Song Xing: I am cultivating immortals in Qingcheng Mountain

Chapter 83 Fighting, Is He a Sword Immortal?

Chapter 83 Fighting, Is He a Sword Immortal?
Xueyue City, filled with sword intent, soared into the sky.

A huge gorgeous flower appeared behind Li Hanyi, and the sword energy scattered like a goddess.

"It seems that this year's Hundred Flowers Festival will not be able to open!"

Sikong Changfeng shook his head helplessly.

"Every time I see this sword, I feel intoxicated."

Yin Luoxia, the Fairy of Luoxia, sighed faintly, her eyes were a little complicated, and there was also a hint of amazement mixed in.

"It's Moonset and Blossom Morning!"

Lei Wujie looked at the giant blooming flower in mid-air and exclaimed.

Without the cover of the Dengtian Pavilion, he finally got a glimpse of the whole picture of this move. Although the beauty of this flower is breathtaking at this time, it carries a kind of chill that makes one's heart tremble.

"Han Yi is serious~"

Going back to the roof of the restaurant, Baili Dongjun squinted his eyes unconsciously as he looked at the somewhat coquettish flower.

"Go with the sword!!"

Zhao Shouyi didn't hesitate anymore, Taohua pointed in front of him, the lightsaber poured down like a torrential rain, and the space began to tremble.

"This is???"

Yin Luoxia narrowed her pretty eyes, and clenched her fists unconsciously, a trace of tension filled the space.

"Is this an illusion??"

The sword light slanted down like a waterfall, endlessly. Such a terrifying scene made the onlookers below gasp.

Putting themselves in their shoes, they felt chills all over their bodies. Faced with this blow, which seemed to be a continuous blow, they all felt a little hopeless.


After a moment of silence, Sikong Changfeng suddenly said.

"But doesn't he only have a sword in his hand?"

Sikong Qianluo was a little puzzled.

"It's sword energy~~"

Xiao Se sighed quietly, his expression was even more complicated.

He guessed that the big formation in front of him was a formation of sword energy, and it was also a formation of sword energy based on Zhao Shouyi. It was because of this that he felt even more emotional. What kind of realm can one support such a large formation.

When Chief Sikong heard the news, he couldn't help but take a look at Xiao Se. He didn't recognize Xiao Se's identity when they met for the first time before, but now he has recognized him. No, it should be said that he found out through investigation.

Beili's sixth prince - Xiao Chuhe, is also the one they have been waiting for.

"We fought~~"

Tang Lian said nervously.


Li Hanyi leaped high, and the giant flowers exploded, forming a sky-reaching flower column. The sword energy rolled and roared, like thunder from the nine heavens.

"Not good~~"

Sikong Changfeng's face changed, Li Hanyi's blow had already broken away from the general sense of the happy world, and he had already started to raise his heart.

A figure suddenly appeared, grabbed Lei Wujie and Li Fansong who were still on the ground, and then came to Yin Luoxia in a few flashes.

"Three city masters, master~"

Hearing someone greet him, Sikong Changfeng nodded, but his eyes did not leave the center of the battle.

"It's really strong!"

Yin Luoxia directly reached out and pinched the other's ear.

"Luo Mingxuan, you're getting bolder again!! If you lose the bet, you lose the bet. Did you just hide and come to see me??"

"Don't, don't, hurt, hurt, master, haven't I come here?"

It was Luo Mingxuan who came, and he had a playful smile on his face at this time, and he didn't dare to resist at all. Normally, he wouldn't feel bad if he lost the bet, but this time it was different, he really didn't dare to resist. Let Yin Luoxia know.

After all, he was his master.

In the flower column, Li Hanyi held the Iron Horse Glacier high above his head with both hands, and the sword energy around him was like a prairie fire, igniting blazingly, and the sword energy near the Iron Horse Glacier was compressed and compressed by her.

In this attack, she chose to break the surface.

At this moment, she seemed to have turned into an invincible sword, and was going up against the wind.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shouyi turned his mind, his breath rolled, like a wandering dragon, the peach blossom was gently withdrawn in his hand, and then pushed forward without hesitation.

The originally scattered sword light suddenly condensed and directly turned into a purple pillar of sword energy as thick as a mountain peak.


There was a deafening loud noise as the sword energy collided, and the scattered sword energy set off a gust of wind, and the remaining limbs and skeletons of the Dengtian Pavilion were directly turned into powder.

When the strong wind hit, the robes on everyone's bodies were rattling, and even the exposed skin was a little painful.


Looking at the two people who disappeared from the field, Tang Lian, Lei Wujie, Sikong Qianluo, Luo Mingxuan and the others couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

This kind of battle has gone beyond their cognition.

The sword light intertwined with the flower column, fierce collisions sounded one after another, and the sword energy plowed open the ground, which was seven or eight meters deep at a rough look.

However, under the control of the two, they both led to the direction of no one.

There were more, flying into the sky.

The sky that was originally covered by dark clouds was cut into pieces like tofu.

"Is Xiaoyao Tianjing so terrible??"

Sitting on the roof, Li Fansong felt a little scared, and his calves were a little soft. He now knew that Li Hanyi, Xueyue Sword Immortal, didn't break out with all his strength in that sword strike just now.

"Xiao Se, did I really fight Xueyue Sword Immortal just now?"

Lei Wujie's eyes contained both yearning and fear, and even a hint of disbelief.

Xiao Se glanced at Lei Wujie and shook his head.

"Don't worry, you're not dreaming!"

The hands beside Yin Luoxia clenched and loosened, her eyes became extremely complicated.

"Has he entered the Great Happy Heaven?"

Hearing this somewhat unfamiliar word, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

What they are familiar with is the first-rank to ninth-rank, the Vajra Mortal Realm, the Freedom Realm, and the Happy Heaven Realm.

How is this Great Happy Heavenly Realm explained?

Sikong Qianluo couldn't help but turned around and asked Sikong Changfeng.

Sikong Changfeng's eyes flickered twice, and he said with some uncertainty: "Probably not, it should be a little short, and this Wuliang sword is the sword of Dao Sword Immortal, not this kid's sword!"

"What is the Great Happy Heaven Realm??"

Xiao Se's eyes flickered, he sighed, and spoke again.

"In fact, the Xiaoyaotian Realm is divided into several levels. I don't know the specific situation, but there is a watershed with extremely exaggerated combat power. It is called the Great Xiaoyaotian Realm, which is also the sword fairy realm in the traditional sense."

When several people heard Xiao Se's words, a look of horror appeared on their faces again, and their pupils couldn't help shrinking twice.

Sword fairy? ?
They looked at the field again, looking at the young man whose figure kept flickering.

"No way~~"

After a long while, Lei Wujie said cautiously, although he knew that Zhao Shouyi was very strong, but an ordinary person with no internal strength became a sword fairy overnight, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

"Three masters??"

Tang Lian looked at Sikong Changfeng again, as if she wanted to find out the answer.

Sikong Changfeng's tone became complicated again.

"Even if you haven't entered yet, there is only a thin line between you, what an amazing young man~"

(End of this chapter)

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