Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 629: Wu Jing's new film and the Wei family's treasure

Chapter 629: Wu Jing's new film and the Wei family's treasure
In mid-August, "Wolf Warrior 8" easily surpassed "Detective Chinatown 2" and topped the list in film history.

After that, we continued to strive for the 40 billion mark and achieved it a few days later.

"Wolf Warrior 2" became the hottest term of the entire summer, and countless people analyzed the reasons for the success of this movie from various angles.

Some people think that the plot is exciting enough.

This is a domestic personal hero blockbuster that is well versed in the essence of Hollywood popcorn movies. It looks very exciting to see one person saving the world.

Some people think that the fighting scenes are awesome.

Wu Jing's action scenes and gun fights were very well designed, not inferior to Hollywood blockbusters. The actors also performed well. Even Lu Han's role as the silly and dissolute rich second generation surprised everyone.

Some people believe it is a victory for values ​​and national self-confidence.

The scene where Chinese soldiers rescued and protected overseas Chinese, especially the one at the end where they held up the five-star red flag, touched the audience's patriotism.

Some people think it’s due to great marketing.

The capitals behind "Wolf Warrior 2", such as Blue Whale, Bona, and Light Media, tried their best to create hype, played the patriotism card, and deceived passers-by into going to the cinema.

Some people think that it is simply because the performance was not good enough at the same time.

Throughout July, there were almost no competitive movies. The highly anticipated "The Founding of an Army" failed to pose a threat. "Wolf Warrior 7" was the only one that dominated the market and reaped crazy box office revenue.

Some people believe that this is a backlash from the crazy denigration of domestic films.

In recent years, commercial films have been developed rapidly, and there are many bad films, which has led to the outside world's rude denigration of domestic films. It has become unclear what is right and wrong. "Wolf Warrior 2" is the audience voting with their feet and supporting domestic films.

Some people also believe that this is due to the good economy and the fruit of the vigorous development of the film market.

Last year, "The Mermaid" made over 30 billion yuan, at the beginning of the year, "Detective Chinatown 2" made over 35 billion yuan, and in the summer, "Wolf Warrior 2" is expected to make 50 billion yuan. In the future, there will be more and more similar high-grossing movies.


In short, there are many reasons and different angles, but they all make sense.

Perhaps it is these reasons combined that led to "Wolf Warrior 2" creating a box office miracle, which is both inevitable and accidental.

Wu Jing, the person involved, couldn't explain it clearly. Boss Wei had experienced it twice, but he was still not sure about the real key.

However, this matter is not particularly important to Boss Wei.

It is too difficult to replicate "Wolf Warrior 2". There is no need to dig deep to get to the bottom of it. Just enjoy the scenery and victory at this moment.


After a few wine glasses clinked together, Wei Yang and Liu Shishi invited Wu Jing and his wife, who had just finished their roadshow, to visit their home.

"Wolf Warrior 2" is likely to exceed 50 billion, so Blue Whale temporarily postponed the celebration banquet, but Wu Jingli made such a great contribution, and Boss Wei couldn't help but express his appreciation, so he invited the couple to a family dinner to show closeness and respect.

"Try this fish maw stewed with chicken soup. It's known as the best fish maw, and it costs more than 200,000 yuan per pound. Wei Yang made it especially for you. He even didn't want to give it to me during my confinement."

Wei Yang was helpless: "This thing is expensive, mainly because it is rare and mostly used for collection. The nutritional value is not that great. Besides, the fish maw you usually eat is not cheap either."

"Yes, yes, you are right. Come on, ignore him and taste this fish maw."

Xie Nan took a bite and praised it repeatedly. Liu Shishi also took a little and shook her head.

"It's a little different from what I usually eat, and it could be a psychological reason."

Wu Jing also took a few bites and said with a smile, "Shishi is from Beijing, so she might not be used to this. I didn't know how expensive this thing was until I went to Hong Kong. Many people there stock up on it as heirlooms or as dowries for their daughters."

"Can this be used as a dowry?"

Liu Shishi was a little surprised, Wei Yang nodded: "There is indeed such a custom in Guangdong Province. Tangerine peel, fish maw, precious medicinal materials and the like are hard currency and can be directly exchanged for money."

In fact, it is the same as buying a house or saving gold for the family, but in addition to being economical, these medicinal fish maws also have certain practicality.

For example, fish maw is a very good tonic and one of the eight delicacies of the sea. It is known as the ginseng of the sea. It can beautify the skin, replenish qi and strengthen the body. Eating it during confinement can help the mother recover.

This is also the reason why Wei Yang has a lot of fish maw at home.

The few people were already familiar with each other and had a good personal relationship. Liu Shishi had been deliberately reducing Boss Wei's aura, which brought the two sides closer and the atmosphere more harmonious.
After the meal, Xie was dragged by Liu Shishi to show off her big baby son, while Wei Yang and Wu Jing were smoking and chatting on the balcony.

There is not much to talk about "Wolf Warrior 2". The roadshow has ended. This theme is difficult to export overseas and there is not much profit. Although the movie has not been released yet, it has actually entered the settlement period. The rest depends on how much the settlement is.

Compared to "Wolf Warrior 2", Wei Yang is more interested in Wu Jing's next move.

He doesn’t dare to touch “Wolf Warrior 3” in the short term. The box office of “Wolf Warrior 2” was too exaggerated, so the third part was forced to take its place.

Right now, the "Wolf Warrior" series can be said to be booming, and it may seem prosperous on the surface, but in fact, it may face a severe backlash if things go wrong.

In fact, in his previous life, Wu Jing became a rising star in the Chinese film industry with the huge hit "Wolf Warrior 2", which won him many supporters, but also made him a thorn in the eyes of many people.

This is not just the result of capital trouble within the entertainment industry, but also the result of the entire environment. Both it and "Wolf Warrior" have been given many meanings beyond the movie.

Now that Wu Jing has Blue Whale as his backer, he won't be isolated and excluded by the so-called circle.

But it is also inevitable that it will be involved in some turmoil, so it is a very correct choice for "Wolf Warrior 3" to slow down appropriately and stay out of the limelight.

But if Wu Jing doesn't shoot "Wolf Warrior 2", he can't just sit there doing nothing, that would be such a waste.

"Wolf Warrior 2" has brought him a huge boost. Now, apart from Boss Wei, few people dare to compete with him in box office performance.

Even though many people think that "Wolf Warrior 2" is just a "flash in the pan".

But if you are not convinced, you have the ability to create a "epiphany" that has the potential to hit a box office of 50 billion. Even Boss Wei doesn't dare to make such a bold statement.

Wu Jing himself doesn't have any plans. He was under a lot of pressure on "Wolf Warrior 2" and the filming was quite tiring. Now he wants to relax first.

"If you don't have a new film, I do have a good project. I was originally planning to do it myself, but now you know my situation. If you have time, you might as well give it a try. I can also use your popularity to promote the movie."


Wu Jing agreed readily. Not to mention that Boss Wei had been supporting him, he had always wanted to repay him.

Even if there is no "Wolf Warrior 2", given his personality, if Boss Wei asks him, he will not refuse if he is free.

At the same time, Wu Jing was also very curious about what this project was about. After all, Wei Yang said that he almost participated in it. Although it sounded a bit like polite words, it also showed to a certain extent that Boss Wei was optimistic about this project.

"It's a science fiction movie. It's been in preparation for almost a year. You know the director, Guo Fan."

Wu Jing searched his mind for a while and nodded: "I have met him before and even had a drink with him. He is a very insightful director."

Seeing that Wu Jing was quite appreciative of Guo Fan, Wei Yang smiled. These two people really got along well.

That’s right, the project Wei Yang was talking about is “The Wandering Earth”.

In his previous life, Guo and Wu met at a dinner party. Guo Fan complained bitterly about how difficult it was to make science fiction films. Due to friendship and the moral kidnapping of the rise of domestic science fiction films, Wu Jing was dragged into the crew of "The Wandering Earth" by Guo Fan.

Originally, Wu Jing was just a guest star in the beginning, using his fame to bring some respect to the crew.

But gradually, his roles became more and more, from a guest role to a leading role, and he was exempted from film remuneration. Later, he even invested 6000 million yuan and became one of the producers. The situation of "The Wandering Earth" in this life is completely different. With the support of Boss Wei, a big sponsor, there is no shortage of money or stars.

Guo Fan had no intention of fooling Wu Jing, but Boss Wei always felt a little regretful.

It happened that he was originally interested in participating in the performance, but was indeed hindered by his child, so he slapped his thigh and came in person to invite Wu Jing.

Although "The Wandering Earth" is excellent in itself, without a big name to carry the box office, it is hard to say that it will be as successful as its previous life.

At least in the first film, many people did go to see Wu Jing. Even though word of mouth spread later, we cannot ignore the contribution of Wu Jing's good popularity among movie audiences at that time.

If Boss Wei goes to play the role himself, he can naturally replace Wu Jing's role. If he can't go, then let's use Wu Jing.

Strictly speaking, Boss Wei is not a liar.

Wu Jing went to "The Wandering Earth". Even though he didn't have the most scenes, given his status, he was definitely treated as a benchmark by the crew. He would not be treated unfairly in terms of pay and benefits. If he was interested, they could even give him a portion of the shares to invest.

Putting aside the fact that Boss Wei took the lion's share, Wu Jing was much happier than in his previous life...


After seeing off Wu Jing and his wife, Wei Yang took a shower, cleaned off the smell of cigarette smoke, and then went into the bedroom.

Liu Shishi was holding the tablet and no one knew what she was doing. Wei Yang came to the crib next to her and thought his son was sleeping. But when he looked over, he saw his son staring at him with his two big black eyes.

The two-month-old baby has grown up a bit and no longer looks wrinkled like when he was just born.

She has fair skin and big eyes like two black grapes, just like a lovely porcelain doll. She is a bit of a chatterbox and not very afraid of people. When she sees people, she babbles in baby language, which makes her very cute with her toothless little mouth.

Wang Yunping loves her eldest grandson very much.

She takes care of Zhao Liying over there, and then finds time to come here every day. She complains of being tired every day, but gets angry if she is not allowed to come.

Comrade Lao Wei, the father-in-law, was not as convenient as his mother-in-law to visit his grandson, so he called Wei Yang every now and then under the pretext of sending him fruit.

As long as Wei Yang was at home, he would run home to bring him fruit, regardless of whether Wei Yang ate it or not. The key was to get Wei Yang to bring the child out so he could take a look at him.

The most outrageous thing was my eldest aunt Wei Xia, who almost moved in and took away my mother-in-law's job.

They came several times and were reluctant to leave every time, which made Boss Wei feel like a villain who forced the separation of grandparents and grandchildren.

In fact, not to mention the elders, even Boss Wei likes children very much.

Whenever I have time, I come over to play with him, hold him and kiss and smell him, and I always feel that he smells like milk.

"Still not sleeping."

Wei Yang touched his son's forehead with his nose. Little Wei Yi thought he was playing with him and reached out to grab him happily. Wei Yang then dodged, and he played even more excitedly.

Liu Shishi put down the tablet in her hand and said unhappily, "Don't tease him. The more you tease him, the more energetic he becomes. You will serve him tonight."

If there is one person in the family who dislikes this precious baby the most, it is his mother Liu Shishi.

There is no other way. The child is very energetic and it is tiring to take care of him. She is not particularly confident in leaving everything to the confinement nanny, so it is inevitable that she will suffer some fatigue.

This is what happened when I put the child here just now. This little kid is very active. The more people around him, the more energetic he becomes. If no one pays attention to him, he will fall asleep soon.

"Your mother is angry, go to bed quickly or she will beat you."

Wei Yang was whispering to his son, and little Wei Yi was babbling actively in response, but Boss Wei couldn't understand what he was saying, so he might be complaining about them.

He didn't respond, but patted his son's belly and avoided his sight.

Seeing that there was no one around, Xiao Yanyi hummed a few times and cried a few times. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, he probably must have been really tired from playing, and slowly became quiet again. When he was looked at again after a while, he had fallen asleep.

After calling the confinement nanny to help watch over the baby, Wei Yang and Liu Shishi quietly left the bedroom.

Dragging Wei Yang to the cloakroom at home, Liu Shishi turned around in front of the full-length mirror.

"Do you think I've lost weight?"

"Well, not fat."

"I'm asking you if I'm thin or not?"

"I told you, I'm not fat."

Liu Shishi was so angry that she pinched Wei Yang, and then looked at herself in the mirror sadly.

After the confinement period, she wanted to lose weight, but she still had to consider the nutrition of her child. Her mother, mother-in-law and even Boss Wei stuffed all kinds of good things into her mouth, which not only caused her weight loss plan to fail, but also made her gain a few pounds.

"What stimulated you?"

Wei Yang couldn't help but be curious. Liu Shishi had been in a slump for some time and at most worked harder on yoga, so why did she start to worry about weight again today?

"look by youself."

Liu Shishi stuffed the phone into Wei Yang's hand. When the latter took a look, he suddenly realized that he was indeed stimulated.

The page on the phone is very simple. The media is praising the heroine Liu Tianxian of the movie "Eternal Love" which is currently in theaters. It is probably a paid marketing account. The words used are very exaggerated and the pictures are particularly beautiful.

This is a normal operation, but Liu Shishi is now fat due to pregnancy and her heart is fragile.

When I saw the beautiful pictures of my old enemy and then looked at myself, I felt a little upset.

Boss Wei stood up for her. "These are all photoshopped pictures. You are actually much worse than she is. Really, even though you are a little plump now, it is just right. Not only do you look good, but you also look like a mother. You kill her instantly."


Liu Shishi was somewhat happy to be praised, but still a little hesitant. Wei Yang nodded very firmly.

"It's definitely true. Otherwise, I'll take a picture of you and edit it a little bit to make it stand out from the crowd."

Under Boss Wei's persuasion, Liu Shishi modestly yet excitedly changed into a white off-shoulder black slim-fitting fishtail dress.

Wei Yang took the photos himself, and then handed them over to the person in charge of the post-production department of Blue Whale, and put forward some requirements, which can be summed up in four words -

【I want a divine picture】

It’s unclear whether the head of the post-production department cursed in private, but Liu Shishi was very satisfied with the photos sent half an hour later, and then posted them on Weibo.

Fans who heard the news were surprised to find that their semi-retired idol had posted a beautiful photo for the first time, and they were full of praise for him. Upon seeing this, Wei Yang secretly bought a group of internet trolls to show his support.

Seeing Liu Shishi holding a tablet and interacting with fans with a smile on her face, her mood becoming cheerful and full again, Wei Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Spending a little money can bring family harmony and the health of father and son, it's worth it.

Well, to prepare for a rainy day, I will give Fan Xiaopang and Zhao Liying two more press release packages later, so that people won’t be jealous and find fault with him…

(End of this chapter)

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