Chapter 23
Facing the unknown, Xu Jian felt that he was in awe.

It is not a normal person to rashly confront a demon and not be nervous.

A matter of life and death.

Cultivation of immortals is really not very safe.

If it's just an ordinary matter, he won't worry about it, but when it comes to Xia Lu, he can't ignore it.

'Maybe you can take a look again, if you just meet by chance, I don't need to participate. '

It can be seen from One Sword Asking the Sky that many people know about this thing.

That being the case, someone must handle it.

It is better for professionals to do professional things, and help if you can, and forget it if you can’t.

Can't show off.

But you have to prepare for the worst, and that is related to Xia Lu.

Finally, he asked his father how to deal with it.

"What are you cultivating?" asked the other side suddenly.

"A magician." Xu Jian replied.

"Will the magician make mistakes when he comes on stage?"

"of course not."

"Who were you before you came on stage?"

"Who? Isn't it me?"

"Yes, remember this, you must remember that you are you before you go on stage, and you are a magician after you go on stage." The opposite side continued to send a message: "A magician will not make mistakes, so you should be calm when you are ready to go on stage of."

"Calm?" Xu Jian recalled the performance in the meeting room.

That harvest was the biggest, and it was also when he took his time.

The phone rang again: "Yes, the moment you make a shot, you have to understand one thing, you are on the stage.

All that's left is to start your show, taking it easy is something you're born with mentally.

From this moment on, you are a real magician. "

Looking at the message on the phone, Xu Jian was a little dazed.

When you make a move, you are a juggler, and you have to adjust your mentality and thinking.

Whether it is ability or thinking, it should be close to the magician.

Similarly, when the performance is over, you can leave the stage.

And the stage is everywhere.

Xu Jian understood a little bit, but he was still worried.

In fact, there is another way to enhance courage, that is to digest and visualize the figure as soon as possible.

To be strong is to be heroic.

"Don't worry too much, it should be just a Jiuliu demon spirit, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for you to notice.

And Jiuliu Yaoling is the best opponent, with the ring, it can be burned with a fire.

Remember, store up the rings these days. "The other side sent another message.

Seeing this, Xu Jian was relieved.

But soon another message came from the other side, that is, don't take it lightly, and never underestimate the enemy.

Even if you are sure of winning, you can't underestimate the opponent.

If you are really not an opponent, just hide and come out when you become stronger.

Xu Jian thought for a while, can the juggler still digest and visualize the figure while hiding?

Xu Jian didn't ask because he didn't need to hide yet.

In addition to accompanying Xia Lu to the university and work place during this day, the rest of Xu Jian was doing tricks occasionally and recharging the ring.

Xia Lu works in a burger restaurant as a waiter.

One month's salary is average, but it's a summer job after all, so it's okay.

Go back to Xu Jian's house.

Xia Lu excitedly said, "Then I'll move in in two days."

His eyes lit up at the thought of earning money.

Xu Jian refused, "No, just stay with me for a while."

"Inconvenient." Xia Lu shook his head.

"This month is convenient, Liu Yu lives on campus during this time." Xu Jian paused and said, "And you are not sure whether you can adapt to this job, and if you don't, you won't have to move around.

Once you get used to this job, it won't be too late to move there. "

Xia Lu agreed, mainly because his cousin was not at home, so he didn't need to feel psychological pressure.

Xu Jian also arranged for him to sleep in the second bedroom.

In the evening, Xu Jian bought water and some food, and teleported there again.

There are a lot of people on the opposite side, and it is reasonable to say that these things are not enough to eat.

It's a pity that I can't send too much.

Maybe after the eighth stream, I can give more.

Back home, Xu Jian started practicing boxing again.

Vigorous and vigorous, with both rigidity and softness, Xia Lu who was chatting looked silly.

"Brother, when did you become a martial arts master?"

When Xu Jian finished his work, Xia Lu asked in shock.

"What kind of martial arts master?" Xu Jian waved his fist and said:

"It's for physical fitness."

"You're handsome, teach me." Xia Lu said excitedly.

"Alright." Xu Jian nodded.

It's just an ordinary body strengthening boxing, it's nothing to teach Xia Lu.

And this thing is not easy to learn, no one can persist for a long time.

Then he taught Xia Lu whatever Liu Yu taught him.

Occasionally, I will add the changes and feelings I feel after cultivating immortals.

Xia Lu studied it seriously, but this set seems simple, but there are many details.

not so fast
"Inhale here, it feels better, yes, and then exhale slowly here."

"You can't be muddy here, use your belt to drive, don't simply shake your hands."

After ten o'clock, Xu Jian taught roughly, and let Xia Lu practice the rest.

Ask again if you have any questions.

at night.

Xu Jian sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Still imagining the figure in the spring water.

The progress is faster than before. It seems that the progress brought about by the performance is fixed, and the more deeply it is absorbed by the people, the faster it will be digested.

But the feeling is different. When consuming spring water and performing in the conference room, the feeling is from the inside out, but now it is from the outside in.

The help to spirit, qi and god is also completely different, the former increases suddenly, while the latter changes slightly, which belongs to the kung fu of water grinding.

It just grinds faster than before.

Without thinking too much, Xu Jian continued to digest and visualize the figure with luck.

Only suddenly, he felt that weird thing again,
Especially when visualizing, it is very obvious, like a big light bulb.

The sudden change made him subconsciously open his eyes.

The goal was a pitch-black room, with not much light falling in.


Xu Jian looked around, feeling surprised.

If he hadn't noticed it twice, he would have suspected it was an illusion.

"He came to my house, it seems that he really has his eye on Xia Lu."

Xu Jian walked out of the room, wanting to see how Xia Lu was doing.

Just as he got closer, he heard laughter coming from inside.

"Good night, baby."

Xu Jian: "."

He instinctively took a step back.


Tired or not?

I looked at the time, it was one o'clock.

"There's so much nonsense between couples."

Xu Jian can understand this, and only couples can produce so much nonsense.

He chatted with Liu Yu all afternoon, but he didn't have any content, and he felt very happy.

Without disturbing Xia Lu, Xu Jian decided to go around to see if there was any shadow of that demon.

He touched the ring subconsciously, it was good that the magic weapon was there, and he felt safe.

Under the neighborhood, Xu Jian didn't feel anything while walking on the road.

It's just that when I walked to the door, I saw two people walking in, wearing black clothes, looking a little unkind.

For a moment, the other party also looked over.

The feeling of being pricked by the needle is very obvious, it is aura.

The world is so small, Xu Jian sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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