Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1243 Commission

"You are……"

Gotrek's one eye is very intimidating. It is said that he can kill giants, trolls, dragons... a series of horrific monsters among humans with just one glance.

As the axe swept across the elf's face, Gotrek felt a surge of fighting spirit in the axe that he never let go of, which was stronger than any enemy he had ever seen before.

Maybe he can give me an honorable death!

Action is faster than thought, this is the usual style of the dwarf butcher. When the God of War wanted to pick up the axe to chop the elf, Phoenix held his comrade's hand and shook his head slightly to indicate no.

Compared to the butcher who keeps seeking death, Phoenix, who comes from an elite family, will think about more things. It is not difficult to judge from the fact that the elf and the High King sat at the same table when they met in the afternoon that the person in front of him must be the Phoenix King who is visiting Aldorf.

To rashly attack the Phoenix King would be a blow to the reputation of the dwarves and would also call into question the capabilities of the host empire.

Phoenix poked his head out and asked softly, "This unknown elf sir... it is not gentlemanly to interrupt rashly."

"But I am not a gentleman." Following Imrik's nod, Creon sat in an empty seat at the table and stared at the dwarf butcher with a stern expression. The captain of the guard had already sensed Gotrek's desire to fight.

Although he did not think the dwarves posed a threat to the Phoenix King, he needed to eliminate all hidden dangers, including but not limited to preemptive strikes.

"Phoenix, have you ever thought about one thing? Why can you, a poet, accompany Gotrek all the way... and get the artifact lost in the Eight Peaks Mountain?"

The Phoenix King lied without blushing. "Karaguel, this strange weapon has been sought for a long time by the Angrand clan, and it has not been found in hundreds of years. However, the legendary duo can just wander around in the badlands and get a big treasure for Phoenix."

"This is... the result of training." Phoenix said hesitantly. What was beyond doubt was... he was the weakest among the four. The Phoenix King, an unknown guard, and a dwarf butcher, it looked like a situation of fighting.

"If training is effective, there wouldn't be so many soldiers dying on the battlefield. And Gotrek, what changed you from an engineer to... a bad-tempered butcher?"

The two inquiries only made Gotrek more impatient: "Elf, just say what you want to say. I hate beating around the bush, especially with you guys!"

"How dare you!" Creon aimed his murderous intent at Gotrek. He hadn't heard such offensive words in a long time since he became the captain of the royal guard. To humiliate the Phoenix King was to humiliate all the elves.

Gotrek's one eye showed no fear, he clenched his fist in excitement, it was very strong... this was equal to death.

The butcher who was seeking death still had some reason. He knew that the guard could not make the decision, so he could only ask the Phoenix King in question: "Elf, I am seeking a glorious battle."

"Of course, you can go and fight him... I will talk to Mr. Phoenix alone."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The unhappy Flame Knight and the Furious Butcher restrained themselves from fighting in the tavern, but after leaving the tavern, waves of clanging and echoing roars were immediately heard.

Judging from the way they fought, the port area around the tavern will probably need to be rebuilt. Imrik was not worried about this. If the Empire demanded compensation, then let the Shorty pay. As long as they dared to be vague about this matter, I would send people to harass Gotrek from time to time to see whether the gold coins or Grimnir's whereabouts were more important.

Although he was a little worried about Gotrek, Phoenix thought it was better to worry about himself. Outside, two warriors were fighting, but in the tavern... it was a conversation between a monarch and a "poet".

"Phoenix, have you ever thought about one thing? How to serve Sigmar."

"This should not come from the mouth of an elven monarch."

"Indeed, this is not a matter for me to interfere...but you two are very important to me, and I will not allow any mistakes to happen." Imrik narrowed his eyes, and the gleam of light that flashed across his eyes only made Phoenix feel a chill.

The blond secretary's long experience of traveling around the world told him that it would only take a thought for the elf in front of him to kill him.

"I wanted to hire you two to do something, but this requires seeing if Thorgrin will release the people... I will give you a commission, an important task to kill the Chaos Dragon in the Norsca Mountains."

Phoenix opened his mouth unconsciously, wanting to politely refuse. He had considered returning to his family to take over the business and never getting involved in any adventure again.

"Karl's Losi, the first Chaos Dragon born in the mortal world..." Imric explained the situation of the dragons to himself, with an inexplicable sadness on his face: "'Golden Dragon' Karl's Losi, once the leader of the Selby clan, one of the most powerful dragons of the Caledor Fire Dragons... When Aenarion and Indragnir fought against the four great demons on the Isle of the Dead, Karl's Losi and his brave partner Lilfen also faced a bloody battle to stop the Tzeentch Legion from attacking the center of Ulthuan.

The dragon army succeeded at a heavy price. Lilfin used himself as bait to make the Lord of Change emerge. When the dragon prince died in purple flames, the furious golden dragon Carlosi tore the Lord of Change's body into pieces. It should have been a victory, but it turned into a tragedy for Caledor and the dragons.

The flesh and blood of the Ever-changing Demon Lord devoured by Carlossi twisted his body, colorful flames emerged in his eye sockets, and the dazzling golden scales turned into an ugly dark red... Disgusting tentacles with eyeballs stretched out from the gaps between the scales, and a head emitting a weird laugh burst out.

It escaped Caledor's pursuit and fled to the Chaos Wasteland in the north. It occasionally appeared in the history of more than 6,000 years, such as the fall of King Stonearm and the sinking of Gatya Gurak... It is said that all Chaos Dragons are his descendants, and he is one of the most powerful monsters in the world. "

Phoenix swallowed his saliva. If he heard correctly, the Phoenix King had entrusted him and Gotrek to kill a powerful magical beast that had survived for at least six thousand years.

This is simply... so exciting!

Phoenix's body trembled slightly, but it was not out of fear, but rather excitement.

"I..." He really wanted to refuse. The responsibility of the family had shifted from his father to his descendants, but those lengthy account books and human relationships were far less exciting than encountering a pair of green-skinned orcs in the wilderness.

Until Phoenix hesitated about something, Imrick solved this worry for him: "I will explain your difficulties to Carl. I believe that the emperor knows how to treat a family that devoutly believes in Sigmar well. Compared with boring favor trade, this world needs your courage more..."

Seeing Phoenix's excited expression, Imrick muttered to himself.

Of course, this courage means that Gotrek can go to die without any burden, and you can be a blonde secretary in the back... (End of this chapter)

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