Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 51 Dare to ask the master what is a Buddha

Chapter 51 Dare to ask the master what is a Buddha

"I didn't expect that the inner demon would not work on him!"

Seeing that Wuxin's biggest backhand, Xin Mo Yin, had lost its effect, Xiao Se sighed with some regret.

"No, it works!!"

Zhao Huafan watched the fight between the two, and said softly.

Xiao Se was a little suspicious, he just saw that Wuxin had used the demon lure, but Jinxian was not dragged into the illusion.

Zhao Huafan sighed, "It's just that he broke free!"

"I didn't expect Xin Demon Yin to be able to break free!!"

Xiao Se looked down at the unintentional Jinxian who swung his sword away, and said with some regret.

Seeing Xiao Se's regretful tone, Zhao Huafan shook his head helplessly. His appearance of having a deep hatred with Jinxian made him even more uncertain. What is this Boss Xiao thinking in his heart? ?
"If Xin Moyin really can't escape, then the sword immortals of the Central Plains Wulin can't sit still! It's not just that kind of thing that is intercepted along the way!"

Following the attack of King Rensun of the Shattering Knife, he was seriously injured by Jinxian, and this somewhat anticlimactic battle had come to an end.

"Xiao Wuxin, now Venerable Faye is also defeated, why don't you let your two little friends come to help too!! Hide and hide, do you think I didn't notice you??"

Wu Xin leaned against the wall, panting heavily, without speaking.

Lei Wujie who was hiding here was startled, it turned out that they had been discovered long ago.

Xiao Se's eyes began to flicker frantically. He didn't think that Jinxian would not recognize him. This would not be a good thing for him. If Jinxian leaked his whereabouts, maybe his two A good brother will even send someone to chase and kill him.

Lei Wujie looked at Xiao Se, then at Zhao Huafan, who was still as immobile as a mountain, and seeing that the two of them were silent, he clenched his fists to give himself a boost, took a deep leap, and jumped straight down.

Subconsciously, Xiao Se raised his hand, "No!!"

He knew that the only one who had a chance of winning at this time was Zhao Huafan, who was born in Qingcheng Mountain, and he couldn't see through it. Lei Wujie was at the Vajra Ordinary Realm at most, and Jinxian, who was in the Happy Heaven Realm, would have to die. .

The kind that you shoot to death casually.

Xia Jinxian couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he saw the familiar face beside him, just as Xiao Se didn't expect to see him here, and he didn't expect to see Xiao Se here either.

He turned sideways and avoided Lei Wujie's fist, but his eyes were still on Xiao Se.

Seeing that he was exposed, Xiao Se shook his head helplessly, but since he was exposed, he didn't continue to hide, he stretched out his foot and lightly kicked Zhao Huafan's foot.

"I really convinced you, now that your ass is on fire, you can still sit still!!"

Zhao Huafan smiled, "It's not that I can sit still, but that Eunuch Jinxian may not have discovered me!!"

Xiao Se frowned.

"Nonsense, he just looked at us just now!!"

Zhao Huafan sat up slowly, took a somewhat scorched leaf, and said softly, "Elder-in-law Jinxian was talking about two people, not three~~"

Xiao Se was nervous just now, but he didn't listen so carefully to Jinxian's words, whether it was two or three.

"That could be me too!!"

Zhao Huafan smiled and didn't bother, maybe he didn't notice it at first, but after Xiao Se's kick, even if he didn't notice it, he has now.

"Follow you!!"

Seeing Xiao Se and Zhao Huafan falling from the pavilion one after another, Jinxian frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect that today I also lost my eyes, and I was hiding from someone!"

But when he was talking, Jinxian slowly dissipated the internal energy in his body, and it seemed that he didn't want to continue.

He took a meaningful look at Zhao Huafan, didn't say any more, and then focused his gaze on Xiao Se again.

"The cold wind is already severe, and the wanderer has no clothes in the cold."

Xiao Se narrowed his eyes and didn't speak, but he knew who Jinxian was speaking to.

After a while, Jinxian shook his head helplessly.

With Xiao Se's identity in place, it would not be a wise choice to act again.

"let's go!!"

Hearing this, Xiao Se couldn't help frowning. Speaking of it, it was because of Zhao Huafan that he was able to come down calmly, but the current situation is just like what Zhao Huafan said, Wuxin was not taken away today, and neither was he. Take the shot, all of this seems to be arranged.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, he probably wouldn't have believed it.

Suddenly, Jinxian paused and glanced at Wuxin.

"Xiao Wuxin, the people from Jiulong Temple will come soon, you better run away!!"

Wuxin sighed softly.

"There is no escape!"

He knew about this a long time ago, just like when he talked to Zhao Huafan at the beginning, no, it should be said that he already knew about it from the time he lay in the wheel coffin. to leave.

Jinxian didn't refute when he heard the words, and replied softly: "Yes, your life can be escaped, but your life cannot be escaped!"

This remark undoubtedly revealed the essence of the matter, even if he could escape this time and his life, but as the young suzerain of Tianwaitian, he would never be able to escape this fate for the rest of his life.

And this fate means that he has no choice in many things and cannot escape at all.

"Benefactor Zhao, do you think Eunuch Jinxian's words are correct?"

Suddenly, Wuxin turned around and asked Zhao Huafan.

Zhao Huafan chuckled.

"Is it important?? Could it be that what he said is right and you don't work hard, or that his words are wrong and you are complacent and don't want to make progress??"

Wu Xin heard this answer, and there was a hint of deep thought in his eyes. Although Zhao Huafan didn't point out the matter clearly, his meaning was very clear. Is it fate that cannot be changed, or that man can conquer the sky? In the final analysis, he still has to fight on his own , to do our best, not to leave regrets for ourselves.

"It's you??"

The grandson of the Broken Knife King was a little surprised to see Zhao Huafan here. He didn't expect Zhao Huafan to know Wuxin and the others.

"Master, we meet again!!"

Zhao Huafan smiled and greeted Wang Rensun.

On the side, Xiao Se scolded Lei Wujie, unintentionally approached Wang Rensun, while Zhao Huafan walked towards Venerable Fran.

This non-speaking monk has not been mentioned too much in the original book, but the other party's determination is worthy of recognition. There are generally two types of monks, real monks and fake monks. They are like Falan Zun and Faye Venerable.

Zhao Huafan wanted to ask, the other party's way.

"Meet the master!"

Venerable Fran stood up with one hand in front of his chest, and slightly leaned over as a salute, but he didn't speak.

"Dare to ask the master what is a Buddha?"

Venerable Fran shook his head, but said nothing.

Zhao Huafan frowned, this simple shaking of the head was really helpless, no wonder Ye Dingzhi was rendered speechless by Venerable Mo Ke back then.

"I have heard a saying that those who do good deeds are Buddhas. Do you think this is correct?"

Venerable Fran still shook his head.

"What does the master think??"

Venerable Fran waved his sleeve, and three words appeared on the ground.


When Zhao Huafan saw these three words, he sighed softly in his heart, "You can't say it. The whole meaning of these three words is that the truth can be proved, but it cannot be explained by words.

He took a closer look at the monk in front of him. If the person in front of him was not an enlightened person, he was just half-baked. His eyes flickered twice, and he continued to speak: "I saw such a scene at a fruit stand about half a day ago, and I still look at it." Master solves doubts~”

(End of this chapter)

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