Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 685: The Proud Dead Girl and the Confused "Da Ru Zhuan"

Chapter 685: The Proud Dead Girl and the Confused "Da Ru Zhuan"

"Story of Yanxi Palace" was aired first.

At that time, "Ashes of Love" had not yet finished, and only the finale was left.

There is a certain risk in premiering at this time, and it might turn out to be a dud.

This is also one of the reasons why the dead girl is clamoring for hype. She wants to gain popularity for "Story of Yanxi Palace".

As it turned out, the girl won the bet. Of course, Blue Whale and PPTV also had help here, but no matter what, "Story of Yanxi Palace" did get off to a good start with the huge popularity of "Ashes of Love".

Ratings 0.8!

Online broadcast data exceeds 100 million!

Hualuo.com has a popularity of 8500+, ranking second during the same period.

The online film and television search index ranked among the top three, second only to "Ashes of Love" and "Sewing Machine Band". There were four hot searches on the day, seven including "Dead Girl".

This momentum cannot be said to be particularly outstanding, but considering the premise that it was released at the same time as "Ashes of Love", it is quite impressive.

Afterwards, due to the strength of "Ashes of Love", "Story of Yanxi Palace" was firmly suppressed in the finale including the two days after the end, and the overall data rose steadily.

It was not until August 8, after being aired for several days and accumulating enough audience and influence, that "Story of Yanxi Palace" finally began to gain momentum.

The ratings ranked first during the same period!

Online broadcast data topped the list for the first time!

The popularity of Hualuo.com has exceeded 10,000, and the gap with "Ashes of Love" is getting closer and closer.

The online search index ranked first, with eleven related hot searches on the day, surpassing the completed "Ashes of Love", the popular "Sewing Machine Band" and "Love Apartment", and the hype for the premiere of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

What is more worth mentioning is that "Story of Yanxi Palace" has a Douban score of 7.5.

Although the score is not particularly high, and it is not even ranked first in this year's summer season, don't forget that this is the drama of the dead girl.

Who is this dead girl? He is the king of bad movies. The number of dramas he wrote and produced that scored above 7 points can be counted on one hand.

Then again, the dramas that can get a score of 7 or above are almost all popular dramas with very good performance.

As I said, you can say that the dead girl is bad, but you can't say that she is a loser.

This person is a nervous wretch. The quality of his works varies. Sometimes he is a god, sometimes he is a monster.

When it comes to ghosts, the bottom line is so low that it's scary. The bad drama makes people's blood pressure explode. There is nothing to complain about.

But when he is at his best, his ceiling is terrifyingly high. When he performs well, he is absolutely first-class in the industry, and some of his advantages are even top-notch in the industry.

There is no doubt that "Story of Yanxi Palace" is a masterpiece by Si Yatou.

Even though countless people have criticized the show for plagiarizing, "Story of Yanxi Palace" has a strong sense of déjà vu of "Story of the Ming Palace". Some of the settings and plots of Wei Yingluo and Empress Fucha are simply replicas of the Qing Palace characters played by Zhao Liying, Li Caifeng, and Zhao Ji, Empress Chen.

But since Blue Whale has no objection, there is no point for others to say anything. Anyway, this is already a trivial dispute to that dead girl.

In fact, the Blue Whale did have some opinions, but they were suppressed by Wei Yang.

Why are "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Story of Ming Palace" similar? Others thought that the dead girl plagiarized, but he himself knew the answer.

At the beginning, he borrowed many settings and plots of "Strategy of the Ming Palace" from "Story of Yanxi Palace", so it was not that the dead girl copied him, but that he copied the dead girl.

But this matter cannot be explained clearly, and Wei Yang has no intention of clarifying it for the dead girl, but there is no need to turn the tables on her.

He copied others and then accused them of plagiarism. That's a bit too much. Boss Wei is not that cruel.

The best way is to turn a blind eye, but I am worried about not taking action, otherwise others will follow suit and it will not be good to copy Blue Whale all the time. Wei Yang was in the wrong towards the dead girl in "Story of Yanxi Palace", but he may not be in the wrong towards others.

This is also the reason why "Story of Yanxi Palace" is now broadcast on PPTV.

It is difficult to punish them, but it is impossible to ignore them either, so they become “one of our own”.

A symbolic copyright fee was collected to make the matter smaller and vague, but at least there is an explanation, so that if others want to imitate the Blue Whale in the future, they will have a legitimate reason to do so.

It is not plagiarism, but an adaptation by purchasing the copyright!
Although both the Dead Girl and Blue Whale had the contract as evidence, they chose to remain silent temporarily at the strong request of the Dead Girl.

This guy is really bold. For a little popularity, he would rather be scolded as a literary thief.

I guess that dead girl is used to it. Anyway, he is used to plagiarizing. If he could not afford to offend Wei Yang and was afraid of being targeted, he would really dare to plagiarize the hit drama of Blue Whale.

Putting aside the controversy over "plagiarism", the reviews for "Story of Yanxi Palace" are still quite high.

The most widely praised aspects are the exquisite costumes and props, as well as the beautiful filters.

Si Yatou has acted in many dramas, but not many of his costumes and makeup have been praised. On the contrary, the Abao color filter that has been criticized to the sky was created and promoted by him.

The A-color filter, full saturation, brightly colored costumes, and exposure can indeed bring a strong beautification effect to the actors and some props, but sometimes it is accompanied by a sense of cheapness, as well as some falsehood and distortion, coupled with serious homogeneity, which later led to being deeply hated by the audience.

In comparison, Blue Whale is also good at adjusting filters, but the filters are not fixed. Instead, they are matched according to the needs of each project. The more relaxing ones are brighter and clearer, while the more serious ones are darker, making them appear more textured.

The filters of dramas such as "Joy of Life", "Nirvana in Fire", "Ode to Joy", and "Strategy of the Ming Palace" have received widespread acclaim, and can be regarded as the biggest enemy and final terminator of the Abao color faction.

In fact, the dead girl had already given up on obsessing over Abao Se long before.

"Story of Yanxi Palace" has combined the Morandi color filter that made "Story of the Ming Palace" shine, and made fine adjustments to the color, either bright or dark. The effect is good and can be regarded as a highlight of the show.

In addition to the filters, costumes, and props, the dead girl also invested a lot of money and energy.

A lot of old craftsmanship was used, and some of it was even handmade, to fairly restore some of the costumes from the Qing Palace. At the same time, certain improvements were also made to make it more in line with modern aesthetics.

Even Zhao Liying has to admit that the cost and effort put into the costumes and makeup of "Story of Yanxi Palace" are even greater than those of "Story of the Ming Palace". The dead girl is determined to gain a good reputation with this drama.

The hardware is impeccable, the costumes and props are first-rate, and the actors are also presentable.

The male lead Nie Yuan, the second female lead Qin Lan, Charmaine Sheh and Tan Zhuo who starred in "Dying to Survive" are all powerful actors. The female lead Wu Jinyan is the weakest link, but her performance in "Story of Yanxi Palace" is also okay.

In comparison, "Story of Yanxi Palace" is inferior to "Strategy of Ming Palace" in terms of software.

The same old bad habits of that dead girl, liking to make things melodramatic, having many plot loopholes, and being too stubborn about love.

The heroine has to have a love triangle between Fu Heng and Qian Long, and the good sisters are jealous of each other and become enemies, but fortunately it is just right and the degree of control is well grasped. The heroine of "Ming Palace Raiders" has very few love lines. In the early stage, she helps her good sisters, in the middle stage, she and her son survive, and help her husband win the throne. In the later stage, she directly evolves into a politician and cares more about her son and the country.

It can be said that "Strategies of the Ming Palace" tells the story of how a little palace maid becomes a virtuous queen. It involves many plots of previous dynasties and is relatively more structured.

But "Story of Yanxi Palace" also has a selling point. It has a love element, but it is not entangled. It also combines modern people's thoughts and feminist trends to create a core theme of "love yourself".

One of the two dramas has a career-oriented female protagonist, and the other has a self-centered female protagonist.

Overall, "Story of the Ming Palace" is slightly better in overall quality because it was adapted by Wei Yang based on the advantages of "Story of Yanxi Palace", coupled with the cast and the excellent production capabilities of Blue Whale.

But "Story of Yanxi Palace" also has its own advantages and selling points, and it still depends on the audience's choice.

At present, the popularity of "Story of Yanxi Palace" is not as good as that of "Story of Ming Palace", but its momentum is also not weak.

Now it’s Penguin Video’s turn to be upset!
To be honest, Penguin is much better than ordinary spectators. He got the information before PPTV officially announced the release date of "Story of Yanxi Palace".

The same Qing Palace theme, both from the Qianlong period, is clearly a competition.

They are not unfamiliar with "Story of Yanxi Palace". When the project of this drama was first launched, many people complained that the girl was just trying to ride on the popularity of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

It’s just like when Tangren was going to film “Startling by Each Step”, the heroine was in love with the fourth brother, and the eighth brother was the villain. But then the dead girl got there first and made “Palace”, in which the heroine was in love with the eighth brother, and the fourth brother was the villain.

The scenes in "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" are so similar to those of the past.

In "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", Nara is the heroine and Concubine Ling is the biggest villain. In "Story of Yanxi Palace", the heroine is Concubine Ling and Nara is the big boss.

So there is a reason why that dead girl is annoying. She is like a toad jumping on your feet, which is totally disgusting.

The crews of "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" are definitely unhappy, but to be honest, I don't take it too seriously.

The crew of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is very crazy!

Perhaps it was "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that gave them the courage. They started selecting people from the entire entertainment industry as soon as the project was launched. It is said that many popular and young actresses, including some top-tier stars, were eliminated. After they brought in Mr. Zhou, their hearts were filled with excitement.

Just watch their behind-the-scenes documentaries and you’ll see all kinds of self-boasting. They compare themselves to classics before they even air, and even call themselves "art."

Moreover, we have to admit that many plots of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" are still very misleading if you don't study it carefully. If it hadn't been exposed by many netizens later, "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" would still be a well-received work and a gem in the ocean.

This confidence has also motivated the Penguins to a certain extent, and they regard it as their biggest trump card.

As for the fact that Penguin Video chose to compete with PPTV in the summer war this time, nearly half of its courage came from this drama. Now that it has lost three battles and the situation is declining, it still hopes that this drama will make a comeback, which shows how much confidence it has.

In their view, "Story of Yanxi Palace" is nothing more than a fast-food, crappy drama that is trying to attract attention.

The dead girl has some abilities, but she hasn't produced any good works in the past two years. She has produced many bad dramas and her popularity with the audience has plummeted. She is nothing to be afraid of.

It was not until "Story of Yanxi Palace" was first aired and successfully opened the situation, demonstrating its excellent quality and accumulating enough popularity and influence, that it gained great momentum.

Now both "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" and Penguin are getting a little restless.

Although they still think that "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is stronger, "Story of Yanxi Palace" is definitely not a parallel import and has the first-mover advantage.

When competing on the same subject matter at the same time, it is very fatal if the other party takes the lead. The first impression tells everything.

The audience accepted Concubine Ling in "Story of Yanxi Palace", so it will be difficult for Concubine Ling in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" to attract the audience back and reflect the character traits and selling points of the show. It may even be firmly suppressed, thus affecting the viewing experience of the entire show.

Penguin had a very good plan originally. "Story of Yanxi Palace" was aired first, and then it was filmed poorly, which was just the right time for them to gain the audience's favor and step on it to get ahead.

But now it seems that it is hard to say whether the strategy of striking first is successful or not, as the other party has struck first.

The newly appointed Penguin CEO Sun finally let go of his worries. He had a bad feeling since PPTV officially announced that "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" would be broadcast at the same time.

The dead girl's ability is indeed not worthy of trust. Wei Yang and PPTV's vision is extremely accurate.

The other party dared to let "Story of Yanxi Palace" and "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" compete with each other, so how could it be a parallel import?

But even if they could see it, it would be useless because the penguin had already been forced to do something that couldn't be done.

It is inevitable to compete with "Story of Yanxi Palace". If the schedule is pushed back, you can still take a gamble and strike back. However, there will be more pressure to compete with the finale of "Ashes of Love" in advance.

Looking back now with hindsight, Penguin and Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace made the wrong choice, but there were not many choices at the time.

There is no point in regretting, and withdrawing the film would be a complete loss of face, so I have no choice but to go ahead with it.

Although "Story of Yanxi Palace" took the lead, they still believed that "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" was of higher quality. Perhaps the results would not meet the original expectations, but the victory in this round still belonged to Penguin.

In mid-August, the much-anticipated drama Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace premiered and attracted nearly twenty trending searches on Weibo that day.

Putting aside some of the crew’s marketing, it is somewhat surprising that most of the hot searches are complaints about "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace has just premiered, and famous scenes such as "Da Ru", "Shaking Mushrooms", "Is It Beautiful Enough", and "I Have No Way to Defend Myself" have not yet begun, but the heroine's act of avoiding the talent show by farting opened the eyes of all the audience.

But the biggest controversy of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" at the beginning was not the plot or the lines.

But Mr. Zhou's face and appearance are old and ugly, which is too inconsistent with the so-called "young girl" in the play.

It’s true that the heroine of "Story of Yanxi Palace" Wu Jinyan is not good-looking. Many people even think that the pretty girl deliberately found a dull-faced girl to offend Mr. Zhou. But when Mr. Zhou himself appeared, some viewers actually liked Wu Jinyan.

Empress Sun in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and Liu Shishi and Da Mimi who have starred in Qing palace dramas have been deified.

Miss Zhou has always been known for her excellent popularity among the public. Among the many big and small stars in the entertainment industry, she is also one of the actresses with the best public impression.

Such people are born to be the audience's darlings, and are the type of people who are most envied by their peers.

But the reality tells everyone that no actor will receive the audience's unlimited and tolerant love. Even Mr. Zhou will still be scolded if he becomes ugly or acts badly.

No one expected that the highly anticipated "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" would be criticized upon its first broadcast, and even Mr. Zhou, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, fell into disgrace.

The last time Master Zhou was scolded so badly was in 2003’s “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” for her duck-voiced Huang Rong.

Even the most criticized aspects of Huang Rong, played by Zhou Gongzi, were just her old age and voice. However, her aura and performance were still recognized by some viewers. However, Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace has been almost entirely criticized so far.

The penguin was stunned!
Mr. Sun locked himself in the office for more than an hour. The first file he opened was a transfer application to return to his original position, and a request for annual leave to go to Mount Putuo to burn incense and bring bad luck…

(End of this chapter)

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