Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 693 The last one is gone, the second one is unlucky

Chapter 693 The last one is gone, the unlucky one is the second to last one
The daily fights between Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi are nothing new.

Some spectators and fans analyze the metaphors, and may even be criticized for over-interpretation by fans and passers-by who are too lazy to start a war.

People are just taking a group photo and rewatching an old drama, but you are making a big deal out of it. Are you so bored that you feel uncomfortable seeing the world is peaceful?
Moreover, compared to the rivalry between Zhao Liying and Liu Shishi, who everyone is tired of seeing, there will be a new war of words to watch in the entertainment industry in October.

The Golden Eagle Festival is about to open. After a series of fierce competition, Di Lieba won the qualification of Golden Eagle Goddess without any suspense.

But fans of another strong competitor, Sister Shuangzi, were not satisfied with the result and came up with the "Inside Story Theory", attacking Dilraba Dilmurat for relying on Boss Wei. They also did not let go of Hunan TV and Tianyu, criticizing them for exchanging benefits with their own artists, etc.

In fact, in the past few years, Wei Yang and the 85 flowers were killing like crazy, and in the past two years, new top stars such as Zhang Ruoyun and Dilirouba have risen rapidly.
Artists from the Blue Whale series have dominated many competitions and have been so powerful that they have blocked the way for many people, so it is inevitable that there will be some criticism.

The "conspiracy theory" that Wei Yang was involved in shady dealings to promote his own people has been around for a long time.

It has never stopped in the past few years. Even if there is no controversy, there will always be people making sarcastic remarks, let alone if there is controversy.

However, strictly speaking, Wei Yang is not completely innocent, as he has indeed done a lot of things to use resources to support his own artists, but it is hard to say that it is a "shady deal" because this is an unspoken rule in the circle, and all companies and teams do this to see who is more capable.

But as I said, when judging any award, it is impossible not to take some off-field factors into consideration.

In order to save face in China, any insider operations are kept secret, and efforts are even made to suppress and avoid external interference.

People in foreign countries are very straightforward in this regard. For Oscars, Grammys, and Golden Globes, they openly spend money to win over judges, without even making a scene. They call it "public relations" and have even turned it into a special business.

Wei Yang thinks this is actually quite good. Everyone can come forward openly, but due to different national conditions, the methods have to be different.

As Blue Whale gradually gained momentum, many famous celebrities emerged, and Boss Wei even became the richest man, the [shady theory] had more abundant "evidence" and a huge market.

However, this year Dilraba Dilmurat is indeed on the rise!
"Eternal Love of Dream", "The Mystic Nine" and "Ashes of Love", one hit drama and two very popular dramas. Even with "Story of Yanxi Palace" stealing the limelight, they are still the most popular stars with overall performance on the small screen this year, without a doubt.

The box office of "Journey to the West: The Women Kingdom" during the Spring Festival was also several hundred million, which is quite impressive.

"A Good Show" is approaching 15 billion, surpassing "Sewing Machine Band" which just exceeded 10 billion, and won the box office champion in August. It is also second only to "The Richest Man in Xihong City" in the entire summer season.

The small screen has seen great success, with outstanding movie performances, and the variety show "Running Man" has been the core of its popularity.

This year’s entertainment industry is the [Year of Dilirouba]!
Although it is a joke and self-boasting among the public and his fans, it is not without basis.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is almost no suspense about this year's Golden Eagle Goddess.

Unless the Golden Eagle Award does not care about credibility and does not care about the thoughts of Blue Whale and Boss Wei.

So, the so-called shady dealings may still cause some trouble at other times, but the conspiracy theory about this year's Golden Eagle Goddess selection is really nitpicking.

Even most of Sister Shuangzi’s fans knew the truth, but they just denied it out of face and followed the brainless fans to shout a few words.

Compared to Wei Yang and Di Lieba, Shuangzi's fans are actually most angry at Tianyu.

They think that Sister Shuangzi was simply delayed by this crappy company!
One thing that must be made clear is that Sister Shuangzi had already terminated her contract with Tianyu and opened her own studio. However, the two sides have cooperated a lot, and Sister Shuangzi is still considered an artist of Tianyu.

There are very few fans who have a good relationship with artist companies. In the eyes of fans, brokerage companies are black-hearted capitalists who exploit their idols.

Well done, it’s all the artist’s own ability!
If you don’t do a good job, it’s all because of your agent, company and team that are holding you back!
The relationship between artists and fans is good. The idols I choose really love their fans. I have a good eye. The relationship between artists and fans is cold. It is the agents and companies who sow discord between them.

Anyway, in the eyes of fans, all good things are due to the artists, and all bad things are caused by their agents and teams.

Sister Shuangzi’s fans have been resentful of Tianyu for a long time!

Let’s just say that none of the fans of artists from Tianyu have a good impression of this company.

Boss Wei, the capitalist, is often scolded by fans of his company's artists, but compared with the scoldings received by Tianyu, the level of filthiness and viciousness of the words used are not even on the same level. One is like a drizzle, and the other is like a flood.

In the eyes of Sister Shuangzi’s fans, Tianyu is a waste.

The Golden Eagle Awards are clearly hosted by their own company, but for so many years it has been the people from Blue Whale who have been in the limelight, while Sister Shuangzi, the leading artist, has always been a runner-up.

No matter what the objective reasons are or what the overall situation is, if you can't help one of your own people to get promoted, you are a waste, or even biased towards outsiders.

Not to mention the comparison with the two sworn enemies, the two beauties from Xinjiang Province.

You know, Sister Shuangzi became famous earlier than the two beauties in Xinjiang Province, and at that time Blue Whale was still in its development stage, and the resources in Boss Wei's hands could not be compared with Tianyu at all.

Sister Shuangzi became famous first, has a big company and abundant resources, so she can be said to have all the advantages.

As a result, it cannot be said that her development is bad now. After all, she is still one of the most popular flowers of the 90s. But compared with the two beauties of Xinjiang Province, especially Dilraba Dilmurat, she has been left behind.

Fans don’t consider whether this has anything to do with whether Sister Shuangzi herself is doing well or not, they all attribute Tianyu to garbage.

There is even a voice among Shuangzi's fans that Shuangzi and the two beauties from Xinjiang Province should swap clubs. It is estimated that Shuangzi has now surpassed the 85 flowers and won the Grand Slam Best Actress award.

In response to this statement, Wei Yang could only say that they had a kind of silly confidence that they could clear Black Myth in one day.

To be honest, even if Sister Shuangzi had not committed any crime in her previous life and lived a peaceful life, Wei Yang would not support such a person.

The most crucial reason is that this guy is crazy.

Boss Wei is not afraid of people with scheming minds. Such people are often smart and sensible, know their limits, and have high value in training.

We are not afraid of stupid people, as long as they listen to us. To put it bluntly, they are also easier to control.

But Boss Wei would never be interested in such crazy people, because you don't know when she will have an attack, and you can't control her madness. She might hit you out of the blue, and the little money you earn is not enough to worry about and clean up her mess.

It would be fine if she was just crazy, but the key is that there is nothing particularly outstanding about Sister Shuangzi’s appearance, figure, and acting skills.

In other words, she is highly replaceable. Instead of spending resources and then having to worry about it in the future, why doesn't Wei Yang train someone with better conditions and less worries?
The conflict between Sister Shuangzi's fans and Tianyu was very fierce, almost to the point of breaking up. The former dug up a lot of explosive information about the latter and listed them one by one to accuse them.

The most important thing is that Sister Shuangzi remained strangely silent and watched the fans tear apart their former employer.

Under normal circumstances, celebrities have a certain degree of control over their fans.

Especially for top artists who rely on fans for their livelihood, only fools would believe in the so-called "spontaneous behavior of fans." Even if something went wrong and they didn't react at first, if they wanted to, they could calm down the fans quickly, but at least they would control the momentum and not expand it, or simply issue a statement calling for calm, etc., which is also a statement of attitude.

But from beginning to end, Sister Shuangzi seemed to be completely unaware of this matter. The more her fans scolded her, the more excited they became, and even the Hunan TV station behind her was affected.

It can be seen that it is not only the fans who are dissatisfied. It is estimated that Sister Shuangzi also has a lot of resentment towards her old employer.

But this kind of indulgence and even inciting fans to attack their old club is too stupid!

It's not that you can't go after your former employer. There are many cases of celebrities fighting with their former employers, but you also have to look at who the former employer is.

That’s Hunan TV!

As the number one local satellite TV station, it owns many well-known companies in the industry, such as Tianyu and Mango TV. Its channels and connections are spread throughout the entertainment industry. More importantly, it is backed by a provincial radio, television and propaganda department.

To be honest, it would be better for Sister Shuangzi’s fans to go after Boss Wei.

At least some people still dare to use Boss Wei's ban. No one would be unwilling to give face if the Hunan Provincial TV station came forward to ban it.

Of course, there are many factions in the Hunan Provincial Taiwan political system, and Shuangzi's main target is Tianyu. In addition, it has an official background, so there may not be many targets of overt suppression. How they will trip up the system in private depends on the breadth of mind of the parties involved.

So from this perspective, it is actually more risky for Boss Wei.

He is too narrow-minded and doesn't have to worry about anything. If you scold him, he will retaliate against you.

But no matter what, it can be seen from this point that Sister Shuangzi is really crazy when she goes crazy.

Her fans are also crazy. They are not standing up for their idol at all. They simply wish Sister Shuangzi would die. The attack is so disgusting that even Boss Wei feels disgusted when he sees it.

Anyway, put yourself in his shoes. If he was the one being scolded, the law cannot hold everyone responsible, so maybe there would be nothing they could do about their fans, but if they don't punish Sister Shuangzi, the victim, to death, then their entire life would have been wasted.


Boss Wei keeps paying attention to Sister Shuangzi, not because he has nothing better to do, but this is also a small part of the reason.

However, the most crucial thing is that the Blue Whale series of female stars are now too popular and have almost monopolized the most popular group of 85 and 90 flowers.

A big tree attracts the wind, too much is as bad as too little!
The more famous you are, the more attention you will receive from the outside world, and the more people will be staring at you. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

But the business is developing well and we cannot stop just because it is too popular. That would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater and would also hinder the momentum of the Blue Whale series.

With the current size of the Blue Whale system, it has become a huge ship leading a fleet forward. Everyone is watching. There is no retreat and no room for hesitation or slackness. They can only keep rushing forward.

But we cannot retreat or stop, but we can still pull a few frigates and destroyers nearby to provide cover.

The company naturally has its own operations, and the artists have their own way of doing things.

Sister Shuangzi is the target that Wei Yang picked for the second most beautiful girl in Xinjiang and even the 90s flower of the Blue Whale series.

Being popular, eye-catching and prominent enough can not only attract negative emotions and attention from the outside world, but also be used to gain support and criticism from peers.

It is precisely because of the crazy and mischievous sister Shuangzi that the two beauties from Xinjiang Province have always maintained a good reputation. Even Nazha's acting skills and emotional intelligence are compared with her and become remarkable, showing great progress.

Even if there are a few ambitious people who want to get promoted, their first reaction is to target Sister Shuangzi, who has more weaknesses, which greatly improves the safety of the two beauties in Xinjiang Province.

So deep down, Wei Yang doesn't want Sister Shuangzi to die too early.

Naza and Sister Shuangzi are extremely at odds with each other, and every time they both wish that she would finish quickly and get out of the entertainment industry.

But Boss Wei told her more than once that if Sister Shuangzi really left one day, Nazha would definitely be one of the first people to miss her, because she was the last in the class, and the second to last one would be the unlucky one to transfer.

Wei Yang, who understands this principle, is disgusted and resistant to the scumbags in the entertainment industry, although because of the attraction of like to like.

But he really hopes that they can stay in the entertainment industry forever. It would be best if there are more male stars whose reputations fall from grace, so that he, the number one scumbag in the entertainment industry, will not be alone and will not be so conspicuous.

When Wu Moubo had an accident before, Wei Yang even arranged for someone to speak up for him and see if he could help.

However, the situation he encountered was too difficult, and Wu's methods were too radical and ruthless, so he was left with no way out and was at the center of the storm, unable to be pulled back.

There are a lot of scandals about this guy. It is said that even Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi have come out. He is even more scandalous than Boss Wei. If he can survive, he can definitely help Wei Yang share a lot of firepower.

The Wu Moubo incident has had a huge impact on the entertainment industry, and the relevant loopholes need to be tightened.

Strictly speaking, he did not break any law and could even be said to be a victim, but he was still banned. This shows that he is no longer bound by the law. If the impact on morality and social opinion is too bad, he may be severely punished.

At the same time, this also reminds many people in the entertainment industry that keeping a lover is not reliable.

Those who have needs dare not look for a fixed partner, but choose a one-time transaction. It is hard to say that many male stars who were arrested for pornography in the future were not affected by the Wu Moubo incident.

At least as far as Wei Yang knows, similar businesses have always existed in the circle.

But it is not that hot, instead it is more about communication with people outside the circle.

As a result, even a second-tier artist couldn't help but ask his mom to organize a party. This shows that the business volume and profits of this industry are still considerable. It also indirectly shows that the entertainment industry is in a downturn and everyone is thinking about making extra money.

But this has nothing to do with Boss Wei. Although he has delicious food at home, he never eats unclean fast food.

In the future, you should pay more attention to chat records and be careful about being recorded and archived by people with ulterior motives, especially group messages. You should be more careful with what you say and do.

Wei Yang is fine in this regard. The people he usually gossips with are either a few women or Li Jiahang.

I have also talked to other people, but they basically just listened more, asked more and talked less, and most of the time it was offline, not online.

Celebrities have been trained in this regard and are very vigilant. The domestic entertainment star Lee Seung-ri who had a fall from grace either had a higher level of trust in the person he was chatting with, or he was not famous before and had fewer concerns, so he spoke without restraint.

In fact, compared to the fact that the prince opened a brothel, Boss Wei was more interested in the fact that Jin Chen actually had a relationship with the prince of Sunac.

Could it be that the young master loves to eat pork ribs?
(End of this chapter)

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