Chapter 96
"Go with the sword!!"


Two cold shouts echoed between heaven and earth, like the sound of heaven and earth.

A huge water dragon winding and circling, vivid and imposing, and a big fish like a mountain, the next moment, it will overwhelm the river and sea by the South China Sea.

After collisions again and again, huge waves of tens of feet were set off on the sea surface, and they began to rush out uncontrollably in all directions.

The expressions of Tang Lian and the other three who had not yet arrived at the South China Sea could not help but suddenly changed. Not to mention how intense the battle was at the center of the battle, even the aftermath of the battle was not something they could withstand.

"Up the mountain!!"

Tang Lian didn't hesitate for a moment, and said directly to the two people around her.

If they continue to advance along this road, they may be able to reach their destination, but this huge wave will definitely swallow them all.

At this moment, Tang Lian couldn't help squinting, because in his field of vision, there were dozens of black shadows running from the foot of the mountain below towards the mountain near the sea. The strength of the free environment.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking of what Sikong Changfeng said before, he didn't call Xiao Se over, it seems that there are really some reasons that he doesn't know.

If Xiao Se came over, facing these people, he, Lei Wujie and Sikong Qianluo would not be able to deal with them at all, because there were too many people on the other side.

"Brother, who are they??"

Lei Wujie also noticed the existence of these people, and he felt that the strength of these people did not seem to be weak, and his face was quite surprised.

Tang Lian shook her head lightly.

"Lei Wujie, if these people are honest, then we don't have to pay attention to it. What happened in Xueyue City before, I am afraid that it has already been spread all over the world during this period of time, especially some The big forces may know faster, and the competition between Master and Zhao Shouyi here has already been noticed by those who are interested!"

Sikong Qianluo hesitated for a moment.

"Brother, do you really need to ignore it? What if the uncle doesn't want the result of this competition to be known??"

Tang Lian's eyes flickered twice. In fact, he heard the voice of Sikong Qianluo's words. He thought that Baili Dongjun might lose.

Before, although they didn't know what happened on Cangshan Mountain, Baili Dongjun stepped into the Immortal Ascension Profound Realm only after Zhao Shouyi.

If so, Baili Dongjun is indeed inferior to Zhao Shouyi, and Sikong Qianluo's guess is not without reason.

However, Xueyue City is the largest city in Jianghu, and Baili Dongjun was recognized as No.1 in the world before. If he loses this competition, it will not only have a bad influence on him personally, but also on him. For Xueyue City, it will also be a huge blow.

As the elder brother of Xueyue City, he should indeed see these aspects.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head slightly.

"I know Master, Master is not that kind of person, if Master really values ​​these things, then he is not that Jiu Xian!"

"Xueyue City is not afraid of anyone, even if they are strong!"

Sikong Qianluo's eyes lit up when he heard this. Tang Lian's words were beautiful and full of confidence. They Xueyue City has achieved what they are today, and she has heard some details from her father.

It was Baili Dongjun and others who made Xueyue City, not Xueyue City. Xueyue City was just a small city in the south back then, and it was through constant struggle that it can get to where it is today.

Therefore, Baili Dongjun has never been so fancy to Xueyue City and the world. Of course, what I am talking about here is the status and fame.

If this battle was really spread, Baili Dongjun wouldn't care at all, otherwise, with his and Zhao Shouyi's current strength, it would be just a matter of hand to kill these people. Now that these people can stand here, wouldn't it be Has the attitude of the two of them been explained?

Thinking about this, Sikong Qianluo couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Elder brother is right, our Xueyue City is not afraid of anyone!!"

During the conversation, several people have already arrived at the top of the mountain in front of them. At this time, the place is full of people. These people are staying here honestly, or they are in small groups, or standing alone in a corner, but the same thing is, None of them made a sound, quietly watching the battle in the distance.

"The turbulent waves hit the shore and rise up to the sky, like a pillow in a dream!"

Tang Lian sighed softly as she watched the huge waves that instantly engulfed the foot of the mountain below her.

Standing on a high place, they also took in the battle in front of them. In the South China Sea, the battle between the two strange beasts in the South China Sea made each of them tremble with fear.

"This is??"

Lei Wujie was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene. After all, the previous battle was still about the interweaving of sword qi and the collision of sword intent, but he couldn't accept this scene.

Did they come to another world? ?
To be honest, Lei Wujie couldn't understand it, neither did Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo, so could it be said that two people were fighting each other? ?

"Actually, my set of swordsmanship is inherited from the Sword Master of Western Chu. There is an extremely powerful killing move here. I was unable to use it before I entered the Immortal Tour, but this time, I feel that I can use it~"

After a fight between dragons and tigers, Baili Dongjun and Zhao Shouyi both dissipated their sword intentions and turned into a vision. In fact, in the process of fighting, it was Zhao Shouyi who was slightly better, because Zhao Shouyi's intention was his own. However, Baili Dongjun's moves were not his own, but those of the Sword Master of Western Chu.

Although there is his own perception in it, in terms of depth and comprehension, there is still a big distance from Zhao Shouyi's own comprehension.

When Zhao Shou heard this, he tightened his sword tightly.

Even though Baili Dongjun didn't say the move of that sword, he knew that that move was the one that directly wiped out lawlessness in the first place.

The road is facing the sky.


Baili Dongjun laughed when he saw Zhao Shouyi's actions.


I saw Baili Dongjun holding up the Budunchen in his hand, the aura of the Immortal Ascension Realm began to rise rapidly, a heavenly gate suddenly appeared behind him, and the golden aura paved a road to heaven.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the vitality of heaven and earth began to riot. At this moment, Baili Dongjun seemed to be a god, standing on the way of heaven, looking down on the world.

"Ask in the sky, the way can't be obtained, with a thought from the common people, the way will reach the sky!"

Baili Dongjun's words fell leisurely, and the sea suddenly burst, and the sea water rolled back, forming nine waterspouts, connecting the sea and the sky.

Thunder and lightning intertwined with dark clouds, and this sword actually changed the sky in the South China Sea in an instant.

"Good come!"

(End of this chapter)

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