Chapter 55

"Meet the master!!"

In front of the former site of Dafanyin Temple, Zhao Huafan sat on the ground, looked at the faint figure appearing on the brightly lit relic in front of him, and saluted very solemnly.

The six connections of Buddhism, all omissions are connected, it is truly miraculous.

Wangyou looked at Zhao Huafan, then at his disciple, Wuxin, and sat down cross-legged.

"Little friend, I also know about you and Wuxin, the old monk!"

Faint fluctuations passed through without a single sound, but Zhao Huafan could clearly hear what the other party was saying.

Zhao Huafan didn't make a fuss about it, but respectfully said, "I hope Master will give you some advice!!"

Wangyou smiled and nodded.

"Earlier, Qi Tianchen said that he saw a doll in Qingcheng Mountain. He said that he was extremely talented and a natural Daoist. Now I think it's you!"

Xu Shi Wangyou took special care of his apprentice, so Wuxin also heard his words.

As for Xiao Se and Lei Wujie at the side, they did not hear Wangyou's words.

But Wuxin frowned when he heard his master's words, he had never heard the old monk talk about this matter, and he never thought that Zhao Huafan would come from Mount Qingcheng.

Because Zhao Huafan has never shown his kung fu, and what he has is only his outstanding light kung fu.

Zhao Huafan smiled helplessly.

"This old senior, you can spread your words to the outside world~~"

Wangyou smiled, "Don't blame my friend, we are all people on the road. It is better to walk together than alone! This road is too long and too lonely!!"

Zhao Huafan sighed, Master Wangyou was right, it was true.

"I did meet the old man in the early years. At that time, he was traveling around the rivers and lakes. We happened to pass by. We exchanged a few words. I really didn't expect that senior Qi would have such a high opinion of me!"

Wangyou smiled again, now he only has a trace of obsession left to support him, keeping his soul intact, there are very few things he can do.

But there is one thing he has not lost, and that is the vision of seeing people. As a Buddhist power standing at the peak of the Happy Heavenly Realm, he is proficient in the six paths of Buddhism, and he can see what Qi Tianchen can see.

So he didn't think that Qi Tianchen was lying, on the contrary, he was a little humble. The young man in front of him couldn't be called extremely talented. Excellent talent meant people like Wuxin and the boy in red.

"No, I think Qi Tianchen is not talking big!"

"The master has won the prize!"

"Little friend, what have you seen since you traveled the rivers and lakes??"

Wangyou's tone is very peaceful, it can calm people's heart inadvertently, and Wuxin listened to the master's words in silence.

He may not know how much Zhao Huafan's journey of asking questions will bring him.

Zhao Huafan thought for a while and said again: "I saw life and death, I saw good and evil, I saw love and hate, I saw the breeze in the mountains, I saw the night in the bamboo forest, and I saw the mighty river of time for thousands of years. , I saw the mortal beings struggling to survive in the world, and I saw the vast and mysterious night sky."

"I saw picking up and putting down, and saw roads with no end in sight."

In one breath, Zhao Huafan said a lot, Wangyou sat there still smiling.

"It seems that Xiaoyou has experienced a lot along the way."

Zhao Huafan propped his hands on the ground, looked up at the roof of the Dafanyin Temple, and didn't know what happened to this hall. under the traces.

"I went to the mountains with the woodcutter to cut firewood, and we sold it in the city together. I know what it's like to earn only a few tens of pennies a day. I also went down the river with a fisherman to fish. I know the bitterness of staying overnight on the river and waiting for the fish to come. I personally went to the field and swung a hoe, and experienced the most ordinary day of the most ordinary people in all living beings. Later, I became a fortune teller and saw people's thoughts and dislikes, gains and losses. At that time, I saw the injustice in the world, the intertwining of light and darkness."

Listening to Zhao Huafan's words, Wangyou was silent for a moment and then said, "Are there gains, losses, and confusion?"

In the main hall, Lei Wujie gently nudged Xiao Se with his elbow, and they also saw the phantom, but the strange thing was that only Zhao Huafan was talking at the moment, this situation was inexplicably horrifying.

"Hey, Xiao Se, what's going on??"

Xiao Se looked at Zhao Huafan, Wuxin, and Wangyou's primordial spirit carefully for a while, his eyes flickered twice, and he said, "They should be communicating, but what we said to the old monk, we listened to it." No, that’s why the current situation has been created.”

"Master Wangyou has always been respected as the head of Zen Buddhism in the world. I thought it was mostly a false name, but now it seems that he should have some skills!"

Zhao Huafan didn't hear what was going on outside the window, and automatically ignored Xiao Se's words, thinking about the gains, losses, and confusions along the way.

"There is something to gain, but there is something to lose, and there is also confusion."

Wangyou nodded lightly, "If you gain something, then you lose something. The world is fair, it allows you to gain some things, but naturally it also makes you lose some other things. Let's talk about comprehension, you When you look at one thing and get such a feeling, on the contrary, you will lose the other, but there is no difference between this kind of gain and loss, just follow the fate!"

"As for the confusion, the old monk is not talented, and I would like to explain one or two for the little friend. As for whether it is right or wrong, I hope the little friend can understand it for himself!"

Zhao Huafan sighed, and said softly: "Dare to ask Master, is fate really irreversible?"

When Wangyou heard this question, he was also taken aback. He looked at Zhao Huafan carefully again, seeing that he really asked this question, and he didn't just say it casually, so he calmed down again.

This problem is also his own experience before. He adopted Wuxin for 12 years. He also thought about this problem before. Wuxin was still a four or five-year-old doll back then. Could it be that the fate that blessed him is really incomprehensible? ?

He looked for the answer in Buddhism, in thousands of pilgrims, and in this vast world. Unfortunately, the answer is not so easy to find.

He once tried to change, but now it seems that it didn't work, Wuxin still returned to this established track.

But it is not static, at least with his company, Wuxin has been walking steadily for the past 12 years, and he will definitely not repeat the mistakes of Ye Dingzhi in the future, and the Central Plains martial arts will not be ruined again.

"This question, I dare not say whether it is right or not, but I have a sentence that I can give to the benefactor."

Zhao Huafan nodded, "What are you talking about?"

"Fate is created by oneself, and appearance is born by heart."

"Buddhists say that there are merits and demerits, which means that a person's fate will increase or decrease according to the accumulation of good and evil, from small to large, and the accumulation of water will form an abyss. When it reaches a certain level, it will reverse its own destiny!"

"Don't be entangled with the gains and losses of one moment and one place. It doesn't mean that if you do a good deed today, you will be rewarded the next day. This process may not be easy, but the reincarnation of heaven, one day, this fruit will return to you. on myself."

"Accumulate goodness and become virtue, but the gods are content?"

Zhao Huafan blurted out Fu Ruxin's heart.

Wangyou smiled lightly and nodded, "Buddhism and Taoism have the same origin, and the principles are the same!!"

(End of this chapter)

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