When it comes to fighting ability, there is still a question mark about the ranking of dwarves in the world. But when it comes to the ability to spit and complain, these sturdy species that are as stubborn as a rock are worth ten humans.

As Noglin complained, the tent turned into a vegetable market, and Kurt could only force the mustache man to stop this useless behavior.

The problem now is obvious. As Marshal commanding on behalf of the emperor, Kurt has only two choices. Send Marcus to Karak Dreadnought for reconnaissance, to explore the road ahead for Karl Franz and find out the movements of the greenskins.

The second is to find the trace of Moon Claw and prevent the Evil Moon Son from leading a large number of beastmen to burn the gathering place of Rick County into ruins.

This is not an easy decision...

Pressing the table, Kurt muttered to himself, as if trying to convince himself: "What the elves said may be wrong. No one can guess the whereabouts of the beastmen. Even Tal... can only send countless hunters to purify the forest.

Yes, this is the Empire, the country ruled by Sigmar, not an island suspended in the ocean..."

The marshal was going to let Marcus continue with the original plan and ignore the warning given by the elves. He didn't expect Aslai to provide any useful information. Now it was obvious that the elves did not provide effective support.

If Karak Dreadnought is victorious, the Empire will gain a huge advantage in the subsequent summit.

"Let Marcus continue to head towards Karak Dreadnought..."

"and many more."

Nogrin, who had been complaining non-stop, stopped his twitching lips and asked Kurt with a little doubt: "Do you think the elves gave false information? I want to tell you that so far, although Imrik's actions are very different from those of the dwarves, the intelligence has never been wrong, and the situation will not be exaggerated.

If he puts Moonclaw on the agenda, it means that this crisis is enough to threaten the foundation of Rickland..."

"Then I am also helping the dwarves resist the green-skinned orcs at the risk of Rick's life!" Kurt's emphasis made the dwarf prince remain silent. The Mountain Kingdom and the Empire are brothers in this way. Although the dwarves always like to insult humans as people who make inferior products, they cannot go against the oath made by the High King.

"Let Marcus deal with Moonclaw... We can't afford to be surrounded by beastmen in the rear, right?"

The judgments of humans and dwarves differ, but without exception they are all for the sake of the overall situation. In this way, it seems that the elves are very ignorant...

Marcus, leading a team of elite hunters, was rushing towards the forest in the southeast of Rick County. Kurt temporarily changed the order and asked him to deal with the beastman Moon Claw.

Although he was worried about the front line, the hunter thought that the monarchs of the three parties were all present, and even if there were some minor problems, they should be able to defeat the greenskinned waaagh.

The hunter let go of his obsession and focused all his attention on tracking Moon Claw. For many days, he had been finding traces of the beastman's movements in hidden corners.

The environment of the Empire is very different from that of Bretonnia. Large tracts of unusable deep forests nourish the survival of beastmen and greenskins. These lands are difficult to use and stick to the surface of the Empire like a chronic disease.

The reason why Ivyland became the granary of the empire was not because of its fertile land, but simply because of its low forest coverage. As a simple rule, the more complex the terrain, the lower the grain yield... and the more dangerous the people's lives.

In a deep forest, the hunter team that was moving at high speed and keeping silent stopped the moment Marcus raised his hand. "Something is wrong...stay alert."

The team of more than 20 people quickly and orderly changed into a formation to cover each other, alert to the traces coming from all directions. The devout believers of Tal have vaguely sensed that the wind in this forest is like shit stuck on a spider web. If it is slightly contaminated, you will be haunted by the stench and will never be able to leave.

The hushed silence only allowed Marcus to raise the Amber Bow. This gift from the Beast Mage had helped him many times. It was no problem to shoot through the throat of the manticore with one shot.

But only this time, he inexplicably felt a trace of fear, and his beast-like instinct told him that danger was coming.

There was a sudden sound like a roller coaster crashing into the forest. Stout trees were broken into branches and shattered, hiding the true identity of the person who came...

No, that could not be concealed at all. A huge creature that looked like an upright walking tank, holding a huge iron battle axe like a city gate, rushed towards the hunter in rage.

"Big Horned Bull! Get out of the way!"

Marcus had no doubts about it. He had hunted several giant-horned bulls himself, and each time was extremely difficult. These powerful monsters seemed to be the embodiment of rage and savagery, and would never feel any pain until their vitality was exhausted.

The captain's reminder was very effective. The hunters fled to locations outside the giant-horned bull's charge area. As the emperor's scout captain, Marcus was not just able to dodge.

When facing the charging giant-horned bull, he maintained an extremely calm attitude, ignored the suddenly collapsed jungle in front of him, raised the amber bow, and placed an arrow on the bowstring.

With a flash of golden light, the fine arrow forged by the dwarf blacksmith had already pierced towards the hard-to-see eye socket of the giant-horned bull. No one knew the exquisiteness of Marcus's skills, because he had created countless unknown miracles.

The arrow pierced the giant-horned bull's eye socket. When a blood mist burst out, the beastman monster let out a deafening roar, and charged even more furiously, Marcus moved.

It is difficult to kill a giant bull with one arrow, the captain of the hunters knows this very well, unless he uses a siege crossbow, or...

Marcus looked back at the wooden box on his back. He had tried the longbow given by the Phoenix King and concluded that it was countless times more powerful than the Amber Bow in his hand. What was even more terrifying was its special attack ability against chaotic creatures. A strange, subtle white flame could quickly eliminate hard-to-kill monsters.

But it consumes a lot of physical strength... and there are only three arrows that are truly suitable for this purpose. According to the description of the Phoenix King, it can probably only be used as a means of a Jedi strike.

Is it worth killing a big-horned bull?
The hunter captain thought for a moment and decided to use the amber bow. With a little skill, he could deal with the giant-horned bull for a while and take some time to get rid of it.

Using a big tree as cover, Marcus successfully escaped from the charging range of the giant-horned bull, but the next guy who appeared made him hold the Amber Bow tightly.

A totem of a flesh-eating bull skull, woven from human skin, with fresh blood seemingly flowing on its surface.

The Karkengard Slayer War Group... (End of this chapter)

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