Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 39 Wu Xin Wakes Up, Hua Fan Says "Tao" Again

Chapter 39 Wu Xin Wakes Up, Hua Fan Says "Tao" Again

Looking at his clothes with two holes burned by Lei Wujie, Baifaxian finally couldn't help it.

The jade sword in his hand came out of its sheath clangingly. This was a blow from the Happy Heavenly Realm. In an instant, afterimages of Taoism were pulled out in mid-air, and Tang Lian, Wu Chan, Sikong Qianluo, and Tiannvrui were severely injured in an instant.

Afterwards, Tang Lian hit Shuang Yehong with her wounded body, but it still failed.

Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan also came to Lei Wujie's side, preventing him from continuing to attack. The blow he and Baifaxian just now had hurt his internal organs. If he continued to attack, he might become useless.

"This should be the end of the matter~~"

Several people around were seriously injured, Xiao Se sighed.

Zhao Huafan's eyes flickered twice, but he didn't answer. Although it was so on the surface, Xiao Se ignored one of them, and that was the person who had fallen into a coma after being acupointed by Wuchan——Wuxin.

Xu Shi Wuxin pretended to be too good, even Baifaxian didn't find it tricky.

After all, along the way, Wuxin has been in a comatose state since getting into the carriage, and has never made a move.

Therefore, he was plotted against by his dear nephew.

Wuxin temporarily lent her inner strength to Tang Lian with a secret method, catching him off guard and taking him by surprise.

Should it be said that Tang Sect's Ten Thousand Trees Flying Flowers is powerful, or that the white-haired fairy is just pretending, seeing the other party being directly knocked off the cliff, Zhao Huafan gave this great master of the sky a thumbs up in his heart.

In order to pick him up smoothly, he really spared no effort.

"I have seen this scene of thousands of trees flying flowers, and it is not in vain for me to sleep this scene!"

Seeing Wu Xin who got up from the bed leisurely, several people couldn't help being startled, maybe they never thought that Wu Xin would wake up at this time.

Looking at Zhao Huafan's calm eyes, Xiao Se frowned slightly.

"The surname is Zhao, you already know it?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at him again.

Zhao Huafan pointed to the bed that Wuxin was lying on just now.

Tang Lian, Wu Chan, Sikong Qianluo, Tiannvrui, Lei Wujie and others who were not so thoughtful, didn't know why, what did Zhao Huafan mean with a confused look on his face?
Xiao Se shook his head helplessly.

"I should have noticed it earlier, I thought it was an accident!!"

Lei Wujie scratched his head, and asked aloud: "Xiao Se, Brother Zhao, what kind of riddles are you playing?"

Xiao Se also stood up at this time, hiding his hands in his sleeves, his eyes wandering.

"It's that bed. The explosion caused by the collision between you and the white-haired fairy just now, the swirling airflow was so violent that even the carriage was destroyed, but the bed was unscathed! Do you think this is possible??"

Hearing this explanation, everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"There is only one reason for this situation, and that is that Monk Wuxin has woken up a long time ago! Just now when the carriage was destroyed, he took action to protect his bed, so this situation happened!"

Hearing Xiao Se's analysis, Wuxin smiled and did not refute.


"This young master is indeed my destined person!! I didn't expect that such a small negligence of mine would not be hidden from your eyes!"

Looking at Wuxin's gaze, Zhao Huafan's gaze also became deeper.

"Actually, it might be a good choice for you to leave with Baifaxian!"

Wuxin was stunned, Zhao Huafan talked a lot along the way, but compared with other people, it wasn't too much.

He seems to know his identity.

"The benefactor was joking, I can't go with him!!"

Zhao Huafan nodded, Wuxin understood this matter quite clearly, it was indeed the case, if the majestic Sect Master of Tianwaitianshao went back like this, not only the martial arts of the Central Plains, even those forces outside the region would probably not be convinced.

"He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. It seems that a good master can really help people avoid many detours!!"

Unintentionally heard the words, fell silent.

Wangyou is indeed a good teacher, he is like a ray of light, piercing the dark clouds covering his head, and illuminating the way forward for him.

"I want to go to a place, but I don't know if the benefactor is willing to go with me?"

Then Wuxin took a step and walked towards them, but his eyes were always locked on Zhao Huafan.

Zhao Huafan thought for a while and shook his head.

"Monk, do you believe in the way of heaven??"

Wuxin paused, feeling a little curious. He had heard Zhao Huafan say this before.

But that time it was not to him, but to Yueji and Minghou.

"Oh! The benefactor has something to ask the little monk!!"

Zhao Huafan looked at Wuxin who had activated the demon again silently, shook his head lightly, and then pointed to Xiao Se and Lei Wujie beside him.

"Actually, I am not your best choice, the two of them are!!"

After Wuxin tried to no avail, he looked at Lei Wujie again. He unexpectedly found that Lei Wujie was not affected by him, which made him hesitate.

Seeing Wuxin's reaction, Zhao Huafan said again: "You can't take me away!"

Zhao Huafan glanced around. Tang Lian and the others are all seriously injured now. It is estimated that a few robbers who come here at random can kill them, and he also knows the destination of Wuxin's trip. It doesn't make much sense to leave together.

So he planned to stay temporarily, at least wait for Tang Lian and the others to recover from their injuries before going to them.

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Wuxin suddenly had a feeling in his heart that the other party hadn't lied anymore, and if he didn't want to leave, he couldn't take the other party away.

"Zhao, what the hell are you doing??"

When Xiao Se heard Zhao Huafan's words, he said in a somewhat unhappy tone.

Zhao Huafan looked at Boss Xiao, and said softly, "Boss Xiao, believe it or not, this trip is a profitable business for you, and the gears of fate have already started to turn. Under the circumstances, no one can be alone, you are, Lei Wujie is, Tang Lian is, Miss Sikong is also, Wuxin is, and I probably am too! Even Wushuang, Xueyue, and Tianqi!"

"The way of heaven has no relatives, and it is always with good people. This is cause and effect, and it is also good fortune."

What Zhao Huafan was talking about was what happened next, and most of these people today were involved in it.

This is probably the cause and effect of the previous generation.

According to the calculations in the original book, Xiao Se will learn how to seduce demons during this trip, and he will also have a good brother.This is good fortune.

Hearing this, Xiao Se's eyes flickered twice, and he had some guesses in his heart, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

He just hummed lightly.

"You goddamn stick, stop coming!!"

But Wuxin didn't think so, he came to the side of the three and clasped his palms together.

"No, I am willing to believe the words of this benefactor!! How about I invite you two to accompany me to a place??"

Xiao Se frowned, "No!!"

Wuxin chuckled, "Duplicity!!"

Xiao Se couldn't help but retort, Wuxin grabbed Xiao Se and Lei Wujie and walked away directly.

Looking at the backs of several people, Zhao Huafan half-closed his eyes and moved his lips lightly, as if talking, but no sound came out.

But Wuxin's eyes in mid-air flickered, and finally took a deep look at Zhao Huafan.

At the same time, he sighed inwardly, "Zhao Huafan"

(End of this chapter)

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