Who are you calling powerful?.

Chapter 694 Dilirouba tops the list, Da Mimi wins the grand slam

Chapter 694 Dilirouba tops the list, Da Mimi wins the grand slam

In mid-October, the Golden Eagle Awards were held in Hunan Province.

Di Lieba made a stunning appearance and became the seventh Golden Eagle Goddess. At the same time, she is also the first Golden Eagle Goddess born after 90.

Before her, Liu Tianxian, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying and Da Mimi were all 85 flowers.

Wang Luodan was born in 1984. If calculated by her date of birth, she can barely be classified as a 85 flower. After all, Tang Yan is one year older than her and is also a representative of the 85 flowers.

The oldest Golden Eagle Goddess is the young-looking Sister-in-law Lu. She was born in 1981, only half a month younger than Fan Xiaopang.

In any case, the first six were all born in the 80s, and the concept that has always been claimed is that the Golden Eagle Goddess is the most popular young female star in the relevant period, so the Golden Eagle Goddess has always been regarded as a weather vane for young female stars.

Especially from Liu Shishi in 2012 to the recent Dilraba Dilmurat, they are all the most popular actresses at the moment.

To repeat, it took Liu Shishi and a few others eight years to raise the Golden Eagle Goddess to a level that can be used to measure the status of female stars.

The honor of the Golden Eagle Goddess also benefited them, adding luster to their honor and status, and even Liu Tianxian, Saozi Lu and others benefited from it.

Liu Tianxian is fine. She has a lot of halos and is quite popular now. She doesn't have to rely on the Golden Eagle Goddess to save her reputation.

Saozi Lu and Wang Luodan do not have her confidence. One has failed and the other has become out of fashion. In many marketing accounts, the Golden Eagle Goddess has become the biggest label for them.

Saozi Lu is the [most disappointing Golden Eagle Goddess] and [the Golden Eagle Goddess who is doing the worst].

In fact, her sister-in-law Lu has a big label, that is, she is the Golden Horse Film Queen, and she is the youngest film queen so far.

But there are too many Golden Horse Film Queens, many of whom are not famous or average, and the Golden Eagle Goddess is not as popular as her, so the Golden Eagle Goddess is the one most associated with her.

And Wang Luodan is the [Golden Eagle Goddess with the worst development/least fame/ugliest].

No matter what, Sister Lu was still quite popular before her downfall. She had no shortage of film, television and variety show resources and often appeared in public. In comparison, Wang Luodan is much more low-key, has fewer works and no achievements.

It might be a bit of an exaggeration to say that he is out of fashion, but it is not far off the mark either. There are even rumors that he is retiring from the entertainment industry.

All these have led to female stars and their teams flocking to the Golden Eagle Goddess.

Some even put the Golden Eagle Goddess above the Golden Eagle Best Actress and the Magnolia Best Actress.

The reason is similar to that of the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress for Sister-in-law Lu. There are too many people who have won the award, and their fame varies. She is not as prominent and valuable as the Golden Eagle Goddess.

Under such circumstances, Di Lieba became the first Golden Eagle Goddess born in the 90s.

It not only greatly adds to and helps her career and aura.

In the eyes of many people, this also marks that the selection criteria for the Golden Eagle Goddess has shifted from those born in the 80s to those born in the 90s, becoming another landmark node in the renewal of the entertainment industry.

As mentioned before, since the rise of Dilraba Dilmurat, people with various purposes have been clamoring for the 90s flowers to replace the 85s flowers.

But such a long time has passed, except for a meatball who has made it into the first echelon and made Tang Yan a little embarrassed.

Other 85 flowers such as Liu Shishi and Da Mimi are still "high and mighty". Even if some of them have retired, they still occupy the center of the stage. The progress of the other 90 flowers in seizing power is not as smooth as imagined.

Rouba seems to be just an accident, and the entertainment industry is still dominated by those 85 flowers.

Due to the decline, retirement and obsolescence of the 70s generation and some 80s flowers, the 85 flowers have become the "new big flowers". In addition, with their connection with the Blue Whale series behind them, their momentum and influence have become even stronger.

Such power actually creates a lot of pressure for many 90s girls.

But no matter how much pressure there is, we have to push forward, otherwise the post-95s and post-00s will grow up, and by then there will be old people above us and young people below us, and except for a few who have made a name for themselves, the rest will become cannon fodder.

Therefore, they have to raise their voices to gain exposure and opportunities, and at the same time they also want to completely squeeze out the actresses born after 80s from the election.

After all, there is only one Golden Eagle Goddess, and the selection is held every two years. If actresses born in the 80s withdraw from the selection, won’t everyone have more opportunities?

Even though Dilraba Dilmurat successfully reached the top this year and her main competitors are Shuangzi and Nazha, two girls born in the 90s, it does not mean that those born in the 80s are no longer a threat.

The first is the “veteran” Tang Yan!
He has been eligible for selection since 2010 and has competed in every session since then. He can be said to be a veteran of several dynasties.

Even though Tang Yan is at the bottom of the top 85 flowers, she is still a top 85 flower. Except for Rouba, the number one female star born in the 90s, few other 90s flowers have the confidence to compete with her.

In addition, Da Tiantian, Ni Ni, and Yang Tianbao are considered the second echelon below the top 85 flowers, and each has their own support.

Song Tie, Song Qian, Mao Xiaotong, and Jiang Shuying have also made great progress in the past two years and have done remarkable things.

Pick out any one of them at random, and it’s enough to give those 90s girls, most of whom have little background, a hard time. If they really fight, it’s still unknown who will win.

So the best way is to get the rhythm going.

Such as giving room to newcomers and so on, eliminating or lowering the qualifications and chances of female stars born in the 80s to be nominated, and weakening the intensity of competition.

Although this operation is very selfish, it is not without reason.

The Golden Eagle Goddess is essentially aimed at popular young actresses, so it is understandable that they abandon the elderly and support the young.

The next Golden Eagle Awards will be in 2020. The oldest of those post-80s actresses is already years old, and the youngest is over . It is indeed a bit excessive for them to compete for the title of "Goddess" with a bunch of girls in their twenties.

For example, Tang Yan was born in 1983. If she is elected in the next term, she will be or years old.

You know, the oldest person to hold the Golden Eagle Goddess title before was Da Mimi in 2016, who had just turned . Tang Yanzi raised the record by several years.

More importantly, her main competitors at that time were likely to be actresses who were several years younger than her, or even in their teens.

Even if you win, if you don't show your face, you might be ridiculed for taking advantage of your seniority.

Wei Yang is not sure whether other post-80s actresses will continue to participate in the Golden Eagle Goddess selection or not, but he knows that with Di Lieba's success this time and the related rhythm, Tang Yan has basically given up the idea of ​​​​competing for the Golden Eagle Goddess.

This also means that Tang Yan will be the only one among the 85 flowers who has not become the Golden Eagle Goddess.

However, Tang Yan is actually used to it.

Comparing her achievements and honors in all aspects, she is at the bottom of the 85 flowers, and sometimes she is even expelled from the group of 85 flowers by some people, so she doesn't need the title of Golden Eagle Goddess.

Just like back then, when Tang Yan was first challenged and even surpassed by Zhao Liying as a latecomer, Tang Yan felt angry, unwilling, and aggrieved, but then she gradually became numb.

This time, Dilraba Dilmurat overtook her in many ways. At the beginning, Tang Yan was also dissatisfied and hostile, and tried her best to suppress and block her.

Later she found it was useless and her defenses were constantly broken through. After a long time, and with Zhao Liying's experience, she accepted this reality.

There is no way. I really can’t beat them. What else can I do if I don’t accept it?

People's bottom line is broken again and again, and the threshold of tolerance will continue to increase. Even if Nazha or some 90s flower rises wildly and steps on her to get to the top, Tang Yan will still be unhappy, but it will definitely not be as intense as facing Zhao Liying and Rouba. Some people are lonely, and some are glorious.

The various calculations behind the Golden Eagle Goddess also indirectly prove the influence of Dilraba Dilmurat's ascent to the top this time.

It may not be as good as Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying's overnight success at the Golden Eagle Awards, but compared with the previous season's "Da Mimi" which was a natural outcome, it is more groundbreaking and has attracted more attention. Related topics even dominated the top ten on Weibo for half an hour.

In addition to the Golden Eagle Goddess, Dilraba Dilmurat also won the Popularity Crystal Trophy for her role in "Ashes of Love".

However, after the reform, the golden cup symbolizing the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress was not awarded to Dilraba Dilmurat.

After the reform, there are two Golden Cups for Best Actress, which were awarded to Yin Tao for "Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky" and Da Mimi for "Eternal Love".

That’s right, Da Mimi finally won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress.

In the last session, Da Mimi became the Golden Eagle Goddess and won a popularity crystal cup, just like Dilraba Dilmurat now. However, in the competition for the gold cup, she lost to Zhao Liying, who won the title for the second time for "Strategy of the Palace of Destiny", and Tong Yaya for "Ordinary World".

This can be considered as a little knot of Da Mimi. It’s not to the point of being anxious, but it always makes me feel uncomfortable.

This time, she completely made up for the regrets of the previous Golden Eagle Awards. Not only did she finally win a Best Actress trophy, but she also became the third person after Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying to achieve the Golden Eagle Grand Slam of Golden Eagle Goddess + Popularity Crystal Cup + Gold Cup.

It’s just that Liu and Zhao completed the Grand Slam in one go and became gods overnight, while Da Mimi took two sessions and its gold content is slightly inferior.

But no matter what, it is the Golden Eagle Grand Slam, which is still worthy of praise. Da Mimi has also become another celebrity besides Dilraba Dilmurat in this year's Golden Eagle Awards.

It is inevitable that Da Mimi won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress without controversy, but overall it is still good.

After all, her qualifications are already sufficient, and her acting skills are not as bad as her reputation in her previous life. The quality and reputation of "Eternal Love" are also better than in her previous life, and the results are also popular enough.

In comparison, Dilraba Dilmurat is a little inferior.

At the beginning, her team wanted Rouba to hit the Grand Slam in one go. Considering the resources of Blue Whale, this was not impossible, but they were still persuaded by Boss Wei himself.

Too much too!

Dilirouba is now more popular and has many advantages. There is no need to pursue perfection blindly.

In his previous life, Rouba was simply blinded by the honors and caused a scandal. He was ridiculed and his popularity plummeted. He was even isolated from all kinds of awards for a while to avoid being influenced by others.

At the beginning, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying's actions actually went a little over the line, which caused quite a stir at the time.

Fortunately, the Golden Eagle Award had not been reformed at that time, and the gold cups were distributed among four or five people in a session, so it was relatively better. But now that the rules have been reformed and the gold content of the gold cup has increased, it would be easy to fail if we continue to play by this method.

Like Da Mimi, she can strive for the gold cup in the next session or the next session. It may be a little slower, but it is still a Grand Slam, but it is safer and more secure.


After the Golden Eagle ceremony, Da Mimi exchanged a few words with a few familiar friends and leaders, then walked towards Di Lieba with the trophy.

"Congratulations, you've made a name for yourself today."

When Rouba saw Da Mimi coming over, he was slightly startled, but also smiled: "Congratulations on your grand slam."

The people around saw the two of them start chatting directly, and some of them looked surprised.

After all, many people know that the three beauties in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" are in the same group, and the two beauties from Xinjiang Province are following Zhao Liying's footsteps. How did the two opposing camps get together?

In fact, the three beauties of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and Zhao Liying do have a bad relationship, but their performance is not as tit-for-tat as the outside world thinks. They still have to save face in public.

Moreover, the hostility between them is both personal and public.

There is nothing much to say about the former, and as for the latter, it’s actually okay to have a few words in private regardless of the camp. Da Mimi and Rouba are among the few who don’t have too many personal grudges.

Da Mimi had once confronted Nazha, and Rouba mainly had a grudge against Tang Yan. There wasn't much friction between the two of them, and they had even collaborated many times.

For example, they have rival scenes in "Joy of Life", one is the female lead and the other is the second female lead in "Gu Jian Qi Tan", and they make guest appearances in each other in "Eternal Love/The Pillow Book".

Therefore, the two of them had a lot of private communication. Putting aside their opposing camps, they even had some affection and appreciation for each other.

Da Mimi has never praised Zhao Liying and Guli Nazha to the media, but she once gave a nice positive evaluation of Rouba in an interview.

Rouba usually avoided talking about Liu Shishi and was too lazy to pay attention to Tang Yan. He was just perfunctory when talking about their topics. The only time he talked about Da Mimi was a few times, and he even used the name "Sister Mi". For this, Nazha secretly reported to Zhao Liying.

Perhaps, the fact that the two of them get along relatively peacefully in private, and even have some affection for each other, is also related to the fact that they are good friends with each other.

Da Mimi had tortured and bullied Nazha, and Rouba had often made Tang Yan suffer. Although they were indignant on the surface, they did feel a little bit of pleasure and gloating in their hearts.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!
The two were chatting when they received calls from their best friends one after another, and they each walked a few steps away to answer the call.

"Well done!"

Tang Yan gave compliments to Da Mimi. It can be seen that although Tang Yan is relatively indifferent, she does not care about Rouba's achievements at all.

Da Mimi has now blocked Dilraba's Grand Slam, vented her anger, and promoted the reputation of the three beauties of Fairy Sword, so naturally she has to praise them a few words.

"It's all because of that bald chicken, otherwise you would have been perfect directly."

On the other hand, after congratulating, Naza expressed his regret that Rouba failed to win the Grand Slam, and pointed the finger at Da Mimi, standing up for Rouba.

Da Mimi and Dilirouba, who seemed to be sympathetic to each other just now, suddenly felt a little guilty.

Look at their firm stance. If they discovered my behavior, they would scold me to death.

Although they have some appreciation for each other, when it comes to real action, they still choose their good sisters, with a little sense of guilt.

When the two met again, Cricket unconsciously began to protect her good sister and sow discord between her and her mortal enemy.

"You won the Grand Slam. Will Tang Yan be jealous?"

"The two beauties from Xinjiang Province are equally famous, and you won the Golden Eagle Award first. How could you not have any other ideas?"

Damimi: "..."

Rouba: “…”

It’s no wonder that the two of them felt a certain tacit understanding, their ideas and personalities really matched…

(End of this chapter)

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