Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 16 Lei Wujie made a move, the inauthentic Boss Xiao

Chapter 16 Lei Wujie made a move, the inauthentic Boss Xiao
"So, you have no money?"

Xiao Se sighed, looking at the long knife in front of him, he didn't move at all, it seemed that he was not afraid of this murderous weapon that could take his life away at any time.

On the contrary, there was a trace of pity on his face.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to enjoy at least three or two years at the opening this time, but he did not expect such a result.

The bandit leader twitched his mouth, turned his wrist, and the long knife in his hand clanged into the ground. He slapped the table and said:

"We have no money, but we know who has money!!"

Before Xiao Se could answer, the bandit leader gave a dark smile.

"Robbery!! Hand over all the money, or you will bloodwash your dilapidated shop today and smash your signboard!!"

Xiao Se sighed lightly. Whenever he thought of what Zhao Huafan said to him before, he felt his stomach ache. Could it be that these people are all fools? ?
Being able to open an inn in this icy and snowy place, doesn't the other party think about why he has such confidence? ?Or did the other party feel that he was blind and couldn't recognize these people as bandits? ?

"Hey!! I said"

Suddenly a voice came over, interrupting Xiao Se's words.


It was Lei Wujie who spoke, his voice was not low, even the bandits could hear it clearly.

Seeing that the other party was a young boy, the bandit leader smiled coldly.

"Why, do you have an opinion??"

Lei Wujie stood up, nodded to Zhao Huafan, then turned to look at the group of people, and said solemnly: "Then I have to take care of this matter!!"

"Boy, who are you?? Report your name!!"

The bandit leader hesitated for a moment and asked aloud.

After all, there are many high-ranking hermits in Jianghu, many of whom they can't afford to provoke, so they only asked just in case.

Lei Wujie thrust into his waist and raised his voice, "Lei Wujie!!"

Everyone saw that Lei Wujie was so confident, no, it should be said that he was arrogant, and they were bluffed.

One of the thieves glanced at his elder brother and whispered, "Boss, isn't this person a tough idea?"

The bandit leader saw that there was no fear in Lei Wujie's expression, and he was not sure for a while. Lei Wujie, the name is quite domineering, but he made sure again and again, he had never heard of it in the world. this title.

He tentatively asked, "Who is it?"

Lei Wujie was a little embarrassed. He touched his head and said, "I'm new to the rivers and lakes. You may not have heard of my name, but it doesn't matter. I will be famous all over the world in a short time!!"

Hearing this, all the bandits were ashamed, they were actually frightened by a fledgling boy.

It seems to be angry from embarrassment.

The bandit leader yelled angrily: "The dog takes the mouse, meddle in your own business!! Little ones, kill him first!!"

While speaking, he narrowed his eyes, and there was a terrifying murderous look in his small eyes.

After hearing the order, the young man who was standing aside smiled ferociously, and rushed towards Lei Wujie with a knife.

Xiao Se glanced at Lei Wujie, and shook his head helplessly. This guy has a nerve in his head, and he will answer whatever the other party asks. The world is not like this.

However, he also seemed to see the depth of Lei Wujie. Although the internal strength of the Xiaoyaotian realm was gone, the vision of the Xiaoyaotian realm was still there. He could still guess how much of the aura emanating from his body.

These bandits are no match for Lei Wujie.

So when those people rushed towards Lei Wujie, he walked towards the counter, intending to watch a good show at the counter, but then he thought about it again, glanced at Zhao Huafan by the window, and turned towards him walked over.

There are two interesting people in the inn, one is the kid from the Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall, and the other is Zhao Huafan who doesn't know his origin. Ji Xue has investigated, and the other party has no purpose in his actions. It is purely accidental that he came here, and today the other party It seemed that they were planning to leave, because these few people who suddenly appeared stayed behind.

His interest in Zhao Huafan far exceeds his interest in Lei Wujie.

Just as Xiao Se was walking towards Zhao Huafan, the fighting in the hall had already started.Lei Wujie laughed when he saw the person coming, and kicked his feet hard on the ground. He was like an arrow leaving the string, and suddenly came to the side of a bandit. Twice, then backed away.

The thieves were surprised by Lei Wujie's speed, and didn't realize for a moment what the other party meant.

But after a while, the bandit leader suddenly changed his face and shouted anxiously: "Quick!! Throw away the knife in your hand!!"

The little boy was hit by the bandit leader, his hands trembled, and the long knife fell directly to the bottom of his feet.


Seeing this scene, the bandit leader, who seemed to have guessed something, exhaled fragrantly.

But at this moment, he didn't care about that much anymore, he just rolled on the spot, and rolled away from the knife.


It's a pity that after all, it was a step too late. There was a loud noise from the flat ground, and the long knife that fell under Xiao Luo's feet was directly blown into pieces.

The fragments in the flames shot around like hidden weapons.

Those little minions who couldn't dodge were seriously injured in an instant.

Lei Wujie stood on the table with his arms crossed, quite complacent, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Zhao Huafan by the window looked at the motionless Xiao Se and smiled softly.

"Boss Xiao, your Xueluo Villa will be robbed today!!"

Although Zhao Huafan's tone didn't fluctuate much, Xiao Se could hear a hint of schadenfreude.

Looking at the tables and chairs destroyed by the explosion, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It's all right!! For an inn like Xueluo Villa, Xiao can easily open dozens of them!!"

Hearing the other party's words that were about to bite into flames, Zhao Huafan took a look at this duplicity guy, and didn't continue to sprinkle salt on the other party's wounds.

This mountain villa was built in the icy and snowy land. Although it was leaking everywhere and was useless, Xiao Se attached great importance to this inn.

In the original book, after Xiao Se chuckled at Yi Jiangshan, he probably came here. For him, this may have a special meaning.

"Seal the sword and hang the sword, Jiangnan Thunder Martial Hall, Lei Family!!"

On the other side, the bandit leader seemed to recognize Lei Wujie's identity, and squeezed out a few words from his own throat.

Lei Wujie did not deny it, but proudly said: "That's right, Jiangnan Thunder Martyrdom, Lei Family, Lei Wujie!!"

When Zhao Huafan heard this kid's words, a slight sigh flashed in his eyes.

Youthful spirit, fearless, heart full of heat, groans of injustice, this demeanor is really eye-catching.

"The Lei family should be very rich, right?"

Xiao Se rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"Boss Xiao, you are not authentic!! That kid is helping you..."

"I use him to help??"

"You don't have martial arts..."


"You didn't either!!"

"The inn is not mine!!"

"Then you say sarcastic remarks?"


(End of this chapter)

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