Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1283 Holy Sword Fragment

The mark of chaos emerged from Ulfric's body, and the plate armor made of fine steel made a series of crackling sounds due to the expansion of his physique.

After introducing himself, the Chaos Warlord stopped talking...

A strong gust of wind passed by Tyrion as it crushed the earth.

Tyrion, who was well prepared, took a stance to meet the enemy, and wanted to dodge by turning sideways, but Ulfric was not only extremely fast, but the aura emanating from around his body seemed strange.

The strange aura slowed down Tyrion's movements a little, which gave Ulfric an opportunity.

The giant was spinning in the air, his swift posture completely inconsistent with his huge body. Using the power brought by the inertial rotation, the Sword of Torgard smashed towards Tyrion fiercely.

Aura wrapped around the surface of Tyrion's armor. Having fought Chaos many times before, he quickly realized that this was the corrupted breath of Nurgle, and a high-level blessing bestowed by the Lord of Flies himself.

Kind of interesting...I haven't seen such a filthy Chaos bastard in a long time.

The spiritual light trapped in the surface of the armor gradually dissipated as the dragon armor's automatic sensing magic was activated. This artifact, which embodies the wisdom of the ancient elves, not only provides the user with unparalleled defense, but also has a series of incredible functions.

The decayed aura of Nurgle disappeared instantly as a layer of golden light flashed across the surface of the dragon armor. The sword of Torgard, which was supposed to hit Tyrion, also missed.

However, in a split second, the situation was reversed. Tyrion, who was in the lower position, turned his head to dodge the sword of Torgard, and the Sunblade slashed across Ulfric's chest at an incredible angle.

A cloud of smoke rose from the ground, and Ulfric, who was thrown away by Tyrion, finally looked a little injured.

He wiped the blood flowing from his chest and abdomen with his hands, and the cruel smile on his lips never faded.

"That's great... Give me a good fight!"

"As you wish..."

Tyrion showed some fighting spirit, and his resolute figure was like the incarnation of a hero.

"In the name of the Phoenix King, the Avatar of Asuryan, you will die by my hands!"

The battle started again, but the difference this time was that waves of cavalry poured out from the open gate, their iron hooves thundering towards the river beach where the Norse fleet landed.


Imrick, who was observing the duel, held up his face with a rather bored look. Compared with Tyrion, Ulfric's strength was only slightly inferior.

If it were many years ago, perhaps we could see a thrilling battle, but Tyrion was a man with a cheat. Not only did he have the Armor of Aenarion, but he also had another, more obscure thing.

Gods will not disappear easily. As long as someone remembers their names, they will have a possibility of continuing.

Most people believe that Cain has disappeared. After all, the holy sword that symbolizes killing has disappeared from the mortal world. But as a person involved and planner, the Phoenix King knows very well that the fragments of the holy sword are hidden in Tyrion's soul.

The reason why there was no sign of anything happening in the past hundred years could only be attributed to the fact that Asuryan's body had been reshaped by the Holy Fire, allowing his icy will to prevail.

This is a trump card... a trump card that will not be used easily. If necessary, Imrik does not mind bringing Aenarion back to the world.

Even if it means paying a heavy price, it is better than the end of the world.


"His Majesty."

The herald waiting nearby knew what His Majesty was going to do. From the beginning to the end, the Phoenix King had never focused on Marienburg. If it had been according to the previous plan, the merchant should have bribed the Norsemen instead of taking the useless treasure and asking the elves for help.

It is obvious that this matter is directed by a senior person in Rick Territory behind the scenes. If the Phoenix King does not want to be criticized, he must take action.

"Give command to Creon and tell Boca Chiri to come to the palace." A bodyguard is the Phoenix King's minimum requirement. At least when encountering some minor characters, having a court swordsman by his side can save some time.

The herald nodded to show that he understood, and then asked.

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

"You will be responsible for assisting Tyrion in handling affairs. At least let the people of the Old World know that the descendants of Aenarion easily defeated the most terrible warlord in Norsca."


This was to establish some prestige for Tyrion. The Phoenix King intended for the descendants of Aenarion to turn their attention to the more important Old World instead of spending all day in Ulthuan.

Malus will temporarily serve as the elven leader of the Chaos Crusade, but it will not last long. No one will dare to easily give trust to the moody Druzy. Even without the influence of the Great Demon, he is still one of the most unpredictable Dread Lords.

Bocachili, with a slight smell of gunpowder, holding a long sword in his hand, with his cloak tied tightly, came to the palace with a serious expression.

He didn't want His Majesty to take the field in person, as this would be an insult to the Flame Knights.

"His Majesty."

"I'll give you three minutes. Follow me to Bretonnia."

Boccachili was completely confused. What was going on? There was a war going on in the Empire, so how did it get involved with Bretonnia?

Besides, the commander-in-chief of this battle is the Phoenix King, and he has obtained permission from the Emperor of the Empire. You are traveling casually like this, which shows that you don't care about the Emperor's attitude.

Seeing that Bokaqili did not respond for a moment, Imrick frowned and said, "Didn't I make it clear enough, my dear court swordsman?"

"It's clear. I'm ready at any time." Bokachiri immediately corrected his attitude. Since he was the only one here, it meant that the Phoenix King only called him.

Isn't this a kind of trust... In another fifty years, I will apply to the Council of Nobles to replace the captain of the Flame Knights.

As he was thinking happily in his heart, Boccachili was suddenly enveloped by a burst of light. The dazzling flash made him open his mouth wide and shout in surprise.

"Ah! Don't be so sudden. Give me some mental preparation, Your Majesty!"

After a brief feeling of emptiness passed, the Flame Knight only heard a voice of disgust.

"This is really embarrassing... You should go back to the Kaled Nursery and teach the kids swordsmanship. You're yelling about a teleportation spell."

When he opened his eyes, the Flame Knight saw the Phoenix King and the Shadow King standing side by side, looking at him with their arms folded across their chests.

Judging from the surroundings, this should be a ship...

"Sorry, sorry, I lost my composure for a moment. After all, this was a bit too sudden."

The experienced Flame Knight immediately tried to fool around and not refute any criticism from the Phoenix King. This was the consensus they had reached after getting along for so long.

"Aris, what do you think?"

The Phoenix King's inquiry only caused the Shadow King to open his lips slightly. "If you think that Bokajiri's abilities are only suitable for teaching children swordsmanship, the court of Nagarythe welcomes him as a guest."

Kidnapping someone, kidnapping right in front of their face, only someone with the emotional intelligence of Shadow King could say that.

Imrick shook his head and said nothing. He first talked about the Shadow Walker, apologized briefly, and then prepared to take Bokaqiri to Bretonnia. (End of this chapter)

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