Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 35 Asking the Sword of the White-haired Immortal, the name of the sword——Buping

Chapter 35 Asking the Sword of the White-haired Immortal, the name of the sword——Buping

"The master always said that building a car behind closed doors is not the way to go out!!"

"Actually, I know that the master told me that many things must be done by myself in order to have a deeper understanding and go further!!"

On the dead tree, the boy reached out and brushed the mahogany sword with a leisurely tone.

Baifaxian looked at the wooden sword in the opponent's hand and smiled softly.

"Your master is right. All those who have names and surnames in Jianghu are tempered in the field of life and death!! Killing people is never an easy thing!!"

The young man shook his head.


"No, I'm not talking about murder. Killing is just a means, not a goal. The road ahead is very long, very long, and maybe the life of a poor person will not be able to finish it!! If killing is the goal, then you can How far did you go??"

When Baifaxian heard this, he frowned, and he suddenly realized that he didn't understand what the young man in front of him was thinking.

"I can only kill people. If you are timid, get out of here!! I can let you go again!!"

Perhaps Baifaxian was concerned about the forces behind the other party, so he didn't do it directly. After all, skills like Tayun can't be learned by just a cat or a dog.

The one who blocked Baifaxian was none other than Zhao Huafan who disappeared from the carriage.

Along the way, he didn't make many shots, only a few times. Most of the time was spent in enlightenment, to see the world, all living beings, and all things.

A total of two swords were realized.

Yijian said "Unfair!"

Yijian said "Don't forget!"

But he is not sure how powerful these two swords are. Halfway through the trip to send the coffin, he knows that he should ask the sword, how much does this sword weigh, and whether it can go to the Dengtian Pavilion. Take the man back to his master.

"Since you insist on this, then I will help your elders educate you, what is respect for elders!!"

Baifaxian saw that Zhao Huafan still did not move.

His tone was also not happy, because the carriage that he finally caught up with was now two miles away, which meant that he had to chase again.

"Senior, don't panic, I only have two swords!!"

Hearing this, Baifaxian looked at Zhao Huafan again, and saw that his expression didn't seem fake, and he didn't mean to be teasing. I don't know what he thought of, and his mood became a little complicated, maybe he remembered his youth.

Ask about the bloody journey of Jianghu!
"In this case, you can use your sword!!"

Zhao Huafan felt the change in Baifaxian's tone and nodded.

"The first sword, senior, be careful!"

As Zhao Huafan's voice fell to the ground, Baifaxian felt as if someone had grabbed his heart, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood upside down. Without even the slightest hesitation, his body retreated, and the jade sword in his hand was pulled out of its sheath. It stopped after 20 meters.

Looking at the young man with two fingers resting on the peach wood sword, the horror in his heart is beyond words. The person opposite is still an ordinary person with no internal strength.

But the sense of oppression and the shadow of death brought to him at that moment just now were so real, he had no choice but to put away the contempt in his heart, and raised 12 points of vigilance in his heart.

"Boy, what is your sword called?"

Zhao Huafan looked at the white-haired fairy who was nearly 20 meters away from him, sighed softly and said, "I have sharpened my sword for ten years, but I have never tried the frost blade. If I show you today, who will be unfair!"

"The name of the sword—uneven!"

The white-haired fairy narrowed his eyes, he was not flat, this was a sword he had never heard of before, could it be a sword that this young man himself had comprehended.

If this is the case, it would be too terrifying. There is no such talent in the Jianghu. Without exception, those people later became the top wave of people in the Jianghu, such as the five great swordsmen from Beili.

Most of them are at this age, and they have realized their swordsmanship.

Thinking that this young man might become a sword fairy in the future, Baifaxian's mood suddenly became a little complicated, and he was also a peerless arrogance.

Just like the kid in Wushuang City, he can control six flying swords at that age! !
As time went by, the majestic sword intent sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The sword is full of meaning, and the white-haired fairy even saw a hazy vision. The young man raised his sword and entered the world of mortals. The natural moat of the road.

When seeing people, Baifaxian didn't feel anything, because the purpose of practicing swords is not to use the sword to reason with them, and the other party will, and he will too.

When he saw the official, he didn't feel anything. He also killed the Demon Cult's Eastern Expedition and the Zhenxihou Mansion War.

But when he saw the endless mountain, he couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart.

"not good!!"

Speaking of the sword intent of injustice, at first he just thought that seeing the injustice in the world, he drew his sword angrily, and when he felt angry, he was happy to be kind and enmity, this is also the essence of the way of the rivers and lakes.

But he never thought that the young man in front of him wanted to open a mountain.

Open the road ahead to the peak, open the road to the majestic peak, and be happy on the road to the dangerous peak.

This is no longer the sword of the world, but the sword of the sword fairy.

His mouth was full of bitterness. Who is this person? How can there be such a person in the world? He has raised a sword intent to such an incomparably terrifying level at this age. His feeling in Beauty Village before was not wrong , it turns out that he really can.
Thinking of this, a chill came to his heart. Death is no stranger to anyone in the world, but he never thought that he would die today, at the hands of a young man whose name he didn't know yet. hand.

But when he came back to his senses, the young man in front of him had already drifted away.

A line at the foot on the left side stretched straight to a far distance behind him. Under the dim moonlight, he could not see the end. Seeing this line, he was silent for a long time. It was a line drawn by sword energy. I saw the difference between heaven and earth.

"Why did he show mercy??"

Standing where he was, Baifaxian asked such a question.

Suddenly he remembered what Zhao Huafan said before, "Killing people is not the purpose!"

He sighed deeply, the young man stopped him not to kill people, but to ask the sword, simply to ask the sword.

"Senior, whoever picks you up, I'll go my way, I won't interfere with you, and you don't want to meddle in my business either!!"

On the empty land, a voice came leisurely.

Baifaxian suddenly smiled knowingly when he heard the words, "A promise is made!!"

Another voice came slowly, "Wanshan is unstoppable!!"

Under the moonlight, Zhao Huafan was like a lone bird, and he quickly approached the carriage in the distance. While galloping, he pinched his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

"Well, it should be almost there, but in order to be safe, it's best to raise the level up!"

According to his understanding of the plot, Wuxin stepped into the Happy Heaven Realm about three or four months after returning to Tianwaitian, and he defeated Baifaxian after that time.

And after he left, he fought against the Sword Immortal Fury twice. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still blocked it.

Now he has also won a small victory, that is to say, he is now similar to Wuxin who stepped into the happy world, this battle, there is an element of white-haired fairy underestimating the enemy, the battle will be like this, so he did not overestimate himself .

However, that was only the first of the two swords he comprehended, and he still had one more sword. If he were to infer from this, if he went all out now, he should be comparable to his master and his group in terms of explosion.

And the rest is the endurance, after feeling the atmosphere in the purple mansion that has become extremely quiet again, he sighed softly.

I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to really refine this group of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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