Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 15 There is one knife, do you dare to ask for it?

Chapter 15 There is a knife, do you dare to take it
"Boss Xiao, this group of people don't seem to be friendly!!"

Inside Xueluo Villa, Zhao Huafan's eyes fell on a group of people with swords and swords outside the villa, and then he said to Xiao Se.

Xiao Se narrowed his eyes when he saw the bandits outside.

"Young Master Zhao is joking, the visitor is a visitor, I open the door to do business, but I don't care about what those people are doing!!"

Zhao Huafan chuckled.

"Opening the door to welcome guests, and never refusing to come, there is a prerequisite, that is, you can live in the town, but I don't think Boss Xiao is such a person!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Xiao Se gave him a meaningful look.

"Brother Zhao doesn't think that I, Xiao Se, have no preparations to open an inn here, do I?? If so, this Xueluo Villa would have been abandoned long ago!!"


Xiao Se was not afraid of those bandits outside, and even said that Zhao Huafan could see something strange from the other party's expression.

Zhao Huafan sighed deeply in his heart, this Boss Xiao's mind is really bottomless.

"You bought me a drink??"

At this moment, Lei Wujie, dressed in red, rushed over and poked his head.

"You're very knowledgeable!! Before long, you'll be proud to invite a world-famous hero to drink!! Maybe some people will envy you by then!!"

When Xiao Se heard this, he shook his head helplessly, cursed secretly, "Baohuo", and stopped paying attention to this side, but walked towards the gate.

There are quite a lot of guests today, if he operates properly, he may not even need to open for three or four years.

It is proper that it will not open for three years, and it will be closed for three years after opening.

"It's famous all over the world. It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do. The young hero is so confident?"

Then Zhao Huafan chatted with Lei Wujie.

"This is not self-confidence, this is the truth!!"

After all, he is a hot-blooded young man, and Lei Wujie's big words are not in vain.

Zhao Huafan laughed and did not refute, because with his talent and the influence behind him, it would not be difficult for him to become famous in the world in the future.

The master is one of the four masters of Leimen, who is half a sword fairy, his sister is Xueyue Sword Fairy, and his grandfather is the person in charge of Jianzhong. Even the current emperor hugged him when he was young.

It can be said to be the beginning of Tianhu. Even if he deliberately killed himself in the original book, he did not die in the end.

"Do you believe??"

Lei Wujie was very happy to see that Zhao Huafan didn't taunt him. It had been a while since he came out of Leijiabao. When those people heard what he said, most of them laughed at him for not knowing what he was capable of. He didn't believe it at all. I can become famous all over the world.

The young man in front of him who invited him to drink was the first one who believed in him.

"Does it matter if I believe it or not?"

Zhao Huafan smiled and shook his head.

Lei Wujie scratched his head, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

Zhao Huafan sighed quietly.

"Even if I don't believe it, you won't be famous all over the world and become a hero?"

When Lei Wujie heard this, he slapped the table and said excitedly: "How is that possible, I will definitely become a hero that everyone admires!! I want everyone in the world to know my name, Lei Wujie!! "

Before Xiao Se reached the door, his footsteps paused slightly, and he was a little surprised. The surname Lei was not common in Jianghu, and the Lei Family of Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall was a well-known sect in Jianghu.

Could it be that this guy who looks like a rapper is from the Lei family of Jiangnan Thunder Hall? ?

"That's it. If a person no longer believes in himself because of other people's doubts, how can he realize his dream? If he believes that he can do it, then he will definitely be able to do it!!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Lei Wujie waved his clenched fist beside him.

"well said!!"

Seeing Lei Wujie's enthusiasm, Xiao Se shook his head helplessly. If things were really that simple, then it would be fine. Sometimes you can think of it, but you may not be able to do it. In his opinion, that guy Zhao Huafan is just You're fooling this idiot.

If one day I want to fly in the sky, then I can't grow a pair of wings, right? ?

"By the way, my name is Lei Wujie. I'm from the Lei family in the Jiangnan Thunder Martyrdom. What's your name for this brother?"

Then Lei Wujie solemnly introduced himself.

"Zhao Huafan, just a traveler who wants to see the scenery of this world!!"

When Lei Wujie heard Zhao Huafan's words, his eyes were a little strange. It didn't mean that he thought the name was weird, but that the people behind the other party had strange words and looked at the scenery of the world? ?It feels weird.

When Xiao Se heard Lei Wujie's self-introduction, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. He really guessed correctly, the other party was indeed a member of Lei's family in Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall.


In the snowstorm, the gate of Xueluo Villa was pushed open again, and a group of thugs with brutal faces walked in. The waiter and accountant in the store also showed nervousness at the right time, after all, the other party was holding a sword Bandits.

"Bring the good wine and food to the uncle!! Hurry up!!"

Xiao Se asked Xiao Er to step aside, "Xiao is the owner of this inn in Xueluo Mountain Villa. What do you guys want to eat and drink? We have Huadiao for 50 years here, and Nurhong for 30 years. There are three or two years of old bad burning, and there is also Qiu Lubai who lives in the watchtower of Tianqi City!"

"As for the food, do you want to fly in the sky, run on the ground, or swim in the water, stir-fried, braised, steamed, or grilled?"

The bandits on the opposite side were dumbfounded when they heard Xiao Se's words. They didn't expect so much.

For them, it is enough to eat meat and drink wine.

For a moment, Xiao Se was intimidated, and he was so particular about what to eat, for fear that he would lose them if he opened his mouth.

A tall bandit tilted his head and said loudly to the bandit boss: "Boss, you are very professional!! What do we want?"

The bandit boss was also dumbfounded, they were bandits, not masters, how could he know that, but in order not to make a fool of himself in front of his younger brother, he slapped the table, "Stop talking nonsense, serve the food quickly!! Choose the most expensive one superior!!"

Xiao Se's eyes lit up, "Chenghui, based on the number of you, the store's highest standard is 800 taels per person, and there are eight people in total. I'll give you a discount, [-] taels!"

The bandit leader laughed when he heard this.

"Boy, you are not blind, are you?? Do you know who the old man is??"

Hearing the bandit leader's words, the nearby bandits all laughed arrogantly.

"Boss, this guy asked us for money?? Did I hear wrong??"

"Ha ha……"

The bandit leader laughed, opened his eyes angrily, and shouted coldly: "I don't want money, but I have a knife!! Boy, do you dare to ask for it?"


(End of this chapter)

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