Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 363: The monk talks about ghosts and fairies, Mo Yi takes action

Chapter 363: The monk talks about ghosts and fairies, Mo Yi takes action
"This is?"

In the East China Sea, three girls were sitting on a shining long sword. They were almost doing the same thing, sitting sideways on the sword with their legs swinging in the air.

Suddenly, a little girl pointed into the distance and exclaimed.

The sea, which was originally covered with sea fog, suddenly became dark.

A bright moon slowly rises from the sea, and it turns out to be a scene of the bright moon rising over the sea.

But what makes people feel a little uncomfortable is that this bright moon is different from an ordinary bright moon, but a blood moon.

The blood moon was in the sky, turning everything around into blood red. Even the sea water looked like blood.

"You still haven't given up on that plan?"

A young man standing with his hands behind his back sighed softly.

Just now he couldn't be sure whether Mo Yi was on the island, but now he is sure that Mo Yi is on the island. However, the result is not good because the immortal has become possessed by a demon.

On the other side, looking at the monk facing the wall who was still struggling to hold on, Xiao Se and others became desperate.

Before, they always heard how powerful the immortals were, but that was just hearsay. Just now, they witnessed with their own eyes how powerful the immortals were.

The three people in the Divine Wandering Realm who followed Xiao Se and others lost their combat power in an instant. If the monk facing the wall had been a little different, they might have also been killed.


Xiao Se looked at Mo Yi, his voice full of confusion. Everything was fine before, so why did the other party take action?

"he came!"

There was a golden light in Mo Yi's right hand, which he suddenly pressed towards the monk facing the wall. His other hand was behind his back. It was obvious that this immortal had not used his full strength yet.

Hearing Xiao Se's words, he raised his eyes slightly, and there seemed some helplessness in his tone.

Xiao Se, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Ye Ruoyi, Mu Chunfeng and others had been hiding behind the wall-facing monk and had not yet been subdued by Mo Yi. When they heard the other party's words, they were all a little confused. Who was coming?

"I was originally thinking of taking it slow, healing your wounds first, sending you both away, and then doing my own things, but things didn't go as planned, and I didn't expect him to follow me."

What Mo Yi said was a little strange, and everyone was confused. However, as a senior monk of Hanshan Temple, Zhang Yihu still noticed something different.

The magic circle under their feet was full of weirdness everywhere. It was completely different from the Taoist kind of tranquility and inaction, and the supreme greatness. Instead, it was eerie and strange, more like the magical power of ghosts.

"Your Excellency, this is a ghostly magical power!"

As Zhang Yihu put his hands together, a golden light suddenly shone from his body. An ancient bronze bell fell beside him, covering him, Xiao Se and the others.

"Good knowledge."

Mo Yi did not deny it, nor did he show any impatience when he saw the other party's defense. After retracting his right hand, he quickly formed Taoist spells with both hands.

"It is indeed the magical power of the ghost way." Seeing Mo Yi making hand gestures, Tang Lian and Lei Wujie wanted to take this opportunity to take the initiative to attack, but they were interrupted by the wall-facing monk Zhang Yihu.

"do not move!"

"This person is different from the people you have met before. He is not in the Mysterious Realm. If I am not mistaken, he has already crossed the Return to the Realm and reached the legendary Fairyland."

"Don't think that he is just making hand gestures now. If you leave and don't move, he will subdue you in an instant!"

Upon hearing the word "fairyland", Tang Lian and Lei Wujie were at a loss for a moment. Before, the highest level of people they had met were only in the realm of wandering in the mysterious realm. They had no idea what the difference was between the fairyland and the real world.

"Master, waiting like this is not a solution!"

If you defend for too long, you will lose. This is an eternal truth. Tang Lian has been in the martial arts world for a long time, so he naturally knows this truth. Now he can only passively defend, which is not a good thing for them.

"Immortal? If he had some qualities of an immortal before, can he still be called an immortal now?"

Xiao Se finished off the opponent without any hesitation. Before, the demeanor displayed by Mo Yi was indeed worthy of being called an immortal. But now the opponent suddenly took action and launched a ghost formation. His purpose was not yet known, but acting like this was really not worthy of being called an immortal.

"There are several types of immortals. A Zen master once said that in addition to heavenly immortals, earthly immortals, and human immortals, there is another type of immortal, called ghost immortals. Most of these practitioners have deep obsessions in their hearts, and they have unknowingly taken a wrong path and stepped onto the wrong path without realizing it."

Xiao Se and the others raised their eyebrows. The monk facing the wall's meaning was very clear. The white-haired immortal in front of them was indeed an immortal, but different from ordinary immortals. This was a ghost immortal.


Sikong Qianluo frowned. Unlike Xiao Se and the others, her focus was that when Zhang Yihu mentioned the word obsession, she wondered in her heart what Mo Yi's obsession was.
What kind of obsession would lead him astray step by step?

"It is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that there are six paths of reincarnation in the world. Good people cherish their blessings and enter the upper three paths, while evil people have no blessings and enter the lower three paths. The Taoists divide the paths differently. They divide the entire universe into heaven, earth, man, god, and ghost. Each path has its own practice."

"And the ghost path can connect the netherworld and the living and the dead. If I hadn't guessed, this immortal's obsession should be a deceased relative."

When they heard this speculation, several people had different expressions. If Mo Yi's obsession was with a deceased relative, then what did it have to do with them? They didn't kill the person, and they just met for the first time today.


Xiao Se didn't say anything, in fact, he really wanted to ask, even if Mo Yi's obsession was with his deceased relatives, what did it have to do with them?
"You haven't understood yet."

Zhang Yihu suddenly opened his eyes. There was a bright golden light in his eyes and a bright Buddha light all around his body, like a living Buddha.

"The ghost path magical power can communicate yin and yang, and naturally has incredible magical powers. This immortal wants to revive the deceased."

Hearing the word "resurrection", everyone present felt their heartbeats slow down. There are many regrets in the world, and separation, life and death always account for the most. Everyone always has someone in their heart that they can't let go. If Mo Yi really has such a magical power...
"But birth, aging, sickness and death are caused by the way of heaven. It is the law of nature. To achieve this goal, one must bear great consequences and disrupt the order between yin and yang. The price to pay is not something that ordinary people can afford."

Mo Yi looked at the monk in front of him, paused, and then said: "You, a monk, know a lot."

"Your Excellency, are you not afraid of the impending calamity that will cause you to die and disappear?!"

"The world is too boring. I just want Lu'er to come back. Is that not possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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