Chapter 26 There is no silver 300 taels here

"Heck! This young man is joking!!"

"The rich I said is not the one who is rich!!"

Tian Nurui covered her mouth and smiled, glanced at Zhao Huafan, and then gave Xiao Se a step down.

She could feel that Zhao Huafan said this on purpose, and the purpose seemed to be to stir up the anger of this bleak man in mink fur.

"The owner of an inn doesn't have such concentration. Ordinary people have long been fascinated or stunned when they see such a huge gambling game. Seeing a beauty like me, they have long been fascinated by gods, but he is this lazy. It looks like such wealth and beauties are like floating clouds, am I right?? This little gentleman!"

Tang Lian frowned a couple of times when she heard what Tian Nurui said. He felt bleak on the road, but everyone along the way was safe and sound, so he gradually let go of his guard. Now it seems that it's not time yet.

"Rui, now is not the time to talk about this!"

Hearing this, Tiannurui took two steps, wrapped her arms around Tang Lian's waist, whispered a few words next to his ear, and explained the current situation.

Tang Lian's expression was a little dignified. He didn't seem to expect the situation to be this serious.

At this moment, Zhao Huafan suddenly raised his head, looked directly opposite, a gun point protruded from the roof, and then swiped towards the side.

His eyes flickered twice.

Silver Moon Spear, that young lady still came after her.

Before, Xiao Se followed his words so desperately and teased him a bit. If Tang Lian hadn't stopped this young lady, both he and Xiao Se would have suffered.

This fiery temper is almost the same as exploding carbon!
That is, after that time, he intentionally or unintentionally said something bleak, because this guy is really irritating.

Although he has no bad intentions, his mouth is really stinky. He has also learned a few tricks in the past few days, and of course he only uses it on Xiao Se's body.

"Young master, do you still want to try?"

Seeing that Xiao Se looks really extraordinary, Tian Nurui also thought carefully in her heart, planning to help her lover, that is, Tang Lian.

Xiao Se folded his hands on his shoulders, and said without blushing and heartbeat: "I have a villa called Xueluo. He is worth ten boxes of pearls. I will use him as collateral. Miss, can you lend me some money first?"

This time, Zhao Huafan didn't make up any more swords, but instead left here. When he came in just now, he accidentally saw that there were peach trees here, and there were even peach blossom petals falling from the sky.

Along the way, when he got here, he felt that it might be better for him to bring a weapon. Although he might not be able to use it, the road ahead would not be safe.

As a disciple of Mount Qingcheng, he felt that a mahogany sword would be more suitable. Although those magical weapons are good, most of them are famous and beautiful.


Seeing that one of the two dared to speak and the other dared to believe, Zhao Huafan chuckled, maybe they both had their own little calculations in their hearts, and this scene was surprisingly harmonious!
Then there was another slapstick, and Tiannvrui announced the answer - the game of life and death.

The scene became lively for a while, because the game of life and death is not common, Xiao Se also knew at this time that he fell into the pit dug by Tiannurui, but he was very confident in his gambling skills, so he didn't make any excuses, and declined twice After that, I recognized it.

Until another important person appeared on the stage, the white-haired fairy from Tianwaitian.

With a single strike of his sword, he cleared the field of minions present.

The gamble between Xiao Se and Bai Faxian also pushed this encounter to its climax.

"By the way, have you seen the one surnamed Zhao??"

Xiao Se glanced around, but didn't find Zhao Huafan's figure, so he couldn't help but asked aloud.

The white-haired fairy chuckled.

"I checked that kid just now, he's just an ordinary person with no internal strength, even if you want to hug Buddha's feet temporarily, it should be Tang Lian, the big disciple of Xueyue City!!"

When Xiao Se heard this, he didn't object, he hooked his finger at Tang Lian.

Tang Lian was taken aback, Xiao Se helplessly shook his head.

"It's still interesting to have the surname Zhao. You people in the Jianghu, don't you only think about fighting and killing?"

These words did not conceal his admiration for Zhao Huafan. To be honest, there are not many people who can be friends with Xiao Se, and Zhao Huafan is one of them.

Although on weekdays he always likes to hurt the other party, but that is not discrimination, why don't you see him being bleak and hurting others.

"Win or lose in one game!!"

Even with Tang Lian's help, Baifaxian didn't pay attention to the person opposite. After all, the difference in realm was here. He was in a happy world, even if he closed his eyes, he didn't think he would lose.

Then he talked about the rules of the game, and his goal was clearly the golden coffin.Or in other words, the person in the golden coffin.

Xiao Se propped his chin up with his hand, and said with great interest: "It sounds good, at least you don't have to save your life!!"

When Baifaxian heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, the young master in front of him suddenly gave him a strange sense of oppression, just like the desperate gambler.

"I can't tell that the young master is still a real gambler!!"

Xiao Se knocked on the table with his right hand, and said softly: "I once gambled for three days and three nights at the Qianjin Terrace in Tianqi City, and finally won a city!! Are you credible??"

Baifaxian chuckled, "Qianjintai is the largest gambling house in Beili, not to mention a city, even a small country is not surprising!"

Hearing the sarcasm in the other party's words, Xiao Se knew that the other party didn't believe it, but he didn't need the other party to believe it, because all he wanted to do was win the round.

"If you don't believe me, just tell me, I'm not that kind of stingy person!!"

Baifaxian didn't say any more, picked up the dice and shook it.

At this moment, Zhao Huafan walked over from a distance, seeing that there was only one table left in the field, he didn't hesitate and walked over.

Only at this time, there was an extra mahogany sword in his hand.

Most of the attention in the field was on the three people in front of the gambling table. None of them seemed to notice Zhao Huafan's return, but Baifaxian glanced unconsciously. He felt that Zhao Huafan at this time and the previous Zhao Huafan seemed to be What's the difference.

It vaguely brought him a sense of danger. This feeling came and went quickly, and passed by in a hurry. In the end, he couldn't help being a little funny, and then he checked the other party. The other party still had no internal energy fluctuations. In the end, he had to attribute it to This is my own illusion.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Since the young master can win a city, he must be able to guess whether it is big or small?"

Tang Lian at the side told Xiao Se the points she had sensed through hearing in order to gain time for the night.

"Five five six, buy big!"

Hearing this, Xiao Se waved his hand impatiently.

"You Jianghu people, you really have no interest!! The most interesting thing about gambling is the word "gambling"!! If you already know the ending, what's the point?"

The white-haired fairy narrowed her eyes, Tang Lian knew what time it was, and so did he.

It is five five six.

Xiao Se's performance made him a little confused.

"Young master is right!!"

"Then what are you going to press?"

Tang Lian sighed helplessly, then asked.

"Five-five-six~I'm overwhelmed~"

Hearing these words, Tang Lian almost suffered internal injuries.

"My surname is Zhao, today I will show you my master's gambling skills!!"

Seeing Xiao Se's intentional chatter, Zhao Huafan sighed quietly.

"Boss Xiao, I think you are looking for revenge!!"

"Nonsense! I borrowed the money from this girl, not from Tang Lian!!"


"There is no silver 300 taels here!"

(End of this chapter)

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