Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1275 Wild and Ruthless

Legend has it that the Phoenix Guard are blessed by Asuryan and will never hesitate on the battlefield. They have witnessed their own destiny and know when they will be called by the Lord.

As the Boar Chariot was about to crash into the thin line of the Phoenix Guard, the Imperial captain saw a scene he would never forget.

The warrior holding the halberd calmly pointed the sharp blade at the terrifying beast, his silent and calm posture like a statue.

It's not like the captain hasn't seen an unbreakable line before. When the Ironbreakers line up together, even the bravest knights will hesitate, wondering if they can make the stubborn dwarves retreat half a step.

But even the Ironbreakers would use cursing and complaining as a way to boost morale when facing the enemy. The captain had never seen anyone greet a charge with such calmness as stagnant water.

Finally, the Phoenix Guards moved. The leader nimbly thrust the halberd into the wild boar's body, dragging the sharp blade and cutting a wound that looked like it was cut in half.

But the impact force would not disappear. When the wild boar was thrown into the air, the chariot was no longer an obstacle. The crude sword of the big orc was already chopping towards the head of the Phoenix Guard.


The Silent Sentinel was unable to dodge the attack because the chariot charge was too large and the greenskins following closely behind were charging fiercely. Retreating would mean the front would be dissipated.

Just as the crude broadsword was about to hit the Phoenix Guard's head, a circle of imperceptible white light blocked the attack like a barrier, and then several halberds simultaneously stabbed the big guy who had lost his vehicle to death.

Their martial arts are impeccable, they are well-equipped and blessed by the gods, and they have the strongest will to fight, symbolizing the cold and noble will of the Phoenix King.

The flimsy formation now became an insurmountable natural barrier, presenting a vivid scene for the imperial provincial soldiers.

If the chosen ones of God were to gather together as an army, what a terrifying force they would form.

The Imperial captain swallowed hard, he saw with his own eyes the light shining as the Phoenix Guard's halberds were swung, there was no killing intent in their calm eyes when they were aimed at the ground, only calm judgment.

"Damn it, if they had come out earlier, would we have to fight the greenskins?!"

The captain cursed inwardly and immediately ordered the halberd soldiers to shift their line and concentrate on dealing with the wolf cavalry running in the outer circle.

The wolf cavalry were annoying. These tamed beasts were highly mobile. Although the threat of bows and arrows was far more effective than sharp teeth and fangs when facing well-trained troops, their chaotic footsteps and howling were undoubtedly a powerful weapon to disrupt the morale of the army.

Just take your time...

The captain judged in his mind that as long as they could hold out until dawn, when the vision gradually became wider and clearer, the crossbowmen would be able to take advantage and defeat the unprotected wolf cavalry.

But the elves don't like to procrastinate, especially when the commander is a Druzy, an out-and-out offensiveist, who will never tolerate the weak staying on the battlefield for too long.

After killing a goblin leader, Kulan took out a milky white whistle that looked like jade. The instrument, carved from the bones of a phoenix and baptized by holy fire, had a clear and loud sound, and everyone who heard it could feel the arrival of Asuryan's will.

The clear shouts were heard three times in a row, and the wild cavalry, who had been preparing for a long time, appeared behind the wolf cavalry at some point.

The giant shepherd deer of the forest captain is the embodiment of the spirit of the forest. It is tall and majestic. When it walks into the forest, it automatically avoids the branches and vines it encounters along the way, making way for the defender of nature.

Compared to Asuryan's silent will, Asrai has his own way of fighting. The captain wears an ancient oak mask and holds high the Wild Hunt ritual honor horn that has become a memory.

When the low and fierce sound reached every corner of the valley, the greenskins' doom came.

"In the name of Kunos! War! Hunt! Death!" The speed of the wild cavalry was faster than any cavalry the imperial captain had ever seen. The rocky road surface seemed like flat ground to the hunters of Kunos. The scattered formation during the charge was undisciplined, but it looked majestic.

The goblin wolf riders reacted quickly, pulled their disobedient mounts, and shot weak arrows with their crude bowstrings.

The sacred symbol on the surface of the oak shield testifies to the dual protection of Kunos and the forest. In front of the warriors blessed by the hunting god, the arrows have lost their original effect and have slid past the wild cavalry and slid down along the air flow.

The sound of hooves was like thunder, spears were drinking blood, and when the goblins stared at the spears that suddenly pierced their throats in disbelief, all they saw were pairs of bloodthirsty eyes.

The fury of the forest was unleashed, antlers pierced through the bodies of wargs, and leaf spears drank the blood of orcs...

When the wild cavalry marched past, the captain of the empire was still in a daze. Didn't the elves say that they sent out the Phoenix Guard... When did the Phoenix Guard contain a bunch of lunatics who were faster than bullets?

They were called madmen, but after the Wild Cavalry had eliminated most of the Wolf Cavalry, they immediately rushed towards the chaotic canyon basin, which was the battlefield between the Black Guards and the White Lion Guards.

In order to release the long-suppressed bloodlust, Kulan deliberately placed the Black Guards in the most dangerous positions. Each Druzy had to face at least ten times more enemies than himself at the same time.

Compared to the seemingly parallel Phoenix Guards, the Black Guards do not have any mysterious or strange powers or gifts. All they can rely on is their honed martial arts and the halberds in their hands, fighting to the end time and time again to prove that they are worth living.

The Black Guard of the Age of the Witch King was an extremely dark organization. They erased their emotions, killed their own mothers with their own hands, and had no fear of death.

The thirteen tower masters fought against each other, using conspiracy, assassination, and collusion to gain the position closest to the throne of the Witch King.

After more than a hundred years of improvement, some systems have long disappeared... But this does not mean that the ability has declined. You must know that every Druzy guard who can enter the royal court will undergo strict examination.

The most important part is to show loyalty to the Phoenix King.

And the Phoenix King will not be stingy with those who show their loyalty.

The black halberd violently tore open the orc's throat. The divine weapon forged deep in the anvil of Vaal easily tore the greenskin's body in half without any hindrance.

And as the offensive sweeps on, it's far more violent than the Phoenix Guard, and after tearing through the midriffs of three orcs with a single blow, all you can see are pairs of eyes filled with murderous intent.

Kuran was very satisfied with this. He laughed and held the Scarlet Death with both hands, blocking the sudden attack of the black-skinned orc's terrifying axe by a hair's breadth.

The elf raised his head and looked at the orc who was half a body taller than him in a teasing manner, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Beast, give me a little surprise, otherwise I will not be able to help but kill you."


The only option left for the black orc was to roar in anger. He waved his arms wildly and his battle axe turned into a black shadow, but he could not make any progress and was accurately blocked by Kulan one by one.

After such a fierce attack, Kuran's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the Wild Cavalry who were fighting with the orcs, and the White Lion Guards who had already eliminated the trolls, and thought it was time to end this appetizer.

The horn sounded again, but it was replaced by a low roar.

Five dragons, with the honor that belongs only to Caledor, descended upon this canyon and burned to death with blazing flames all the enemies who disobeyed His Majesty. (End of this chapter)

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