Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1274 White Lion and Phoenix

"In the name of the Phoenix King, die!"

The White Lion Guard's sharp battle axe chopped into the troll's arm in one fell swoop, like chopping wood.

Amid the endless roar, the troll, whose movement was hindered, foolishly swung his oversized wooden stick, trying to sweep away the troublesome pointy-eared springtails around him in one fell swoop.

The White Lion Guards may not be as experienced as the Butchers in dealing with trolls, but when it comes to dealing with giant monsters, they must be the best people in the world.

The troll's wild swings gave the White Lion Guards an opportunity. A tall warrior with a helmet and sideburns much denser than his colleagues dodged the sweep of the stick by stepping sideways. He then ran quickly a few meters away, with his legs tensed and his left foot stepping on a hard stone, using the force to jump towards the troll's head.

The battle axe, which could cut through iron like mud, easily split the troll's skull. The injury that could kill an ordinary creature in one blow was like a tickle to the troll's dull nerve reaction.

There are only two best ways to effectively eliminate trolls: sulfuric acid and fire. Both can effectively restrain the monsters' terrifying limb regeneration ability.

After successfully cutting the troll's head open, the White Lion Guards, who was obviously the captain, did not want to fight anymore. He stepped on the monster's hard shoulder, turned around and jumped towards the ground, twisting his body nimbly and wielding his battle axe in the air. After a flash of white light, the troll's two eyes became decorations.

Without eyes, the trolls' actions became more violent and restless, and the battlefield was shaken to the ground.

The experienced White Lion Guards are well versed in the ways of hunting. They rely on their keen senses and skills to maneuver around the edge of the trolls' attack range, constantly using their battle axes to provoke the monsters' emotions.

The captain had an opportunity to quickly get rid of the troll. An iron chain as thick as an index finger with a hook turned into an afterimage in the darkness and was accurately hung on the troll's gradually healing skull.

Grasping the weakness accurately, he activated the rune of the iron chain. Starting from the front end held by his hand, the iron chain forged from fine steel gradually turned red, shining with hot light like molten iron just out of the furnace.

The wind of Akshay was transmitted through the iron chain and ignited at the hook. The severe pain of the fire slowed down the troll's movements, but it was not enough to take the monster's life.

A glass bottle filled with magic flame retardant hit the hook accurately. After a crisp shattering sound, a dusty red substance, like crystal powder scattered by a butterfly flapping its wings, covered the troll's upper body.


Captain White Lion's roar made his strong arms three times thicker, and he actually tilted half of the troll's body to the ground, making the flame retardant's contact area wider.

The flames ignited the trolls. The magical flames were more deadly than the flames used in normal witch hunts. The terrible limb regeneration ended the trolls' lives in the most cruel and painful way when they came into contact with the feared objects.

This scene can be seen everywhere in the canyon. The White Lion Guards, who are good at small-scale combat, form groups of five to deal with large units sent by the greenskins.

Relying on the experience of fighting monsters in their hometown and the endless variety of coping methods, the Royal Guard has fully demonstrated the prestige and honor established over thousands of years.

The Phoenix Guard, who was quite disliked by Imrik, also showed his irreplaceable side at this time.

When the wild boar appeared above the canyon dragging the chariot, Grant knew that he was in big trouble. Don't ask why the chariot could still run in the rugged mountains. This kind of thing is nothing for the greenskins.

Even if the chariot fell apart on the way, the tusk boar, which was taller and stronger than a human, would never hesitate when charging.

Welcoming the charge has always been a key project in the imperial military. To the north, there are the giant werewolves and ice troll legions of the Norscan barbarians, inside, there are the fierce and unrelenting hooves of the beastmen, and to the south, there is the occasional friction of the Bretonnian grandfather.

Among the neighbors, only Kislev and the dwarves are not to be considered. Although the giant bear cavalry of the Russians is very fierce, they have no intention of fighting the Empire, not to mention the dwarves. Will they use goat cavalry? These two ideas confirm the military development path of the Empire. The traditional knight hedge, the opponent of cavalry is always cavalry.

But cavalry is always a rare commodity, and its biggest function is to tear apart the lines, rather than to be used as a filler.

Therefore, another simple and effective way is to use halberd soldiers and long-range firepower, supplemented by some mobile cover facilities, which became the mainstream choice of the empire.

Musketeers, suppress the uneasy emotions in your heart. The night always makes people think a lot. In a comfortable situation, they always want to find something interesting, but in a crisis situation, they can only pray for the arrival of daylight.

The chaotic canyon made aiming very difficult, and the musket was not a high-precision weapon, so the only way to fire was when the wild boar was about to hit the front line.

After shooting, one would feel comforted, after all, one had tried hard, so the crossbowmen next to the musketeers had already taken the lead in throwing out a round of black rain.

"Hold the line! Musketeers, fire again after my command!!!"

The white-bearded veteran captain commanded the provincial soldiers with unquestionable prestige. He had experienced countless battles in his life and fought to the last man wielding a halberd, and only then did he earn a highly respected position in the army.

He has the confidence to lead his subordinates through the difficult times, just like before.

The wolf riders moved in a guerrilla posture, harassing across the Imperial lines. Although their crude short bows were not powerful enough, the poisonous liquid on their surface was enough to make it difficult for the injured to continue fighting.

The Imperial captain forced himself not to think about when the wolf riders would launch their charge. He would have to face a wave of chariots... and the green-skinned orcs following closely in the valley.

"three minutes……"

He made an assessment, picked up the halberd of honor, and walked to the front line, leading the way with a resolute attitude.

"Son of Reikland, for Sigmar and the Empire!"

"For Sigmar and the Empire!"

To the surprise of the imperial captain, a group of elves wearing red armor and white cloaks appeared in front of the provincial soldiers at an unimaginable speed.


The captain threw down his halberd and tried to hold the Phoenix Guard's shoulders, loudly questioning what the elves were trying to do. I've been making intensive preparations here for a long time, and you only have a hundred people, and you're ready to meet the charge of the greenskin army?
As his palm was about to touch the Phoenix Guard's spotless cloak, he felt a burning pain.

The leather wrapped around the palm had several black holes burned into it, and the calloused hand was extremely red.

A layer of light, only slightly visible to the naked eye, lingers around the Phoenix Guards, like an indestructible barrier that firmly protects these silent sentinels.

Feeling the actions of the humans behind him, the Phoenix Guard turned his head. The constraints of the oath of silence made him unable to speak. He simply stretched out a hand and pointed at the wolf cavalry running around.

The meaning is obvious. Go and deal with those goblins. (End of this chapter)

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