Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 82 I Come to Achieve a Fate, Sword Begins

Chapter 82

"Who are you??"

On the ruins of Dengtian Pavilion, Li Hanyi's voice was a little low.

The green-clothed young man in front of her was even [-] to [-]% similar to the Taoist priest she had seen back then. Whether it was the Taoism on her body or the clothes she wore, the first sight even caused ripples in her heart.

"Mount Qingcheng, Zhao Shouyi."

Li Hanyi stood on the spot and looked at Zhao Shouyi twice, and said in a voice that could not be heard up and down: "My surname is Zhao?? Are you the Zhao Huafan mentioned in Tang Lian's letter?"

"It's me~"

When Li Hanyi was looking at himself, Zhao Shouyi was also looking at her. It has to be said that Li Hanyi, whose mask has not been taken off, gives outsiders a cold feeling, a feeling of alienation that rejects people thousands of miles away. No wonder her master asked her to take off the mask before she was willing to compete.

"Is he your master??"

Li Hanyi experienced Zhao Shouyi's state at this time, and was also a little surprised.

At this age, he has entered the Happy Heaven Realm, which is comparable to that of Zhao Yuzhen back then. He even heard from Sikong Changfeng that he had mastered the supreme Taoism of Mount Qingcheng—the Dragon Elephant Power.


"You also came to ask about the sword??"

After a moment of silence, Li Hanyi spoke again.

Zhao Shouyi shook his head, looked at Li Hanyi and said solemnly: "I'm here to fulfill a fate!"

This time, Li Hanyi was silent for a longer time.

"We have no fate, you go!"

Hearing this, Zhao Shouyi sighed. Is there really no fate between them? ?If there was no fate, how could they know each other? If there was no fate, how could she guard herself like a jade for him, always talking about the Taoist priest in her heart? go back.

"I've heard a saying, although I don't know if it's true or not, it says so. Looking back countless times in the previous life, we have an encounter in this life. Being with the person you love, even if it's a stick of incense, is Happy!"

"Love words?? This is what the Taoist priest taught you??"

Suddenly Li Hanyi's tone fluctuated.

Zhao Shouyi shook his head lightly, "No, this is what I summed up after I went down the mountain and saw the joys and sorrows, love and hatred in the world. human!"

"Are you reasoning with me?"

Li Hanyi looked at the serious young Taoist priest in front of him, and his heart suddenly became funny.

For her, what she believes is the truth, and she has never heard the truth of those laymen.

"Then let's talk about winning the sword in my hand first!!"

"One more thing, with me, you can only compete with swords. If you only know Taoism, then get out as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Zhao Shouyi sighed lightly. He thought he didn't have to fight Li Hanyi, but he didn't expect to fight anyway.

"Peach Blossom, I'm here~"

Suddenly Zhao Shouyi spoke.

Tianji's wooden sword turned sharply, and then quickly shot at Zhao Shouyi.

"Wooden sword??"

"Brother Zhao, if you don't have a sword, I'll lend you this first. He's even more powerful than I imagined."

Lei Wujie who was lying on the ground didn't understand what was going on, but he was very loyal and saw Zhao Huafan confronting the enemy with a wooden sword, so he yelled loudly to Zhao Huafan.

The corner of Li Fansong's mouth twitched. The peach-wood sword Zhao Shouyi held was not an ordinary wooden sword. It contained the embryo of the Xuanyang sword. After so many years in the hands of his master, he might have already entered the ranks of famous swords in the world. of.

"This is his sword~"

Li Hanyi's voice was a bit strange, but the mask on her face blocked everything, making it impossible to tell what kind of expression she had at this time.

"Actually, Master misses you very much, always misses you..."

Zhao Shouyi lightly brushed the peach wood sword with both fingers, feeling the warmth from the peach blossom sword, he spoke softly.

Li Hanyi was silent, but Sikong Changfeng, who was standing on His Excellency Dengtian, knew that this was probably the best sentence she heard today.

"Get out the sword!!"

It was still the same tone, but for some reason, Zhao Shouyi always felt that the sound seemed to have changed, and it became like the flower of Shangguan, which made people like it a little.

"Since this is the fate that started with asking the sword, then so be it..."

Zhao Shouyi slowly lifted the peach blossom in his hand above his head, and said softly: "One success and one failure is called a calamity, and since then, there will be countless calamities before the world!!"

As soon as the words fell, the sky suddenly darkened. Zhao Shouyi suddenly saw an illusory light formation under his feet. Standing on it, he seemed to have escaped the gravity of the earth at this moment, and rose into the sky. The red-gold breath was like a ribbon, wrapping around Around him, a mysterious and mysterious Dao Yun permeated his whole body.

Sword lights spread out behind him, and purple lightsabers covered the entire sky in an instant, spinning around Zhao Shouyi, endlessly.

"Fuck, this is??"

Lei Wujie, who was lying on the ground, almost jumped up in surprise when he saw this scene.

Such an illusory scene, he felt like a dream.

"Little Taoist priest, Brother Zhao and you just used the same sword technique, right?"

Li Fansong folded his hands behind his head, looking at the somewhat illusory scene in front of him, he couldn't help but recall his senior brother who was still a child when he was on Mount Qingcheng.

"I will become number one in the world in the future!"

He couldn't help but smile knowingly when he thought of that senior brother who couldn't even block his own eight punches.

It seems that what my senior brother said is true.

"It's the same swordsmanship, but the brother's swordsmanship is great, I just practiced it~"

"The immeasurable sword, the immeasurable calamity, those who enter this calamity, life after life, forever forever~"

"Who is this person? Could it be that stinky Taoist priest Zhao Yuzhen?"

At some point, there was another girl beside Sikong Changfeng. This person was dressed in red and looked extremely beautiful, especially those eyes, which made people feel thrilled.

"Luoxia, this person is the one I mentioned last time, the little Taoist priest from Qingcheng Mountain, but I didn't expect that I would still miss it?"

Sikong Changfeng sighed, at first he thought that today's sword questioning was over!

The person who came was none other than Yin Luoxia, the Fairy of Luoxia, the resident beauty fairy on the list of beauties in Jianghu. She and Li Hanyi are also close friends in the boudoir, and at the same time, she also fell in love with a wrong person, so for Li Hanyi She is quite sympathetic to the matter.

Yin Luoxia frowned, and couldn't help asking again: "Is that the little Taoist priest who knows only Taoism?"

Sikong Changfeng said in a leisurely tone, "Yes! I was just an ordinary person yesterday!!"


"Third Master, is this also the Infinite Sword of Qingcheng Mountain?"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Tang Lian asked with some puzzlement.

When Li Fansong made his move before, he saw it. However, the sword light transformed by Li Fansong before was only a few handles. In comparison, the difference was too much. covered up.

"My guess was right. This guy really is a dual cultivator of Taoism and swords. This is indeed the Wuliang Sword of Qingcheng Mountain. The difference is that Zhao Shouyi's Wuliang Sword has already been mastered. The Taoist priest just now is just a beginner!"

Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo were slightly taken aback, Zhao Shouyi? ?Isn't it Zhao Huafan?

Looking at Zhao Shouyi and Li Hanyi who were standing in the air, they pushed the scabbard, and Iron Horse Binghe was pulled out by her again.

"No wonder you dare to come to Xueyue City and teach me..."

"But the mere Happy Heaven Realm is not enough!!"

"Sword up~
(End of this chapter)

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