Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1220 Ludwig Schwarzheim

Teclis implicitly mentioned something. For a spellcaster, a good body is the foundation, but what determines the upper limit is the tremendous mental strength.

Teddy has reached the pinnacle of spellcasters and is the strongest spellcaster of the elves in thousands of years. This is the title bestowed by Caledor Dragontamer. If the Supreme Wizard was born before the establishment of the Great Vortex, he might have been awarded the title of the strongest wizard in the history of the elves.

Imrick nodded, and Teddy seemed to feel uneasy as well… It wasn't a good sign, but it was necessary.

"We'll discuss this matter when we get back. My court mage...the two people you've never met will be given a certain degree of freedom of movement."

"They sound like criminals."

"Criminals can be killed by beheading, which is the fastest way to eliminate hidden dangers...but the two of them are a double-edged sword hanging around my neck."

The Phoenix King shaking his head in silence only made Teclis feel depressed. It was obvious that Imrik's ability of prophecy had allowed him to know what would happen in the future, otherwise the court wizard who had rarely had the opportunity to move freely in the past two hundred years would not have been able to gain freedom in life.

According to the plan to seal the bipolar portal, what really puzzled Hoss White Tower was where to find a stable pure energy sealing portal. The principle of the Great Vortex was extraction and purification, but the idea proposed by the Phoenix King was a permanent seal, and the elves did not have the ability to accomplish such a great feat.

"About the bipolar portal..."

"We'll talk about it later." Imrik interrupted Teclis's question. It would be useless to think more now. No matter how reliable the plan was, the Chaos Wasteland always existed and the end was about to happen.

We need to get through this crisis and implement the portal plan when the Chaos Gods relax their vigilance. If we consider too much now, there will be loopholes due to a series of changes.

The Phoenix King's ship sailed upstream along the Reik River. When it passed Marienburg, the people at the port looked at it with fear.

It was five days later that we actually arrived in Aldorf.

According to etiquette, the Phoenix King will ride on the throne and step into human land surrounded by the White Lion Guards.

But etiquette is used to protect rules. Obviously, Imrik was not going to follow the predetermined idea. He only wore a red and white crown and walked over the stairs made of star wood. Behind him were the Supreme Mage and the Captain of the Guard.

A serious-looking man with a thick black beard stood in front of the port. He had a stern expression and wore a golden helmet with an olive branch on it. His tall and burly figure looked like an iron tower.

The man introduced himself first. He had an emotionless look on his face, like a machine.

"I am the Emperor's champion warrior Ludwig Schwarzheim. I am here to greet His Majesty the Phoenix King, the monarch of all elves, and to escort you to the Imperial Palace by His Majesty's order."

The neatly arranged Reik's Guards exude a murderous aura behind the champion warriors. As an elite legion with the shortest establishment time but whose reputation is comparable to that of the major religious knights, the Reik's Guards use the most effective method to prove that they can gain the emperor's trust.

Letting soldiers be responsible for the reception was unreasonable and even impolite in terms of diplomatic etiquette, but it was obvious that Karl Franz knew what Imrik liked.

"Ludwig Schwarzheim... the champion warrior known as the Blade of the Empire. Unfortunately, my champion warrior is busy with important matters, otherwise he would fight you."

Ludwig was not afraid of the stage, and said calmly: "It is my honor to fight with Lord Masno. His Majesty Magnus once praised him for his bravery and fearlessness. He is truly a model of a warrior."

"So... I should have a good reputation in the empire." Imrick expressed his genuine amusement to Ludwig, who claimed that he couldn't laugh. You can't laugh, but you must smile for me today.

"You are a hero in the empire, a wise monarch and an outstanding military strategist who is highly respected." "I thought you were a foreign elf who relied on the dragon to become arrogant."

"Ahem." Ludwig coughed twice. He had done some preparation. Although the notes of previous emperors all stated that the Phoenix King was easier to approach than expected, it was the first time they met, and telling self-deprecating jokes on such an important occasion... It wasn't quite appropriate.

"Then Ludwig, I'm curious about one thing... Are you interested in working for me? The treatment will definitely be better than in the Empire."

"Please don't joke, this is not something to be curious about." Ludwig glanced at the team parked behind the Phoenix King. Just by observing with the naked eye, he found several people exuding a strong temperament.

A man in a winged helmet wearing red and white protective gear, a white-skinned elf in a pure black robe...

"Forget it, you are more boring than I thought." Imrick shook his head, thinking that Ludwig was just a pure soldier, who never smiled and was infinitely loyal to the monarch... a good guy.

"Kadroin, take your people to discuss security plans with the Reik Guard. I don't like a bunch of ratmen running out while I'm sleeping."

This is a dark history of Rickland. Imrick, who was the Dragon Prince at the time, single-handedly defeated the large-scale "assassination" carefully planned by the rats, turning a corner of the palace into ruins.

But only Imrik could send the silent Phoenix Guard to take over from the Reik Guard.

Ludwig looked serious, his body tensed and straight. "The Emperor has strictly checked all areas of Altdorf. You will not be threatened here. If there is any danger, you need to ask my sword first!"

"Calm down, Ludwig. I'm not questioning your abilities... I just think this would be fun."

Imrick waved his hand, signaling Ludwig to lead the way. He didn't want to stay in the port area and be watched like a monkey.

Rick's guards escorted the Phoenix King in an exquisite carriage, and then signaled the Flame Knights to protect him closely. They would not mistakenly think that they could serve as the personal guards of the elven monarch in Altdorf.

The emperor attached great importance to this summit and took almost all circumstances into consideration, especially the journey of the Phoenix King from the port to the palace, which was the place most prone to accidents.

As for the security issue, Lord Rick doesn't need to worry about it. Even if he kills all the guards, he won't be able to touch a hair of the Phoenix King.

But the conspiracy does not necessarily have to be achieved through the use of force. As long as someone causes trouble along the way and provokes the Phoenix King, the image of Emperor Karl Franz will be lowered in the eyes of the Phoenix King.

Can an emperor who lacks control over the capital area be considered a reliable ally?

Groups of plainclothes personnel stayed among the crowds along the roads, keeping a close eye on possible hidden dangers.

Among them was Victor Salzpily, who had just arrived in Altdorf two days ago.

He stood at the street corner, staring at the carriage with a red griffin logo on a gold background...

And when you gaze, you should also be prepared to be gazed at.

In a trance, he only felt a ball of cold flames sweeping past him, and his body fell into a bottomless ice cave, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. (End of this chapter)

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