Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1241: Aldorf Gang

Looking at the silent Majesty, the captain of the guard asked tentatively: "Your Majesty? Do you want to..."

He wanted to ask if he wanted to buy a new copy, but it was obvious that Imrick had misunderstood him. He cursed, "Will you get angry at a child who did something wrong? Besides, this fully proves that their passionate combination skills are effective and can destroy a rotten and moldy armor..."

Creon shrugged, thinking that His Majesty was confused.

"I heard that there are other people who have similar protective gear..."

"So what are you waiting for? Go buy one now."

Imrik was overjoyed. He had no good deeds in his life, but he loved armor and weapons. He was determined to collect equipment from all historical periods of all races. After the end of time, he would take Gail Maraz away and collect him as part of his collection.

Creon said he understood that the royal court had a special fund that was used to satisfy the Phoenix King's collecting habit. Every year, some people brought a large number of counterfeits to try to deceive His Majesty, causing the funds to increase instead of decrease, reaching an astonishing number.

No matter what price humans offer, the elves can offer a higher price.

But when the captain of the guard turned around, Imrick slapped his head as if he suddenly realized something and almost forgot about the important matter.

"Wait a minute, change your equipment and follow me to the city."

Don't ask too many questions, this is the code of the Flame Knights. Creon spent some effort to change into close-fitting mithril soft armor according to the standards of the previous prince's era, transforming himself from a solemn royal guard into a seasoned elven adventurer.

Imrik's attire was somewhat similar. If it were two hundred years ago, he might have been able to pretend to be a wealthy young man, but now that he was older, his mentality had become calmer.

So the rich young man became a monarch who went on a secret visit, and he looked like a character who was not to be trifled with at first glance.

The Sword of Asuryan was always with him, but Imrik did not want to use such a sacred weapon in Altdorf. He found a standard long sword in the training ground and signaled Creon to leave the palace with him.

After a while, walking in the port area of ​​​​Altdorf, the Phoenix King looked at the streets with a tendency to confrontation with interest. From the layout, the port of Altdorf was built around the Rick River.

If a city is built along a river, most of the sites will be located at the bend of the river, with easy access to water and convenient transportation, and if a flood occurs upstream, the losses can be minimized.

However, after years of urban expansion, Altdorf has crossed the Reik River and expanded towards the northern part of the empire. The five port areas fully demonstrate the prosperity of trade in the capital of the empire.

The five regions meant that this was by no means an easy land to govern. Intricate gangs and cultists were entrenched here, and people from all over the world flocked to Altdorf to seek benefits under disguised identities.

The port with the largest area is governed by the Hai Gou Gang... It's ridiculous to say that the port is governed by a gang right under the emperor's feet.

But this is also the tradition of the empire. The black and white sides cannot be separated, only to better serve... the sacred purpose.

At least that's true for the Sea Hook Gang, which is made up of local people from Reikland. They are just pledging allegiance to Sigmar in another way.

When a group of people carrying wooden boxes, whose auras were much more ferocious than those of the sailors, passed by, Imrick patted the dust off his shoulders and asked thoughtfully.

"Are there any gangs in Lothern? I seem to have never heard of such things."

"A long time ago, about three hundred and twenty years ago... a gang supported by Julian Baneblade was causing great trouble in Lothern."

"The results of it."

Creon wrinkled his nose and used his body to block the vendors pushing a cart of freshwater fish from passing in front of His Majesty, avoiding the disgusting smell from entering the surroundings. "Tyrion joined this gang and eventually brought them into the Lothern Sea Guard."

Imrik was stunned for a moment, then quickly laughed. This was truly in line with Tyrion's style.

The Phoenix King looked around, and a gaze that was so clear that it was almost dazzling emerged from the corner of the house. Judging from the aura... Tzeentch, Nurgle, and No Fate. It seemed that Carl's guarantee lacked some credibility.

"The Sea Hook Gang is a union of the locals of Reikland. What about our friends in Kislev? Will they miss this feast?"

"They are in the northern port, trying to expand their influence to the south... but the pace is a bit slow. It has been almost a hundred years."

The Reiks and the Kislevites are the main components of the Altdorf gang... In other words, the Kislevites can be seen in every city with a port in the Old World.

They may be hardworking porters during the day, but turn into gangsters at night, using all means to get what they want.

Knowing Aldolf well, the captain of the guard brought the Phoenix King to a tavern located in the corner of the port. When the people in the tavern saw that there were two elves coming, they all burst into shocking laughter.

"Look, it's Grandpa Elf..."

"Shut up!"

The cheek of the person who laughed the loudest came into close contact with the palm of a big man, and two bloody teeth flew to the ground.

Even more exaggerated was when someone lifted up a bench and hit the laugher hard on the head.

The two elves were not disturbed at all. This little scene could probably only scare children.

At the table, the young bartender brought out two glasses of wine and invited the elf in the already silent tavern to go to the second floor for discussion.

After a commotion, the lobby was filled with whispers, indicating that many people were curious about the elves' identities. It was not like there had been no elves coming to the tavern before, but they were all politely persuaded to leave by the owner...

In the soundproof room, Imrick leaned against the sofa and looked at the bartender lazily: "Where is your boss?"

"He needs some time." The bartender glanced at the elf sitting lazily on the sofa and the Flame Knight standing behind him with his hands behind his back, and he couldn't help being shocked.

The Kislev gang has connections with many parties, otherwise it would be impossible for them to occupy the northern port of Altdorf without any support... Not long ago, the Flame Knights approached them and said that they had something to commission in the near future.

And the real mastermind behind the gang... the Patriotic Army, agreed with this.

Twenty minutes later, a thin and ordinary-looking man appeared in the box. When he saw that there were only three people in the room, he closed the wooden door.

He slapped a silver medal with the flaming eagle logo on the table and introduced himself calmly: "Ivan, the second-class sergeant major of the Patriotic Army, leads the brothers of Altdorf under the order of the general."

This was a question and inquiry. Just now, Creon had implicitly taken out the Flame Dragon Medal of the Flame Knight. Ivan needed to know the true identity of the visitor.

Even though he had vaguely guessed the origin of the seemingly lazy man, he was still not sure. (End of this chapter)

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