Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 56 Saying Goodbye Unintentionally

Chapter 56 Inadvertently Saying Goodbye, Stormy Storms (Adding more for Shang Shan Ruo Shui sh book friends)

This night seemed to be extraordinarily long. Zhao Huafan chatted with Master Wangyou for a long time. From the time when the sky was still dark and the insects kept humming, until the dawn came and the sun brought a ray of light to the land.

Zhao Huafan could feel that he had gained a lot this time. Not only did Master Wangyou not be stingy in terms of Dharma and enlightenment, he even taught him the six skills of Dharma.

Zhao Huafan was still a little doubtful at the time, but Wangyou said that he owed an explanation to the Buddhists in the Central Plains. He destroyed the secret art of the Raksha Hall, but when he died, he finally let go of his obsession.

Those things do not seem to be righteous exercises, but they are like good and bad, just like good and evil, there is a meaning in existence, he should not destroy these things with his personal likes and dislikes, The secret technique of Luochatang is the cause, and the six Buddhist teachings he taught are the result.

As for whether those Rakshasa things would affect Zhao Huafan, Wangyou just smiled.

Ordinary people might be addicted to it, but it doesn't have any influence on Zhao Huafan who has such a state of mind.

In the end, Zhao Huafan, Xiao Se, and Lei Wujie got up and left the hall, leaving the last time to Wangyou and Wuxin.

Outside the old site, [-] monks had already gathered and recited the scriptures of transcendence.

"Do you really have a way to make Master Wangyou stay?"

Standing outside the gate, Xiao Se asked curiously.

This is also a sentence that Zhao Huafan said before, asking Master Wangyou, since he has comprehended all leaks, why not stay in the state of primordial spirit.

"It doesn't make sense anymore, what if there is a way, what if there is no way, Master Wangyou is indeed a generation of eminent monks!"

Zhao Huafan sighed lightly, Wangyou may have completely let go!
"Oh, silly boy, you shouldn't have come here!"

Wangyou looked at Wuxin and let out a long sigh.

He knew Wuxin's intention was to let him return to his roots.

Wuxin originally thought that after a night, he had already adapted, but Wangyou's opening still made him cry instantly.

He knelt down on the ground, and the details of the past 12 years seemed to have been engraved in his bones long ago, and he would never forget it.

"You should have gone home long ago, what are you doing here?"

Wuxin put her head firmly on the ground, tried her best not to cry, and replied tremblingly: "Wuxin's home is Hanshui Temple!"

Wangyou knew that Wuxin seemed to still have knots in her heart that had not been let go, so she sighed quietly.

"Han Shui Temple is just a place for you to live temporarily. Now that you have grown up, it's time to go back to your home. Your home is in a free place, a place outside the square, a sky beyond the sky."

Wangyou's words were like the breeze blowing from the mountains, carrying an indescribable warmth.

With tears in his eyes, Wuxin didn't see through life and death, just like he was afraid of death for life, and he planted a lot of backhands for his trip, so he did the same for Wangyou.

"No, I'm not going anywhere, I just want to go back to Hanshui Temple!"

The phantom of Wangyou fluctuated, and sighed softly: "What a silly boy, and only those people think that you will be the spark that will subvert the world in the future!"

Wuxin's heart is also very confused at this time, he is actually standing at a corner of fate at this time, there are many roads ahead, and he doesn't know how to make a choice.

"Master, please guide! Please guide Wuxin's way!"

Wangyou sighed, everyone has his own way, and he doesn't want to interfere with Wuxin's way, as for right and wrong, good and bad, it doesn't matter to him at this time, he has completely He let it go, just like when Zhao Huafan said that he had a way to let him stay, he refused.

Zhao Huafan got insights from him, and he also got some inspiration from Zhao Huafan. If the world, or the world, wants to go on, we have to let those young people make their own choices, and they can manage it for ten or twenty years. , can it be managed for a hundred years or a thousand years? ?
"Actually, from the very beginning, I felt that we were not masters and apprentices, but just accompanied each other on a journey! Now, my journey has been completed, and the rest of the journey can only be walked by yourself!"

"There is also that young man from just now, who has already agreed to be a teacher. This time, he will let you go home safely. As a teacher, he will be relieved. As for the way you want to go in the future, no matter what you choose, don't forget your original intention. Turn back!"

Outside the temple at the former site of the Great Fanyin Temple, suddenly there was a large array of Sanskrit sounds, and countless Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures flashed out of thin air, and the light shot up into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Lei Wujie couldn't help but turn pale with shock, he had never heard of such a vision, and had never seen it before.

"Xiao Se, Brother Zhao, what is this??"

Zhao Huafan stared at it for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

Then he stood with one palm in front of his chest, and said softly: "Congratulations, Master Wangyou~"

Xiao Se looked at the radiant Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures and sighed.

"The Six Paths of Buddhism really deserves its reputation. It seems that Master Wangyou has completely let go of his obsessions!!"

Zhao Huafan continued: "You have attained the Tao. Obsession is actually a stage that must pass through on the road of enlightenment. Only those who have picked it up before are qualified to say let it go. If you let it go, you will be detached."

Xiao Se frowned.

"Zhao, you are becoming more and more like a magic stick!!"

Zhao Huafan turned around, looked at the sky, and looked in the direction of Xueyue City.

"This is Master Wangyou's choice. This is his own path, but it does not mean that this is everyone's path. Just like you have your own path, I have my own path, and Lei Wujie has his own path." The road to death of the rabbit, the fox is sad, and things hurt its kind, but it can also face difficulties, and the future can be expected!"

Xiao Se's eyes flickered twice, and he didn't say anything more, but he still liked Zhao Huafan's saying that there should indeed be something to look forward to in the future, otherwise it would be too boring.

Outside the former site of Dafanyin, Dajue from Jiulong Temple led his brothers and sisters and they were approaching here quickly. Along with them were Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, and Wuchan.

Farther away, the people from Wushuang City were also speeding up their horses, rushing towards Dafanyin Temple.

On Mount Qingcheng, Zhao Yuzhen casually made up a hexagram, which was regarded as his apprentice who had already left the mountain. After Zhao Huafan went down the mountain, he never sent back any news, so he counted it once every month. Seeing the hexagram this time, Zhao Yuzhen was a little puzzled.

"I don't know what Shouyi has experienced. This month has become more and more difficult. Alas, I am afraid that he will be involved in some court chaos again. The world has been quiet for so many years, and finally there will be another disturbance!! "

After saying this, Zhao Yuzhen couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"The way of heaven and earth, the opportunity of good fortune, should be endless. If you are still, you will move, and if you move, you will be still. One movement and one stillness are the principles of heaven and earth! It is time to move~"

(End of this chapter)

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