Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 75 The moonlight is seductive, to Zhang Jiuxian Li Dongjun

Chapter 75 The moonlight is seductive, a dialogue with Baili Dongjun, the wine fairy

"Meeting is fate, how about I treat the two little brothers for a drink?"

Baili Dongjun looked at the two interesting young people in front of him, and said with a smile.

Xiao Se hugged his shoulders.

"That's a good relationship, but let's say it first, I don't have any money, if you want money, you can find someone surnamed Zhao!"

Hearing this, the corners of Baili Dongjun's mouth twitched. This person is also an interesting person.

"Don't worry, little brother, since I've said it all, I'm the one who invites you to drink, so naturally I don't need money!"

Hearing this, Xiao Se's eyes lit up, he had already smelled it just now, the wine here is not ordinary, it is definitely a treasure among treasures.

"What kind of wine do you have?"

"Shaoxing Huadiao Dukang Wine, Lanling Wine Zhuangyuanhong, Zaoji Wine Hongmao Wine, Lamb Wine Wujiapi, Daughter Wine, Zhuyeqing, Lingjiu He Nian Gong, Xinghua Fen Wine 'Tong Sheng Jin'."

The names of the wines were reported one by one, and even if they were not drunk, it seemed that people could smell the fragrance of the wine.

"Hey, Zhao, do you have any wine you want to drink?"

Zhao Huafan shook his head, then nodded again.

Baili Dongjun frowned when he saw this scene.

"Little brother, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?"

"I don't seem to have any wine I want to drink, so I don't know how to answer, but today I smelled the aroma of wine, and I feel that even a little drink is not bad, so I shook my head and then nodded. If it's okay , the boss may wish to recommend two kinds!"

Hearing Zhao Huafan's words, Baili Dongjun was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"There are thousands of fine wines in the world, and each wine has its own taste. Some wines are like a ball of fire, and the mouth is like a raging fire. When swallowed from the mouth, it is like swallowing a ball of flames, and it is hot from the throat to the internal organs. Temple, when the alcohol lingers, it is like falling into a hot spring in the cold winter months, and the whole body is comfortable; when some wine is drunk, it is like a lover whispering, with a slightly lingering meaning; some also carry the fragrance of the daughter's home, bamboo leaves The fragrance of some wine; some wine, a thousand cups will not get drunk, some wine, three or two, there is a way in this wine!"

After all, the Jiuxian is the Jiuxian. When it comes to wine, he speaks clearly.

The taste, function and potency of the wine were explained, and in just a few words, a layer of mystery of the wine was directly revealed.

However, Zhao Huafan doesn't seem to be very interested in these things. Wine turns into tears of lovesickness. After all, wine is something that those who are melancholy and full of ambitions seem to prefer to drink, but for Zhao Huafan, it's still a bit early. Clear, without any special desires, and without any special regrets.

The special state of mind after entering the Tao also makes him rarely have things that can cause ups and downs, just like his master Zhao Yuzhen, without Li Hanyi's intrusion, a ray of breeze in the mountains, a touch of pink in the peach blossom season, and autumn frost leaves, The snow in winter is his partner. Xiao Se once commented on the big houses in Beili. Zhao Huafan only listened to it at that time, but did not refute it. boring.

Of course, at this time, if my master is here, maybe I will choose one or two!The kind of wine that seems to be lingering between lovers, probably he will like it very much.

So after being silent for a while, Zhao Huafan chose a kind of wine that his master might like, a strange flash of light flashed in Baili Dongjun's eyes, he felt that the other party probably didn't like a girl yet!Why did you choose such a wine?
Xiao Seru chose Fenghuaxueyue in the original book, but Baili Dongjun didn't refuse, and took a camellia at random, and ran to make wine.

Afterwards, Xiao Se pulled Zhao Huafan to taste the twelve cups of fine wine in the wine shop with him. He always felt that his friend could not understand wine!
It wasn't until Lei Wujie returned without passing the first floor and joined the wine tasting team. At some point, the moonlight filled the courtyard, and Baili Dongjun delivered the altar of romantic flowers and snowy moon as promised.

Lei Wujie drank three bowls, and the Huozhuo Technique broke through the third level, reaching the state of Garuda. Xiao Se also drank more because he had dragged Zhao Huafan earlier, and lay down in a daze after only a few bowls. He fell asleep on the table.

Then, Baili Dongjun looked at Zhao Huafan who was coming from Yufeng, and let out a light sigh.


This is a higher level of stepping on the cloud, and you can walk against the wind.

"Little brother can drink a lot!"

Zhao Huafan smiled, the two of them are sitting on the eaves with a full moon above their heads.

"Senior should have recognized us!!"

Suddenly Zhao Huafan spoke.

Baili Dongjun shook the wine gourd in his hand, "Don't you recognize me too!"

"Qingcheng Mountain Zhao Shouyi."

"Snow Moon City Baili Dongjun."

Zhao Shouyi didn't use a pseudonym this time, but his real name. In fact, this trial of the rivers and lakes has almost come to an end.

Baili Dongjun also smiled smartly, said his name, and then he said again.

"Nice name."

Zhao Shou nodded, "I think it's good too, Master started it."

Baili Dongjun raised his head to look at the full moon in the distance, tilted the gourd, poured a sip of fragrant wine, and said something softly.

"Zhao Yuzhen??"

Zhao Shou nodded.

"Actually, I have two things to do when I come to Xueyue City this time. One thing is to find the second city lord. I promised to find a wife for Master back then!"

Baili Dongjun couldn't help turning his head when he heard the words, and looked at the young man beside him. After the incident between Li Hanyi and Zhao Yuzhen, he and Sikong Changfeng secretly went to Mount Qingcheng, and also saw the legendary Dao sword fairy.

In fact, speaking of it this way, Zhao Shouyi and Zhao Yu are really similar, especially their aura.

And when talking to this little guy, he doesn't feel restrained at all, it's very comfortable, just like chatting with a Wangnian friend.

As for the matter of those two people, he also regretted it.

Li Hanyi is his junior sister, and the relationship is very close. He doesn't want Li Hanyi to stay alone like this forever. If he misses some things, it will be a lifetime thing. If he wants to turn back, he will be powerless.

After thinking about it, Baili Dongjun asked curiously: "She's a sword fairy, can you beat her?? You're more likely to get beaten just because of your skill!"

Zhao Shouyi smiled lightly.

"Can I discuss something with my senior?"

Baili Dongjun was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"What's the matter?? If you want to ask me for help, then don't talk about it. If Hanyi gets angry, it will be denied by the relatives~"

Zhao Shouyi's words came again, "If I win by chance at that time, can I just snatch him away!"

Hearing this, Baili Dongjun couldn't help laughing.

"This is the first time I've heard someone say that they want to grab a sword fairy and run away!!"

(End of this chapter)

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