Chapter 74

Time passed by in a hurry, and Zhao Huafan also wanted a pot of romance from Xiao Er.

This was his first time drinking in this world.

It tasted neither good nor bad, because he had never drank it before.

In Qingcheng Mountain, although drinking is not taboo, most of those who really enter the Tao have no time to get drunk.

Lei Wujie listened to Xiao Se and Xiao Er talking about the heroic deeds of the Gun Fairy one by one, and his heart was surging. He wished that he would be the one to compete with the Gun Fairy, and turn the city into a gun. How cool and unrestrained it was.

Regarding this, Zhao Huafan still didn't say a word. He walked all the way until he came to Xueyue City. And, but when I stretch out my hand, I can't touch it, tear it apart, or comprehend it.

This feeling is indeed a little annoying.

After a while, Lei Wujie couldn't help asking: "Xiao Se, brother Zhao, are you going?"

After hearing so much from Xiaoer, he is about to try the Dengtian Pavilion!
Xiao Se didn't object, then stood up, looked at Lei Wujie, Lei Wujie was a little confused, so, what is Xiao Se looking at? ?

"Pay~ You don't want me to pay, do you?"

Lei Wujie wants to cry but has no tears, but he has no money on him either!
"It's really stingy. I don't know if you can change your money-hungry temperament. Now that I'm here, I think this is the last few meals. Let me come!"

At this time, Zhao Huafan on the side sighed softly and said.

He was telling the truth, it would be tomorrow at the latest, no matter what the result was, he would probably leave.

In memory, Xiao Se should have chosen to stay because of the Gun Immortal, or to persuade Xueyuecheng to help him, and Lei Wujie also stayed because of learning swordsmanship.

But he didn't seem to have any reason to stay.

After doing the math, it has been almost half a year since he came out, and he wondered if it was time to go back and have a look.

Then Zhao Huafan took out a small cloth bag from his arms, took out a piece of gold leaf from it, and put it on the table.

Originally, Xiao Er, who was standing aside with a somewhat displeased face, immediately put on a smiling face when he saw Jin Yezi.

Xiao Se glanced at Zhao Huafan.

"Didn't you say that you Taoists are all poor ghosts? Where did you get this?"

Zhao Huafan shook his head lightly.

"Boss Xiao, this meal is my treat, no money!"

When Xiao Se heard Zhao Huafan's words, he remembered something, and said again: "Now I really want you to do the math for me!"

Zhao Huafan smiled.

"Some things, if you miss them, you miss them. Now that we're here, I won't make any more moves. If you really want to know something, there may be another person tomorrow. No, it should be said that a little guy can help you a handful!"

"Guest officer, go slowly~~"

Xiao Er got Zhao Huafan's gold leaf, and his mouth was almost pulled to the base of his ears. Seeing the other's face, Xiao Se snorted softly, these people are snobbish enough to see money.

The three of them walked out of the teahouse and walked for a while. He paused, sniffed his nose twice, and then said to Zhao Huafan, "Just now I saw that you also wanted a pot of romance. It seems that you are not satisfied. I think Don't want to drink something good??"

Zhao Huafan looked at the sign at the door that was slanted to the east, his eyes flickered twice, but he didn't refuse. This is not an ordinary place, but the place of the great city lord of Xueyue City. I don't know if Xiao Se knows?

From the outside, the restaurant looks antique and smells like wine. Even Zhao Huafan, who doesn't know much about wine, can feel that the wine here is really not ordinary.

Lei Wujie also twitched his nostrils when he heard the words, and suddenly a strong smell of wine rushed into his nostrils. He looked at the two of them, and said aloud: "You are waiting here for me Let's go! I'll be on the sixteenth floor in a while, and I'll come back and have a celebration wine with you when I meet the person I want to see!"

Seeing the young man in red who rushed out in a hurry, Xiao Se said something meaningful.

"I remember that you also came to find that person, right?? Are you not afraid of being robbed by that kid Lei Wujie?"

Zhao Huafan glanced at Dengtian Pavilion, then smiled.

"Don't be afraid, a person who has cultivated into a sword fairy has such a firm will. Once he is convinced of one thing, he will not change it easily. Even if he dies, he will not change. So what if Lei Wujie sees it? If it’s not his, it won’t be his after all~~”

When Xiao Se heard this, for some reason, a strange feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, if it wasn't his, it wouldn't be his after all. He felt that these words were like what Zhao Huafan said to himself.

Just like the thousands of miles of land in Beili, if it is not theirs, it will not be theirs after all. Even if those people try their best to calculate, what is the use?
Suddenly a voice came over.

"This little brother is very knowledgeable~ Not to mention in the Jianghu, even in the whole world, those people with higher achievements will be more determined, and they will never be shaken by something."

"The road to the top of the mountain is not smooth sailing, and those who are not determined have long been eliminated~"

Hearing this, the two turned around and saw a man sitting by the window of the restaurant, a man with a white hair on his forehead and a mustache.

Xiao Se frowned, this person seemed to know what he was talking about?
Zhao Huafan sighed in his heart, he was really very human, with his appearance and knowledge, he should be the great city lord of Xueyue City!
Jiuxian - Baili Dongjun.

"Who are you?? You know what we're talking about??"

Xiao Se hugged his shoulders with his hands, looking inquiring.

"The owner of a restaurant, but what this young master said is wrong. I don't know what you are talking about, but I absolutely agree with what this little brother said!"

"Some things are yours, they are yours. Others can't take them away. Some things are not yours. Even if you try to keep them, they will eventually slip away. Life is like this, and good fortune is impermanent~"

I don't know what the other party thought of. When he said this, the words were full of sighs, and there was a trace of reminiscence.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, how many floors do you think that little brother can break through?"

Xiao Se's eyes flickered twice, and he still hasn't guessed who the other party is, and he hasn't noticed a trace of breath on his body, just like an ordinary person, just like Zhao Huafan beside him.

"Probably the eleventh floor!"

Xiao Se sighed, before Lei Wujie said that he could break through to the sixteenth floor, this is nonsense, a King Kong mortal realm, coupled with the technique of burning fire, the eleventh floor has almost reached the limit.

"It's probably impossible to pass the first floor!"

Zhao Huafan sighed, and walked towards the wine shop.

Xiao Se was taken aback, but then he also walked in with Zhao Huafan.

Baili Dongjun was also taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't understand what Zhao Huafan meant.

"The time has passed."

Zhao Huafan suddenly said something, Baili Dongjun seemed to have suddenly realized what he said, and couldn't help laughing.

"Little brother is indeed a wonderful person~"

(End of this chapter)

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