Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1284 When Dusk and Dawn Meet

Lao Mi has been a little irritable recently. He hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

Menil is a brat that dragons hate, even more annoying than his father and grandfather. Gladys, who dotes on her child, sincerely invites the dragon to be her child's preschool teacher.

After stopping the narration of the dragon's history, Lao Mi casually gave a reason and took the young Silver Moon Dragon Hazerslev to fly towards the vast ocean, as a chance to stretch his muscles after a long time.

Hadeslev had not been awake for long. He was one of the first sleeping dragons to be awakened by the legendary dragon horn. When he closed his eyes, it was the darkest time in Caledor.

At first, he was filled with sadness, thinking that the dragon race was about to be destroyed, otherwise Caledor would not risk using forbidden means to awaken the dragons...

But the reality was countless times better than he had expected. The legendary dragon horn was recovered, the eternal curse of the Dragon Bone Wasteland gradually disappeared... and the descendants of the old patriarch also turned into a person they had never seen before.

Hadeslev, who was flying side by side with Minasnir over the sea, was several times thinner than the older one. Flying beside him, he looked like a deformed child who had been abused since childhood.

But Hazerslev is already considered one of the strongest in the tribe, with towering spiked horns that are sharp and shiny, and sharp dragon teeth that have a steel-like luster.

There was still plenty of time, and Hazerslev didn't mind chatting with Minasnil to satisfy his curiosity.

"Minathnir... I heard from a certain Shining Star Dragon who did not want to reveal his name that during the battle at Finnuval Plains, you simply mastered the Wind of Agil, and then went to the Old World, and became the old man in the temple."

"What do you want to ask? I hate chattering little ghosts the most, whether they are elves or dragons."

Knowing the tragic experience of Lao Mi, Hazerslev turned around and seemed to be looking for trouble.

“So far, you are the only one in the tribe who has successfully returned to the ancient times, when the dragon was not infected by the wind of magic. Although no one wants to ask about it, the old guy never showed control over the wind of magic when he was sleeping in the temple.

Your situation seems a little strange. I have never seen a dragon with the ability to cast spells comparable to Slann."

"That's because you are too young, so you have limited knowledge." Minasnil had no intention of giving a direct answer. It would be useless to say anything, so he simply kept silent.

"You are the same as Imrick, always hiding some key information."

"The truth is never something worth pursuing..." Minasnir said indifferently. When the Silver Moon Dragon wanted to ask more questions, he suddenly used gravity magic to launch a sneak attack. While reducing the speed, he used the Wind of Heaven to manipulate the airflow on the sea surface, allowing the speed to increase rapidly.

"Instead of awakening your magical abilities, you should learn to fly first."

With the torrent of air poured into his mouth, Hazerslev found it difficult to breathe and could only curse the clan leader for being unethical.

The dragon flew very fast, so fast that it reached the target Ark in just a few days.

The Shadow King's flagship is a Black Ark captured from Naggarond, which was the largest piece of land after the shattering of Nagarythe.

After countless successive Admirals Druzy committed evil and plundered on the sea, they finally returned to their true homeland.

With the blessing of the old woman and the meticulous design of a group of shadow mages, this ark, named Raven, can remain almost invisible while sailing.

Although this is incredible, this is the combination of magic and divine power... Belannar contributed a lot of constructive opinions, although the old wizard may have regarded it more as an experimental product.

As the dragon approached, the tower that was originally monitoring the movements on the sea immediately noticed the movements in the sky. The approach of the giant monster made the elves more vigilant. After sensing that it was the Phoenix King's intimate mount, the Ark gradually emerged from the shadows and flashed light in an open space on the left, guiding the landing position of the dragon.

The landing of the giant beast caused a huge gust of dust to rise, covering the Phoenix King in dust.

Lao Mi's arrival naturally gave Imrik the greatest confidence. No matter how big the difficulties he encountered in the past, as long as Lao Mi was there, they would definitely be solved.

If the problem is not solved, it must be because Lao Mi is not here, or because Lao Mi is slacking off. Just imagine, is there any dragon who is able to understand national policies and government affairs and be a nanny and take care of children, and can be called a model dragon.

"Your Highness Minasnir." Bokaqili greeted him and walked towards his dragon companion, Hazerslev. Without the help of his attendants, it was not easy to put on the dragon saddle...

And as the Phoenix King's attendant, he also needs to put a dragon saddle on Old Mi. The Nagarythe elf's clumsy appearance is really worrying.

"Boccachili, stop fiddling with your broken dragon saddle, grab your dragon spear, and set off immediately."

Imrick's scolding made Bokachiri even more helpless. He opened his mouth wide, holding the belt of the dragon saddle in his hand, looking very confused.

"But your majesty, without the aid of the dragon saddle, it is very difficult to hold the dragon spear, and besides..."

"It's alright, just follow my instructions."

Boca Chili turned his head to look at his dragon companion, only to find that the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he was obviously grinning.

The Flameborn Knights, who usually acted arrogantly in Ulthuan, dared not say a word when facing the real boss.

Seeing his companions looking at him, Silver Moon Dragon comforted them: "Don't worry, the elf who tamed Imrik also fought with a spear without a dragon saddle. You are definitely not inferior to him."

Imrik glanced at the Silver Moon Dragon with a deadly threat in his eyes.

"Imric" is an extremely sacred and important name in Caledor. It is the product of translating Dragon language into Elvish. It is the name of the first dragon that fought alongside the elves.

This Silver Moon Dragon seems to be praising, but in fact it is being sarcastic and changing the concept.

Hazerslev shrank his head. Except for a few Thorn-headed Star Dragons, almost all the dragons were in awe of the Phoenix King. Standing next to him, they trembled all over like dead old guys.

"Stop playing around, the current matter is important..." Minasnil patted Hazerslev's head, warning him to be honest, then lowered his head and looked at the Shadow King beside him.

"Aris, how is the Magic Tower doing? Is it connected smoothly?"

The Shadow King stared at the magic tower built with countless energy stones in the center of the Ark, with a cold look in his calm expression.

"The White Tower of Hoeth, the Place of Omens in the Far North of Gorond, the Pyramid of the Stars in the Southern Sky, the Great Temple of Itaza, the Altar of Sotek in the South... Once the time is right, at the intersection of dusk and dawn, you can use this Ark as a spellcasting material."

It is an extremely demanding astronomical phenomenon when dusk meets dawn, but the opportunity has come... (End of this chapter)

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