Finding reliable people is never an easy task, especially the elven wizard that Victor found. The fear he showed after seeing the Shadow Walker gave the witch hunters a headache. They bluntly stated that they would not join a human team without His Majesty's order.

It will take two days for Altdorf to assemble his troops, and Victor must arrive at Karak Dreadnought before the army sets out.

This meant that he only had one day to find the right person.

A morning passed, and he was looking for manpower in the mercenary market with a large amount of gold coins, but his identity as a witch hunter made many people wait and see. In addition, the price offered by the High King was higher. It was not a difficult choice to work for the dwarves or for the witch hunters.

Gragrim, who was watching along the way, kept muttering. He felt that Victor was wasting time: "Salzpyre, we don't have time to waste in Altdorf. Our compatriots in Karak Dreadnought are waiting for hope."

"I know, but... don't you think it's a bit too difficult for three people to carry out this secret mission? We need at least one attacker and a mage."

The butcher cursed in dwarven language. When facing the greenskins, magic was not as reliable as imagined. Waagh's position could effectively affect the use of magic. According to the human level, the few mages were nothing but a burden.

The Shadow Walker, who had not interrupted the conversation, now spoke in a deliberately low, hoarse voice: "I recommend that you find a magic swordsman, who can perfectly meet your requirements."

"I know... but where can I find the magic swordsman?" Victor sighed. He was not a big shot. The relationship between mages and the church had always been bad. This task was assigned by the elves, and he could not jump in front of the magic academy and say, "Phoenix King has something to tell you. Let your most powerful wizard follow me."

The shadow walker was silent for a long time. It was his duty to cooperate with the mission and provide intelligence: "The Horned Viper has an office in Altdorf, and some of the followers of Sotek have the ability to cast divine spells."

Giant-horned viper... Victor thought about it and thought that this seemed to be feasible, so he asked the Shadow Walker to take him and the dwarf to the place where blood gathered.

Half an hour later, the witch hunter looked at the viper stronghold, which was comparable to a gathering place for heretics, with his eyes trembling constantly. What on earth did he see? A group of people surrounding the rats and performing a living sacrifice?
A human wearing a giant snake mask, holding an obsidian serrated blade, suddenly thrust it into the throat of a black-haired rat. The blood dyed the sacrificial blade red along with the scream, and it slid into the stone groove on the ground with a strange prayer sound.

Holding such a bloody ceremony in Altdorf would certainly arouse the vigilance of the Church of Sigmar. Before he entered, he saw several witch hunters in plain clothes. He thought they were the Church's surveillance of him...

Now it seems that there are still not enough people, and at least a reinforced company should be arranged to stay around.

The man wearing the giant snake mask was wearing a scarlet feather coat made of a material that Victor had never seen before. There was an indescribable color flowing on the surface, like a flowing rainbow.

After cutting off the black-haired rat's head, the priest prostrated himself before the giant snake statue and prayed for a moment, then turned around and faced Victor and his party: "Thank you for the attention of the Lord God, what do you want from the giant snake believers?"

The priest's eyes glowed red, a strange color that had turned crimson due to being soaked in blood for a long time. Judging from the ears that were exposed in the air, he was not an elf.

"I need a spellcaster to carry out the orders from the Phoenix King."

"If you are prepared to fight against the greenskins of the Dreadnought, we have a mission to accomplish and need to hunt..."

Without giving the priest any more time to explain, Victor drew out the sword given by Elvis. He had already vaguely understood that instead of talking nonsense with the elves, it would be better to make an offer that could not be refused.

Sure enough, after seeing the inscription on the sword hilt, the priest's scarlet eyes dimmed a lot. The high-ranking priests of the Knights Templar were naturally familiar with the elven runes and the marks of the ancient saints. This sword was engraved with the family emblem of the Grand Master.

"There is no official user of the Wind of Magic in this office. I am the only one who has received some power from the Lord God, and I am able to exert some powerful powers that are too strong for a humble servant."

"It's okay, that's you." The priest was not surprised and turned his head to look at the shadow walker in the shadow corner. Obviously, this matter was revealed by the Nagaryeth elf who knew a lot of secrets.

"Honor God's will."

Having made the decision, the priest did not hesitate and asked Victor to wait for a moment as he needed to get ready for the next battle.

After a while, the priest appeared in full gear, causing Victor to frown several times...

The mask was never taken off, which was why the witch hunter did not ask for his name. It would be very stupid to ask a masked person his name.

The colorful feather coat turned into a cloak hanging behind him. This must be a magic item that should be able to effectively resist the wizard's attacks.

The brass scales are as fine as a net and are forged in an ingenious way. The armor plates at the chest are shaped like a forked comet.

The priest holding an obsidian hammer checked the sturdiness of the weapon with a ratman's head, then nodded with satisfaction.

"I haven't been on the battlefield for more than 20 years. I hope that God will bless me so that my weapon will remain as sharp as ever."

More than 20 years...

Victor thought for a while. According to the rules of the giant horned viper he saw in Lauren Loren, anyone who could become a high-level priest had to be a devout believer in Sotek for at least more than 30 years.

Assuming that the priest in front of him officially joined the cult at the age of twenty, fought against the ratmen and chaos for thirty years, and was raised in Altdorf for another twenty years, wouldn't he be seventy years old?

"Excuse me, how old are you?"

The priest chuckled, his voice hoarse like a snake and very strange: "I have lived through as many years as the butcher of the Longxu clan next to you. Thanks to the protection of the honorable god, I have served the Holy Seal Giant Lizard for a long time... I have been able to temporarily delay the aging of my life and stay in this world."

"Speak more clearly."

"To be precise, I am one hundred and eighty-nine years old, and one of the first Kislevites born in the New World."

They are all monsters.

Victor shook his head with a sigh. This world was too unfair to the empire. To take the simplest example, His Majesty Magnus, who was chosen by both gods, could only barely live past a hundred years and was helplessly succumbed to the years.

But the Bretonnian knights next door, blessed by the goddess of the countryside, have been able to spend two centuries without any pressure, doing evil over the heads of the serfs, but this world is still so unfair.

The will of mortals can only be exchanged for courage and sacrifice.

After sighing for a moment, Victor decided to find the right person and signaled to set off towards the Gray Mountains immediately. (End of this chapter)

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