Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1247 The Guys Who Hold Back


Agrim seldom heard such probabilistic words from the High King. When he passed the document to the Human Emperor, he ignored the racial barriers, grabbed the captain of the Phoenix King's guard, and asked in an unquestionable tone.

"Creon, what happened in Karak Dreadnought?"

The captain of the guard said nothing. This kind of news could only be told by the leaders present. Although his words were credible... he did not have the permission of the Phoenix King.

Knowing that he could not get any useful information from the Flame Knight, Agrim could only let go of his hand and hope that Imrik would give an explanation.

"Several greenskin tribes have formed a waagh and are attacking Karak Dreadfort. Their target is likely Altdorf... Athel Loren's scouts informed my intelligence officers five days ago that the outer walls of the mountain fortress have been breached, and they may be conducting an underground war now."

Five days... Agrim weighed it in his mind. If he set out from Altdorf, it would take at least half a month to reach Karak Dreadnought. It would be even more difficult to bypass the greenskins on the periphery for direct support, and it would likely lead to a double-team situation.

Furthermore, the High King has not brought any troops to Altdorf, and most of the troops in the Empire are elite...

The High King glanced at Carl, and before the Emperor could make a clear statement, he gave the order to the herald without further ado: "Gather the compatriots of the Altdorf dwarf community, take up arms, put on armor, and join me in helping the Sons of the Mountains of Karak Dreadnought!"

There are quite a few dwarves in Altdorf, most of whom are craftsmen. It may sound like their fighting ability is insufficient, but this is the case with most dwarven mountain forts.

The grassroots dwarf warriors are usually laborers, and they take up weapons and act as soldiers when war breaks out. The population size strictly limits the size of professional soldiers. Even the Eternal Peak, which has the deepest foundation, only has about 10,000 professional soldiers.

Thorgrim seldom summoned dwarf warriors to fight, but there was nothing he could do now. There were no more than 400 dwarves in the palace of Altdorf. Although most of them were elite, they could hardly resist the tide of greenskins.

Carl didn't have much opinion on this. He trusted the High King very much, and the word he used was "convince" rather than "assemble". From a diplomatic perspective, it was not a big deal.

"Kurt, how many soldiers are stationed at Uberrick?"

"Three thousand provincial soldiers, one hundred and sixty Reik Guards." Kurt stared at the Dukes of Bretonnia and said slowly, "In an emergency, this number can be doubled."

"Bretonnia supports the righteous actions of the dwarves. Resisting the greenskins is the duty of every woman..." Duke Lyonness wanted to follow the routine, but he couldn't open his mouth. He could only change his tone: "The duty of a knight."

Without any worries, Carl made a surprising move. He made a prompt decision: "Prepare to send the Deathclaws to fight. I will lead Uberrick's soldiers to personally support Karak Dreadnought."

The Emperor tossed his cloak and without waiting for anyone else's reaction, he walked towards the menagerie with his trusted Reik Guards, leaving behind only the elves with playful faces... and the stern-looking dwarves.

"Imrik, where is your dragon?" Thorgrim would not pin his hopes on a griffin. If the Phoenix King came with a dragon, it would definitely greatly slow down the greenskins' attack speed and delay the reinforcements from Altdorf.

"Don't forget, you idiots were worried that the summit would fail, so I burned Altdorf to ashes, but I strictly limited the number of dragons that could accompany us."

"Damn it!" Thorgrin was furious. He was not worried about the threat of the dragon, but mainly about... the doubts of the electors, a bunch of guys who were holding him back.

After thinking for a while, Imrik decided that he couldn't just take it easy, so he gave North an order: "Let Alaros return to Athel Loren through the roots of the Oak of Ages, and lead the giant eagles and forest dragons to attack the greenskins from the flank of the Grey Mountains. Speaking of which..."

Thinking of the situation in the Grey Mountains, Imrick's sarcasm resurfaced. "I have already announced to the dwarves that we will not take the initiative to attack, but the Dreadnought and Desolation Castle have been ruthless in their transformation of the mountains. They hollowed out the rocks near the castles and set up all kinds of traps, fearing that the roots of the Oak of Ages would get too close. They have built an impenetrable natural defense network against the rugged mountains. Not to mention the elves, even mice can't climb up. They are really a bunch of retards."

Thorgrim's face turned red, but now was not the time to argue with Imrik. It was already difficult for the elves to support him, so he still expected them to do everything they could to save Karak Desolate Castle? It was simply a dream.

"But I haven't been to the front line for a long time... North, tell the royal court to send my protective gear to Altdorf."

Brockson was surprised and asked, "You really don't have any armor?"

According to the dwarves' experience, when Imrik travels, he must be ready to fight at any time, and the possibility of him not bringing protective gear is roughly equivalent to not having a dragon around him.

"I just didn't expect that the Empire and the Dwarves were such losers... I came all the way from Ulthuan to attend the meeting, and I actually have to go into battle myself."

Broxen was about to say something foul to Imrik, but the High King interrupted him: "Enough, never mind why he didn't bring armor, Imrik, bring your guards with you, this is very important to the dwarves."

"Is this an order? Or a request?"

“This is… a request.”

"very good……"

Needless to say, the anxious Supreme has left with the Eternal Guards after gaining the recognition of the elves. He will follow the will of his ancestors and guard the territory of the Mountain Kingdom.

As for Imrik, he was not in a hurry. The dwarf's speed was not fast, but the elves were different. After getting some war horses in Altdorf, they could organize people to rush to Karak Dreadnought immediately.

Ignoring the embarrassed looks of the electors, the Phoenix King waved his hand to let the elves disperse and prepared to hold a small-scale military meeting on the matter.

Twenty minutes later, Creon looked a little solemn. According to past traditions, the person who expressed his opinion in front of the Dragon Lord must be a trusted Dragon Prince. But now...

Kadroin, Kuran, Alaros, Marest...it's like a pot of rat shit piled together, which makes people feel disgusted.

Imrick said calmly, his hands folded on the table.

"Let's talk about our respective ideas, starting with Kadroin."

In the past, during the war council, Kazhuo usually used sign language to communicate with others, which was criticized, but this time he could not do so.

The dry voice came out of the Phoenix Guard's mouth, like a corpse that had never been watered.

"I... don't have any... ideas." (End of this chapter)

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