Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1221: United Again

Karl Franz was an energetic emperor with boundless loyalty to the empire.

So while waiting for the Phoenix King, he also dealt with some documents.

Rick's guard rushed back at full speed and reported to the emperor what happened in the port area. After hearing that Ludwig was poached, he nodded sternly, his eyes flickering as if he was thinking about something.

"Can the Phoenix King bring his female relatives with him?"

"There are four women in the group, but they look different from Phyllis you mentioned, and they were very late in the order of getting off the ship, so they are probably just maids."

Franz nodded again and waved to the "Queen" Maria Luisa von Wolfen who was waiting beside him. He was not married yet, but already had a son.

From a legal perspective, the current emperor of the empire is still single. If the Phoenix King comes with his female relatives, it would not be considered rude for him to welcome them with his distant cousins ​​and childhood sweethearts...

But the actual situation is more complicated than imagined, because the Phoenix King now has two wives. If the two come to visit together, the emperor's cabinet team may have to rack their brains to figure out how to arrange them.

Half an hour later, in the palace hall of Altdorf, the Phoenix King met with the last emperor Karl Franz.

Karl Franz, along with the nobles trusted by Lord Rick, stood before the throne. After seeing the Phoenix King, he wanted to greet him first.

But unexpectedly, Imrik was more enthusiastic than he expected.

The Phoenix King walked straight towards the emperor, looking at Ka Hammer all the time. I've waited for more than two hundred years, and finally you're here. Do you know that when Magnus was alive, I was hoping that the old man would die quickly so that Ka Hammer could take the throne?
When the Phoenix King stretched out his right hand, the herald who was in charge of chanting the title of the newcomer was stunned.

Whether it is official records or personal situations, this is the first time that Imrick and Karl Franz have met, and the Phoenix King has not been to the Old World for a hundred years, and his friendship with the Elector Count of Rickland is limited to cooperation.

And extending one's arm, in Caledonian customs, means recognition and friendship.

Although the elves thought that His Majesty's behavior was inappropriate and unbecoming of a monarch, the correct course of action should be to wait for the human emperor to take the initiative to show goodwill, and then show some goodwill like throwing a bone to a dog.

But seeing the Phoenix King coming, Karl Franz was by no means a coward. The emperor reacted quickly, leaving the team of nobles and walking quickly towards Imrik.

But the actual situation was more interesting than expected. Unlike everyone's expectation that Imrik would say affectionately that the empire had an outstanding emperor, the Phoenix King took the emperor's hand and patted his shoulder, like an elder encouraging him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Carl..."

Karl Franz, whose shoulder was in pain from the power of the Phoenix King, raised his eyebrows unnaturally and said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, for three years and six months."

"Welcome to the Empire..."

"Okay, okay, stop saying these spoiling words." Imrik rudely interrupted the emperor's speech, not thinking there was anything wrong with it.

If you have any opinions, you can go and consult Walkerma at the Temple of the Twin-Tailed Comet to see if the Super Bald Man has any doubts about the actions of the Great Jihad Hero.

"I am different from Shorty. I don't like all this red tape... Why don't we make a bet, Xiao Hu... Ahem."

Imrik paused. Thorgrim with a mustache was an inside joke. His immature performance during the Great Crusade made people sigh that power really makes people mature quickly. "When Thorgrim arrived in Altdorf, the first thing he did was to carry his throne of power, fearing that the height difference would attract criticism and eventually be recorded in the Book of Hatred. Someone said that the dwarf was short, so he immediately returned to the Eternal Peak to summon the Iron Hammer Warriors to prepare for the reckoning."

"Imric... I have recorded your words in the Book of Hatred." Thorgrim, who was not on the throne of power, walked from a corner of the palace with a thick beard and a Karak dragon crown on his head.

Originally, the meeting was a matter between elves and humans, but Thorgrim knew that if Imrik was allowed to do what he wanted, he would definitely humiliate the dwarves severely.

The High King's status in the empire was no less than that of the Emperor. With a little inquiry, he learned that the Phoenix King had arrived at the palace.

So he brought... Brockson, who was tinkering with gunpowder with Bayershazer, and a group of Eternal Guards, to the palace hall.

Imrick stopped patting Karl Franz's shoulder, rubbed his chin with an amused look and looked at Thorgrin: "Your short legs are much faster than I expected this time. Have you grown taller by drinking milk recently?"

"Go to hell..." Thorgrin had a bad temper, but his status as a monarch overwhelmed his personality.

After all, this is a very important summit and we cannot let the dwarf lose face, but if we don't curse back, it seems even more embarrassing.

Thorgrin stroked his beard and explained calmly, "I was busy looking for a reliable husband for my daughter, so I set out a while in advance... I believe that soon, I will be able to see some lively little guys."

Little Beard has three children. This is what the Phoenix King and the High King like to joke about in their correspondence. Theoretically, the elves have a much higher fertility than the dwarves, but they only have one child, while he, the High King, has three.

"Really... I suggest you marry Jenny to Gragrim and help him fulfill his vow as soon as possible."

"I can't pretend I didn't hear you, Imrik."

Agrim, reeking of alcohol, came late with his orange hair standing up in the sky wearing the Crown of Balagu. His red nose showed how drunk he was yesterday.

Imrick thought it was better not to say anything. Gragrim was the descendant of the Iron Fist, and he might also be the last sworn warrior and war destroyer of the Dragonbeard clan...

"I'd like to meet Gragrim if there's a chance."

"Will do."

Karl Franz was stunned. It was said that the elves and dwarves were at odds with each other. Was this the case? The Phoenix King joked about the Book of Hatred in front of the High King, but Thorgrim didn't show any sign of being angry.

It shouldn't be... I heard that their actions in the badlands were a political deal, but I'm afraid the real situation is far beyond the Empire's expectations.

Fortunately, Imrik did not forget the young Emperor Carl. He dragged his sledgehammer to the High King and kept a suitable distance to avoid being criticized by the mustache man. He always got a sore neck when talking to the pointy ears.

The people standing in a triangle made Imrick look a little nostalgic. Magnus, Erickson... The great holy war back then had the same configuration.

But the old Longbeard is dead, Magnus is waiting for Sigmar's coming, and I am the only one who is still holding on...

"Everyone, I have been waiting for this day for a long time." (End of this chapter)

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