Chapter 38
"Hey~~ I told you a long time ago, you guys have no chance of winning!"

Beside a carriage on Northwest Road, there was a strange young man in red. Instead of riding in the carriage, he ran beside him panting.

"If you don't try, how will you know!!"

Hearing the boy's words, such a sentence came from the compartment of the carriage.

"It's useless, the difference in realm is too big! Up to now, the white-haired fairy has never made a real move! Otherwise, you won't even be able to block a single sword!"

Lei Wujie knew in his heart that what Xiao Se said was right, the other party's casual attitude had already made them helpless.

But he knew that Xiao Se had a lot of ideas to deal with this kind of thing, so he couldn't help asking: "Then what can you do?"

Xiao Se took out a long wooden box from the carriage, raised his eyebrows, "Use this!!"

Lei Wujie was taken aback for a moment, because that box was the one he carried with him.

He glanced at the other party suspiciously, "Do you know what that is?"

The night gradually darkened, bringing with it a sense of oppression that was about to come.

Xiao Se sighed.

"You are a rammer, don't you think we are all rammers!!"

"I can't think of anything about the Thunder Gate weapon in this shape, except for the Qilin Huoya! It is said that when the Qilin is angry, the sword fairy can't come out of the big killer!! Although this white-haired fairy is in the realm of free and unfettered heaven, it is definitely not a sword fairy!"

The corner of Lei Wujie's mouth twitched, Xiao Se really dared to think, how could Lei Qianhu be willing to give that thing to himself! !

"How is that possible!! The method of making that thing has long been lost, and now there is only one shot left by Leimen, which is still in the hands of the owner!!"

Having said this, Lei Wujie felt belatedly and scratched his head.

"The sect master doesn't seem to let me talk about this~~"

Hearing this, Xiao Se was speechless. After a while, he sighed softly and said, "Oh, what a pity Leimen!"

Lei Wujie didn't seem to understand what Xiao Se meant, he just thought that Xiao Se was also regretting the loss of such a big killer like Qilin Huoya, and he didn't think that the other party was talking about himself, so he nodded in agreement.

Seeing Lei Wujie like this, Xiao Se almost broke his guard, Zhao Huafan who was driving laughed twice.

If he hadn't known that Lei Wujie was simple-minded and not good at pissing off people, he would have thought that Lei Wujie was using the same to deal with all changes, using softness to overcome rigidity!
"Zhao, what are you laughing at?"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's undisguised laughter, Xiao Se's tone was a bit hostile.

Zhao Huafan said casually: "Boss Xiao, have you ever heard a saying? Straightforwardness is like crookedness, great ingenuity is like clumsy, great judgment is like negligence!"

Xiao Se narrowed his eyes, this sentence came from the Tao Te Ching, Xie Xuan once taught him when he was in Jixia Academy.

The general meaning is that honest people appear to be submissive and easy-going, smart people appear clumsy on the surface, and they don’t want to show off, and eloquent people appear to be clumsy on the surface.

He glanced at Lei Wujie, the other's naive appearance was basically the same as what he said, he covered his forehead, and said with a sigh: "Do you think it's possible?"

Zhao Huafan smiled, and continued: "Not necessarily for others, but for you, Boss Xiao who is eloquent, it's hard to say!!"

Xiao Se heard the teasing in Zhao Huafan's mouth, and simply said that silence is golden.

"Then this is??"

"However, you are right, at this time, you can only use this!!"

Lei Wujie had already jumped up high at this time, hugged the box in his arms, and then used two or three strengths on the carriage to pull out the long sword in the wooden box.

A simple, vicissitudes and somewhat weird long sword appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing the long sword in Lei Wujie's hand, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

The Lei family, the thunderbolt hall in the south of the Yangtze River, has become a legend in the world.

Its sect rules stipulate that disciples in the sect are strictly forbidden to practice swords.

Lei Wujie mobilized the internal force in his body, swiped his two fingers on the sword, the long sword seemed to be activated, crackled, and seemed to be on fire under the firelight.

"I didn't expect it to be that thing!"

Xiao Se seemed to recognize this weird long sword, his eyes flickered twice.

Tang Lian also seemed to have a guess.

Secretly said: "Could it be killing terror??"

"Get out of the way, I'm coming!!"

After holding the long sword, Lei Wujie's confidence increased greatly, and he planned to single out the white-haired fairy directly.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, Lei Wujie had already rushed over before everyone recovered.

Waving the long sword in his hand, he immediately slashed with a blow.

The white-haired fairy narrowed his eyes, and didn't take it head-on. He seemed to have guessed the origin of the sword.

There was a bang, like a spring thunder exploding on the ground.

Looking at the white-haired fairy who jumped into the air, Lei Wujie didn't stop there, but continued to pursue the victory.

In an instant, the flames soared into the sky in the midair, and there were bursts of thunder.

With such a violent battle, the people on the roof of the carriage couldn't help but be speechless.

At this time, Tang Lian finally confirmed the true identity of the sword, and said in surprise, "Is this the Slaying Horror Sword??"

Although he has a powerful weapon, his own realm is still short of fire after all.

After several impacts, a violent explosion suddenly came from the sky, and the terrifying air waves rushed over like mountains and seas.

The wooden carriage began to whine.

Zhao Huafan's eyes flickered twice, but he didn't make a move in the end. After that, two figures flashed out from the carriage.

It was Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan.

Immediately following the carriage, it fell apart and turned into a pile of waste.

Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan looked at each other. At such a critical juncture, Xiao Se was also forced out of Tayun, but what is interesting is that neither of them asked aloud, where did the other party learn Tayun? .

Zhao Huafan stood in the distance, looking at the only thing in the carriage that was still intact, which was the bed where Wuxin was.

In fact, it stands to reason that under the blow just now, the entire carriage was destroyed, and there should be no place on the carriage that could remain intact.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Although Fangcai was in a hurry, Zhao Huafan felt it. At the last moment just now, he was unintentionally moved. Maybe he didn't expect Xiao Se to be so unreliable. He would not take him with him at the last moment.

So at the very last moment, he had no choice but to protect the square inch around him.

This also explains why, why the rest of the entire carriage was destroyed, but the place where Wuxin was lying was intact.

"It's a pity~"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Xiao Se glanced at him, found a place nearby and sat down.

"What a pity?? If you don't think about it, that tamping guy is at most in the mortal realm of Vajra now, so what if he has a killing sword? The other party is a white-haired fairy who is two big realms higher than him. You don't think that The gap in realm can be evened out with a mere weapon, right??"

"That's the Killing Sword, not the Qilin Huoya~~"

Zhao Huafan chuckled.

He had already expected how the battle would turn out.

"I'm not talking about Lei Wujie, but this carriage, such a luxurious carriage, I'm afraid the cost is not low! It's such a pity that it's ruined like this~~"

Xiao Se snorted, and softly said a word, "vulgar~~"

Zhao Huafan's eyes started to move, he looked around, and while looking around, he said, "I wouldn't be surprised if someone else said this, but when Boss Xiao said it, why do I feel so pierced~"

"Will you go??"

"Do you think Baifaxian really dares to kill people??"


(End of this chapter)

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