Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 76 The little Taoist who surprised the Jiuxian

Chapter 76 The little Taoist who surprised the Jiuxian

"Actually, I may not be able to fight well. Now I don't know what to do~"

On the roof, Baili Dongjun and Zhao Huafan both lay down, looking at the bright moon in the sky, feeling a little disappointed.

"Do you know swordsmanship??"

"If you go to Hanyi and you only know how to teach, no matter how good you are at cultivation, she might not care about you~"

Baili Dongjun leaned on his left hand, raised the wine gourd with his right hand from time to time, and poured two sips of wine into his mouth. It could be seen that this wine master really liked drinking, not just to get drunk.

Zhao Shou nodded, and said with a sense of loss: "Now I only comprehend two meanings, and the third way is just a step in the door but I can't enter~"

Baili Dongjun was taken aback, Zhao Shouyi's words were really blunt, artistic conception is something that can be met but not sought after, if it is not for the right time and place and the gathering of people and the three, even if you see it, you know it, you will not be able to see it. Difficult to use for yourself.

Just like that Jinxian father-in-law, for the Fengxue sword, he practiced swords on Kunlun for eight years before he understood the meaning of the wind and snow, turned it into his own use, sacrificed the sword, and the flowers and plants withered.

"Is it the Infinite Sword of Qingcheng Mountain?"

Zhao Shouyi shook his head.

"It's not Master's Infinite Sword, I can do that too, but that's Master's way, not mine."

Baili Dongjun didn't feel his brows twitch twice at this seemingly casual sentence.

"Don't tell me, is it the way of heaven and earth that you comprehend?"

Zhao Shouyi was a little puzzled, shouldn't this be a very basic operation?
If I can't comprehend even one idea, how dare I come to Xueyue City to snatch people?

"is it hard??"

The corner of Baili Dongjun's mouth twitched.

"Didn't Zhao Yuzhen tell you that the comprehension of artistic conception, especially the artistic conception that can be applied to martial arts, is something that can be encountered but not sought after?"

Suddenly, Baili Dongjun stood on his head covered in hairs, and jumped up as if he was electrocuted.

He first glanced around, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Shouyi again, more precisely, on Zhao Shouyi's two fingers.

Two inch-long sword glows faltered on his two fingers.

Baili Dongjun smiled awkwardly, and stretched out his hand to give Zhao Shouyi a shudder, "You little bastard, do you know that scaring people will scare people to death!!"

Just now he felt two sword intents suddenly appearing beside him. The key point is that these two sword intents are still the sword intents that have been condensed to the Great Freedom Realm. He thought that some kind of enemy appeared by his side without a sound. !

Zhao Shouyi scratched his head, and Baili Dongjun's reaction surprised him. When he fought Baifaxian before, the other party didn't have such a big reaction.

"I did a fight with the white-haired fairy from Tianwaitian before, he didn't seem to respond, but that time I only made a sword, and he didn't seem to block it~"

Baili Dongjun looked at the two shimmering sword lights again, and sighed softly.

Although Baifaxian is also a master of the Xiaoyaotian Realm, for their wave of peak powerhouses standing in the Great Xiaoyaotian Realm, they are still far behind.

If he had his own reaction, he would not be called Baifaxian, but Baifajianxian.

Looking at the young man who didn't get up, Baili Dongjun's eyes were a bit complicated, he was like a little Taoist priest who couldn't drink, such a talent, really
"Put it away! Otherwise, Hanyi will have to come down from Cangshan Mountain with a sword in hand."

Then Baili Dongjun said.

But this time, he understood in his heart why Zhao Shouyi dared to say such big words.

Hearing Baili Dongjun's words, Zhao Shouyi slowly dissipated the sword glow from his fingertips.

"By the way, listen to you, you came to Xueyue City for two things, the first is to find cold clothes, what about the second?"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Shouyi said, "Actually, I want to learn two tricks from my senior. Of course, if I can get away with one and a half tricks, that would be even better!"

Hearing Zhao Shouyi's tepid tone, it seemed that there was no sense of fighting for strength, and Baili Dongjun couldn't help laughing.

Today, Yuehua, Baili Dongjun felt surprisingly comfortable. After all these years of silence, no one dared to challenge him for a long time.

Originally, today he planned to go to sea to find the introduction of the last medicine of Meng Po Tang, but it seems that there may be a few more days of delay.

"When do you want to??"

"Senior willing to teach??"

"I can't talk about advice. If it's about communication, I think it's more appropriate~"

Speaking of this, Baili Dongjun said again.

"If your master is willing to go down the mountain, this river and lake must be more lively!"

Zhao Shou took a long look, as if he saw the Taoist who was meditating in the small courtyard, and smiled.

"There will be such a day, I don't think it should be too far away."

Baili Dongjun also laughed.


"After Lei Wujie tomorrow, I will make a move, but what he asked was about the sword, and what I asked about was love~ I have figured out his ending, but I can't see any clue about my ending~"

Baili Dongjun's eyes jumped twice. Although Zhao Shouyi didn't know what the ending would be, he knew that for his junior sister, that is, Li Hanyi, the arrival of Zhao Shouyi was the one she had been waiting for. Answer.

With this answer, that is enough, and the rest will depend more on how she chooses.

"Then I'll wait for you for half a day, then don't say I'm unkind, and fight against you with Han Yi~"

Zhao Shouyi smiled.

"That would be even better. Even if I lose by then, there will be a reason to say it!"

The corner of Baili Dongjun's mouth twitched when he heard this, the young man in front of him really suits his taste.

"Come on, I'll take you to a place!"

Afterwards, Baili Dongjun raised his eyebrows towards Zhao Shouyi, signaling him to follow up, and then he stomped in the air, like an arrow flying from the string, he flew more than ten feet away in an instant.

Zhao Shouyi shook his head with a smile, stood up, and then looked at the two unconscious guys in the yard, then used his lightness kung fu, turned into an afterimage, and walked away against the wind.

The moonlight fell, and the courtyard became quiet, leaving only two young people, dreaming deeply, one muttered that he would become a world-renowned sword fairy, and brought Xueyue sword fairy back to his master, while the other He was talking in a low voice, how could his friend not drink, and when he returned to Tianqi in the future, he must have a taste of Diaolou Xiaozhu's Qiulubai.

At the same time, on the Cangshan Mountain not far from here, a girl with a cold temperament, but beautiful as a fairy, looked at the long sword in her hand under the moonlight. It had a nice name, Iron Horse Glacier.

Listening to the wind and rain at night, the iron horse glares into a dream.

This is a beautiful and poetic name, but also very cold, just like the girl in front of me.

Farther away, on Wangcheng Mountain, a purple-robed Taoist priest was on the peach tree in the courtyard, looking at the bright moon from a distance, and somehow remembered something, the corner of his mouth curled up. At this moment, the bright moon seemed to suddenly change. The appearance has become extremely beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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