Chapter 24 I Want [-] Daily Changes
The sudden appearance of two people made Xu Jian more sure of the existence of the demon.

I just don't know why I'm staring at Xia Lu.

Seeing them looking over, Xu Jian subconsciously withdrew his gaze and walked outside.

Although I'm curious about what their ideas are, it's just a coincidence that I cultivated immortals myself, and I want some ability but don't want to get involved in it.

So it's better to keep it at arm's length.

"Sir, please wait a moment." Suddenly someone stopped Xu Jian.

"Me?" Xu Jian looked around and spoke nervously.

"I want to ask you a few questions." A man in a black suit came to Xu Jian.

Another stood in the distance and looked around.

I don't know what I'm looking at.

"What's the problem?" Xu Jian asked.

"We just moved here, and we often come back at night, wondering if there are any strange things at night?" the man asked.

The man was wearing a suit, which was either cheap or poorly maintained, as could be seen from the creases on his chest.

In short, there is a feeling of poverty.

"Brother, stop joking. If something strange happens, who would dare to live there?" Xu Jian smiled awkwardly.

This guy really doesn't ask questions.

In the middle of the night, what are you talking about.

I dare not say, will I go back?


However, the other party was not conscious, and said to himself: "A friend of mine told me that the feng shui here is not right, and there may be some weird situations, but I am too poor and can only live here temporarily.

No, come and ask for peace of mind. "

Xu Jian: "."

This man can't tell lies, can he?It's still cheap here?
Listening to the other party's words, Xu Jian felt that he was saying that he was too poor, and the poor could only live in a two-story villa, but could not afford a five-story villa.

"Really not?" asked the other party.

Xu Jian shook his head.

Then he walked away, but fortunately, this person didn't stop him.

From this point of view, it should be the preferred cultivator.

Sensually okay.

But these people are all immortal cultivators who don't understand, so it's better to be careful.

After coming out, I was embarrassed to go back directly.

He could only buy some barbecue and go back to eat.

As soon as he went back, Xu Jian saw Xia Lu sitting in the hall.

"Uh, Brother Xu isn't in the room?"

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"You eat alone?"

"I want to say that I am just helpless, do you believe that I bought it by the way?"

"Do not believe."

The boat of friendship is overturned.


The next day.

Crimson Group.

Yang Yaoqiang punched his card and went to the logistics department to work.

I will be able to become a regular in ten days or so, and I am studying now.

"Xiao Yang's side." A middle-aged man beckoned and said:

"Collect these materials and give them to me."

As he said that, he handed over a stack of information to the other party.

"Okay." Yang Yaoqiang nodded quickly.

Then sit down and start tidying up.

"I heard that you are inquiring about Yaluo Girls' School?" A woman of eighteen or nineteen years old asked with a smile at the next seat.

"Where did Sister Ruo hear about it?" Yang Yaoqiang raised his head and asked curiously.

This is not a big deal, and he has been investigating these days.

However, the more I checked, the more frightened I became, and only normal data could be found.

And neither party has detailed information.

The information in the company should have been extremely complete, but under his authority, it was not even a tiny bit worse.

I asked some colleagues, but they kept silent, waiting for him to become a full-time employee.

This school is so special.

"Inquiring about Yaluo School spread quickly." Ruo Bing asked with a smile:

"Tell me why you inquired about Yaluo Girls' School, maybe I can tell you something."

"Why?" Yang Yaoqiang pondered for a moment and said:
"A cousin of mine was admitted."

"Oh?" Ruo Bing asked in surprise:

"You hit your luck."

"Why do you say that?" Yang Yaoqiang asked.

"Anyway, that's it. I remind you, it's best not to offend this school. You can't afford it." Ruobing emphasized.

"I want to go and have a look next month, what do sister Ruo think?" Yang Yaoqiang tried to ask.

Ruo Bing frowned and thought for a moment: "It's hard to say, they are quite embarrassing, and they might make fun of themselves. If it's not necessary for us, don't go."

Yang Yaoqiang lowered his eyebrows.

So he can't go.

After hesitating for a while, he asked again: "If someone who knows nothing goes, will he be embarrassed?"

"It depends on the individual, just go to the school to inquire normally." Ruobing replied.

Yang Yaoqiang sighed, it seems that he has to let that Xu Jian go.

Then ask about the situation.

"Why is that school so special?" Yang Yaoqiang subconsciously asked.

"You will know in about ten days, so don't ask too much." Ruo Bing replied.

Yang Yaoqiang also somewhat understood that Xia Yu might have encountered an opportunity that others would never encounter in a lifetime.

"Ruobing, take a note, there may be a magician in Yecheng, other information is waiting for follow-up.

Also, stop the small talk.

Your leaders are coming. Xin Yue patted Ruo Bing's shoulder and said softly.

Hearing this, Ruobing was so frightened that she immediately stood up and said in panic:
"Yes, Miss Xin."


Xu Jian had a good meal with Xia Lu, so he took him to work.

Fortunately, not far, you can ride a bicycle by yourself.

You can also walk.

"I'll run in the future to save money." Xia Lu said.

Xu Jian had no choice but to change a few coins for him: "I borrowed it from Da Di, remember to return it later.

Let's take the bus after get off work. "

Xia Lu was a little embarrassed, but still accepted it.

Now he has little money.

After that, Xu Jian contacted Ye Yuzheng again, and this time the other party got him another performance.

It's really going to a nursing home to perform tricks.

Unfortunately, next week.

Because of Xia Lu, he urgently wanted to digest the visualized figure so that he could deal with it with strength.

That afternoon, Ye Yuzheng sent a message.

Invite him to a barbecue tonight, or a friend's barbecue.

Xu Jian knew that it was the other party's turn to have something to do this time.

"Okay, six o'clock, I'll wait for you."


After bringing water and food to Dad, Xu Jian went to a friend's barbecue.

Ordered a lot of things.

Six ten.

Ye Yu got it.

It's still a serious suit, but it's a lot more decadent.

There was indelible fatigue in his eyes.

Seeing the other party like this, Xu Jian couldn't help but sigh, it's really hard work.

"Drink?" Xu Jian asked.

"Drink." Ye Yuzheng nodded.

After half an hour, Ye Yuzheng got straight to the point: "I'm here to borrow money from you."

Xu Jian smiled slightly and said, "I have a question for you."

Ye Yuzheng looked puzzled, but he still said, "Ask."

"What is my occupation?" Xu Jian looked at the other party and asked a question.

"Mage?" Ye Yuzheng tried to ask.

"No." Xu Jian shook his head, leaned his elbows on the table and crossed his fingers, and smiled, "It's your creditor's father."

Ye Yuzheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

Xu Jian ate the skewers and said, "Tell me, how much do you want.

But don't get your hopes up too much, I don't have much money left. "

"How much do you think it is appropriate to lend me?" Ye Yuzheng asked.

Xu Jian stretched out two fingers and said, "Twenty thousand."

Ye Yuzheng frowned, shook his head and said, "Too many, you and Liu Yu can't explain it?"

"Well, I can't explain it at all." Xu Jian sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, [-] is the only savings I have, and I have used up all the money. If I didn't have to pay the publishing fee soon, I really owe it to you." Not more than [-]."

"Ten thousand." Ye Yuzheng said seriously: "Your half, I will remember this matter."

Xu Jian smiled, and now he's going to go back to change [-] a day.

(End of this chapter)

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