Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 250 The Regent of Huang Amaga is equal to the Regent of Huang Amaga!

Chapter 250 The Regent of Huang Amaga is equal to the Regent of Huang Amaga! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Uncle Sihuang?
Could it be that Dorgon also pretended to be dead and became a monk?
In which temple?Hurry up and ask for it!
Suo'etu and Fuquan looked at Bumbutai in amazement, while Aunt Bu glared at her son with her small eyes: "Fulin, I can't conjure up a Dorgon to help you and Xuanye."

The Great Monk Shunzhi smiled bitterly, and said: "Emiang, you misunderstood, I never thought about letting Dorgon come back to clean up the mess. Even if I had this idea, he wouldn't be able to survive!

What I mean is that Xuan Ye is now trapped in Xi'an by Wu Yingxiong, so he needs the regent Huang Ama to help him preside over the overall situation, so that he can lead our Qing Dynasty through this catastrophe.Otherwise, as the emperor is in Xi'an, it would be difficult to deliver external memorials to him, and it would be difficult to spread his edicts to the outside world. After a long time, the various places will not be chaotic? "

"It is true that there must be someone to preside over the overall situation for Xuanye." Bumbutai nodded, "But who can be the regent of Huang Ama? Your brothers who are still alive are all masters who eat and wait to die. Son, it doesn't look like he can be a regent."

How many sons of Huang Taiji are still alive, the fourth Yebusu, the seventh Changshu, and the tenth Taosai, but the three of them are worthless concubines because their mother's status is too low, so they just do whatever they want. So he was appointed as a Fuguogong to deal with it, and he was not eligible for eight points (obtaining the assistant leader).Without a leader, there would be no servant group directly under him, without a kingship, there would be no royal guards, just a bachelor father-in-law with no one to help him, so naturally it would not be easy to get out of the way.

"Emiang," said the Great Monk Shunzhi shaking his head, "you misunderstood again. This Huang Ama and the regent are two people, of course Huang Ama is me! I am Xuan Ye's Ama! Of course I have to help him Bundle.

As for the regent, of course it is Fuquan. With Fuquan and I together, can't we compare to a Dorgon? "

"Ah, so it is like this!" Bumbutai looked at Shunzhi who was dressed as a monk, and then at Fuquan, who was not very smart, and said in his heart: It really can't compare. Dorgon is "big" The wise king', can be scheming!There is also a brave king Duoduo who cooperates with him, and he is a good fighter.One of them is extremely sinister and the other is brave and invincible, how do you compare?
Although I know that the two brothers Fulin and Fuquan (both of the generation of Fu) no, they are fathers, they are no match for Dorgon and Duoduo, but now there is no Dorgon and Duoduo, only Fulin and Fuquan.

"Fulin, then tell me, how do you plan to help Xuanye?" Bumbutai asked.

"Er Niang," the Great Monk Shunzhi said, "Do you know what caused the current disaster in the Qing Dynasty?"

"Why?" Bumbutai thought for a while, then sighed, "It's not because Xuanye was too impatient to cut down the feudal clan. If we wait another ten or eight years, until the old thing Wu Sangui is taken away by God, It wouldn’t be where it is today.”

Shunzhi shook his head, and said: "Emiang, you are wrong, even if it is ten years later, after Wu Yingxiong ascends the throne and then cuts the feudal clan, there will still be chaos. The chaos may be even bigger!

Look at Wu Yingqi, Wu Guogui, Wu Yingxiong, and Wu Shicong, Wu Shifan, Wu Shijue's ability to fight, how is it not as good as Wu Sangui?Besides, what kind of life have our Eight Banners disciples been living these years?What kind of life are the children of Wu Sangui Ping Xifan living?How much has the population of our Eight Banners children increased?How did Ping Xifan give birth to their children? "

Bumbutai nodded lightly: "Fulin, what you said now is similar to what Xuanye said at the time. He also felt that the power of the San Francisco will continue to grow if it drags on! And the imperial court may become weaker and weaker! "

Shunzhi smiled and said: "That is inevitable! San Francisco is getting stronger and stronger, and the imperial court is getting weaker and weaker. In fact, it was already doomed when Dorgon settled in Beijing with most of the Eight Banners! "

Bumbutai understood what his son was talking about, but remained silent.Fuquan still didn't quite understand, so he asked in a low voice: "Ama, what do you mean? Isn't it a good thing for us Eight Banners to settle in Beijing? Beijing is so good! Why is it destined to become weaker and weaker?"

The Great Monk Shunzhi shook his head and said: "The disciples of the Eight Banners gathered in Beijing just to facilitate the imperial court's control. It was just to evade the big and small banner owners, and to gather all the Niu Lu in their hands to Beijing, and put them under the eyes of the imperial court. The government governs the Yamen to control them.

This is actually taking over the feudal rights of the big and small banner owners, turning them from a prince into a relative of the court.This number is actually the same as Zhao Kuangyin's drinking and releasing soldiers!

So after our Eight Banners settled in Beijing, they slowly became a bit like the Bianliang Forbidden Army of the Northern Song Dynasty. Although they were not as weak as the Bianliang Forbidden Army of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were so many Forbidden Army in the Northern Song Dynasty!But how many of our Baqi disciples are there?

And because Wu Sangui and the others retained the feudal town system, they developed into a feudal town like the Dingnan Army!Fuquan, think about how hard it was for the Song Dynasty to deal with Li Yuanhao? "

Not to mention, Shunzhi is very clear about the underlying logic of the evolution of the Eight Banners military system. After all, he is also one of the parties involved!
"Huang Ama, what should we do then?" Fuquan was really anxious, "Now we have to deal with not only Wu Sangui, but also the third prince Zhu, Li Zicheng, Geng Jingzhong, Liu Jinzhong, Wang Fuchen, Zheng Jing... There are more and more traitors!"

The great monk Shunzhi said: "Fuquan, don't worry! In fact, the tricks to deal with these rebels have already been written in the history books!"

As soon as the great monk Shunzhi mentioned history books, Fuquan's head got a little big!This Huang Ama is not going to check my homework, is it?I don’t really like reading history books. Xuan Ye likes them. From time to time, I hold a history book and ponder over it. Then I say that powerful ministers like Oboi have always brought disasters to the country and the people in history, and they must be eradicated as soon as possible!
After a while, he said that feudal lords and feudal kings in history are not good things. If they are not eradicated early, there will be Qing Dynasty versions of the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, Eight Kings Rebellion, Anshi Rebellion, etc. in the future.
But looking at it now, it seems that Xuan Ye was cheated by those history books. With that skill, he might as well be a licentious and foolish king!

Thinking of this, Fuquan frowned and asked, "Huang Ama, don't hide it. If you have any clever tricks, just tell the boy directly!"

"Oh, you, you just don't read, you don't even know this!"

While talking, Shunzhi sighed, he knew that his eldest son didn't like reading very much - this is a bear child, definitely his own!And Xuan Ye was a child prodigy when he was young. I don't know who he looks like?

"Fuquan," Shunzhi paused, and then said, "Let me tell you this, the knowledge of power lies in grasping and letting go. It is not enough to want to grasp any power, and to grasp power at all times It's not okay either."

"Oh, I see!" Bumbutai said, "Fulin, haven't you said for a long time that you want to delegate the authority that you took so hard before? Xuan Ye is already doing this!"

The Great Monk Shunzhi nodded, and said: "Xuan Ye is a smart boy, of course he understands this truth, his purpose of getting rid of Obai and Xi Fan is to seize power! He and Dorgon let most of the Eight Banners children settle down Beijing's aim is the same.

And after he was beaten by Wu Sangui in Sichuan, he began to delegate power again. For example, Chang Ning was appointed as the general of Shengjing, you were left behind in Beijing, and Yue Le was in charge of military affairs in Liangjiang, Zhejiang, and Fujian.This decentralization can allow the people below to act cheaply, and it also gives the people below the opportunity to put more in their pockets, so that the fighting spirit can be a little stronger. After all, if you lose the territory, you will not be able to get any money.However, Xuan Ye's movement of delegating power was still a bit slow, and the force was not strong enough. "

"Not too big?" Bumbutai muttered, "I think it's already quite big!"

"Emiang," Shunzhi said with a smile, "it depends on who you compare with. Compared with the speed of decentralization in the Ming Dynasty, it is much stronger.

However, compared with the Jiugong feudalism implemented by the Jin Dynasty after moving the capital to Bianliang, and the Han princes granted by the Meng Yuan when they invaded the Central Plains, it is much worse.

Moreover, the Jin Dynasty and the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty both delegated power to the Han people, and the strength was quite strong. All the princes who were granted the title could open houses, build government offices, appoint officials, collect taxes, reward and punish orders. It was almost released to the end.

Except for Guangdong and Hunan, which have long been out of control, Xuan Ye only delegated power to the Manchus in other places, and only in places where the situation was precarious. "

"Then how do you release it?" Bumbutai asked.

"Of course it's a drastic release!" the great monk Shunzhi said, "Even if we don't follow the feudal Jiugong's method, we have to follow the Tang Dynasty's method of setting up Jiedu envoys. Not only should we decentralize power in Liangjiang, which is already in chaos, but also in Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi, which are not yet in chaos, have set up Jiedu envoys, and they will also appoint Han generals as Jiedu envoys, relying on their strength to deal with the third prince Zhu and Wu Sangui.

In addition, the delegation of authority to Fuquan and Changning should be even greater!Fuquan can be the regent, take charge of the government, supervise the internal and external military, plus the governor of Zhili, the governor of Chahar and Tumot.Chang Ning is the king of politics, the general of Shengjing, and the governor outside the customs! "

"Isn't this too violent?" Bumbutai looked at his son, "You're not delegating power, you're tearing down the Qing Dynasty!"

"Why was it demolished?" said the Great Monk Shunzhi, "Er Niang, look at this Zhili and Monan Grassland, it is in the hands of Fu Quan. Chang Ning looks after the hometown outside the Guan. Jie Shu watched from east to west. Xuan Ye was holding Guanlong’s side. These lands are all in the hands of our Aixinjueluo family. It’s only Henan, Shandong, and Shanxi that are released. The entire province is released, as long as a Jiedushi is placed in an urgent place.

And we can give these lands to the most reliable Han generals, Fuquan, I heard that you have a few quite usable Han generals under your command? "

"Yes, yes," Fuquan said, "Admiral of the Nine Gates and Commander of the Fifth Battalion, Zhang Yong, and Minister of Military Training, Zhao Liangdong, are both loyal and independent Han generals."

The great monk Shunzhi nodded: "There is also Fan Wencheng's family, and Li Yongfang's family also arranged a Jiedushi. I heard that Fan Chengxun, the third son of Fan Wencheng's family, and Li Yongfang's grandson Sakyamuni are still available, and both Fan and Li The family has an assistant leader of the family, and there are hundreds of servants in the family, so there must be many people who can be used under them."

"Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, Fan Chengxun, Sakyamuni," Fu Quan counted on his fingers, "That's four Jiedu envoys! Where should I put them?"

Suo'etu, who had been kneeling there without saying much, interjected: "The Supreme Emperor, the Regent, why don't you put two in Henan and Shandong first, and Shanxi is under the jurisdiction of Mo Luo, the governor of Shanxi and Shaanxi. Mo Luo is now in Taiyuan, why don't you let them He opened a mansion in Taiyuan.

In addition, there are many Shanxi merchants in Shanxi, who contributed a lot to our Qing Dynasty's dominance of the world. If Wu Sangui or the third prince Zhu took Shanxi, the eight imperial merchants would definitely lose.If the regent asked them to set up a group training, they would definitely spend their money and go all out. "

"Is this the regent king?" Bumbutai narrowed his eyes and glanced at Suo'etu, "Are you in a hurry? Fuquan is not the regent yet!"

As he spoke, he looked at his son again.

Fulin smiled and said: "Suo'etu, your idea is good. I also know this Moluo, and he is quite respectful in his work." Speaking of this, he paused for a while, as if he was thinking about how to make Fuquan the regent , "As for Fuquan's regent, why don't I write a will!"

"The edict?" Bumbutai glanced at his son, "Fulin, is the emperor's will called the edict?"

"No, no" Fulin waved his hand, "Emiang, I don't want to be the emperor, one country and two lords, am I not causing trouble for Xuan Ye? I will continue to be my monk. Oh, queen, concubine, all of you Don't pinch the poor monk too hard, what the poor monk means is to be a monk at home!"

The two Mongolian aunts who were holding Fulin tightly, fearing to lose him again, breathed a sigh of relief and showed a satisfied smile.

"Then why did you, a monk at home, issue a will?" Bumbutai still didn't understand.

Fulin smiled and said: "Emiang, what I mean is that the date of this edict is the days before my meditation. I was the emperor before I retired. Only the emperor's edict can be greater than the emperor's edict, and I can be named regent. Otherwise Even the will of the Supreme Emperor cannot be greater than the imperial edict of the emperor!"

Not to mention, this Fulin is quite particular.He can't create one country and two masters. The Qing Dynasty is now chaotic enough. If there is another emperor who is "benevolent and filial to his father and son", then don't struggle, forget about the country's subjugation.

So he simply added a posthumous edict. The posthumous edict of Emperor Shunzhi must be greater than Kangxi's imperial edict!
Kangxi became emperor because of the edict of Emperor Shunzhi, didn't he?

Now Shunzhi added another secret edict, saying that if Kangxi can't govern and his son is young, the virtuous and loyal Prince Yu Fuquan will be the regent!
This Huang Amado is so considerate!

Kangxi must be very moved if he knew about it.

Bumbutai thought for a while, and nodded: "Okay, that's it, but we can't ignore Xuan Ye's safety, he is trapped in Xi'an city and can't get out!"

Fuquan, a good brother, knew that his regent was stable, and began to worry about the safety of his younger brother Kangxi, so he asked Monk Shunzhi: "Huang Ama, how should we rescue the emperor from Xi'an?"

"Rescue?" The Great Monk Shunzhi shook his head, "It's not about saving, but about relieving Xi'an and blocking Wu Yingxiong's retreat. This is a matter of military affairs, and my father doesn't quite understand it. You should discuss it with Zhao Liangdong and Zhang Yong. Go! But you must remember that you must not take risks this time. Our strength is limited, so we have to keep it just in case!"

Fuquan nodded, deeply convinced, "I obey the order!"

In Xi'an, the Qing emperor is here.

This Xiongcheng in Guanzhong was not actually surrounded by Wu Yingxiong, because Wu Yingxiong's troops were too small, only [-], and they were quite scattered, which was not enough to besiege Xi'an at all. His deployment to Xi'an was at best " guard".

However, Kangxi was unable to break this kind of guard for the time being—Wu Yingxiong and Wu Shifan controlled several counties and important places around Xi'an. If Kangxi wanted to break these important places, he would have to fight several tough battles with heavy casualties.

But now, Kangxi has limited troops and cannot afford to fight this kind of tough battle.But if you don't attack the fortifications, but use the method of siege, you are afraid that Wu soldiers who are not besieged in other places will rush to fight in the field.

So Kangxi is now confronting Wu Yingxiong, and he can still keep in touch with Fuquan, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong, Zhili, Liangjiang, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places from time to time.

And Bumbutai took out Shunzhi's edict (the ink is not dry), canonized Fuquan as the regent, took charge of the government, supervised the internal and external military, added the governor of Zhili, Chahar and Tumot. This "good news" spread to Xi'an.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, something serious happened."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good!"

It was his teachers Chen Tingjing and Xiong Cilu who brought bad news to Kangxi, two usually calm Hanchens, almost rushed in from two places today, among them Chen Tingjing was still holding a copy of the A copy of the Beijing Mansion Newspaper that I had just arrived—there was also a copy in Xi’an, but they didn’t need to read it.

Kangxi was bending over at the edge of the imperial case to look at a map of the situation in Henan - he was thinking about how to fight the next battle in the Central Plains?

It's not enough just to force Wu Yingxiong and Wu Shifan back, you have to find a way to annihilate their father and son's army!

But it's not easy!
When he was in a bad mood, Kangxi suddenly heard the people below say "something has happened" and "it's not good". He immediately became nervous, raised his head and looked at his two teachers with burning eyes.

"What happened?" Kangxi asked.

"Your Majesty." Chen Tingjing said, "Because of a legacy from the late Emperor, Prince Yu is now the regent of our Qing Dynasty!"

"What? A will? Regent?" Kangxi was taken aback for a while, "Whose will?"

"It's the edict of the first emperor Shizuzhang!" Xiong Cilu said anxiously and quickly, "It should be true that the empress dowager took it out on her own initiative. The first emperor said in the edict that if the emperor fails to manage the government, King Yu will Fuquan is here to serve as regent! Now that the emperor is trapped, the empress dowager has brought out this edict! Your majesty, look at this."

(End of this chapter)

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