Kangxi, your Qing Dynasty is dead

Chapter 251 Who hasn't had an unfilial father yet?

Chapter 251 Who hasn't had an unfilial father yet? (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

What is the edict?It must have been written now!
Kangxi immediately understood that he had met an unfaithful and unfilial Huang Ama!This Huang Ama is not only unfilial, he is also loyal!

He forged, no, the act of forging a will is Chi Guoguo's rebellion!
Because the edict is the last edict issued by the emperor, it is an order issued in the name of the supreme ruler of the Qing Dynasty, which is even higher than the edict issued by Kangxi himself in terms of righteousness—because the source of the legitimacy of Kangxi’s rule is the succession of Shunzhi Legacy.If Kangxi denied the authority of Shunzhi's edict, would he still have the legitimacy of his accession to the throne?He is neither a direct descendant nor the eldest son. His mother Tong Jia's status was lower than Fuquan's mother Dong E's before he became emperor. If he hadn't suffered from smallpox, the older Fuquan would probably have ascended the throne.

As for Shunzhi asking Fuquan, what Xuanye wants to do when he grows up, Fuquan said he wanted to be a virtuous king, Xuanye said he wanted to imitate his father, and Shunzhi paid attention to Xuanye. The favored Concubine Dong E is not dead yet, and she is only about 20 years old. Although she is not in good health, Shunzhi has invited the doctor Le to help treat her illness. It will be gone in a hundred days), after recuperation, it will be fine.

And even if Concubine Dong E was healed to death by Leshen and Shunzhi was still alive, he also had the first Mongolian wife and the second Mongolian wife, both of whom were Bumbutai's grandnieces. If one of them gave birth to a son with Shunzhi, then He is the undisputed heir to the throne.

In this case, the concubine's blessing to be a "virtuous king" is already very good, and Huang Taiji's concubine's son is only Fu Guogong, so his answer is the standard answer.

And Xuanye, a brat, wanted to be an emperor purely daydreaming, and his daydream became a reality because of a will from Shunzhi.

Therefore, if he wants to oppose Shunzhi's will, he will reverse his own legitimacy.

And if he doesn't object to Shunzhi's will, then he will be emptied by Fuquan.

This is really neither the opposite nor the opposite.

And what's worse, he is still trapped in the city of Xi'an, and he has no way to lead the army back to Beijing to find out this unfilial Ama and do a good job of "father's kindness and son's filial piety".

How can this be good?

Kangxi was completely confused now.

There was dead silence in the South Study Room in Xi'an. Emperor Kangxi just took over the memorial that Fuquan sent people to Xi'an to announce that he was appointed regent under the last emperor's edict, and read it over and over again.

I don’t know how many times I read it before Kangxi suddenly threw Fuquan’s playbook on the table with his hands, covered his pockmarked face with both hands, and sighed deeply: “This edict of Huang Ama is really true. Fuquan is the regent, will he go all out to attack Nanyang? If he doesn't attack Nanyang, what's the point of my persistence in Xi'an? Now Xi'an is surrounded by rebels, although the siege It's not too tight, but food and grass still can't come in, and I've been trapped for a year and a half, and when the food is exhausted, I'm forcing me to have a decisive battle with Wu Ni's army, and I must win."

".But how can we win? There are only a few thousand Eight Banners strong troops in Xi'an city, and the rest are women, children, old and weak, and there are tens of thousands of Wu troops outside the city! How can I defeat ten with one? And it's almost February now Now, it's time for Wu Yingqi's army in Longyou to move, Laita's side is also in danger, if Wu Yingqi and Wu Yingxiong join forces under the city of Xi'an, will I still have a way out?"

Listening to the desperate tone of the little Emperor Kangxi, Chen Tingjing and Xiong Cilu felt sour, and they almost shed tears.They couldn't understand why Shunzhi left such a will?How did he know that Kangxi would be trapped in Xi'an and unable to govern?What will Shunzhi do if he can pinch it?But if he can pinch and count, how can he not think that Wu Sangui is going to rebel, Li Zicheng is not dead, and Zhu Ming can still "return to the light"?
Moreover, he left such an edict to create one country and two masters. Isn't this cheating his son and cheating the Qing Dynasty?How did he become a father?

"Your Majesty," Xiong Cilu looked at Kangxi at this time and said, "For the present plan, you have to return to Beijing immediately. As long as you return to Beijing, Fuquan has no reason to continue to be the regent! Now the Wu army outside Xi'an is not Many, you are still very sure to break out."

Kangxi took a look at this Hanlin scholar, and he couldn't tell how hard he was!

There is no reason for the Fuquanhui?Behind Fuquan is a bastard Huang Ama who can write wills!Shouldn't Kangxi be dumbfounded if he writes a posthumous edict that if the emperor is not good enough, he will be replaced?How dare he go back to Beijing now?

Unless Kangxi can win the Shaanxi-Gansu battlefield and return to Beijing as a victor, he will give Fuquan the throne when he goes back—if he doesn't go back, Fuquan will not be proclaimed emperor in Beijing.In the current situation of the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible to split up and fight a civil war, or it will really end.

Thinking of this, Kangxi could only grit his teeth and shake his head: "It's not good for me to go out as a teacher, so why would I have the face to see the elders in Beijing? Besides, Fuquan only became regent when I couldn't command the world. Once I broke the siege of Xi'an, His regent position naturally ceases to exist."

When Chen Tingjing and Xiong Cilu heard this, they also admired them in their hearts—this Aixinjueluo family is really brothers and sisters!

But the question is how did Kangxi win this battle?
He is now the Qing version of Xiao Ming Wang Han Liner, he is "Kang Liner", Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi are holding their breaths and want to hack him to death, maybe Wu Sangui will come after a while, when the time comes around Xi'an Wu's army had to have 15 if it didn't have [-]. What did Kangxi use to fight?
But for Fuquan, the Regent of Beijing, to save Kangxi from the siege might be to kill himself. Kangxi will not miss him if he wants to return to Beijing!It's better to let Kangxi suffer slowly in Xi'an. If Kangxi survives one more day, Fuquan's power will be more consolidated.

Thinking of this, Chen Tingjing took a deep breath, and said to Kangxi: "Your Majesty, the world is the most important thing. As long as you can keep guarding in Xi'an, the general situation of the world will be reversed one day!"

Xiong Cilu also nodded and said: "Your Majesty, the current situation in the world seems to be in crisis, but it is actually a "boil" situation. Xi'an is surrounded by Wu Yingxiong, a traitor, and King An's army is also stationed in Nanjing City. Besides, Li Zicheng has been unable to attack Jiujiang for a long time, and the veterans are tired. As long as we can survive until King An breaks Nanjing, the crisis in Guanzhong will be resolved. At that time, Wu Sangui will definitely go to Jiangnan first to obtain a half-walled solid, and then Then I will compete with you, the emperor."

Kangxi frowned and said in a low voice: "That's what I said, but can Xi'an hold it?"

"Yes!" Chen Tingjing gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely! Your Majesty, Xi'an City has a strong wall, and although the defenders are insufficient, as long as all the troops led by Laita and Fei Yanggu are withdrawn, Xi'an can be firmly defended." gone."

"Withdraw Laita and Fei Yanggu? But wouldn't Wu Yingqi be like this?"

Chen Tingjing snorted: "The Wu family has only one throne!"

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement: "If there are more than ten thousand defenders, will there be enough food and grass in Xi'an City?"

"Insufficient," Chen Tingjing said, "but as long as the emperor drives out all the Han people in Xi'an and let them join the Wu army in Bashang, Wu Yingxiong will be the one who is short of food and grass!"

Now the food reserves in Xi'an can last for less than a year, but that is considering the consumption of the 10,000+ Han people in the city.If they were driven away and their rations were taken away at the same time, even if Laita and Feiyangu's army returned, the food in Xi'an would be enough to last for two or three years.

If Laita and Fei Yanggu can snatch a little more on the way back to Xi'an, maybe they can last longer.

"But Wu Yingxiong will take them in?" Kangxi frowned even tighter.

"Definitely!" Xiong Cilu said, "The Wu family's territory is sparsely populated, especially in the desolate area of ​​Sichuan. If hundreds of thousands of people come to vote for nothing, how could Wu Yingxiong not want it? Those people will strengthen Wu Yingxiong's strength. Besides, these hundreds of thousands of people are the hearts of Guanzhong to Wu Yingxiong! If he watched these hundreds of thousands of people starve to death, how can he compete with Wu Yingqi for power?"

Kangxi said in his heart: If Wu Yingxiong wants people's hearts, can I not be a human being?
Thinking of this, he could only nod his head and said: "That's the only way to go. But keeping the isolated city is the next strategy, right? If Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi persevere, what can I do?"

"Your Majesty," Chen Tingjing seemed to be waiting for Kangxi's words, "you are right, it is definitely a bad idea to keep an isolated city trapped, but if someone can operate in the periphery, it will continue to draw Wu Yingxiong's and Wu Yingqi's energy, and beat their food and supplies. Can you still concentrate on besieging the city?"

"Then who can operate in the outskirts of Xi'an?" Kangxi asked.

"Your Majesty," Chen Tingjing said, "Jiangnan's military newspaper said that the Third Prince Zhu is currently organizing training regiments in Jiangnan and Jiangbei. Tens of thousands of people have already been recruited. We can also learn from this method!"

"How to learn?" Kangxi hurriedly asked.

Chen Tingjing immediately said: "Your Majesty, you can issue an edict to the local officials in various places, and order them to serve as ambassadors and deputy envoys of regiment training, and together with the governors of various places, they will raise military salaries, recruit soldiers, and organize regiment training. I am also willing to take the lead in going back to Shanxi and dissipate all the family wealth first." , Then raise funds from Shanxi merchants for the emperor, and organize Jin Yong for the emperor after raising the military salary!

In addition, Yu Chenglong, the former magistrate of Huangzhou, also returned to his hometown after the fall of Huangzhou to join him. He is a rare capable and honest official and has a great reputation in Shanxi.If the emperor can let him and his ministers run Jin Yong together, within a few months, the minister and Yu Chenglong will recruit [-] elite soldiers for the emperor! "

What a loyal minister!
Do you want to spend all your money to run a regiment for the court? Is there any more loyal minister?
Kangxi nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Master Chen, I will order you to be the imperial envoy to supervise the Shanxi regiment training minister, and let Yu Chenglong be the deputy. But I am afraid that only one Shanxi regiment training is not enough? Who else can organize the regiment training?"

Xiong Cilu immediately took over the question and said, "Your Majesty, Sun Sike, the President of the New Army under Laita's command, is the son of Sun Degong, and he is utterly loyal to the Qing Dynasty. Moreover, he has been in the Northwest area for many years and is familiar with the local conditions. Your Majesty It is better to appoint him as the Jiedu envoy of Ningxia and let him manage Ningxia by himself. In addition, Wang Jinbao, the admiral of Gansu, has been in Gansu for a long time.

Kangxi thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, what to do. Shanxi's Tuanlian will not be done by people, but Fuquan will also be done by people. Ningxia and Gansu's festivals will not be appointed, and Fuquan will also send people to do it. If you do it, I won’t bother this good brother!”

Not to mention, this brotherhood is quite deep!
Huguang, Jingmen Prefecture.

The team wrapped in red scarves is marching on the fertile land in the hinterland of Huguang. Starting from Xiangyang City, the progress of Wuji Red Scarf Army has never stopped, but this direction is a bit wrong!They didn't go all the way north to the Central Plains, but went south to Jingzhou!

In other words, if Fuquan obeyed Kangxi's will and led the Beijing army to go south to counterattack Nanyang together with Tong Fengcai and Amida's Henan Qing army, then Nanyang would definitely be defeated by Fuquan before Wu Sangui returned from Jingzhou.

Although the fall of Nanyang will not cause Wu Yingxiong to be destroyed in Guanzhong, the cut off of the back road and the shortage of food and supplies will probably force him to give up the siege of Xi'an, and then cross the Qinling Mountains to return to Hanzhong. , and let his unfilial father Shunzhi mess up Huang.

This Shunzhi is an out-and-out father!
But he is not the only dishonest father in the world today. Wu Sangui, who is riding a tall horse and leading a huge army to "expedite north and south", is also a dishonest father!
He originally had five guards with a total of [-] people. Later, the people of Xiangyang actively speculated. No, they joined the army, which allowed him to gather another [-] troops in a very short period of time!Moreover, many big landlords in Xiangyang also donated food for military use when they took refuge.So now he has a lot of soldiers and generals, and he has enough food and grass. If he wants to go north to Zhongzhou, isn't that a sweep?If you are more determined, it is completely feasible to directly kill the Yellow River and go to Beijing, and the chances of winning are not only certain, but also great!
Because Wang Fuchen, who finally "snatched" Kong Sizhen, has now brought [-] Guangdong new troops to Hubei with [-] Wu troops plus [-] Guangdong troops, which is [-] troops!
Moreover, the Cantonese army brought by Wang Fuchen is well-equipped and well-trained. There are more than a thousand rifled guns in the whole army just hand rubbed!The number of flintlock muskets reached [-]!

This kind of firepower, this kind of troop strength does not require any sophisticated tactics and battle command. If you go directly to Beijing Mang, Fuquan can't beat it at all.
But the problem is that Wu Sangui felt that Li Zicheng should be dealt with first-he stabbed Li Zicheng in the back in history, and made Li Zicheng lose the throne he had obtained.How could he feel free to show his back to Li Zicheng now?

How could Li Zicheng not stab his ass desperately with a big knife?
So Wu Sangui decided to take advantage of Li Zicheng's long-term attack on Jiujiang, to attack from north to south, go to Jingzhou and Yuezhou first, and take Hanyang and Wuchang again. As for the Northern Expedition, let's talk about Li Zicheng first!
Anyway, Wu Yingxiong and Wu Yingqi in Guanzhong have [-] troops, which is a great advantage. As long as they work together, they can take Xi'an without any problem.After solving Li Zicheng, divide the troops into two groups.All the way down to Jiangdong, all the way to the Central Plains, solve the third prince Zhu, Kang Mazi, and Fuquan together, and then the Wu family will be perfect in the world!

After a few days of continuous marching, the vanguard of Wu Sangui's army had already passed the Jingmen Huya Pass and entered the open and flat Jianghan Plain!

At the same time, Wu Sangui's good relative Wang Fuchen, together with his son Wang Jizhen, his second wife Kong Sizhen, and his regular son Wang Jiqing, immediately went to the bank of the Yangtze River pontoon bridge, watching the groups of Guangdong soldiers carrying flintlock guns stepping on the road. Going up the pontoon bridge is also a complacent look.

Only Wang Jizhen reminded his father with a sad face: "Father, once Li Zicheng withdraws from Jiujiang, Jie Shu's army may be able to go down the river, and Nanjing will be surrounded on all sides by then! Second brother, he will be fine."

Alas, this is also a cheating father!
Wang Zhongxiao has been writing letters to Guangdong a lot these days, urging Wang Fuchen to go north and fight with Li Zicheng to bring down both Jiujiang and Anqing. If Jiujiang and Anqing are defeated, then the Wang family army will be able to enter Nanjing.

Only when Wang Fuchen's army arrives can all the good sites in the two rivers and three provinces be taken.

However, Wang Fuchen spent a lot of time in Guangxi, fighting with Sun Yanling and Ma Xiong for several months. Although those two guys were not Wang Fuchen's opponents at all, the purpose of Wang Fuchen's sending troops was strange. To embrace Qing, but to compete with Sun Yanling for Kong Sizhen. What's even more absurd is that Kong Sizhen has been following him all along!What he is fighting for is a title, Kong Sizhen wants to legally become his concubine, and let Sun Jiqing legally become Wang Jiqing!

See what this dad is doing?
(End of this chapter)

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