Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1254 The Greatest Hunter

Marcus Wulfhart, a skilled hunter who rose to prominence in the Emperor's army, is a devout follower of Thal, dedicated to killing all the mutant beasts in Duncanwald Forest and restoring the forest to its original natural environment.

During the summit, he organized patrol missions around Altdorf to prevent the Phoenix King from wanting to go out of the city to hunt on a whim one day, but turning from a beast into a beastman, and hunting into a massacre.

When the Emperor rushed to Uberek, Marshal Kurt gave him an extremely important task, leading a team of hunters to quickly rush to the Grey Mountains to scout the situation of the greenskins for His Majesty Karl Franz.

According to the Marshal's original words, don't trust the elves too much, especially before the battle begins, they always have various reasons to change the tactical direction.

It turns out that this is not wrong, so this is why Marcus Wolfhart inexplicably came before the Phoenix King.

Marcus, carrying an amber bow, is strong and in his prime. He is a hunter with murderous intent concentrated in his heart. Only when he looks into those eagle-like eyes can he feel the sharpness.

People who draw bows usually have somewhat different body structures from ordinary people. When Wulfhart lowered his hands, they were vaguely close to his knees, which meant that he could draw a larger bow in a more free way.

"Marshal Markus Wolfhart?"

Imrick asked doubtfully. According to his impression, Marshal Wulfhart was a ruthless man. With the scraps given by the Empire, he was able to roam Lustria and let the Lizardman Slann grandfathers know what gunpowder weapons were. Times have changed.

"Your Majesty, I am not a marshal." Marcus, wearing a fur hat, stood upright in front of Imrik. He didn't know what was going on. When he was running towards the Gray Mountains following the orders of Marshal Kurt, he was suddenly intercepted by the Flame Knight, who said that the Phoenix King wanted to see him.

"That's a shame... But if you switch from Karl Franz's court to my place, I can make you a marshal and give you a duke."

"I'm sorry, but that's not what I meant."

The Phoenix King sighed and only asked Metal-faced Bayershazer nothing. The four generals under Card Hammer, Kurt, Ludwig and Marcus all clearly refused. Could it be that this kid has such a great personal charm?

"Well, I've heard that Emperor Karl Franz is deeply loved by the people, and now it seems to be true... If you don't mind me asking, when you were hunting in Duncanwald Forest, did you see a giant lizard covered with gold ornaments and with scars all over its body?"

Marcus's eyebrows suddenly jumped up, as if he thought of some bad memories: "I was fortunate enough to see it once. He tore a few minotaurs into pieces. It left a deep impression on me."

"You didn't fight him? Like think he was a monster or something."

"..." Marcus was silent for a long time, feeling that the Phoenix King's question was a little stupid: "The Empire has kept records of the Lizardmen's battles in Kislev during the Third Vampire War. I think the giant lizards we saw were friendly forces."

"That's a pity." Imrick was not without disappointment. A few years ago, Nakai wandered around the Old World, saying that he was following Master K's orders to look for fragments of the ancient ruins of Orbion. One of the larger metal fragments was brought to the Empire by the Swamp Demon.

If Marcus and Nakai had a fight... there would be a high probability that he would be torn into pieces. With the Ancient Saint Shield provided by Master K at all times, he would not be like the useless Tongniu who could be pierced through the throat by an arrow.

Marcus had no intention of changing jobs since he didn't find anything fun. Feeling bored, Imrick waved his hand and asked Creon to bring the things over. Creon, holding the box in both hands, threw it to Marcus.

There is no need to think too much. According to the stories circulating in the empire, especially the personal secret records of Weiz, the Grand Master of the Griffin Knights a hundred years ago, whenever Imrik looks for someone alone and gives something, there must be something to tell him.

Marcus no longer hesitated and listened to what the elf said first. If it did not conflict with Kurt's mission, he would just consider it as some extra money.

When he opened the quaint box, he found, as Wulfhart had expected, a longbow.

The longbow is silver-white with a flaming relief like wings painted on the surface. Judging from the material, it is definitely metal, and the string groove is shaped like a claw.

Along with the bow were three scarlet arrows. The arrowheads were more like works of art than weapons, shaped into the exquisite shape of a phoenix head.

"You have a mission. Hunt down three of the most disgusting beastmen in the world... and prove yourself worthy of this bow."

Without waiting for Marcus to ask more, Imrik waved his hand and said, "Moonclaw, the Mad Son of Mothrib descended on Reikland last night, and Morgul Shadowbad appeared in Bretonnia... Due to the "importance" of Athel Loren to the Beastmen, I have sent Alaros back to help, so your emperor has no air force to assist in reconnaissance.

Markus Wolfhart, this is an opportunity. Do you want to complete the reconnaissance mission assigned to you by Marshal Kurt, or implement Karl Franz's philosophy of putting people first? For the safety of Karak Dreadnought and Reikland, who will you choose? "

"This..." Without waiting for Marcus to say more, Imrik ordered the Flame Knight to drive him away and gave him the things. Don't say I didn't help you.

Marcus, who wanted to ask more questions, looked at the group of big men in golden armor surrounding him and swallowed secretly. He didn't understand why the Phoenix King made such arrangements.

Since the elf said this, he must have been prepared. This difficult matter... should be left to the emperor and Kurt.

A pure hunter does not want to delve into the political factors involved. What he has to do is not complicated. He just has to obey the emperor's orders, pull the bowstring and shoot the arrow into the target's throat.

Therefore, after hearing the news, Kurt remained silent for a long time among the staff, and then asked the representative left by the dwarf side with doubts.

"Would an elf do this? When you fought together in the Badlands for too many times, your failure to take responsibility in battle and causing your allies to face difficult choices were not recorded in the Book of Hatred by the High King?!"

Nogrum felt a little aggrieved. How could he know what the elves like to do? He was born at the tail end of the Badlands War. It was said that with the blessing of his ancestors, there was hope for the unification of the Mountain Kingdom, but in fact he missed the best chance to gain fame in a thousand years.

The reason for staying at the human command level this time was simply that his father Thorgrin wanted to pave the way for his son's future and get familiar with the human high-level officials to avoid too many pro-elite factions in the Mountain Kingdom.

The dwarf prince frowned, thought for a long time, and said with difficulty: "The dwarves do not support this behavior. I will warn the elves that they must contribute to this action." (End of this chapter)

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