Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 686: The Penguin Video of the Senior Executives Resigning and Changing the Term

Chapter 686: The Penguin Video of the Top Management Resigning and Changing the Term

The crew of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is in an awkward situation now.

At the beginning, he boasted a lot, as if he was the savior of domestic dramas, beating "The Mystic Nine" and stepping on "Negotiator", and dominating the summer season.

Let’s not talk about whether it can surpass those two dramas now, but it is definitely surpassed by “Story of Yanxi Palace”.

In terms of ratings, online broadcast data, network popularity, search volume, topic popularity, hot search discussions and many other achievements, "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" was firmly suppressed by "Story of Yanxi Palace".

The dead girl has already started to mock him, and a recording of him has been circulated on the Internet.

It sounds like a conversation, or maybe a phone call. I don't know if it was secretly recorded by someone else or he just released it for hype, but the words he used are very sharp.

"Look at what our concubines are wearing on their heads? Then look at what they are wearing. Oh, it feels so low. It's just such a casual play."

"Look at Master Zhou, he's quite old. He probably had hyaluronic acid injected into his face. He's not as pretty as Dong Bailian."

"I inquired about it and found out that their art budget was only 3000 million, while ours was nearly 7000 million, not only twice as much, but we also had fewer episodes and fewer scenes, and there weren't any big scenes. The 7000 million was all real stuff, and it's so funny to compare them with me."

“There was an editor I was also working with, so after watching some of their footage, I knew right then that this drama would definitely have people talking about it.”

"PPTV's head treated them seriously and came to me to discuss various promotional strategies. It was a waste of time and they were using a big gun to kill a mosquito."


In short, it's probably just praising myself and belittling "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

It was a recording, and apart from the two actors, no name was mentioned in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" from beginning to end. Even if a lawsuit is filed and there is insufficient evidence, he can explain that he was secretly recorded in private and so on.

The recording of the dead girl was quite effective, dealing a severe blow to Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace and causing another surge in the popularity of Story of Yanxi Palace.

Judging from the current trend, it is hard to say which one will be more popular this summer: "Ashes of Love" or "Story of Yanxi Palace".

The former currently has more advantages and has a great influence among young people, and the actors have a large number of fans.

The latter, in particular, has a similar theme, which creates a lot of topics, is frequently searched, and has a wider audience. Many viewers may not be interested in fantasy, ancient costume, and love stories, but are willing to watch the harem fights.

In particular, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has remained popular in recent years, laying a solid foundation for the popularity of palace fighting dramas.

This should have been the basic platform of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", but it was snatched away by "Story of Yanxi Palace".

Even Wei Yang was a little surprised that "Story of Yanxi Palace" could become so popular.

He knew that this drama was very popular in his previous life, but he thought that there had already been a "Strategy of the Ming Palace" before, which must have had an impact on it, so he thought that it might not achieve the same results as in his previous life, and it might serve more as a counterweight to "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

As a result, he miscalculated. Even though "Story of the Ming Palace" had already become popular, it did not prevent "Story of Yanxi Palace" from becoming popular.

Not to mention balancing or even suppressing "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", even "Ashes of Love" seems to be no match for it.

Boss Wei reviewed the situation carefully and felt that it was understandable.

First of all, "Story of Yanxi Palace" is indeed good. In the past life, it can be said to be the well-deserved TOP2018 on the small screen in 1.

At that time, it could be said that the whole nation was chasing the drama. People in every street and alley were watching Wei Yingluo. It was said that the entire Internet was hoping for Er Qing (the villain) to die. Even the external websites had quite a lot of popularity. Later, according to various search data, "Story of Yanxi Palace" was always the number one in the relevant fields.

Even the "Strategy of the Ming Palace", which was adapted by Wei Yang, won the annual ratings championship in 2016, breaking Boss Wei's five-year monopoly and was also one of the most popular TV series of the year.

Although some settings and routines of "Story of Ming Palace" and "Story of Yanxi Palace" are the same.

But the specific plots and styles of the two dramas are different. One is about the Ming Dynasty and the other is about the Qing Dynasty. They are in the same vein but not exactly the same. They are more like sister works.

It is true that some negative impacts are inevitable, but at the same time, it also takes advantage of the huge influence of "Strategy of the Ming Palace".

After all, if someone likes a certain work but has seen it too much, they will wonder if there is a similar substitute.

A considerable number of viewers of "Story of Yanxi Palace" are fans of "Story of the Ming Palace". Some do not like it and even make negative comparisons with it, but a considerable proportion remain.

The quality of the film itself + the popularity of the "sister film", the topic of reconciliation with Wei Yang is high enough, and it coincides with the war between PPTV and Penguin, the attention is off the charts, the publicity resources are fully utilized, and the dead girl herself is desperately trying to use "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" to hype it up...

With all these factors, the right time, right place and right people, the conditions for "Story of Yanxi Palace" to become a hit are better than in the previous life. It would be strange if it didn't become a hit.

Some production teams of Blue Whale have been considering whether to take advantage of the opportunity to create a "Harem Strategy" series.

After filming the Ming and Qing dynasties, we can film the Song, Tang, Han and Qin dynasties, with films like "Strategies of the Tang Palace" and "Strategies of the Pepper Room" monopolizing the harem theme.

The silly girl was also ready to make a move, although she always felt that she was not plagiarizing "Strategies of the Ming Palace" but was inspired by Wei Yang.

But as long as he can make money, he doesn't care about his face.

Since he can replicate "Story of Yanxi Palace", can he also "translate" other Blue Whale hits into Chinese?

"My Love from the Star" to "My Love from the Moon"

"Nirvana in Fire" was changed to "Lanling Single"

"The Journey of Flower" was changed to "The Thousand Tendons of the Tree"

This kind of thing is purely the result of the girl's blind wishful thinking. Not to mention that it is very difficult to make "Chinese translation into Chinese" highlight and distinctive, it would be better to just create something original. Wei Yang would not let him ruin his company's classic.

Are you kidding? He was in the wrong when writing “Strategy of the Ming Palace”, so he turned a blind eye to it. How could he let that damn girl plagiarize and borrow from him?


In any case, Wei Yang and PPTV are happy to see the popularity of "Story of Yanxi Palace" as it is in their interests.

At most, there are some opinions within Blue Whale. The many high-quality dramas they carefully prepared for the summer season may have their biggest limelight snatched away by other dramas, and the culprit is still the dead girl who has been defeated by them for many years.

What a shame!

If their arrogance is not suppressed, PPTV will be laughed at and Boss Wei will be too embarrassed.

While Blue Whale is gearing up for action, Penguin and the crew of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" are not sitting still either.

As expected, they want to play the word-of-mouth card.

Because of the lessons learned from "The Rise of Phoenixes", they were not so stupid as to blame the audience for not knowing how to appreciate it. Instead, they directed their criticism at "Story of Yanxi Palace", finding fault with its Mary Sue plot, and then praising some of the designs and performances of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" and so on.

In short, "Story of Yanxi Palace" is a fast-food drama, which is fun to watch, but actually has no substance and is not worth mentioning. However, if you ignore some unimportant points of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" and watch it patiently, you will find many different details, various connotations and intentions that make people think deeply. It is definitely an underestimated conscientious masterpiece.

It’s true that this statement is quite misleading and has misled many viewers and passers-by who are unaware of the truth.

As time goes by, even a conclusion is reached in the previous life.

Many people who have not watched the two dramas think that "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is better than "Story of Yanxi Palace", but it is just more literary in style. The reputation of the two dramas has reversed. Those who dare to express different opinions do not know how to appreciate them and are only worthy of watching rubbish dramas. Even "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has been criticized.

It was not until "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" became "The Legend of Daru" that word of mouth reversed again, and this so-called "classic harem drama" was despised by the majority of netizens.

PPTV predicted the routine of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" and its response strategy was to launch "The Undocumented Crime" to see which one is the truly high-quality masterpiece.

This method is useful, but it cannot get to the root of the problem.

After all, even if "The Undocumented Crime" has a better reputation than "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", it is just a slight improvement over Penguin. It does not prevent "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" from being a "high-quality" drama, and Penguin has achieved a certain goal.

As mentioned before, Penguin has no shortage of money or traffic. What it lacks is representative works that can enhance the influence and attractiveness of the platform.

The card of "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" has been mostly wasted so far, and the so-called summer war was also a complete defeat and a complete loss of face.

But if Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace can still be considered a masterpiece with good reputation, Penguin will not be without any gain, and it can still write something about it in the future.

There is a saying that goes "help people to the end, help Buddha to the west, kill someone and his whole family, and cut the grass to remove the roots."

Things have come to this point, so there is no need to leave any room for maneuver and we might as well just go all the way.

Wei Yang smoked a cigar, while arranging for PPTV to launch "The Undocumented Crime" to suppress "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", and at the same time arranged for his confidants to find a few UP hosts with the outline he personally made.

The exposure of "The Legend of Da Ru" is staged ahead of schedule!
With material, popularity, and money, several UP hosts started finding faults with magnifying glasses.

The more I dug into it, the more surprised I was. This "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is simply a terrible drama disguised as a "high-quality" drama. Mr. Zhou, who was praised to the sky by fans and some drama fans, did have some highlights in his actual performance, but there were also countless flaws. On the contrary, Huo Jianhua, who was the focus of criticism, had some difficulties.

Although Wei Yang gave some outlines, they were just suggestions, and the details were still up to the UP hosts to express themselves freely.

At first, everyone made videos just to criticize the plot, and were very cautious about Zhou Gongzi, who was very popular among the public and had many fans. As a result, as the traffic grew, he became more and more enthusiastic in criticizing.

Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace and Penguin are not blind. They naturally discovered something wrong and immediately sent a lawyer's letter of warning.

This actually fell right into Wei Yang's calculations, and he immediately started to lead the rhythm. The UP host didn't dare to criticize, but some "enthusiastic passers-by" and enthusiastic passers-by stood up.

The penguin is so bossy, covering its mouth to stop people from speaking.

The more you cover up, the more I curse. She used to be restrained, but now she doesn't care about anything. I'm just yelling.

To be honest, this trick of encouraging the audience to find faults with a magnifying glass is very unethical.

As mentioned before, no work can withstand such intense criticism, including Boss Wei's masterpieces, which would be found to have many problems.

But then again, there is no perfect work, but most audiences are not that picky.

As long as the plot conforms to basic logic, there are not too many unbearable complaints, and even as long as it does not conflict with the plot, most of the audience is still very tolerant.

Is there no flaw in "Story of Yanxi Palace"?
There are so many of them, such as the concubine being struck to death by lightning, the prince being forced to death, and the palace maid being able to argue with the emperor. If compared with normal history, these are simply fabricated.

But the drama has laid some groundwork and details, and the basic logic is still acceptable. Besides, everyone knows that this is a fun drama, and some of the plots are not core or crucial, so they won't be overly critical.

Even for many people, "Dead Girl" is synonymous with bad dramas.

This causes everyone's expectations for the show to be lowered, but when they finally watch it, they find that the quality is pretty good, with more surprises than complaints.

"Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" did not receive such good treatment.

One thing that must be pointed out is that "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" is different from "Story of Yanxi Palace". It does not claim to be a refreshing drama, but is benchmarked against serious dramas, and even claims to create a classic.

Whether before or after the show started, they praised themselves highly, for example, saying that the show followed history, had amazing performances, and had a wonderful plot, etc.

You hold yourself so highly, so naturally you should be scrutinized by high standards.

After a careful viewing, I found that "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" was not as good as praised. My expectations turned into disappointment, and I even felt cheated, so I criticized it even more harshly.

In addition, the drama "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" does have some major flaws.

The female lead is double-standard, which is actually not a big deal. Most of the protagonists are double-standard, but the double-standards in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" are a bit too much. The smell of white lotus is choking, and the villains are portrayed as true characters and inspirational role models.

The plot feels very inconsistent, and this is something the drama "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" got wrong from the very beginning.

Take a woman who was the most hated by Emperor Qianlong in history, and portray her as Qianlong's true love. The plot cannot go against history, so isn't it inconsistent everywhere?

It's not impossible to shoot it this way, the characters can be both evil, but if you insist on making the heroine "true, good and beautiful", the plot will be completely irreversible.

There are countless points to criticize about the costumes, props, performances, lines, historical consistency, plot and character settings, etc. These plots would at most be ridiculed in ordinary dramas, but if they were put in a historical drama that claims to be a classic, it would be a slap in the face.

Not to mention the ceiling of palace fighting "The Legend of Zhen Huan", even many lines and plots of "Story of Yanxi Palace", which is known as a refreshing drama, can be used to criticize "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace".

Multiple platforms such as Bilibili, Zhihu, and Douyin have frequently made efforts to cut and complain about the drama, causing the reputation of Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace to plummet.

Douban's score rose from the initial 6.9 points to a peak of nearly 8 points, then fell to 7.5, and is now declining. Looking at this trend, it is not impossible for it to drop below 6 points.

In comparison, although PPTV's word-of-mouth drama "The Undocumented Crime" did not reach the level of "Day and Night Chase" which was as amazing as it was, it was still firmly above 8 points.

"Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" VS "Story of Yanxi Palace" + "The Undocumented Crime"


It lost four battles in a row, and all of them were defeated miserably, with no ability to fight back at all, which even affected the stock price of Penguin Headquarters to a certain extent.

Even if Penguin doesn't want to lose face again, it has to give an explanation to its internal staff and shareholders.

So, just as September began, the former head of Penguin Video announced his resignation, and there were internal rumors that there would be major adjustments in the senior management of Penguin Video.

This summer battle undoubtedly ended with PPTV's victory, strongly maintaining its position.

Penguin Video’s summer project was completely wiped out, and the senior management was forced to resign and change leadership, which also made other platforms feel uneasy.

Who can stop the violent PPTV?
(End of this chapter)

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