Chapter 97
The sky over the South China Sea has been turned upside down.

Baili Dongjun, the Jiuxian, threw out a sword and reversed the celestial phenomena here.

The impact of Shenyou's full-strength attack has greatly exceeded people's understanding of the word "superior".

Zhao Shouyi stood in mid-air, raised his hand lightly, and swiped in mid-air, just like he did on Little Lotus Peak back then.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind between the sky and the earth.

With Zhao Shouyi's light swipe, it seemed as if he had inadvertently plucked a certain string between heaven and earth.

And the violent wind of the sky turned into an invisible sharp blade.

Lei Wujie and the others standing on the hill in the distance suddenly shrank their pupils, and surprise appeared on their faces again.

Over the South China Sea, the clouds were already densely covered at this time, with a radius of more than ten miles, the dark clouds seemed to be suppressed.

And at this moment, the sky seemed to be split open by a giant blade that lifted the sky.

"Brother, look~"

Tang Lian raised her head and looked at that place.

Just one glance made him lose his voice in an instant.

The sky in a radius of ten miles was split, not simply split, but the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.


There is a saying that laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.

Baili Dongjun naturally noticed Zhao Shouyi's movements. The other party's seemingly simple swipe, but what fluctuated was the Tao between heaven and earth.

Although he didn't know how Zhao Shouyi did it, he did know what the other party did.

"Good trick!"

Seeing Zhao Shouyi's actions, Baili Dongjun couldn't help admiring, but at this moment, he had no choice but to move, and he had no time to hesitate.

Then Baili Dongjun gently swung the sword in Zhao Shouyi's direction.

The next moment, the golden aura exploded, and the sword aura rushed straight away like the Nine Heavens Milky Way.

A huge impact was like a volcanic eruption, and the sky above the sea began to tremble.

The group of Tang Lian and Lei Wujie, who were in the distance, saw this blow, their scalps buzzed, and they immediately went numb.

This blow was completely different from the previous fight between Zhao Shouyi and Xueyue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi.

Even here, they all smelled the smell of death, and this feeling that made their hearts suddenly lifted was so clear.

The hearts of almost everyone present trembled violently. At this moment, they only had one feeling, to leave here.

But what makes them desperate is that their feet seem to be stuck here, even if they want to move, it becomes a luxury.

"How could this be~~"

Sikong Qianluo's eyes showed a hint of anxiety, and he wanted to move quickly, but the Silver Moon Spear seemed to be stuck in the mountain, and remained motionless.

The others looked pretty much the same way.

"What's wrong??"

"what happened??"


When Zhao Shou saw the sword, his eyes half-closed.

However, his figure still didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, as if he was stunned, and he didn't seem to care about the attack in front of him.

But regardless of the reason, in the eyes of Lei Wujie and others, at this moment, Zhao Shouyi seemed to have turned into a towering and immovable mountain, which made people feel a strange feeling of looking up to the mountain.




The sky suddenly began to reverberate with a piercing shriek, the sound went from small to loud, and finally directly pierced through the clouds and pierced the sky, resounding through the sky.

Lei Wujie watched Zhao Shouyi not dodge or dodge, standing in mid-air and couldn't help shouting a little anxiously.

"Brother Zhao!!"

Tang Lian sighed lightly.

"It's useless. Zhao Shouyi won't be able to hear you here! But junior brother, don't worry too much. Brother Zhao is a master of imaginary travel. There must be his reasons for not hiding!"

Sikong Qianluo's brows began to furrow unnaturally, because the sharp explosion that reverberated just now started to get louder and louder, and now it is vaguely harsh.

"This voice!!"

Sikong Qianluo endured the discomfort in his heart and reminded him.

Most of the people around were also suspicious, and they all heard this voice, and as time went by, this strong discomfort began to gradually intensify.

At this moment, some people have already started to use their kung fu to resist.

"No, look at it!!"

Lei Wujie didn't seem to feel this sound, and his body regained his freedom at this time, he raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

At the end of Baili Dongjun's sword, a white light appeared out of thin air, and because of Baili Dongjun's attack, this white light became more and more clear.

Later, even a rough outline can be seen vaguely.

It was an invisible long knife, which descended from the nine heavens, and slammed down fiercely in a posture of overwhelming Mount Tai.

And at this time, he was wrestling with Baili Dongjun's blow.

That voice came from there.

Seeing this scene on the top of the mountain, the pupils of the people couldn't help shrinking suddenly. Only a small part of the invisible long knife appeared, and it had already covered a radius of ten miles.

Now they finally understand what happened to the trace in the midair.

They didn't understand it just now, but now with Baili Dongjun's blow, they finally got a clue. Now it seems that this sky-shattering blow should be summoned by Zhao Huafan by some means. Cracked by the invisible giant blade.

Regarding this situation, while everyone was horrified, they also became more fearful.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't understand how Zhao Shouyi's attack was used. Facing the unknown, people will feel fear, which is nature.

"Wind Knife?"

Baili Dongjun sighed, Zhao Huafan's blow was not a simple blow, but the use of Taoism.

This blow directly shook the wind between heaven and earth.

According to his wishes, An gathered into a wind blade that could counter the sword of imaginary travel.

"Between heaven and earth, gather the power of good fortune and possess the magnificent power to change the sky. Wind is one of them. This blow is just a simple application!"

Zhao Shouyi sighed softly. This time, Baili Dongjun felt right. When he was on the Little Lotus Peak, the first way of heaven and earth he comprehended was the wind.

Just now, he understood, as if there was a voice in his heart telling him that it was okay to do this, so he moved.

However, this blow was not as easy as it seemed on the surface, and the price he paid for fluctuating the power of heaven and earth was far higher than his third sword "Don't look back".

After all, one is the artistic conception that he has comprehended, and the other is the way of heaven and earth. The way of heaven and earth carries the avenue of heaven and earth, and carries the weight of heaven and earth. Now he only mobilizes the wind in a radius of more than ten miles, and his body is a little overwhelmed.

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao~"

At this time, Baili Dongjun's eyes were shining brightly. Facing this power of heaven and earth, he did not give in. The internal power of the Immortal Ascension Profound Realm in his body began to circulate rapidly. He said before that his sword was called Dao Chaotian, Today he wants to try even more, whether his sword can reach the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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