Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 52 Jinxian's actions, repaying favor

Chapter 52 Jinxian's actions, repaying favor
"Lingjun, get a pen. I want to pass the letter to the supervisor. No, I can't pass the letter. If the letter is seen by others."

On the streets of Khotan, Father-in-law Jinxian behaved a little bit at a loss on the way back. Speaking of it, it was because of Xiao Se. As the supervisor of Zhangxiang, he knew what Xiao Se represented.

His whereabouts cannot be revealed.

"Ling Jun, hurry to the nearest post station and prepare a fast horse. I want to go back to Tianqi City and meet the superintendent in person!"

Without hesitation, Ling Jun took the order and left.

After a while, Jinxian said again: "Bo Yong, send someone to investigate the young man with the wooden sword, I want to know everything about him!"

Even if he met Xiao Se, he couldn't make him forget about Zhao Huafan. In fact, Zhao Huafan really surprised him before. In such a short distance, he, a master of the free and unfettered world, would actually miss him.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would have tried this young man himself with a sword.

On the other side, Xiao Se's expression became more and more serious when he heard what Zhao Huafan said.

He is a prince, who was trained by Emperor Mingde as the heir apparent. For such things, he looks further than ordinary people.

If this matter is really as Zhao Huafan said, then the 32 Buddhist kingdoms in the Western Regions will disappear completely in a short time.

Although Lei Wujie didn't see this place, he could see the appearance.

"How does it feel like those people are?"

Xiao Se sighed, "A rascal, right!!"

After all, it was Dafanyin Temple in front of him, Lei Wujie was too embarrassed to say it, but Xiao Se said it bluntly.

Not doing production, not working, just living by begging, these huge number of ascetic monks really look like a group of rascals in Xiao Se's eyes, and in the 32 Buddhist countries in the Western Regions, they are still a group of rascals with imperial edicts in their hands.

Wuxin beside him was also a monk. Hearing this, he sighed softly.

"No wonder the master will leave here!! Amitabha!!"

After a long silence, Venerable Fran waved his sleeve again, and suddenly there were two words on the ground.


"Begging is asceticism, farming is asceticism, and doing business is also asceticism. In the vast world, there are all living beings, who is not walking forward with a heavy burden, what does the master think?"

Venerable Falan seemed to have realized something, and waved his sleeve again, and a word appeared on the ground again.


"Brother Zhao, how did you see that, when we came here before, we also saw those monks begging for food, but we didn't feel uncomfortable."

As the night gradually fell, Wuxin brought a few people to another place, in front of the former site of Dafanyin Temple.

Lei Wujie thought about it all the way, but he didn't want to understand it. He had seen those things himself, so why didn't he think of it?So he asked.

Xiao Se shook his head.

"I've said it all, the things Zhao saw were different from us, and the angle of observation was different, so the conclusions he drew were also different. Why can't you understand, you little rascal!!"

Lei Wujie scratched his loose hair and spread his hands, "Understood! But I just want to ask, how did you tell?"

Seeing Xiao Se at the side completely speechless by Lei Wujie, he smiled softly.

"Looking at things like Zhao Huafan is very boring. It's like encountering robbers on the road who are robbing. When we see it, we may see injustice and draw our swords to help, but he may not be sure. He may say that robbers are not Robbers? If they don’t rob, how can they survive??”

Hearing Wuxin's words, Lei Wujie couldn't help being taken aback, what kind of nonsense is this? ?

But thinking about it along this line of thought, he actually felt right, as if there was nothing wrong with what he said!
Then he was dumbfounded, and if he encountered robbery in the future, should he save him or not? ?
The corner of Zhao Huafan's mouth twitched. If it's about this kind of thing, how could a person who practiced boxing all day could spend a whole day reciting sutras.

In particular, I am still a ram.

"Master Wuxin, if you don't become a monk, you really let down your eloquence!! I heard that the eminent monk can spread lotus flowers with his tongue. I didn't believe it at first, but today I let Master Wuxin teach a lesson!"

Wuxin replied with a smile: "Thank you, thank you!"

"Lei Wujie, Wuxin is coaxing you. Ask him, if he encounters a bandit robbing his way, will he show mercy because the bandit will starve to death if he doesn't rob him? How about grabbing it without a fight?"

"How is it possible, the little monk is a monk, not a fool!!"

When Lei Wujie heard this answer, his head was buzzing, and what Wuxin said was different from what he said just now.

Zhao Huafan shook his head and continued: "Those things are not something we can consider. Perhaps it is because of the complexity of them that the sages established benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, and told us what is right and what is wrong. We also have our own opinions, like someone wants to kill us, we will hide and fight back, there is no right or wrong in it, stand on our own standpoint, then what we do is right, nothing more correct .”

"There are so many people in the world, and all beings suffer, and we are among them. Most of the time, we don't have many choices, but we must not forget ourselves, and you are the first. You only know how to cherish yourself. Then you will know how to appreciate other things.”

Lei Wujie scratched his head, "And then??"

"What are you supposed to do!! Why are you thinking so much?? You are not a monk!"


Seeing Lei Wujie's reaction, Wuxin and Xiao Se smiled freely.

In fact, they also thought that Zhao Huafan's last sentence was good, what should they do, what are they thinking so much about? ?

Afterwards, Wuxin brought out the secret food that Wangyou passed on, hot pot.

After being full of wine and food, he began to talk about his life experience and Wangyou's past.

Then a series of things were connected by Xiao Se, including the incident of the golden coffin, and the incident of Dajue in Kowloon Temple. In the end, Xiao Se also expressed his unintentional purpose with some emotion - to repay the favor.

Wuxin just put on a show and gave a lame reason.

Bring Wangyou back without any hassle.

But at this time, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie didn't believe this reason either.

Later, Xiao Se asked a question that he hadn't figured out all along.

"Why did you choose us? It's not just because of a word surnamed Zhao?? It stands to reason that you two don't know each other!!"

Wuxin looked at you and looked at the young man lying on the stone pillar in front of the temple, "Boss Xiao, you were wrong this time. I took the two of you away, and I was gambling, but fortunately, I won the bet!!"

Xiao Se snorted.

"That's not why you took me and Lei Wujie away!! Stop changing the subject!"

The corner of Wuxin's mouth twitched, "Didn't I say it before, I'm short of money!!"

Xiao Se glanced at Zhao Huafan, and seeing that he stopped talking, he shook his head helplessly. He may know Wuxin's purpose, but it is unlikely that the other party will speak.

"Hey, it's like another thousand lies under your tongue, ready to pop out at any moment!"

Lei Wujie laughed when he heard Xiao Se's complaints.

"In this regard, the two of you seem to be the same!!"

Wuxin smiled, now that the road is here, it is only a few steps away from the end.

The moonlight was faint, and Wuxin was full of pride. He looked at the sky and sang long, "I want to ride the wind and go northward. The snow falls and Xuanyuan is as big as a mat. I want to take a boat to swim east and ask the fairies to stand against the wind. I want to ride on the clouds for thousands of years." Here, the dragon chanting in the temple is nothing to me. The top of Kunlun is bathed in sunlight, and the sea is desperate to see the green mountains. Changfeng Wanliyan returns, and people who don’t see the end of the world will not return~”

(End of this chapter)

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