Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 624 Judge Wei: Let the bad atmosphere of the entertainment industry blow in

Chapter 624 Judge Wei: Let the bad atmosphere of the entertainment industry blow in
In addition to being busy with the summer season, Wei Yang also took on another job, which is this year's Magnolia Awards.

As last year's Magnolia Award winner, and also a big name on the small screen and the ratings king, Boss Wei was repeatedly invited by the Magnolia Organizing Committee to serve as the chairman of the jury for this year's Magnolia TV Drama Unit.

This is not the first time Wei Yang has served as a Magnolia judge.

As early as 2013, he served as a judge for the Magnolia Awards. The chairman of the jury that time was Zhang Li. Wei Yang had little experience at the time, and it was more like he was just there to make up the numbers.

Later, Wei Yang was invited to the Magnolia Awards this year, but he did not attend because he was either too busy or was shortlisted for the award.

Until last year, Wei Yang had only broadcast one online drama, "Day and Night Chase", so there was no attempt to avoid suspicion.

In addition, he had just won the Magnolia Award for Best Actor, and the offer came to him, and he had no excuse to go out and film, so Wei Yang thought about it and accepted the task.

It is not a big deal for well-known actors or even celebrities to appear on the Magnolia judges. In many cases, a celebrity will be specially hired to serve as a representative judge.

For example, in the last session, the chairman of the jury was Zhang Guoli, and the actor judges included Qin Hailu and Qiao Zhenyu, and some Hong Kong and Taiwan stars also appeared before.

But the judges are the judges, and the chairman of the jury is another matter.

The chairman of the jury for each session must be a person of high moral character and prestige. He must be able to control the situation and endorse this year's Magnolia Awards with his own reputation.

Boss Wei, who has not yet celebrated his 30th birthday this year, served as the chairman of the Magnolia Awards jury at the age of 29, which inevitably attracted attention from all parties.

However, despite the controversy, most people still approve of Boss Wei.

After all, Wei Yang's reputation, status, achievements and influence are beyond doubt. Several of the previous judges' chairmen were far inferior to him in all aspects.

There is less controversy, so all that is left is amazement!
In the decades of history of the Magnolia Awards, there have been only two Best Actor and Best Actress winners born in the 80s, one is Empress Sun and the other is Wei Yang.

While other actors born in the 80s have been begging to be crowned emperor or queen but have failed, Boss Wei has become the chairman of the jury and is “wearing the crown” on others.

Amid the chaos, one can only sigh at the sin of Boss Wei and the boldness of the Magnolia Organizing Committee in letting the young Wei Yang serve as the chairman of the jury.

Boss Wei formed his own team of judges. He invited a well-known screenwriter, Wang Juan, and the top director of Blue Whale, Liu Junjie, and then invited Empress Sun and his own teacher, Long Xuetong.

Although it has a strong flavor of the Shanghai circle, it should even be said to be of the Blue Whale style.

But on the surface, apart from Liu Junjie being Wei Yang's employee, Wang Juan being a partner, and Sun Niangniang being no one's subordinate, Long Xuetong is simply the vice president of Shanghai Theatre Academy, a formal institutional leader.

The Magnolia Organizing Committee did not give Wei Yang too much interference, and Wei Yang, as the chairman of the jury, still had a lot of power.

It's not a one-shot decision, but it's not difficult for him to promote anyone to the top.

But the more this happened, the more cautious Boss Wei became, and he was more strict in reviewing the dramas that involved him.

Boss Wei still has some dignity to maintain. If he eats in an ugly way, he will easily be ridiculed by others.

However, although Chairman Wei was determined, he could not resist the pervasive unhealthy trends in the entertainment industry, which put him to a test like a storm.


Ningjing Oriental
With a heavy gasp, Boss Wei turned over and hugged Tang Yan beside him comfortably.

Liu, Zhao and Fan became pregnant one after another. They could only look at them but not touch them. In addition, several people kept a close eye on them. He went from having a hard time during the Spring Festival when there was too much food and too little porridge to a hard time when no one cared about his sperm.

I was a vegetarian for a long time before I had the chance to catch Da Mimi and Tang Yan attending the Magnolia Festival and experienced the blessing of having two wives.

Da Mimi cleaned herself up and saw Wei Yang flirting with Tang Yan again, and couldn't help but pinch him.

"I have convinced Tangtang to let you succeed. Will you help me or not?"

"This is it~"

Boss Wei raised his head and smacked his lips: "I'm a judge, I have to be fair and just, Tangtang, don't you think so?"

Tang Yan, who was just betrayed by Da Mimi, was beaten badly by Boss Wei, but she still chose to stand on his side. Besides, Da Mimi wanted to become the best actress, and if she succeeded, what should she do?

"Mi Mi, stop making trouble. Wei Yang has to avoid suspicion."

"Why didn't you hide your suspicion when you were sleeping with me just now? Why didn't you pull up your pants and deny it?"

Boss Wei looked at himself naked and said, "I'm not wearing pants either."

"I don't care. I finally made it to the Magnolia Awards. You have the final say. The Best Actress award is within my reach. You can't give it to anyone else."

"I want to give it to you, but you are really not as good as me."

Wei Yang was very confident. It was Da Mimi who was testing him from the beginning to the end. He only said he would consider it but never nodded in agreement.

When Da Mi Mi heard this, she said, "So the winner has been chosen, who is it?"

"Yin Tao? Hai Qing? It can't be that his last name is Fan, right?"

This year's Magnolia Awards have changed compared to the previous life. Due to the appearance of Blue Whale, the release time of many dramas has been advanced or postponed.

For example, in my previous life, I participated in the award-winning "In the Name of People", which was broadcast in March this year. Now it has been put in September to October by Boss Wei to take over the summer schedule and build momentum for PPTV's listing.

"My First Half of Life", which should be released next year, appeared in the Magnolia Awards in advance. Similarly, Wang Kai's "A Flowing River" also appeared in advance. "Ode to Joy" is simply the second film to participate in the selection.

The five nominees for this year's Magnolia Award are:

Ode to Joy 2 - Da Mi Mi
My First Half of Life - Fan Xiaopang
Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky - Yin Tao

A Little Separation - Haiqing

Ode to Joy 2 - Tang Yan

Frankly speaking, Boss Wei felt a bit pressured by this quota, especially since Da Mimi and Tang Yan from "Ode to Joy 2" were both selected, plus Fan Xiaopang, which made it more or less like he was trying to have it all to himself.

However, Boss Wei can honestly say that he did not engage in any shady dealings.

Nothing is impossible with some filters, but we have tried our best to ensure fairness. Fan Xiaopang did perform well, and Da Mimi was also very powerful. After the training in the first part, she can be said to have mastered the role of Fan Shengmei.

This role may not be Da Mimi's masterpiece, but it is definitely the one with the best acting skills. Even Guo Xiang back then won more with her aura.

There is no controversy about Yin Tao and Hai Qing. The rest of the finalists are Tang Yan from "Ode to Joy 2", Yuan Quan from "My First Half of Life", and Ma Yili from "Chinese Style Relationship".

Ma Yili was eliminated first, followed by Tang Yan and Yuan Quan each with their supporters, and in the end Tang Yan narrowly won.

Although Boss Wei protected Tang Yan, when it came to the actual competition for Best Actress, he still supported Yin Tao, which enabled her to defeat Fan Xiaopang and become the final Best Actress.

He didn't even dare to tell Fan Xiaopang about this, as the explanation was just everyone's opinion.

Fan Xiaopang didn't care, or rather she had known for a long time that with Wei Yang as the chairman of the jury, her chances of winning the award were very small. After all, everyone knew their relationship, and she didn't lack a Magnolia Award to prove herself.

But Da Mimi was not as open-minded as she thought. She dragged Tang Yan, who was also scheming, to corrupt Boss Wei and win the Best Actress Award. However, she didn't expect that Boss Wei didn't follow the rules of martial arts. After the test and enjoyment, she didn't get any benefits.

Tang Yan accepted this fact easily.

She had the lowest chance of getting promoted to the top, so as long as Da Mimi failed, she would be relieved. If Fan Xiaopang also failed, she would be even happier.

Da Mimi wanted to make more trouble, but she was slapped on the butt by Boss Wei a few times before she calmed down, but she still looked a little resentful.

"You are right to bribe the judges."

Wei Yang slapped him again, and Da Mimi opened her mouth and bit him: “I bribed, and you also accepted the bribe.”

"You know nothing. I am here to expose the conspiracy of you bad guys. For the justice and purity of Magnolia, I have made a great sacrifice."

This time, not only Da Mimi couldn't stand it, even Tang Yan couldn't stand it anymore. She covered Wei Yang's mouth and turned to persuade Da Mimi.

"I also watched the movie 'Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky'. Yin Tao's performance was really good. It's not unfair that you lost to her."


Da Mimi certainly knows how good Yin Tao is, otherwise she wouldn't have tried to play tricks on Boss Wei. Let alone Yin Tao, even if she went head-to-head with Fan Xiaopang, she might not win.

But in this case, will she still have a chance to win the Magnolia Award in the future?

Fan Shengmei is already the best role she has played in recent years. The character arc and setting are also powerful. Such performance and role are not something you can easily expect. She is not sure if she can meet another "Fan Shengmei".

"It's okay, there's still the third part."

In the previous life, after the second season of "Ode to Joy" was filmed, there was no longer the ability to gather the original crew to shoot the third season.

"Ode to Joy 3" is just a drama with a different name and background setting. All the characters have been changed and it has nothing to do with the first two "Ode to Joy" series.

But the "Ode to Joy" in this time and space is almost entirely populated by people from the Blue Whale series. With Boss Wei supporting it from behind, there will naturally be a third part.

However, after the third film was completed, the series can be considered to have come to an end. In any case, the story of the original novel is no longer available.

As for whether it will produce a so-called "sister film" like in the previous life, that is a matter for the future, but judging from its reputation and achievements, Blue Whale is unlikely to damage its own brand.

Tang Yan feels that since the first two parts of "Da Mimi" were nominated for Best Actress, the third part may be able to win the award.

Although she may not be happy to see such a scene, she is an Emo sister and she has to persuade her.

"It's because the first two films were shortlisted that they can't continue to give me opportunities. I only take up one spot a year. What will the others do?"

But Da Mimi can see clearly that this kind of series cannot participate in the competition every year.

It is a rare achievement for her to be nominated for the third time. Unless she beats Brigitte Lin and Maggie Cheung and contributes acting skills that will go down in film history, it is impossible for her to be nominated again.

To understand this, just watch the trilogy of "Joy of Life".

The first part frequently appeared in major awards, but "Joy of Life 2" was almost invisible until the end of "Joy of Life 3". Considering the influence of this series, it won some honors again.

"Ode to Joy" has already taken advantage of the first two parts, and its potential has been overdrawn. The third part is likely to be invisible, and at most it will get some consolation prizes.

Tang Yan looked at Wei Yang with a questioning look in her eyes, and the latter nodded: "If it weren't for me this time, it would be great if one of you two could be shortlisted."

Now not only Da Mimi was disappointed, but Tang Yan was also in a low mood.

Just now she said she was comforting Da Mimi, but in her heart she was thinking more about performing well in the third part to see if she could make a comeback as a dark horse, but her wish was shattered.

Da Mimi waited for Fan Shengmei with great difficulty, and Tang Yan had few chances to win the Magnolia Award.

"Ode to Joy" was also the best card in her hand, but now it has been ruined.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance."

Wei Yang hugged the two of them and soothed them with a gentle voice, but it was not entirely comforting.

At least Tang Yan does have a chance in the future, as she still has Miss Wang from "Fanhua".

As for Da Mimi... Wei Yang really didn't expect any good opportunities. This girl herself was not very motivated and her transformation was not smooth. She played a vixen and was ridiculed by everyone. Later, she was forced to play a rural woman.

Fortunately, in this life, Da Mimi will not be kicked out of Jiaxing, and although she can't become the Best Actress, she can still be a profitable female boss.


Although Da Mimi loves to quarrel with Boss Wei, she is able to let go of it. Knowing that there is no chance, she stops thinking about Bai Yulan and instead enters the money-making mode.

This year's summer strategy, Da Mimi fired the first shot, and the day after the Magnolia Awards was the premiere of "Eternal Love".

Da Mimi is particularly envious of PPTV's prospects for going public, and she also wants to go and ring the bell.

However, whether or not there will be this opportunity depends on the performance of "Eternal Love".

"During this period, you can help the two or three new people in your company. Don't think about being in the spotlight. Remember, you are the boss now, and you need to have a global perspective."

Wei Yang taught Da Mimi how to be a boss, but the latter has not come to her sense of the times yet. She is more inclined to the perspective of her own studio and takes the lead in everything.

This was the case with Jiaxing in the previous life. Everyone thought that Da Mimi worked so hard and was the biggest contributor to the company’s rise, so how could she not be the boss behind the scenes.

It turns out that it is not the case, and the image of Da Mimi as smart and capable has collapsed.

Now, Da Mimi and Wei Yang are the major shareholders of Mi Bank, so there is no need to worry about sparing energy. We just have to fight when we have to.

But Wei Yang hopes that Da Mimi will not work so hard and take on everything on her own, because that is not what being a boss means.

Jiaxing’s success in its previous life was not only based on Da Mimi, but also on Dilraba Dilmurat, as well as the many businesses and projects surrounding the two of them.

Wei Yang hopes that Da Mimi can train another "Meat Ba", which will not only save effort but also improve the company's prospects.

A company centered around a star, no matter how well it develops, is just a large studio. The difficulty of listing and market acceptance are not high.

Fan Xiaopang is quite smart in this regard. Although Bingyang is mainly based on her, he has been constantly training new people.

Now that Wang Ou, Jiang Shuying and Mao Zijun have all become somewhat influential, they will start to launch projects with these few people as the main force. Once the project is successful, the personal attribute of Fan Xiaopang in Bingyang will be much weaker, and it will become a more mature and healthy company.

Mixing and Bingyang are currently making good profits and have their own core advantages. Once they are able to develop diversified developments, they will increase market favor.

In the current entertainment boom, going public is not an empty hope. A-shares are difficult to obtain, so you can try your luck in Hong Kong stocks.

In my previous life, Jiaxing was valued at over 50 billion and almost went public. It would be a shame not to make some money...

(End of this chapter)

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