Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 27 Guanxin, No. 1 Lightness Skill in the World

Chapter 27 Guanxin, the world's number one lightness kung fu
"Buy and leave!"

The white-haired fairy tapped the dice cup with two fingers, and the table wrinkled and fluctuated.

Immediately afterwards, there was an indistinct muffled sound from the dice cup.

Tang Lian and Tiannvrui's expressions changed. Obviously, they recognized the way of this finger.

"Small Skyfinger!"

When Tang Lian told the truth about this trick, she also guessed in her heart what happened to the dice in the dice cup.

The broken empty finger, the person who got hit, didn't show any injuries on the surface, but his internal organs were all smashed by the finger.

"Not good~"

"I'm afraid the dice in the dice cup are already~~"

Xiao Se still had that lazy look on his face, and Zhao Huafan's look on the side didn't change either.

At first glance, the scene is rather comical.

The expressions of those masters who were not low in the realm changed one after another, but the two ordinary people without internal strength were as stable as Mount Tai.

Xiao Se didn't seem to notice what Tiannurui and Tang Lian said, and continued lazily saying: "Of course it's not good, but since this senior is willing to condescend to play with us, how can it be easy?"

Hearing this, Baifaxian asked strangely: "My lord, do you want to change it?"

Xiao Se chuckled.


His tone revealed a bit of disdain. For gambling, he has never convinced anyone.

"The so-called winning method of gambling is first of all to believe that you will win. When you believe that you will win, you will definitely win!!"

Saying that, Xiao Se stood up, stretched out his hand to hold the dice cup, without a trace of hesitation or trembling in his hand, he confidently opened the dice cup.

Not to mention, this move was really bluffing, even an old world like Baifaxian was stunned by the bluff.

Zhao Huafan stood aside and didn't talk to him. As an outsider in this gambling game, he saw something that an insider couldn't see.

In fact, this gamble is not about the gambling skills of the two parties, nor even the level of the realm, but a psychological game.

Baifaxian is a master of Tianwaitian, has been famous for a long time, and is one of the core figures of Tianwaitian.

His appearance can actually represent the attitude of Tianwaitian to a certain extent.

The other party, headed by Tang Lian, represents the Central Plains martial arts.

It stands to reason that with the strength of Baifaxian, Tang Lian and the others would not be able to stop them even if they really robbed people. Throwing a happy world among a group of young and handsome people in the rivers and lakes can no longer be called experience. It is not an exaggeration to say that the gap in strength is crushing.

But he didn't do this, Zhao Huafan guessed that there must be a deeper reason for this, which made this master of the Happy Heaven Realm have to restrain his hands and play such a game with Xiao Se patiently.

This reason is definitely not as simple as a joke.

Following this line of thought further, and thinking about what happened along the way, Zhao Huafan can be sure that Baifaxian is waiting for someone, someone who can truly represent the attitude of the Central Plains martial arts.

The 12-year agreement has actually ended this year. He could have directly taken Ye Anshi away, but the 36 domains outside the domain were torn apart, and his strength was greatly damaged. From another perspective, Tianwaitian is now unable to face the attack of the entire Central Plains martial arts. cutting.

Especially in today's Central Plains Wulin, the five great sword immortals stand proudly in the contemporary era, and the strength of the older generation such as Jiuxian and Spear Immortal is even more unfathomable. Needless to say, a Jiuxian—— Baili Dongjun, is estimated to be able to make Tianwai Tianli again.

At the beginning, Ye Dingzhi was defeated by Baili Dongjun. He was a sword fairy holding a sword, a sword fairy wielding a knife, and a spear fairy holding a gun. There are eighteen weapons in the world, and there is no opponent who can't do it.

Bo but not good, perhaps no one will take it seriously yet, but Bo and profound, superb, when gathered in one person at the same time, the quantitative change will undergo a qualitative change.

Zhao Huafan even had an idea that if Baili Dongjun went to the underground river, the river might dry up.

Of course, saying this person's strength is a bit far-fetched, but Zhao Huafan was thinking, Baifaxian might say that the entire outside world is not less afraid of this Jiuxian.

So after that, until a person who could represent Xueyue City and the attitude of Central Plains martial arts—the three masters of Xueyue City, Spear Fairy—Sikong Changfeng appeared, Baifaxian took Wuxin away.

Wu Xin was in Jiulong Temple and Dafanyin Temple, and Baifaxian didn't show up, but Tianwaitian really didn't know what happened in these places?Furthermore, does the white-haired fairy really not know? ?

The masters in these places are only Jinxian's father-in-law, Dajue Zen Master, and the grandson of the Shattering Knife King, and the only one who is really threatening is Jinxian.

But Baifaxian never showed up, which actually proved Zhao Huafan's guess.

So at this time, Baifaxian did not really want to take away Monk Wuxin, or Ye Anshi, the young patriarch of Tianwaitian, but to express his attitude, that is, Tianwaitian's attitude.

Even after the gamble, Zhao Huafan deliberately revealed his identity. Zhao Huafan sometimes wondered if Xiao Se didn't reveal the other party's identity in a word, would he find a way to reveal it himself.

And the reason why Xiao Se dared to bet on this round may be that he guessed some of the key points. The whole situation may not be understood yet, but he definitely has some guesses about a few key nodes.

One wanted to take it away, but couldn't take it away directly.

Even if there is a guess, it is not so sure, that's why Zhao Huafan said what he said earlier, this is a game of people's hearts.

As for why Xiao Se gambled in this game, apart from the intention of playing in the world at the beginning, he should have his own plan. He also wanted to get an answer from the master in front of him.

Zhao Huafan speculated that Xiao Se might want to verify whether Xueyue City was worth his trip. Once he entered Xueyue City, many things in this world would change, just as he himself said.

Looking at the three piles of hills that had been shaken into powder by the force of Shattering Space Finger, Xiao Se didn't show a trace of nervousness on his face. He flicked his sleeve and brushed away the powder, leaving five, five, six or three spots on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Tang Lian and Tiannv Rui were taken aback, and even shouted out.

"It's five five six, big!!"

Baifaxian took a deep look at Xiao Se, "Young Master, you have great skills!!"

"No talent, no talent, it's just a trick on the rivers and lakes!! I don't know martial arts!"

When Zhao Huafan listened to these conversations again, he couldn't help sighing.

If I hadn't analyzed the intentions of these two people before, listening to these words now, I might just take them as ordinary scene words like others, but when I listen to them now, I can hear a different flavor.

"You want to go back on your word??"

This is Xiao Se's words, Tang Lian and the others may only think that Xiao Se is upset, but Tang Lian may never know Xiao Se's real intention.

If Baifaxian repents at this time, then Xueyue City will have no chance with the Sixth Prince of Beili!

"No, of course I won't regret it! But my companions won't have that much patience!!"

When Zhao Huafan heard this, he guessed the meaning of Baifaxian almost instantly. If a group of minions can't be dealt with, it means that Wuxin's safety at this time cannot be guaranteed. If that is the case, Tianwaitian may be It's time to take your own steps.

Zhao Huafan shook his head, and stopped listening to the conversation between the two. He didn't like this kind of communication that he could see through at a glance.In other words, he didn't like this kind of intrigue.

Instead of listening to these nonsense here, he might as well go and see how the Lonely Formation is doing!
"Heaven is the star on the chessboard, who dares to play!!"

After a long sigh, Zhao Huafan's feet moved, and he walked away like a lonely shadow in the air.

Several people in the field, hearing the bold words, couldn't help but look at Zhao Huafan, Xiao Se narrowed his eyes, and the horror in his heart was beyond words.

Of course, his shock was not because of that sentence, but because of Zhao Huafan's lightness kung fu at this moment.

He recognized this exercise.

The world's number one lightness skill - stepping on the clouds.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the time when he met Yueji Minghou, Zhao Huafan said that he could take Lei Wujie with him, but he didn't believe it at the time
Tang Lian couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"How is this possible!! I have clearly checked, Brother Zhao doesn't know martial arts??"

Baifaxian was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said with a kind of sigh: "Tang Lian, you are not mistaken, he does not have internal energy, but there is a kind of lightness skill in the world, which can be used without stimulating internal energy!!"

In an attic, the disciples of Wushuang City have been paying attention to the situation in the field.

The great disciples of Wushuang City, Lu Yuzhai, Tang Lian, Tiannvrui and others who are familiar with the anecdotes and strange things in the Jianghu, almost said in unison: "The world's number one lightness kung fu—Treading Clouds!!"

(End of this chapter)

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