Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 364 Ye Ruoyi's decision, Xiao Se's attitude

Chapter 364 Ye Ruoyi's decision, Xiao Se's attitude
"But even if he resurrects our relatives, what does it have to do with us? He wants to go against the will of heaven, and we won't bother him?"

Suddenly, Lei Wujie spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

The wall-facing monk Zhang Yihu once said that going against the will of heaven would require a huge price to be paid, but even so, they are not the ones who need to pay the price. Besides, they are not the kind of moralists. Mo Yi wants to resurrect his relatives, and they will not stop him. Instead, they may help. So why did Mo Yi attack them?

The people standing behind Zhang Yihu were also stunned when they heard Lei Wujie's words, because it seemed that Lei Wujie was not wrong.

They already had something to ask for, and even if Mo Yi asked for help, most of them would not stand idly by. This way, it would be a win-win situation.

Just when Xiao Se was about to speak up to stop Mo Yi's next move, Zhang Yihu suddenly said, "As far as I know, there is a method of resurrection in the ghost world, called borrowing a corpse to revive the soul."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Se's thoughts were immediately dispelled.

Bring back the corpse.

This doesn't sound like a good name, and it is different from the Buddhist and Taoist skills that Wuxin used at the beginning. Even though Wuxin has mastered the martial arts of Rakshasa Hall, he has the compassion of Buddhism. The skill he uses is called Compassion for the World, which carries the meaning of endless compassion.

But the idea of ​​resurrection through a corpse sounds eerie at first glance.

"What does the Master mean?"

Tang Lian subconsciously began to be on guard. He had heard of the term "reincarnation" when he was traveling around the world, but in his opinion, those things were just bluffs. Now, after hearing what Zhang Yihu said, it seemed that it was not entirely true.

Zhang Yihu looked at Mo Yi, whose aura was becoming turbulent, and sighed softly. After all, he was just a wandering spirit. Although the other party had gone astray, his realm was truly that of an immortal.

He was not sure how long he could hold off the other party. If he had not heard the word "visit" before, he would probably have given up by now.

"Literally, this ghostly magical power can revive the dead, but it requires a living body as the carrier of the soul."

When Mo Yi heard the monk's words, his face gradually became gloomy.

"Monk, you know too much."

He had never expected that a Buddhist monk would know so much about ghosts. Fortunately, things were not yet critical. It would be a pity if his plans were ruined by this monk.

When Xiao Se and the others heard Mo Yi's words, their hearts skipped a beat. Judging from the other party's tone, what the monk facing the wall said was actually true?

"He wouldn't be interested in the Master's body, would he?"

Lei Wujie's words were shocking, but Xiao Se and the others were confused. Mo Yi had said before that his relative was called "Lu'er". Did Lei Wujie have any misunderstanding about this name? This was obviously not a man's name.


Zhang Yihu didn't seem to know what to say. He was silent for a while and then chanted the Buddha's name softly.

"Hot stuff!! Lu'er is obviously a girl!!"

Xiao Se glanced at the two girls beside him inconspicuously. If that was really the case, then Mo Yi's target would be the two girls beside him.

"It's us??"

Sikong Qianluo's expression changed, and so did Ye Ruoyi. The two girls never expected that this matter would eventually fall on their heads.

"Xiao Se, what should we do?"

Lei Wujie, who had been able to remain calm, became a little anxious after hearing Sikong Qianluo's words.

Tang Lian glanced at Sikong Qianluo, who seemed a little at a loss, and Ye Ruoyi, who had remained calm, and clenched her fists unconsciously.

If possible, he would rather Mo Yi came for him. Xiao Se raised his head and looked at Mo Yi who was blocked by Zhang Yihu. Mo Yi felt something and also looked at Xiao Se. When their eyes met, Xiao Se suddenly narrowed his eyes.

In fact, it’s not that there is no solution now. As long as a person has something to ask for, he will have weaknesses.

If they didn't know who Mo Yi's target was, they might not know where to start, but now they already knew that the other party's target was the two girls Sikong Qianluo and Ye Ruoyi. For him, this was enough for him to have a clear target.

But then he shook his head again.

"Your Highness."

Ye Ruoyi suddenly spoke, and at the same time she looked at Xiao Se.

Xiao Se stood where he was and didn't look at the girl, even though he knew that the girl was looking at him at this moment.


Xiao Se seemed to have guessed what Ye Ruoyi was going to say, but he directly rejected the other party's proposal.

“This is the best solution right now!!”

Ye Ruoyi looked outside. The immortal named Mo Yi seemed to have guessed what she and Xiao Se were talking about, but he didn't seem to care.

"Although some methods are useful, I won't choose them. This was the case with Uncle Wang of Langya back then, and it is still the case today."

As if he wanted to completely dispel the girl's little thoughts, Xiao Se did not say anything else, but expressed his meaning directly.

Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo frowned. They both felt that Xiao Se and Ye Ruoyi must have thought of some method, but Xiao Se was very resistant to this method.

Tang Lian is not a stupid man. On the contrary, he is very perceptive about some things. He vaguely caught some things from the conversation between Xiao Se and Ye Ruoyi.

Since Mo Yi's target is Sikong Qianluo and Ye Ruoyi, then
Following this line of thought, Tang Lian suddenly understood. Ye Ruoyi's intention was to use her and Sikong Qianluo as threats, so that Mo Yi could heal Xiao Se's injuries and let them leave.

However, by doing so, no matter who Mo Yi chooses, Sikong Qianluo and Ye Ruoyi will have only one outcome, and that is death.

Tang Lian sighed in his heart. He really couldn't help but admire this seemingly weak girl. You know, this decision might very likely put her in a dead end, but she still said it.

The same is true for Xiao Se. It is not difficult to see that this is an excellent choice and worth a gamble, but Xiao Se did not agree.

"Xiao Se, Miss Ye, what are you talking about?"

Tang Lian could figure it out, but Lei Wujie, who was a straightforward person, would never think of that.


Xiao Se turned around and looked at Ye Ruoyi. He knew that this girl was a very opinionated person, but in this matter, he would never allow her to do this.

"But right now, we have no other choice."

Ye Ruoyi's eyes were a little stubborn. She knew that what Xiao Se said was not false, but in the current situation, they had no better choice.

At present, the monk Fanbi can still block Mo Yi's attack, but she can feel that this master is at the end of his strength and can't hold on for much longer.


(End of this chapter)

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