Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 623: Our son won’t be born a billionaire

Chapter 623: Our son won’t be born a billionaire

In May, Liu Shishi's due date was getting closer, and Boss Wei rarely went on business trips, staying in Shanghai most of the time.

The good name is preparing for the summer season!
This is not entirely an excuse. As PPTV is preparing to go public, this summer season is the most critical period.

It is no exaggeration to say that winning the summer season can allow PPTV to increase its market value by another 100 billion yuan, and it is not impossible to reach 200 billion yuan or even more.

Although the stock market feels like an abyss most of the time, it can also make people step into heaven at certain moments.

Based on past experience, every year’s summer strategy is an important revenue peak for PPTV.

The revenue from copyright distribution, membership services, advertising, and other miscellaneous businesses will be greatly increased, especially for membership and advertising. The growth rate is terrifying, and there has even been a single month that was as glorious as a normal quarter.

This year's summer season has been planned for a long time, and with the website's growing influence, if all goes well, the revenue will probably be even greater than in previous years.

If we add the changes in market value and a successful listing, PPTV may be able to undergo a transformation in the next few months.

Just like iQiyi in its previous life, its market value exceeded 100 billion yuan in a short period of time and remained high thereafter, even surpassing many major Internet companies.

"Is it that exaggerated?"

Liu Shishi, who is more than eight months pregnant, held her belly and expressed her confusion at what Boss Wei said.

She knew how good her man was at making money. In just ten years, he built a fortune of tens of billions from scratch. He was a business genius admired and respected by countless people.

But she still didn't quite understand how PPTV, a company, could grow from a few billion to tens of billions in just two years, and even reach hundreds of billions according to Wei Yang.

Banks can't print money that fast! ?
Wei Yang didn't blame her. Much of Liu Shishi's financial knowledge came from Tangren, a shareholder of the company.

Although Tangren is also developing, its development speed and prospects are far different from those of PPTV.

Liu Shishi, who is relatively familiar with the changes in Tangren's valuation and stock price, naturally cannot understand the existence of PPTV, which is expected to become a bull stock, and even thinks it is a fantasy.

"You will know when it goes public. Sometimes the money printing machine is far worse than the stock market."

Wei Yang didn't say much, as if he was bragging to him. Besides, he had to be careful. If something went wrong, wouldn't his confident words be a slap in the face?

"By the way, I remember that the 50 billion you gave to my son and me included PPTV shares, right? How much was that?"

"1%. The company is held by you and your mother as a trust."

The number of shares given was not large, not because Boss Wei was stingy, but because Suning had not yet been dealt with at that time and Wei Yang wanted to maintain his share advantage.

Since the company is preparing to go public, Wei Yang has no intention of holding on to his shares and will definitely cash out at a high price later on.

Especially as the film and television industry is about to enter a cold winter, PPTV’s stock price is bound to be affected and may be cut in half or even at its knees.

As long as you can ensure control, you can buy as much as you can. If you are really worried, wait for the stock price to drop before buying again.

Sell ​​high and buy low, operate normally!
However, although it was only 1%, the estimated value at the time was 2 million. Even this number was actually underestimated, but Wei Yang didn't care too much about it as it was given to his children and wife.

As mentioned before, the settlement allowance he gave included a lot of high-quality assets. 30 billion or 50 billion are just rough numbers, and the actual value can only be higher, not lower.

After all, this is not a business deal, there is no point in calculating so carefully.

These discounts are actually trivial. The most valuable thing about these high-quality assets is their future appreciation potential. Some assets even have huge potential for appreciation.

The 1% of PPTV shares held by Liu Shishi and her mother is the most typical example.

At that time, the valuation was 2 million, and now it is even more than 5 million. If PPTV really reaches a market value of 10 billion in the future, this share alone will be worth billion, or even more...

Liu Shishi counted on her fingers and was stunned.

She didn't understand how Wei Yang could expand PPTV's market value to hundreds of billions in a short period of time, but that didn't mean she didn't believe Wei Yang couldn't do it.

Liu Shishi is even more determined than Wei Yang himself on this point!

Since Wei Yang said so, it must be done. Before the child was born, the resettlement fund in her hand had reached 60 billion.

It may even be more than 60 billion, after all, it is not just PPTV shares that can appreciate in value.

"Shanshan won't be a billionaire as soon as he lands on the ground."

[Shanshan] is the nickname Liu Shishi gave to her unborn son, taken from the TV series "Twinkle Twinkle Star".

Although she and Wei Yang met during the filming of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy 3", they really fell in love and got together during the filming of "Twinkle Twinkle Star". Their golden boy and jade girl CP also started from this drama.

At the same time, this drama was also the first time that Liu Shishi played the leading female role, and after this drama she secured her position as a popular young actress.

Both her love and career are based on this. The drama "Twinkle Twinkle Star" has a special meaning to Liu Shishi.

So after they agreed that Wei Yang would come up with a full name and she would come up with a nickname, she took the word "Sparkling" from the song "Twinkle, Twinkle Star".

I also considered the name "Xingxing", but I felt that it sounded like "gorilla", which was ambiguous, so I gave up.

Boss Wei has a good impression of this name.

At least it doesn't sound bad, and it also implies that the child will shine in the future and have a bright life, which is quite positive. Plus it has a special meaning, so Liu Shishi decides.

However, Wei Yang personally prefers the name he gave to his son - Wei Yi.

A person of perseverance is strong, tenacious, courageous and decisive.

Wei Yang hopes that his son will become an upright, strong and brave man in the future.

Liu Shishi also likes this name very much, but compared to the annotation of the word "Yi", she is more concerned about the homonym of this name.

Wei Yi.


Although this word is objectively impossible, she can't help but imagine it. Anyway, she feels that she and her son are the most special in Wei Yang's heart.

"This money doesn't belong to him alone."

The ownership of the 50 billion yuan as a resettlement fee is rather complicated, involving issues such as holding rights, ownership rights, and various terms and restrictions. Some of them favor the child, while others favor the mother, so strictly speaking it is shared by mother and child.

"What's mine is not what my son's is."

But Liu Shishi didn't care about that. No one could predict how Wei Yang's property would be divided in the future.

She had no intention of fighting with her children for the resettlement fee, and assumed that the money would be left to her children. Even her other personal properties would most likely be given to her children or her future grandchildren.

Unless she wants to have a second child in the future, but Liu Shishi feels that the hope is slim.

This pregnancy has been very stressful for her. At least so far, she has no intention of having a second child.

But she immediately thought of something else: "Does this share belong exclusively to the two of us, or does it belong to your wild flower family?"

Liu Shishi's personality is not strong, but that doesn't mean she is stupid. She took 50 billion yuan as a settlement fee and she doesn't believe that other women didn't take any.

At least she had a rough idea of ​​Zhao Liying's current situation, and she even had some doubts about Fan Xiaopang before.

After all, Fan had kept a low profile for several months before, explaining things in a simple and easy-to-understand manner and rarely appearing in public, so Liu Shishi couldn't help but judge others by herself.

However, during this period, Fan publicly attended two brand events and fashion shows (she was still pregnant and did not show any signs of pregnancy), and announced that she had created her own brand and was planning to enter the beauty industry, which dispelled her doubts and made her think that Fan was preparing to start a business. Therefore, Liu Shishi was referring to Zhao Liying.

As for regarding the other party as a "wild flower outside the house", it is actually a normal operation. In the latter's conversation with Wei Yang, he often refers to her as "the little one I raise".

Boss Wei was already used to Daiyu's occasional jealousy, and spoke in a firm tone.

"No, only you have it."

Just kidding. As I said before, the shares cannot be divided too much. It is naturally impossible for each family to have one.

But Zhao Liying won't lose money either, as Boss Wei has shares in more than one promising listed company. If PPTV doesn't have any, then he can use Bilibili instead.

In the short term, PPTV's shares are more valuable, but in the long run, Bilibili's shares may be more valuable.

Currently, not only PPTV wants to go public, but Bilibili is also actively working on it. However, the progress of their processes is much slower than the former, and their market value is also far less.

As a shareholder, Wei Yang has a rough idea of ​​Bilibili's IPO expectations and values ​​himself at around US$30 billion, or less than RMB 200 billion.

And this is just a plan. In reality, Bilibili’s valuation has just exceeded 100 billion RMB.

It seems that there is a big gap between B Station and PPTV, but don’t forget that the market value of B Station was less than 10 billion in the past two years.

It is said that PPTV has increased many times under Wei Yang's leadership, but in fact, in terms of return on investment, Bilibili is still better. Considering the money and energy Wei Yang invested in the two companies, Bilibili can even beat PPTV.

In his previous life, Wei Yang remembered that Bilibili later surpassed iQiyi in market value.

Especially during the three-year mask period, thanks to its high user stickiness, capital increase and various strategic layouts, Bilibili's stock price rose against the trend in the context of economic downturn, with a peak market value of more than US$600 billion.

The capital market once expressed optimism that its market value would exceed US$2000 billion.

But it is obvious that this is a slogan for cutting leeks.

As crazy as Bilibili's market value rose, it collapsed just as crazy. At one point, its stock price was as low as one-tenth of its peak. Its relationship with iQiyi went from being a love-hate relationship to being brothers in distress.

But no matter what, Wei Yang is still more optimistic about the prospects of Bilibili, which is determined by its and PPTV's audience and market.

PPTV mainly targets the film, television and entertainment market, which has a limited market share and multiple direct competitors.

The market covered by Bilibili is more comprehensive and its upper limit is also higher.

Of course, the competitors it faces are also greater. Theoretically, short videos, live streaming platforms, comic websites, and even film and television platforms such as PPTV are all its competitors.

Wei Yang valued Liu Shishi and her mother's 1% of PPTV shares at 2 million yuan, and valued Zhao Liying's Bilibili shares even lower, at around 1 million yuan.

It seems that Zhao Liying is more favored. In the future, this 1% stake worth 1 million yuan will be expected to be worth 30 to 40 billion yuan, which is dozens of times more.

But when it comes to the stock market, no one can predict for sure.

At least for now, Zhao Liying should be more envious of Liu Shishi. If B Station gains power in the future, Liu Shishi will be jealous of them. But if B Station declines seriously, it will be inferior to PPTV which is run by Boss Wei himself.

It can't be that the value of Bilibili's stock means Wei Yang favors Zhao, and the increase in PPTV's market value means Wei Yang favors Liu Shishi.

Without this logic, it is impossible to guarantee completely consistent fairness.

He calculated the value of the shares based on the market price at the time. It was guaranteed to increase, but how much it would increase depended on each individual's fate. Boss Wei would not be held responsible for this.

Moreover, Wei Yang tried his best to keep the resettlement allowance secret. He refused to admit it even when he was discovered. He just kept talking tough.

"Really not?"

Liu Shishi didn't believe it. Even if Zhao Liying didn't get any shares of PPTV as part of her settling-in fee, as the top female boss and senior executive of Blue Whale, she should have received share rewards and subscription shares according to Boss Wei's operation.

"She had this, but she didn't want it."

After all, in the eyes of many people, she and Wei Yang are actually one family. This is the benefit that Boss Wei gives to his employees, and you, the boss's wife, also take a share of it. It is inevitable that some people will complain.

So Zhao Liying, who had no shortage of money, chose to be magnanimous and gave up all her shares, thus winning over a lot of people's hearts.

Of course, the valuation of PPTV was not so high at that time. I don’t know whether Zhao Liying regrets it now, but Boss Wei doesn’t dare to ask.


Liu Shishi, who was quite satisfied, happily went to share her happiness with her two best friends, Da Mimi and Tang Yan.

Da Mimi and Tang Yan both knew that Liu Shishi had a huge amount of resettlement money, but they were not sure how much it was or what assets she had.

Today I managed to find out some truth, and then I suffered a severe blow.

Regardless of the future market value of hundreds of billions, it is an ironclad fact that shares worth 2 million yuan turned into more than 5 million yuan in a few months.

Da Mimi felt sad just thinking about it. She worked hard to produce TV series and movies, and it seemed that she made a lot of money.

But she has to deduct costs, taxes, publicity and promotion, etc., and then pay dividends to the investors of the crew, and to Wei Yang and other company shareholders. Only then is her money left, and this money has to be invested.

Unlike Liu Shishi, who just lay at home for several months, did no work and had no expenses, but earned hundreds of millions of dollars. And it seems that the future benefits will be much more than that.

"You still earn more by having children!"

Da Mimi muttered to herself, then looked at the silent Tang Yan, not understanding why the latter was so calm.

After all, she is the boss now. Although she is a little tired, she also makes a lot of money both in front of and behind the scenes. She is so envious. Tang Yan has the lowest income, so she should be more miserable, right?

"Well...actually I also have some shares in PPTV."

Tang Yan saw through Jingtian's situation with just one sentence. Liu Shishi subconsciously held her belly, and Da Mimi almost jumped up.

"You...you're pregnant too!?"

The last time we talked about this, this Tang guy was still hesitant, but he was so efficient in private.

Damn it! It’s understandable that Liu Shishi hid it from them. We are in the same boat, but you are playing the same trick. Do you have any sisterhood and chivalry?

"What are you thinking? My shares are issued by the company. Don't forget, I am Coral's number one sister."

Tang Yan explained that Coral Entertainment, as an artist management company under Wei Yang's name, also received some shares and subscription shares of PPTV.

As the undisputed number one star in Coral Entertainment, one of the top pillars, and also a veteran of the company, Tang Yan has a share no matter what.

Not to mention the relationship with Boss Wei, who took care of him to a certain extent.

So Tang Yan’s shares are not small, not comparable to Liu Shishi’s, but added up they are about hundreds of millions.

Liu Shishi then realized that Zhao Liying's identity was clear and her ambitions were great, so she did not take any shares.

Tang Yan did not have this concern. Although some people knew about her relationship with Wei Yang, it was not made public after all. She did not need to win people's hearts or worry about reputation. Under the protection of Boss Wei, she could naturally eat as much as she could.

Since her good sister had become rich but not surpassed herself, Liu Shishi was still relatively open-minded about it and even felt happy for Tang Yan.

So, only the former Coral Sister Da Mimi was left alone...

(End of this chapter)

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