter cannot be backed down, everyone, this is related to the prestige of the World Security Council!"

Alexander Pierce rubbed his nose, stood up, and spoke forcefully:

"Zhen metal belongs to all mankind. Wakanda has occupied it for hundreds of years. Not only has it not made any contribution to the development of the world, it has even cheated the Security Council of aid to Africa."

"We must resolutely resist this kind of behavior. Temporary failure is nothing. I propose to increase troops to Wakanda..."

Several members of the World Security Council exchanged glances with each other while testing each other's meaning.

This time the peacekeeping force sent troops to Wakanda, not for nothing, at least they knew that Wakanda was the place where Zhenjin was produced.

One gram of vibrating gold is worth as much as 10000 US dollars. The Federation could send troops to the Middle East for oil.

Really want to win Wakanda, the benefits of this.





The proposal to send more troops to Wakanda was unanimously approved.


Just a few days ago, East Africa.

Two Quin-style fighter jets were suspended in the mid-air of Wakanda, and the weapons on the vehicle were aimed at the gate of Wakanda from a distance.

"You are about to enter Wakanda's airspace, warning, warning..."

A warning sound was heard from the two Quinjet fighters.

Before the warning was finished, the old king looked at the two Quin-jet fighters in the palace of Wakanda and said calmly.

"Shoot these two little birds down!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

A dozen blue energy pulses shot out from the Wakanda shield.

Boom boom boom...

Where did the two Kun-type fighters expect to be attacked suddenly?

However, there is nothing to say about the performance of the Kun-type fighters. Even if it was attacked suddenly, one of the fighters drew an arc and soared into the sky.

As for the other Kun-type fighter, it was not so lucky. It was hit by more than a dozen energy pulses at close range at the same time, and it directly turned into a cloud of fireworks.


Brokrum sat in the cockpit with lingering fear, almost, almost, he was finished.

But even if he escaped and ascended to heaven, the rapid response special forces under him were directly reduced by half.

You must know that his team members are not the cannon fodder of S.H.I.E.L.D., they are all his own people, the real Hydera.

"Launch missiles, strike back!"

When did the famous Crossbones suffer such a loss? He directly ordered the pilot to fire the missiles on the Quin-jet fighter.

The Kun-style fighter jet hovered flexibly in the air, and the pilot was about to press the missile launch button in the direction of the energy pulse coming from the territory of Wakanda.

The airborne radar showed that a red dot was approaching them at high speed.

Before he had time to think about it, the pilot quickly controlled the plane to dive, narrowly avoiding a Zhenjin fighter plane.

"Is this plane crazy?"

The pilot of the Snake Shield Bureau of the Quinjet aircraft couldn't help yelling at the plane that was almost crashed and killed.

Before he could recover, the Zhenjin fighter suddenly turned its head in the clouds and swooped towards them.

F—two wing cabins, two fighting missiles, locked them first.

"The target has been locked!"


"Get me the intelligence department and find out what's going on with this Wakanda!"

In the Tricurved Wing Building, Nick Fury's face was darkened beyond recognition.

As a secret agent leader who works hard at his family, he tried his best to embezzle the funds of the World Security Council in order to save some wealth for SHIELD.

The Kun-style fighter is the proud work of S.H.I.E.L.D., each of which is expensive to build, and now one is suddenly shot down.

Nick Fury felt his heart bleed.

"Sir, this combat mission against Wakanda was directly authorized by the Security Council, and the chairman personally commanded it!"

Agent Hill quickly finished communicating with the intelligence department, and shook his head towards Nick Fury.

"Personally commanded two Kun-type fighter jets to invade the airspace of a small East African country. If it weren't for the crash warning of the Kun-type fighter jets, we wouldn't have known about this mission at all!"

Nick Fury pointed to the satellite screen and asked.

Agent Hill looked at the two red dots on the screen, and his eyes widened as he watched:
"Sir, this is obviously not the level of technology shown by a small African country. The speed of this fighter plane is abnormal, it is too fast!"

The speed of the Zhenjin fighter jet reached Mach 3. In front of him, the Kun-type fighter jet had no power to fight back.

In just a few rounds, the Quin-jet fighter lost an engine and was forced to land on the African land.

"Where is the nearest support we can mobilize?"

Nick Fury looked at the crossbones crawling out of the Quinjet fighter, and asked Hill.

"Our two closest teams are two hours away from the target point!"

Agent Hill shook his head: "Unless the Quinjet fighter is mobilized, but that fighter"

Hill didn't finish his sentence, but Nick Fury knew very well that at the speed of that fighter, an ordinary Quin-jet fighter would just deliver food.

"Receive the Security Council, I want to know the ins and outs of the matter, don't these bureaucrats just sit in the office drinking coffee and molesting the female secretary!"

"Where are the planes of the Federal Air Force... Let the fighter jets of the Air Force dispatch!"

Nick Fury was full of evil fire and couldn't vent it.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is nominally a military institution belonging to the World Security Council, the true benefactor is the federal government.

This time the Security Council crossed the S.H.I.E.L.D. to mobilize Quin-jet fighters. Although I didn’t know it was because the politicians had dirty thoughts, Nick Fury could only take over the mess.

"Sir, Tony Stark is in New York, we can contact him~~"

Hill crossed his shoulders and looked at Crossbones and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents struggling to support under enemy fire, and couldn't help but speak.

"No!" Nick Fury rejected Hill's proposal without hesitation.

"You should have read Tony Stark's psychological analysis report. If you really ask him for help, how do you think this matter should be explained?"

Tony Stark is related to Nick Fury's Avengers plan, and he can't let the dark side of S.H.I.E.L.D. show up in front of Tony Stark.

"But Brock can't last long!?"

Agent Hill retorted that even if the Ministry of Defense issued an order and the Federal Air Force dispatched, it would be too late.


"Da da da da..."

Crossbones and the few remaining men hid behind the wreckage of the Quinjet fighter in embarrassment.

A group of Wakanda soldiers unleashed blue energy pulse bombs on them coldly and frantically.

Crossbones didn't worry about his own safety. If the opponent really wanted to kill them, he didn't need to do too much, just let the fighter plane above his head launch a missile, and they would all be finished.

Crossbones waited, awaiting the order to evacuate.

As a senior member of Snake and Shield, Crossbones knows more about the distribution of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s armed personnel in Africa than Nick Fury.

Originally, according to the speed of the SHIELD Quin-jet fighter, it is completely possible to transfer personnel within two hours within the Western Hemisphere.

But the fighter plane in the sky directly locked the air supremacy.

"Agent Brock, the mission is cancelled!"

Sure enough, Alexander Pierce's voice soon came from the Crossbones communicator.


Crossbones made two tactical gestures, and withdrew with the remaining men.


"Wang, just let them go?"

In the palace of Wakanda, the bald headed guard held a spear in his hand and looked at the old king with some puzzlement.

"We and S.H.I.E.L.D. are not enemies!"

Old King: "Get Nick Fury for me!"

sizzle sizzle...

In the Tricurved Wing Building, the satellite screen in front of Nick Fury suddenly became full of snowflakes.

T'Chaka's figure appeared on the screen.

"Nick Fury!"

Synth sounds echoed in the hall.

Nick Fury's face changed, and he gestured towards Hill with his hand behind his back.

Agent Hill glanced at the screen and left the office in a hurry.

"Who are you?" Nick Fury looked at T'Chaka and asked in a deep voice.

"I am T'Chaka, King of Wakanda,"

In the Tricurved Wing Building, T'Chaka exposed his identity.

""A lesson, Director Fury, don't try to provoke Wakanda!" "

"Provocation, before this, if I remember correctly, Wakanda receives a large amount of international aid every year. I would like to know what you are trying to hide!"

Nick Fury's face was full of sarcasm, but that one eye was full of calmness.

He was stalling for time, using SHIELD's network protection system, he wanted to take the opportunity to counter-invade Wakanda's network and find out the specific situation of Wakanda.

"We are not enemies, Commissioner Fury! Your enemies have returned!

This time I cleaned up a batch for you! "

"Enemy, what enemy!"

Nick Fury reacted and quickly asked his own question.

"This is the badge they left behind when they broke into Wakanda!"

On the screen, T'Chaka took out an incomplete badge with the image of an octopus creature on it.

Snowflakes filled the screen, and T'Chaka's figure disappeared from the screen.

Nick Fury's face was uncertain.

At this moment, Hill pushed the door and walked in, shaking his head at Nick Fury.

"The time is too short, there is no way to lock the other party's IP."

Nick Fury gave Hill a solemn look, his one-eyed eyes full of scrutiny.

After a while,
"Hill, recall Hawkeye and Black Widow, the three of you are going to pick up Brock and take him to ****" Nick Fury reported a coordinate address.

"Don't let him have contact with the outside world, and don't alarm anyone in the bureau!"

Hill froze, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Nick Fury in disbelief.

"Sill, they're back, and they're among us!"


World Security Council Headquarters Building, Chairman Alexander Pierce, who just finished the meeting, met with Nick Fury.

Alexander crossed his hips, his face was flushed abnormally due to excitement, and beads of sweat appeared on the bridge of his nose.

At the security meeting just now, several congressmen taunted him overtly and secretly on the issue of federal security.

You must know that the World Security Council, although it is a worldwide institution, is also a battlefield for the games of several major powers.

Although Alexander Pierce is the chairman of the World Security Council, he more often represents the interests of the Federation behind him.

There are many people who are not satisfied with him.

Alexander lost his temper, took the black tea on the desk and drank it down.

"By the way, Fury, this is the information you want to know..."

Alexander Pierce picked up a document from his desk.

"The Security Council recently found that this African country called Wakanda is very abnormal,
Not only suspected of defrauding the Security Council for subsidy to Africa, but also illegally possessing weapons of mass destruction! "

Handing the document to Nick Fury, Alexander said:
"The Security Council recently plans to impose sanctions on this country and send maintenance troops there to thoroughly investigate the problems in this country!
The Quin-style fighters were called this time just to conduct a military reconnaissance of the country, but they didn't expect them to dare to attack the planes of the Security Council! "

Nick Fury took the document and flipped through it. Does a small African country need the Security Council to spend so much time? ?

Although puzzled, Nick Fury still buried his doubts in his heart: "Do I need to do anything?"

"Send a few powerful agents to sneak into Wakanda and find out where their powerful and lethal weapons are hidden..."

Alexander Pierce put down his teacup, his murderous intent could not be concealed in his words.

During this period of time, several Hydra bases suffered heavy losses, and finally figured out the origin of the enemy.

Although absurd, the country of Wakanda has officially entered Hydra's sights.

A bloody revenge will follow.

Of course, this is the script that Alexander Pierce, the head of the hydra, constructed.

"Also, Fury, as the commander of SHIELD's rapid-response special forces, Bullock knows too much of SHIELD's confidential information. No matter what, he must be brought back. He must meet people and die. See the corpse!"

"I understand, I will definitely find out Brock's whereabouts as soon as possible!"


Two days later,
The World Security Council has announced a sanctions policy against Wakanda.

It is said that this small African country is not afraid of defrauding the World Security Council of aid to Africa, and at the same time illegally possesses weapons of mass destruction.

Therefore, the World Security Council not only imposed economic sanctions on this small country, but also sent a NATO-led peacekeeping force there.

Does the small country of Wakanda have oil? This is the first reaction of everyone who knows the news.

Of course, no one expected much from this small country.

The original federation's fight against the Middle East battlefield let everyone know what the real strength of a great power is.

The five giants standing behind the World Security Council represent almost the highest combat power in the entire world.

People in the rivers and lakes are called the five old stars!

To everyone's surprise, the peacekeeping force stationed by the World Security Council in Wakanda did not go well. Wakanda, a small African country, is not as weak as imagined.

High-powered weapons of destruction, they seem to have.

It is said that a paratrooper battalion of the Federation was directly taken over at the Wakanda border.

This is very...

A lot of people say that when people say you have WMDs, you better have them.

As peacekeepers approached the border with Wakanda, the small African nation tore down its camouflage.

The howling vibration gold fighter far exceeds the energy pulse weapons of decades of modern technology.

When Wakanda showed its minions, many people were dumbfounded.


Of course, the instigator of all these troubles, Boss Tang, is sitting in his manor at this time, under the moonlight, picking up the chin of the goddess of the night, and looking carefully.

"It looks good!"

Lighting a cigar, the burning red spots of the cigar were reflected on Selena's face, Tang Song blew out a smoke ring, and looked at the rebellious and pretty face of the vampire in front of him with great interest.

"Have you found out the reason?"

"It's because the vampire at the New York station is said to be the elder of this vampire!"

Frank pulled up a chair and sat down.

Kane threw him a bottle of beer, and he flicked the bottle cap with his thumb casually, and drank it in big gulps.

"Deathwalker, are you here to find Amelia?"

Selena, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Tang Song mention the elder's name, and immediately struggled to look up at him.

"Goddess of the Night, Selena the Death Walker, Moonlight Rose among Vampires!"

Tang Song flicked the cigar ash in his hand, and his shadow began to squirm strangely under the moonlight.

Selena opened her eyes wide, and watched as the human figure turned into a blood-colored phantom, standing in front of her.

The bloody phantom changed from light to thick, and finally turned into the missing blood elder Amelia abruptly in front of her.


Vampire Castle!At this time, the vampires in the castle were in a mess as if they had been trapped by a weasel's chicken coop.

Inside and outside the castle, there are scattered vampires everywhere.


A soldier pulled the trigger, and a soft silver net with a diameter of five meters was ejected, enveloping a fleeing vampire.

Adding a little silver to the soft mesh of steel wire burns a dole mark on the vampire, but because of the silver content, these soft meshes are not fatal.

one, two, three...

As if catching fish, the black Hummer quickly piled up into a hill.

Outside the castle, there are several cars parked, which are large fenced cars used to transport live pigs in slaughterhouses.
The car was packed to the brim, with at least forty or fifty "prey".

Naturally, these prey were not pigs, but vampires wearing silver collars.

These self-proclaimed aristocratic creatures curled up in the fenced car, wailing and crying bitterly when they were burned by their collars from time to time.

Where is the half of the so-called "elegance"!
On the Rolls-Royce, the rear window was down, Tang Song pressed Selena's head against the window, put his hands on the window, let the ashes of the cigar fall in the wind, and invited her to enjoy this " hunting!"


"Block nearby signals, experiment with lizard potion!"

Boss Tang pinched Selena's fair chin, stroked her sharp canine teeth, and gave the order lightly.

In the castle villa, two square soldiers heard the order and pressed a button on the body armor around their necks.

A spider-like metal device plunged into their necks instantly, and green liquid instantly injected into their veins.

"Roar!" "Roar"!
Two roars resounded through the sky, and two lizard men over three meters tall appeared in the castle.

The hideous muscles are knotted like the roots of an old tree, and the back is lined with rows of sharp barbs.

"What the hell is this!!"

A vampire with a microcharger in his hand couldn't help but curse: "Shet!"

Subconsciously, he was about to call, to call for support.

He picked up his phone, but the phone screen showed no signal at all.

Not only his mobile phone, but in an instant, all electronic signals of two kilometers in this area were cut off.

Mobile phones, communicators, and satellites that have traveled to this area all captured blank images.

This has become an excellent weapons testing ground.


In the basement of the castle, a vampire cut his wrist in a panic, dripped blood into the metal device in front of him, trying to wake up the elder on duty.


The bulletproof iron door was easily torn open from the outside.

bang bang bang...

The pistol vented weakly, and the bullets were embedded in the body of the transformed cube soldier, leaving no trace of blood.

Facing the cube soldiers who had been injected with lizard potion, these vampires behaved no differently than weak chickens.

Can only rely on speed to avoid the cube soldiers.

Although the soldier injected with the lizard potion had grown in size, it did not affect his IQ.

Seeing the vampire jumping around nimbly, he snorted and grabbed the long oak table weighing hundreds of catties.

The unlucky vampire was directly smashed under the car, half of his body was crushed in two.


"Red Queen, record the experimental data!"

Tang Song rubbed the vampire's greasy face.

Don't forget to let the red queen record the state of several soldiers after using the lizard potion.

On the window glass of Rolls-Royce, there is an image of a little girl in red.

The Red Queen—the artificial intelligence that Tang and Song spent a lot of money to let Skye's group of super hackers develop.

Although it may not be comparable to the genuine product in Resident Evil, it is also less interesting than Jarvis.

But for the current Boss Tang, this artificial intelligence is barely enough.

Every finished drug must go through experiments before it is actually put into use.

The same goes for weapons.

Boss Tang took the opportunity of catching the vampire test subject this time, hugged the grass and beat the rabbit to test the effect of the lizard potion.

Boss Tang experienced the smooth touch of his hand.

At this time, the castle has turned into a bloody slaughterhouse.

A few lizard men carried door panels, long tables, and even disassembled the anti-theft door with bare hands, as if they were swatting flies, and they slapped the fleeing vampires in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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