Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 1285: Ice Eyes of the Dog of War

The arrival of dusk always tells of one thing, that is killing.

In the stories of the old world, the plunderers always have an unsatisfied look on their faces, and they bring destruction to the south when dusk symbolizes the end of light.

A dragon boat landed from the coast, and the knights who were ready for battle scolded the serfs and immediately started the catapults to sink the fragile wooden boat first.

This is one of the few ways to seize the initiative, and it is also a set of experience summarized after Bretonnia was plundered by the Black Ark for a hundred years.

Times have changed when cannons originally placed on ships are mounted behind stone walls and the saints guide the believers of the Lady, making their eyes more keen and understanding the Lady's teachings in a proper way.

The Bretonnian grandfathers are well versed in the ways of war, and they clearly understand the power of artillery. Perhaps these steel creations, which are mainly powered by external forces, cannot affect the noble Holy Grail grandfather, but they can cause crushing killing when dealing with serf troops.

The plunderers skillfully anchored their dragon boats, and when they approached the coast, they had forgotten their initial deployment and rushed towards the stone walls on the coast with their sturdy wooden shields.

Khorne thirsts for blood and killing. It doesn't matter who kills who, as long as blood flows all over the ground, he will be satisfied.

If you kill enough, it is not difficult to be blessed on the spot and enjoy eternal power.

Waves of arrow rain and cannon fire emanated from the Cologne Legion. The powerful sound was like the roar of a lion. Within the range of the artillery, all things were equal.

A round of volleys was quite effective, leaving hundreds of corpses on the beach. After being tortured by the plague, Bretonnia developed the poison bow tactic. The serfs' crude archery skills might not be able to kill with one shot, but the pox arrows that could affect their movements were enough to give the strong Yankees a hard time.

The charge continued. Egil Stybjorn's tactics were clear: use the plunderers as cannon fodder. As long as the berserkers mixed in with the cannon fodder could successfully contact the southern cowards and disrupt the artillery fire, Skellyn's elite Chaos Warrior Legion would easily tear apart Bretonnia's defenses.

Defense and offense, this is a dynamic relationship, and it just so happens that Bretonnia has never been good at defense.

Knights can hold a castle for years, relying on solid stone walls, entrusting their hopes to the ladies, and using their faith as swords to defend their homes.

But when fighting on the plains, they are better at charging into battle than defending.

As the bodies of the Norscans got closer to the defense line, Laun's heart became more and more depressed. The Lionheart King of Bretonnia intended to reform the poor vassal army system, but this was obviously not in line with the national conditions.

The output of a village can only support a few knights, plus a few squires who can ride horses and fight in chain mail. Even if the tax law is 10%, it does not mean that the nobles of Bretonnia can be as wealthy as the elves and dwarves. There is too little time and too many ideas. This is the dilemma of Laun now.

In order to fill this gap, especially when the Phoenix King's heralds informed all parties that a large Norse fleet had moved south, Laun made a decision that went against his ancestral teachings and hired a group of elite soldiers from the Southern Kingdom.

The king promised the soldiers generous rewards and asked them to come to Cologne as soon as possible to protect the lady's land with the stinking money as the foundation.

A war dog named "Ice Eye" with a clear New World background came to Gollon at the invitation of Lawn. Although the time was short and urgent, they relied on some unreasonable magic ships and paid high travel expenses to arrive successfully before the war.

But the actual situation was somewhat different from what Laun had imagined. When the leader of Ice Eye arrived in front of Laun with the sword that emitted a cold aura, he asked a question without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, you seem to be hiding something. Ice Eye has not received any news about the Phoenix Court supporting Bretonnia. Our mages have contacted Ambassador Caledo to the Empire. The Ambassador stated that the Phoenix King is now presiding over the war in Marienburg and fighting the Sali Tribe..."

"You are dogs of war, Gross," Lawn repeated. He certainly knew that Bingyan had a clear New World military background.

It is very likely that it is a civilian military organization composed of a group of retired veterans from Qingyangang, but their powerful firepower and reliable qualities made him deliberately cover up some things.

"Not all dogs of war work for money... We have many choices. Any king or leader anywhere in the Old World will not refuse a group of soldiers with reliable firepower and tenacious will." Gross did not care about the situation on the battlefield. He thought that this Norscan invasion from the south could serve as training for the upcoming Chaos expedition, but he did not expect that the King of Bretonnia was playing word games.

The summit held in Altdorf did form a defensive alliance against the forces of Chaos, but the summit has not yet ended and it has only revealed this consensus to the outside world.

According to the military politics that Gross studied at the Qingyangang Non-commissioned Officers Academy, the Phoenix Court did abide by this consensus and spread the news of the Norse invasion to all parties, but it was only compliance, not assistance.

Money has never been something that Bingyan needs. If they need money, this group of retired veterans can go to Dusk Fortress, the center of the world's sugar industry.

While Lawn was already somewhat angry, Gross nodded slightly and said, "I'm sorry, it seems we can't reach a consensus... Ice Eye will pay the penalty to Cologne as agreed. I hope that next time we cooperate, Bretonnia can make the terms clear, instead of using the urgent posture of destroying the country to morally blackmail a group of war dogs."

The sarcastic words gradually disappeared as Gross turned his head, and his keen senses detected a sound that shouldn't have appeared here.

The Ice Eye leader stopped walking, a smile gradually appeared on his face: "It seems that His Majesty's power is greater than I thought... He can even let the giant dragon come to the battlefield in person." (End of this chapter)

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