Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 28 The Temporarily Retired White-haired Immortal, Breaking the Battle of Lei Wujie

Chapter 28 The Temporarily Retired White-haired Immortal, Breaking the Battle of Lei Wujie
"Who is he?"

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know, I only know that his surname is Zhao and his name is Huafan! I said before that I am an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts, but now it seems that I am lying!"

"Qinggong is not considered martial arts. Without internal strength, it can be regarded as a good target at best!"

"Aren't you worried?? He's passed!!"

"Worried?? I advise you to worry about your friend! My partners are not very friendly!"

"That's not necessarily true, we have another companion over there!!"

After Baifaxian heard this, he laughed.

He stood up, turned his hands behind his back, and said softly, "If you knew who we are, you wouldn't say that!!"

Xiao Se folded his hands in front of his body, and said with a smile: "Tianwaitian, Baifaxian!! If it was 12 years ago, this is indeed a name that can be held down!"

Baifaxian was taken aback, he didn't expect that Xiao Se would reveal his identity in one word, originally he planned to guide them to guess his name slowly!

He turned around and looked at Xiao Se. Undoubtedly, this person in front of him was also an extremely interesting person. From the fact that he could recognize his true identity, to him, its meaning was far more important than that of Tayun just now.

But he didn't know that Zhao Huafan already knew their identities, and even knew their plans, but he didn't say anything.

"Who are you?? How do you know my name!!"

Xiao Se chuckled, still calm.

"How difficult is this? Although there are not many people who know the sky outside the sky, there are always people who know it!!"

Hearing Xiao Se's words, Baifaxian couldn't bear it anymore. The young man in front of him knew too much.

He grasped the white jade sword in the air, and the white jade sword he held in his hand came out of the sheath, and was directly absorbed by him in the air. Without a trace of hesitation, he swung the sword and cut it. An ordinary person who knows nothing, he is not worried. , even if he could step on the cloud, he didn't care that much.

But knowing so many secrets, he can't let go so easily, he has to try, whether the young man in front of him knows martial arts! !

It's a pity that with Tang Lian here, Xiao Se helped them win a round and gained precious time, so he couldn't stand by and watch this matter.

Tang Lian and the others were directly forced to retreat with a blow of swords.

Seeing that Xiao Se did not know martial arts, Baifaxian was relieved, because in that situation, a person's subconscious actions and reactions cannot be hidden from others.

There was no trace of internal force in the opponent's body.

At this moment, the disciple of Wushuang City on the attic jumped down directly.

A war is imminent.

When Tang Lian learned about Tianwaitian's other name from Xiao Se - Demon Cult, she directly joined the battle.

It's a pity that the two white-haired immortals who faced the Xiaoyaotian Realm had no chance of winning at all. If it weren't for the white-haired immortal who had no murderous intentions, they probably would have received the boxed lunch directly.

At this moment, another person appeared. It was a small child with a huge sword box behind him, but he was the peerless genius of Wushuang City—Wu Shuang.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Baifaxian chose to retreat after fighting a few moves casually.

The people of Wushuang City also temporarily withdrew from the battlefield because of Wushuang's pursuit.

On the other side, Lei Wujie was lying on the golden coffin when he suddenly saw someone falling from the sky.

He clenched his fist instinctively, but when he saw the person's true face, he closed his fist again.

"Brother Zhao, it's you!!"

"Why are you here!! Aren't you playing in front??"

Zhao Huafan came to Lei Wujie's side and sat down cross-legged.

"There is a beauty, but she is Tang Lian's friend. I have seen the game now, but it is a conspiracy. I don't like it. I just came to see how you are doing here?"

"Isn't gambling based on luck?? Intrigue?? What is this??"

Hearing this, Zhao Huafan smiled softly.

"Luck?? Unless you are the right one, how can there be such luck? Nine out of ten bets in the casino lose, and the last one goes bankrupt. If it depends on luck, don't you think the luck of the casino is too good?"

Lei Wujie was taken aback for a moment, he was a fledgling, and his knowledge about the casino was limited, it was just hearsay, but according to Zhao Huafan, there was something tricky about it!

"Brother Zhao, you mean?"

Zhao Huafan glanced around, and said while looking: "There is no such thing as a sure-win luck, that's unrealistic, the outcome in the casino is to see who has more means! This kind of means that can help you win is not good. They are against the rules, and they are called cheaters!!"


"It means cheating!!"

After hearing the explanation, Lei Wujie was quite surprised and said: "It turns out that gambling can be cheated!!"

Zhao Huafan shook his head lightly, and said, "No! That's against the rules! But many people use such tricks in pursuit of victory!"


Zhao Huafan then patted Lei Wujie on the shoulder and said, "We have a guest!!"

Lei Wujie was taken aback for a moment, he didn't notice anything!

But when he looked in the direction Zhao Huafan was pointing at, he saw seven or eight men in black staring at him.

"They are killers. They have practiced the technique of restraining breath. If you don't pay attention carefully, you may ignore them!"

"These people should be in the same group as the person in front, be careful, I will withdraw first!!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Lei Wujie was dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhao, you don't want me to face so many people alone, do you?"

Zhao Huafan shrugged, "I don't know martial arts, staying here will only be a disservice to me!!"

Lei Wujie looked puzzled, and he said in disbelief: "But didn't you just fly down from the sky just now?"

"That's lightness kung fu, it's for escaping!! Come on, if you can't handle it anymore, I'll take you to escape!"

On the top of the attic, Xiao Se floated down and came to Zhao Huafan's side, with his arms around his shoulders, looking down.

"This is the formation of loneliness!!"

Zhao Huafan narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the magic circle under him.


After Xiao Se looked at it for a while, he said something with a sigh.

"Looking at the heat, it's already almost [-]% successful again. It can't be broken with Tang Lian and Tanhuo. Aren't you going to help?"

Zhao Huafan smiled softly.

"Can't break it?? Are you sure??"

Xiao Se pointed to the look of the two people below who were already at a loss, "I still need to be sure, isn't the current situation already obvious?"

"All appearances are illusions. The essence of the return to the ruins array is to rely on illusions to transform into a killing array. It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to decipher it, but for some people, it is not difficult to decipher it. You see Look at Lei Wujie, what is he doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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