Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 36 Lei Wujie Thinks Spring?Zhao Huafan talks about obsession

Chapter 36 Lei Wujie Thinks Spring?Zhao Huafan talks about obsession

"Brother Zhao, where have you been?"

On the carriage, Lei Wujie couldn't help asking when he saw Zhao Huafan coming back.

"It's convenient to go."

Lei Wujie smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

He thought Zhao Huafan was lost just now!It was still Xiao Se who spoke, don't worry about it, Zhao Huafan will be back in a while, so he didn't stop the car.

After Zhao Huafan sat down, there was a loud commotion in the carriage, which made him shake his head. It seemed that Xiao Se had gotten into a fight with the spear fairy's daughter.

Seeing Zhao Huafan's actions, Lei Wujie patted his head and giggled twice.

"When you just left, Xiao Se didn't know what to say, and Senior Sister Qian Luo got annoyed! It's been arguing until now!!"

Hearing this explanation, Zhao Huafan glanced across the door and ignored it. The two of them were probably happy enemies. He had tried Xiao Se's poisonous tongue before, and it took a lot of effort for him not to beat him up. .

"Brother Zhao, do all the women in the world want to be like Senior Sister Qianluo!!"

While driving the car, Lei Wujie came over and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Huafan glanced at Lei Wujie in surprise, and said to himself, "Could it be that this silly boy misses spring?"

But he shook his head immediately. Although he met many people along the way, there were not many girls, and most of them were famous women.

It's like Yueji, like a moonlight elf, but she already has her own heart, and she is by the side of Minghou, and the other is Tiannvrui.

The last one is Sikong Qianluo, the daughter of the spear fairy who is not too old.

Although this girl does not seem to be easy to get along with at the moment, she is actually a master who dares to love and hate. Later, in order to help Xiao Se return to the apocalypse and pass the trial, she almost did everything she could.

That dedication and persistence is epic.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Huafan said leisurely: "No, Miss Qianluo is just one of them. In fact, the world is very big, and there are all kinds of girls. Some girls dare to love and hate, some girls are like flowers and moons, and some girls are gentle and charming. Some girls will never leave, they are the ones worth keeping! If you meet the girl you are attracted to in the future, don't hesitate, if you miss it, you will regret it for life!"

"Then what if the girl doesn't like me??"

Lei Wujie didn't know what he thought of, and said dejectedly.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhao Huafan changed his mind, and probably understood what the other party was thinking.

He guessed that this ramming product should be thinking of his master Lei Hong, and he couldn't get what he asked for, and finally became depressed.

He patted Lei Wujie on the shoulder and said with a smile: "What's the matter? If you really can't let go, practice hard. If the girl doesn't like it, then just grab it back, but you have to treat her well if you grab it back." !"

"But if you can let it go, that's good too. Have you ever heard a saying that the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn your head and keep going!"

Lei Wujie nodded, his words are very famous.

Zhao Huafan put his hands behind his head and leaned on the carriage, "Actually, what this sentence says is to let go, let go of obsessions, and then you can turn around. The shore is always at your feet."

"Actually, if you let go of that person, you also let go of yourself. Instead of choosing someone you don't like, it's better to choose someone who likes you! Life is a long road, and it takes seventy or eighty winters and summers!"

"If the person next to me can't say a few words to me, then the road ahead will be difficult!!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Lei Wujie felt his heart suddenly calm down. Although he understood some words, he didn't seem to understand.

The people in the carriage also became quiet before they knew it. These words were not the same as the fights and killings in the Jianghu, as well as happy grievances and enmities.

They are used to the thrill of blood, swords and swords, and they rarely have time to sit down and think about it.The only one among them who has time to think about these things is Xiao Se, but what he thinks about is not these, but other things.

If he could really let go, he wouldn't have walked out of that villa.

This time, Xiao Se rarely spoke, holding a celadon tea bowl, savoring the bitterness and sweetness in it.

"How did brother Zhao know??"

Lei Wujie was silent for a while, and asked with some doubts.

Xiao Se narrowed his eyes, thinking of something, and said aloud: "After seeing a lot, he will naturally know! He is not the same as you. When you go out to the rivers and lakes, what you see are heroes and fame. He What you see is sentient beings!"

Hearing Xiao Se's words, Tang Lian couldn't help frowning. Xiao Se told him before that Zhao Huafan stepped into the rivers and lakes for a short time before, but he did nothing. He was a woodcutter, farmer, fisherman, fortune teller, and so on.

Thinking about it now, what Xiao Se said was really good.

"Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade!"

Xiao Se frowned, "That's right, although I haven't experienced it personally, but some people can see the leopard and know the autumn by a leaf, so I said that I am more interested in the surname Zhao than this monk!!"

"Boss Xiao, I like girls!!"

There was silence in the carriage, and the corners of Xiao Se's mouth twitched twice.

"Go away~~"

Hearing Xiao Se's unexpected defense break, Zhao Huafan laughed.


"Actually, in the Jianghu, everyone has their own way of life. Since I stepped into the Jianghu, I have seen a lot and learned a lot. To be honest, there is no distinction between these ways of life, just different ways! Everyone can live a wonderful life!"

"Just like Brother Lei, he wants to be famous in the Jianghu. Who can say that this way of living is wrong?? Young people step into the Jianghu, see injustice, draw their swords, punish evil and promote good, who can say a word not good!"

"It's even said that a pot of wine can comfort the mountains and rivers, and the horse can be driven forward without hesitation. Who can say that he is heroic, and who can say that he is unrestrained!"

"Isn't it precisely because of this that Jianghu makes us yearn for it, because it represents infinite possibilities and freedom!!"

"As long as you have a clear conscience about what you do, and you won't regret it in the future, that's enough. As for the rest, let it go!!"

"Hey, Zhao, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Sikong Qianluo asked aloud.

Hearing this, Xiao Se and the others unexpectedly did not interrupt, and at the same time became quiet, and strained their ears to listen.

Although Zhao Huafan is quiet these days, he often speaks shockingly, often with a deafening effect. Unlike Xiao Se, who is familiar with the secrets of the world, what he speaks is more about feelings, and not about people.

Even Wu Chan, who just met him now, is a little curious about the purpose of this young man, Zhao Huafan, in Jianghu.

"It's not as complicated as you think, I just want to go to Xueyue City to do something, and take a look at this river and lake by the way! Just like you, we are all mortals~~"


(End of this chapter)

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