Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 628 Boss Wei: How can you be so worthy of having multiple relationships at the same time as

Chapter 628 Boss Wei: How can you be so high-ranking as me and have so many girlfriends at the same time?

Boss Wei's lament about the bad boss and the innocent subordinates was slapped in the face in less than two days.

Good news, he is not the only blue whale scumbag anymore.

Bad news, the artist’s failure will affect his earnings.

The artist who was in trouble was none other than Xue Zhiqian, a popular singer from Coral Entertainment, who could barely be considered a top star if rounded off.

After all, this guy has done very well in variety shows and the music industry after his popularity skyrocketed with the help of "Running Man".

Especially in the music industry, in terms of commercial performance and popularity, they may not be as good as idol singers such as Lu Han and Tfboys, and in terms of reputation, they can hardly suppress some talented singers.

But to take an overall view, he can be said to be the most emerging singer in recent years.

He has a better reputation than those traffic idols, more popularity and exposure than the powerful ones. In addition, with the support of Coral Entertainment and frequent appearances in Blue Whale variety shows, his career is much more brilliant than the same period in his previous life.

The term "top stream" may sound a bit vague, but many people still recognize it. Even if some people don't recognize it, there's nothing wrong with adding a "suffix".

As for Xue Zhiqian's current popularity, there are really few who can be called a top singer more than him.

Being famous has many benefits, but if something goes wrong, its influence can also make the whole Internet gossip.

The most frustrating thing is that if he is exposed by paparazzi or something, Coral Entertainment can still contact the other party through channels and minimize the losses.

But this time it was the person involved who broke the news himself, clearly to vent his anger, which increased the difficulty of public relations.

Xue Zhiqian himself didn't know how much information the other party had. If he suppressed one piece of information and the other party revealed another, it would be like working in vain and it would probably anger the other party.

What is even more speechless is that perhaps Xue Zhiqian has built up a very good image in his daily life, and his fans have given him great support, and then they run up to the person involved and provoke him.

You said our Old Xue was doing this and that, so show us the evidence!

Isn't this just adding fuel to the fire? The parties involved might still be cherishing their old friendship at the beginning, but in this case, they might as well kill each other. It would be too late for Xue Zhiqian to find a way to reconcile.

They threw out a lot of explosive information and even coined a new phrase in the entertainment industry - [Ask for a hammer and you'll get a hammer].

Coral Entertainment, CEO's Office

Tang Yan, who was called over temporarily, was concentrating on fiddling with the tea set, while Wei Yang was concentrating on tasting the tea.

Xue Zhiqian and his agent stood obediently in the middle of the office. Yang Tianzhen, who was very powerful in Coral Entertainment, hesitated for a long time and did not dare to find a place to sit down.

Wei Yang put down the teacup, glanced at Yang Tianzhen, and finally spoke: "Did I remind you?"

Yang Tianzhen opened her mouth, and finally nodded dejectedly: "I was careless."

"Huh, careless?"

Wei Yang snorted coldly: "Are you careless, or are you not taking my words to heart?"

Boss Wei is very respectful to his senior executives most of the time. He treats people like Yang Tianzhen more like a partner. They are also old acquaintances from when they started their business, which makes them even closer. He rarely treats them coldly or speaks harshly to them.

The reason why he took this attitude today was that Xue Zhiqian's matter was just an inducement.

The main reason is that with the smooth development of Coral Entertainment in the past two years, Yang Tianzhen has had many elite soldiers and generals under his command, and he has become more or less inflated and lazy.

Top star Lu Han is about to fall in love, Xue Zhiqian has fallen from grace, and there are other miscellaneous unnecessary turmoil and controversies, big or small, all of which have brought some negative impacts to Coral Entertainment, the Blue Whale behind it, and even Boss Wei.

So, taking this opportunity, Wei Yang wanted to warn Yang Tianzhen to pay more attention to his work and not let him, the big boss, come and clean up his mess every day.

Wei Yang scolded him for a few words, and Tang Yan got up to make tea for him, and gently pleaded for Yang Tianzhen.

"In fact, some things can't all be blamed on President Yang. There are so many artists in the company, and she has to keep an eye on so many tasks, so it's inevitable that there will be some omissions."

"Besides, Coral Entertainment has made great strides in recent years under the leadership of Mr. Yang, which has attracted the envy of many people."

"Of course, we are to blame for many things, but many things are also caused by our competitors behind the scenes. Small things become big things, and the enemy is in the dark while we are in the light. It is really hard to guard against."


After hearing Tang Yan's words, although Wei Yang was still angry, his expression eased a little and he asked Yang Tianzhen to sit down.

Yang Tianzhen sat down carefully, looked at Tang Yan with gratitude, and was glad that she had urgently asked the other party to come over before reporting to Boss Wei, otherwise it would be difficult for her to get away.

Tang Yan smiled back. In fact, she had specifically informed Boss Wei before coming this time.

Yang Tianzhen thought she was speaking for herself, but in fact Tang Yan was helping Boss Wei to save face.

After all, Yang Tianzhen is an important subordinate of Boss Wei, and can even be said to be a local lord of the Blue Whale faction. There is nothing wrong in giving her a warning, but it cannot be too much, so Tang Yan was tacitly sent by Boss Wei to smooth things over.

Having earned a favor, Tang Yan disappeared again. Boss Wei looked at Xue Zhiqian and waved his hand.

"All sit down."

As Boss Wei, he can scold Yang Tianzhen, but there is no need for Xue Zhiqian to question her personally.

Besides, he had asked her and her agent to stand by just now, and he specifically criticized Yang Tianzhen, which might have been a way of dealing with her. Anyway, they were in the air-conditioned room, and Xue Zhiqian couldn't help wiping his sweat when he sat down.

"What's circulating online is a mess. I'm not sure what the situation is. You guys should speak for yourself and be more objective."


Several people looked at each other, and it was Xue Zhiqian, the person involved, who spoke first. Tang Yan wanted to leave, but was held down by Boss Wei.

Since everything has been beaten up, there is nothing to keep secret. Tang Yan is not the kind of person who likes to spread rumors. She knows what to say and what not to say.

As a top-tier celebrity, Xue Zhiqian is also a big name in the circle. Any ordinary company boss would have to flatter him. But in front of Wei Yang, the overlord of the entertainment industry, he had to hide all his thoughts and told everything with some stammering and embarrassment.

In fact, it’s not particularly complicated. Xue got married quite early, in 2012. Later, due to various reasons, they divorced in 2015.

After the divorce, she reunited with Li Cheng, the party she started doing business with in 2012.

However, the timeline of their relationship is a bit vague. It is hard to say whether it was before or after the divorce. In any case, neither Li nor Xue acknowledged it.

During the time when Xue was in love with Li, his career was also taking off and the two had a good relationship, but somehow, this guy hooked up with his ex-wife again.

In his previous life, Xue was accused of fraud and seduction, and once borrowed/took a lot of money from Li.

In this time and space, Xue became popular earlier and perhaps he was not short of money, so there was no financial dispute between the two parties. Li came out to expose the incident because he wanted to have the best of both worlds.

One at home and one outside!
Boss Wei, who vaguely felt the gazes of Yang Tianzhen and Tang Yan, raised his teacup unnaturally, sipped his tea tactically, and cursed in his heart. What f*cking class are you, and you dare to imitate me? No wonder a group of people scolded you for bringing bad people down, you deserved to be defeated...

Just as Boss Wei complained, not everyone has the capital and level to have the best of both worlds.

Anyway, Xue Zhiqian failed to succeed, and then he broke up with Li. He then turned around and officially announced that he had reunited with his ex-wife, which greatly stimulated Li, so she decisively broke the news.

Wei Yang looked at Xue Zhiqian, who seemed to still not understand Li, and shook his head in his heart.

This is the consequence of not understanding the key and blindly following the trend.

You only see how cool I am, but don't see the hard work behind it. Do you really think it's easy to have multiple relationships at the same time?

The water must be kept fair. It is not the lack of it that is worrying, but the inequality. The most taboo thing is favoritism. Women are narrow-minded and jealous, which will definitely make you suffer.

Of course, things can't always be kept level, there will always be times when things go wrong, so you have to find a way to make the woman hesitate and avoid a situation where both sides suffer.

The reason why Wei Yang has not been in trouble in these years is not only because of his own power, but also because he does not mess with people outside his circle.

At the same time, these women have been fed and spoiled by Boss Wei. Their emotional value and economic treatment are beyond doubt. Although they are jealous, they always have various concerns when they want to kill him.

Finally, Boss Wei’s personality has nothing to do with being a gentleman, and he makes no secret of his scumbag nature.

I'm already in ruins. It's useless for you to smash the beams. The killing power is too weak. Even if the woman hits me desperately, who knows who will be seriously injured.

However, Xue Zhiqian, who failed to grasp the essence of these, stepped on all the landmines.

Not only was he not fair, he also found someone outside the circle and was not particularly nice to him, causing him to forget their friendship and he had no means of counterattack.

In the end, you create a deeply affectionate persona and set yourself as a target. If others don't hit you, who else can they hit?

In addition to this, there are some other little tricks, such as fake injuries, eye-catching, etc., which are also a bit troublesome.

"Boss, what do you think we should do?"

By the time Xue Zhiqian finished speaking, he didn't even dare to raise his head. Yang Tianzhen asked for his opinion in a low voice.

"Apologize, and then appease the other side, and then deal with it calmly and keep a low profile for a while."

This matter of Xue Zhiqian is quite troublesome. After all, he makes a living by his fans and variety show fans. His image has collapsed and the public's perception of him has declined, which is a big blow to his career.

But in the final analysis, it was just an emotional dispute, and since they were not married, the severity was reduced to a lower level.

He can't escape the label of scumbag, but he is not worthy of the title of bad artist either. He should stay out of the spotlight and then find a way to make a comeback.

Fortunately, Xue Zhiqian does have some real skills. He has a foundation and fans in music and variety shows. In addition, the company does not want to give up, so he has a good chance of turning things around.

After chatting for a few words, Boss Wei took Tang Yan away.

If he didn't want to give Yang Tianzhen a warning this time, and Xue was an old friend after all, he wouldn't have bothered to care about it.

After Wei Yang left, Xue Zhiqian's agent was still unwilling to give up and asked the question he cared about the most: "Boss Yang, what about "Running Man"?"

"Don't you understand what the boss said?"

Yang Tianzhen was scolded and was in a bad mood. She didn't dare to be rude in front of Wei Yang, but she would not be so polite to her subordinates.

"Before, Chen Chichi got into trouble and was kicked out directly. Liu Feiren was also hidden for half a season. Now your Lao Xue is in trouble and the company has not made any statement. What do people outside think? What do others think?"

Xue Zhiqian also knew that temporarily leaving "Running Man" was a foregone conclusion, but he was more concerned about.

"Then can I still go back?"

Although "Running Man" is not as popular in the past two years as in previous years, it is still the top national variety show. One of Xue's major development focuses is variety shows. If he leaves this popular variety show, the loss will be too great.

"After all, you are different from Chen Chichi. You are definitely one of us. But it's hard to tell what the big boss is thinking. I will try my best to win you over."

Having just been scolded, Yang Tianzhen didn't dare to say anything final. She simply said a few words to comfort him, then hurriedly pulled Xue Zhiqian to clean up the mess.

Boss Wei has already expressed his dissatisfaction, and if this matter is not handled well, we will lose even more points.

Although she founded Coral Entertainment and owns shares in it, both the upstream and downstream are controlled by Boss Wei. Most of the artists and employees also lean towards the more powerful Boss Wei, who also has absolute control over the company.

Therefore, if Boss Wei was really disappointed with her, she would have to get out of Coral Entertainment in one word.

With a new CEO, Coral Entertainment, backed by Boss Wei, is still Coral Entertainment…


On the other side, on the way back, Tang Yan couldn't help but use her mobile phone to share Xue Zhiqian's gossip with Da Mimi and Liu Shishi.

She wouldn't say anything nonsense, but it was harmless to gossip with her good sisters in private, and Boss Wei would turn a blind eye when he saw it.

Compared with Xue Zhiqian, Wei Yang's current attention is still focused on "Wolf Warrior 2" which is currently in theaters.

On its first day of release, "Wolf Warrior 2" surpassed "The Founding of an Army" which was released on the same day and won the box office championship of the day.

Many people were surprised by this, because after all, "The Founding of an Army" is a tribute film, and many stars participated in it. Even Lu Han, who was regarded as the focus of "Wolf Warrior 2" publicity, actually participated in this movie, but only as a small role.
Nowadays, the much-anticipated tribute films flopped upon their release, and "Wolf Warrior 2" became a surprise.

On the day of its premiere, the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" exceeded million yuan. Wu Jing was so happy that he got drunk in the middle of the night and called Boss Wei to thank him.

However, considering the box office performance of Wolf Warrior 2, even Wu Jing himself wouldn't dare to dream about this if he was drunk.

In the first three days of "Wolf Warrior 2", the box office did not change at all, but instead increased.

By the fourth day, after the previous fermentation, word of mouth had changed significantly and the box office began to decline.

First three days: 1.02 million! 1.63 million! 2.42 million!
The next three days: 3.87 million! 2.93 million! 3.22 million!
Three days later: 2.92 million! 2.48 million! 2.76 million!
Weekend box office: 4.25 million! 4.36 million!
The box office revenue did not fall below 1.5 million yuan until more than two weeks after the film was released, when it fell below the million yuan mark.

At this time, the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" has exceeded 35 billion, and it is only one step away from the 36.8 billion of "Detective Chinatown 2" in film history.

What’s even more terrifying is that until this point, “Wolf Warrior 2” still maintains its extremely high momentum.

It was not until then that everyone realized that this movie might very well become the first movie in Chinese film history to break the 50 billion+ box office.

As the director and the leading actor, Wu Jing has become very famous!
Boss Wei behind the scenes was able to successfully hide his achievements and gained both fame and fortune!

(End of this chapter)

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