"Just kill them. The Black Guards have killed countless greenskins in the wastelands of Naggaroth and will not be afraid of any noisy waagh."

This is Kuran's idea, and it is also Druzy's consistent impression of the greenskins. It is difficult for a race that makes a living on the ocean to have much contact with the greenskins. For most of history, there is not much difference between Druzy and the greenskins to the order races.

"The greenskins in the Naggaroth Wastes are just a group of remnants left behind in a corner of the world. They are completely different from the situation in the old world." Imrik shook his head calmly in rejection. This greenskin invasion was not simple. From the beginning to the imminent capture of Karak Dreadnought, there was almost no news. It was impossible that there were no two big guys behind the scenes causing trouble.

Kuran did not respond, but his calm expression showed that he did not take the greenskins seriously.


After pondering for a long time, Alaros expressed a guess.

"Are there any traces of ratmen among them? As far as I know, the rangers of the short stacks are... rather stupid, but even the death passages between Eternal Peak and Iron Peak Castle can transmit information. The Dreadnought Castle is only separated from the Empire by half a gray mountain range. It is impossible for the goblins to intercept all the dwarves."

"Nice idea..."


Ten minutes later, Victor was carried by the Flame Knight Bocachili to the Phoenix King. This time, the Phoenix King had a completely different temperament from the previous ones. He was cold, arrogant and powerful.

Before the witch hunter could speak, the Phoenix King issued an order: "Victor, according to the military order of the empire, will you participate in this operation to support Karak Dreadnought?"

"No, my duty will be to deal with the undead disaster that may occur after the war."

"Then you have new responsibilities..." Imrik nodded to the side of the assembly area, indicating that they could come out.

Seeing Victor's strange look, the butcher with two axes on his waist looked extremely dissatisfied.

After hearing the High King's call, Gragrim immediately wanted to follow his father to save his compatriots in the Dreadnought from danger.

But in the blink of an eye, War Undertaker was stopped by the Phoenix King, who told him that he had something to solve.

Agrim did not think much about it. It might be safer to follow the elves than to stay among the dwarves. Imrik would not sit idly by and watch his only offspring fall into danger.

Imrick did not elaborate on the details and only gave an order: "He is Gragrim of the Dragonbeard Clan of Karak Kadrin, the one who will carry out the mission with you... There is an underground bonfire on the mountain to the left of Karak Dreadnought. Lighting it will help guide the artillery of Wisenland to locate the coordinates."

The witch hunter swallowed his saliva. This mission was a bit crazy. The craziest thing about it was that... his teammate was a butcher. He was not suitable for this kind of secret mission at all.

The most likely thing a butcher would do when encountering an enemy is to leap into the crowd, cut the enemy into pieces, and then besiege him, completing his eternal end.

Knowing what the witch hunter wanted to say, Imrick waved his hand and said, "Bokaqili, tell him the list of people on this trip. He can find a helper among the elves at will."

The arranged Phoenix King disappeared from the witch hunters' sight as soon as he turned around, leaving only the humans, elves and dwarves staring at each other in amazement.

Bocaqili coughed twice, clenched his fists and showed a bit of toughness. In his eyes, what else was there to say about the personnel list? Since His Majesty attaches so much importance to Victor, he must have an important mission, and the Flame Knight is naturally the best helper.

"Ahem, Victor, I think you also know how much His Majesty values ​​this operation. I think you need to find the best swordsman to help..."

"I need a scout, an elite scout who specializes in dealing with various emergencies."

The Flame Knight, who was forcibly interrupted in his confession, glared angrily. What a shitty scout, is it important to have the help of the Flame Knight? He can kill through the entire greenskin defense line by himself.

After glaring at the enemy many times without any result, Bokachiri who wanted to take the back door felt a little helpless. The witch hunters were very serious and the Flame Knights did not dare to do anything that would go against the Phoenix King's will.

"Akaslan, one of the elite shadow walkers of Nagarythe and the candidate for Hand of the Shadow Crown, I will inform him of this."

The Flame Knight snorted coldly, and left with dissatisfaction. As he disappeared from the sight of the humans, he reminded them, "His Majesty takes this mission very seriously. Don't let him down, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences of failure..."

After the elves left, the witch hunter and the butcher finally had time to talk. Victor raised his hands and crossed them in front of his chest, then stood up and made the double-tailed comet salute: "Greetings to you, follower of Grimnir, may the wrath of the god of war be with your axe."

Gragrim inherited some of his father's small characteristics and didn't care much about these complicated formalities. He just nodded and shook the towering orange crown on his head: "May Sigmar be with you, witch hunter."

"Then, brother dwarf, can you tell me why you were chosen by the elves... so that I can analyze the reasons." Victor asked tentatively. He had always been puzzled by the elves' goodwill all along. Even though he had an important mission, but... was the Phoenix King qualified to know?
It would have been better if he hadn't said anything. When it comes to the pointed ears, Gragrim is simply furious, blowing his beard that doesn't even reach his chest: "I was ready to set out with Kadrin's warriors, seeing Grimnir's wrath spread across the mountains, but I didn't expect my father to send me away!"

"Excuse me, who is your father?"

"Algrim Ironfist."

Victor rolled his eyes. It turned out that he was the only son of the Butcher King, the Warbreaker of Karak Kadrin. What was he still asking? He must be a thug for the elves.

The War Undertaker, also known as the one who shares honor and disgrace with the Butcher King, is usually only held by the son of King Kadrin. The necessary condition before becoming the king is to prove that he is a "successful" butcher.

Agrim was a failure, so he was a war mourner for a long time and participated in the most massive great holy war in a thousand years and was still alive, but Gragrim... the witch hunter couldn't guarantee it, as the little mustache looked a little frizzy.

If he died, would it be a good thing or a bad thing?

Gragrim's eagerness to fight made Victor have such thoughts in his mind, but he quickly put them out of his mind.

The ancient covenant between dwarves and humans must be maintained with life. This is Sigmar's guidance.

Two heavy white breaths came out of the butcher's nostrils. Gragrim was eager to head towards the Dreadnought Castle to prove that he would become a successful butcher.

"Let's go. Forget about the pointy-eared scouts. They're all wimps."

"No rush... It will take a few days for Aldorf to gather his troops, and I still need to find some help." (End of this chapter)

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