Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1242 Three Aspects

"Ivan... I seem to have heard this name before, maybe ninety years ago."

Imrick's mumbling made Creon answer without hesitation: "An officer named Ivan went deep into the Iron Mountains and found the remnants of the Gorond Sorcerer Council. He destroyed their plan to collapse the mountain. You rewarded them afterwards."

"Oh I got it."

The elf's sudden realization doubled Ivan's pressure. Now there was no need to guess, there was only one person who could make the Flame Knight behave like this.

Under Imrik's playful gaze, Ivan slowly put the medal into his arms, and under the bartender's astonished gaze, he stood up and slowly walked to the elf in front of him and knelt on one knee.

"Ivan Nikolayevich Yeager, the man you are talking about is my great-great-grandfather, and I am willing to serve you, my lord."

"Get up." Imrick was not too surprised by the sergeant's attitude. Ever since the Russians in the New World spread everywhere, a strange idea emerged in their minds.

These people who have wandered outside and experienced the influence of the New World vaguely believe that there are two monarchs above their heads, one is the Tsar and the other is Prince Caledo.

The concept of nationality was still very weak in the feudal era. Even if one held Kaledo nationality, there was no explicit rule that prohibited one from joining the Patriotic Army...

Imrik is already considering sending a group of people back to Kislev. As to whether to use them as capital for Catherine or as filler for the Patriotic Army, it will take several years to decide.


Ivan Nikolaivich Yeager stood up straight and seemed a little restrained. He was highly regarded by the general, otherwise he would not have been sent to Altdorf to take over the Kislev gang forces in the southern brother country.

But his experience of living in the New World when he was young left his heart somewhat torn, and his pledge of allegiance to Kislev and his loyalty to Caledor... seemed to conflict.

"Don't worry about your duties. I'm not here to ask you to make difficult choices... I need to investigate a few people."

A bag of gold coins was thrown on the table by Creon. This was the usual bargaining chip of the elves. Sometimes the temptation of gold was far more direct than power.

But Ivan did not even look at the gold coins, and waited cautiously for His Majesty's arrangements.

“First, gather information within the empire and look for a ratman grey prophet named Chuan Kui Luo. I believe he should be active within the empire.


Imrick frowned and turned to look at the young bartender. "You, get out."

“This…” The bartender felt a little cold, wondering if this meant he was no longer trusted.

Creon was not in a good mood, and seeing that the bartender had no intention of taking action, he gave orders physically on behalf of Ivan.

Ivan remained indifferent and fully cooperated with the Phoenix King and the Snow Queen in Altdorf. This was the general's order to him.

Without the irrelevant people, Imrick could naturally speak freely: "Second, if there is news about Sylvania spreading in Altdorf... minimize the scope of impact as much as possible."

"What do you mean?" Ivan pursed his lips unnaturally. He had received some rumors about the resurgence of darkness in Sylvania, but no one dared to spread them during the summit.

The emperor allowed the gangs to exist in Altdorf because they still had value in existence, not because they were like cults that lacked control.

"You can tell the general and he will be aware of this... but before that, you need to obey this order."

"Yes." "Third, inform the emperor of all the news about the cult you know, including but not limited to what you know now and before."

The order was brief but contained a lot of information. Ivan pondered over it for a while and thought that the Phoenix King was revealing three directions to the Patriotic Army.

First of all, the elves are ready to take action against the ratmen. The ratman gray prophet named Chuan Kui Luo may be the key... As for whether the gang can be found, it is actually not important, but showing attitude is important.

This might reduce the number of elves on the expedition, allowing the Patriotic Army to express understanding and support.

The second thing is the matter of Sylvania... The exposure of the Blood Serpent Brotherhood has reduced the hatred of the Patriotic Army towards vampires a little. Some sensible white-skinned monsters can also fight against the forces of darkness.

If we follow this logic, the matter of Sylvania was probably arranged by the Phoenix King.

Finally, there is the Empire. Hiding the matter of Sylvania would certainly be extremely disadvantageous to the Emperor, but at the same time he gave her another big stick, which was a show of force to the Patriotic Army.

The elves support the vampires, but they will never give up the empire.

Looking at the gradually cold sofa, Ivan sat down on the floor, holding his forehead and cursing inwardly: "This is a troubled time."


After leaving the tavern, Creon took Imrick straight to the tavern opened by the Sea Hook Gang.

Compared to the Russian tavern...the tavern led by Rick seems a bit vulgar. How can the elf describe it?

Although the Maozi Tavern was very noisy and fights often broke out, occasionally the drunkards would pick up the accordion and shamisen in the corner and sing ballads in their rough and long voices. Some of the more cultured ones would even jump on the table and chant poems.

A rough appearance and an extremely sad heart, this is Kislev.

As for the Empire... instead of expecting the people of the Empire to have artistic talent, it would be better to let them think about which bet to place on horse racing or boxing tonight.

Even in Altdorf, a city with the richest cultural atmosphere, one rarely feels the atmosphere of art...except for the Slaanesh body art occasionally seen in private residences.

The noisy sounds, the bustling atmosphere, the stuffy smell of sweat... filled Imrik's nose, and for a moment the Phoenix King almost fainted.

Fortunately, half a second later, he had actively blocked out the terrible smell, and two invisible transparent fires appeared in his nasal cavity. Perhaps this was the greatest benefit of obtaining the power of Asuryan, without having to smell things he didn't want to smell.

As a troublemaker, Imrik naturally would not walk towards the counter. He frowned as he glanced at the drunkard who was rushing towards him, and dodged a rainbow flying into the sky. Under Creon's murderous gaze, he walked towards the corner of the tavern.

Phoenix drunkenly held the bottle, shook the little wine left in the glass and said, "Aldolf's wine is still strong...but the elven wine from the Lahmia Palace seems to be good too."

"Are you planning to stay in Altdorf this time?"

The blonde secretary looked a little sad and took a deep breath: "My father is old... The family business also needs someone to take care of it."

Gotrek expressed his understanding, put the beer into his mouth, and drank half the barrel in one gulp.

"It's a good thing for humans to stay at home, rather than seek eternal end with a butcher..."

"But I don't think so, Gotrek, Mr. Phoenix..." (End of this chapter)

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